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Baker Place Elementary

Choir Handbook


Rehearsals will be from 8:00-8:45 on Thursday mornings. We may have additional

rehearsals as concerts approach. I will send home emails and Remind 101 messages for
information regarding any changes to the rehearsal schedule.


Chorus students may be dropped off at the front of the school between 7:50 and 8:00. DO
NOT DROP OFF BEFORE 7:50, there will be no one to supervise before that time. If
students are dropped off before 7:50, parents will be responsible for paying before school
will not be allowed to drop off in the front of the school after 8:10 as this will interfere with
the carline. Students are to go straight to the music room.

If your student usually eats a school breakfast, please make other arrangements on Chorus
mornings. There will not be time for breakfast after rehearsal.


Your presence is vitally important! A written note or email is required to excuse a rehearsal.
If you are absent from school, the absence is automatically excused. Forgetting about
rehearsal or waking up late is NOT an acceptable excuse. Tardiness is extremely disruptive
to rehearsal. If a student arrives after 8:15, they will not be allowed to attend rehearsal and
this will be counted as an unexcused absence.


We are very excited to have choir and it is going to be fun, but students are expected to
follow SOAR expectations at all times! Rehearsal time is for singing together and learning
our choir music, not for socialization. Excessive talking, silliness and disrespect will not be

Performance Attire

We will be purchasing choir t-shirts with the choir fee. Students will wear their t-shirt and
khaki skirts or pants for every performance. All skirts and pants need to follow our school
dress code.

Dismissal from Choir

As you can see, Choir has very high expectations for its singers. Singers will only be
allowed three infractions of our conduct and attendance policies. This is not flexible. The
fourth infraction will result in dismissal from Choir. Parents will be notified by email, note,
or phone call if there is an infraction. Money will not be refunded upon dismissal. At any
time, Baker Place administration can dismiss a student from Choir for misconduct.

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