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Contract No ................. Dated ..............

signed between:

1. ABC Ltd,/NAME OF PERSON residence at Warsaw str. ., Poland, recruitment agency

working under license no /PASSPORT OR ID NO., herewith called FIRST PARTY


2.................., Nepal, residence herewith called SECOND


The both parties concerned agreed as follows:

1. FIRST PARTY`s responsibilities:

1.Making job offers specifying requirements for the candidates, job conditions, inhabitancy,
duration of employment, salaries,, minimum and maximum (on worker`s request) duration of
working day, possible discretionary bonus and other incentives.

2. For accepted candidates: coordination of procedures aimed at getting work permit, sending
originals of the work permits to the SECOND PARTY, keeping relations with local counselors
office to get visa for the candidates.

3. Organization of journey on the road:

a) from Nepal to Poland
b) from local airport in Poland to the place of destination.

4. Looking after legality state of the employment and stay of the candidates during the whole
employment time covered by initial contract.

5. Each candidate has the right to consult with the FIRST PARTY his rights and employers`
obligations, to make sure his working and legal statuses are correct. This service is free of charge
during the whole employment time covered by contract with the FIRST PARTY.

6. The FIRST PARTY has obligation to inform about acceptance or refusal for each candidate
within 5 days after receipt the candidate`s profile.
7. Giving instructions for the candidates how to conduct qualification interviews at Polish

2. SECOND PARTY`s responsibilities:

1. Making public job offers submitted by the FIRST PARTY.

2. Conducting preliminary interviews with candidates aimed at checking if they have the
required qualifications. In case of some specific requirements related to education and work
experience the SECOND PARTY has to verify the reliability of the information received from
the candidate.

3. Sending passport copy along with candidates profile (qualifications, experience, etc.) when

4. for accepted candidates by the employer: the SECOND PARTY has to complete all
information necessary for getting work permit by the employer.

5. After originals of work permits are received by the SECOND PARTY:

a) The SECONF PARTY has to prepare candidates for qualifications, interviews at Polish
consulate to obtain visa.
b) To organize personal appearance of the candidates at Polish consulate aimed at visa
c) Checking visa applications in the light of formal correctness and errors to avoid refusal due to
documents incompatibility.

6. After visas are obtained:

a) The SECOND PARTY has to organize arrival of the candidates to local airport before leaving
for Poland.
b) Informing candidates about regulations and situation in Europe in written form. Each
candidate must give signature I have read.

1. At least 1 person from the group of 10 candidates should communicate in English. Every
group of 10 persons works on one shift and in one production unit.

2. Getting work permit takes ca. 10-45 days.

3. Getting visas take ca. 5-21 days depending on consulate (see Polish embassy website).


1. Visa gives authorization to stay in Poland and work permit gives authorization to work in a
specific firm and on specific workplace.

2. Visa and work permit do not authorize employees to travel within the whole Schengen zone.

3. Despite canceling borders in Europe passport controls take place at all public points
(railway/bus station, airports, etc.) and currently at the borders. The inspected person who does
not have permission to travel outside Poland is obligatory subjected to stop and administrative
disposal or criminal proceedings start. The penalty for visa regime violation accounts for 2500
EUR per each person. After completion of the above procedures the person is absolutely
deported to the country of origin.

4. Due to current tensions related to national securities in EU refugees are not more accepted and
even people accepted earlier are sent back.

5. In case one candidate or group of candidates don`t come to work after arrival in Poland the
employer must notify Border Guard and Migration Service under high penalty pain. As a result
visas already edited by counselors office undergo remission or temporary residence issued by
Migration Office undergoes remission as well. All visas, temporary residences, legal border`s
crossings as well as cancellations of visa`s and temporary residences are listed in European VIS
system and all counselors offices and migration services in EU countries have access to this
system. Person making violation ones will not receive entry permit or cannot apply for
temporary residence on the whole European Union territory within 5 years.

6. After work completion and 5 years stay in Poland the employee can have life EU resident
status according to Aliens Act. EU resident status allows to work with no work permit and freely
move in all European Union countries. The EU resident has the same rights as an EU citizen
despite the right to vote in political elections.

7. The main stages to obtain EU resident status:

a) Both employer and employee participate together in document application and share the costs
on condition the employee works the whole period in one firm.
b) After expiry of the first visa work permit may be extended along with temporary residence
permit. One temporary residence permit is being granted for the period of 1-3 years depending
on circumstances. This permit gives the right to freely move on EU territory; however it does not
authorize to work in another country or at another employer. The approximate cost of work
permit plus temporary residence permit amounts to 500 EUR (commonly shared 50/50 with
c) After completing each year of work at the same employer, the employee can ask the FIRST
PARTY to help in finding new workplace unless the work conditions are worse than promised.
In case of employer`s change and documents are submitted to the Migration Service in time the
candidate preserves the temporary residence permit.
d) After 5 years work in Poland on a basis of temporary residence permits (50% time of visa
duration falls on temporary residence) the candidate can start applying for EU resident status.
Approximate cost ca. 750 EUR.
e) Each procedure related to temporary residence take 3-6 months depending on town and
Migration Office and all applications must be submitted respectively earlier so that continuity of
permits is secured.


1. FIRST PARTY pays 250 EUR as a processing charge to SECOND PARTY.

2. SECOND PARTY is obliged to refund the processing charge in case of refusal in Invitation
and Work permit. After the issuance of Invitation and Work permit in Original charge will not be
3. After the arrival of candidate in Poland, upon the Work Permit Visa, FIRST PARTY pays
1200 EUR to SECOND PARTY as agreed.


1. This contract is subject to Polish law.

2. Any disputes arising from this contract will be submitted to the Arbitration court at Polish
Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, Poland.

3. This contract becomes valid after being signed by both sides and send by emails.
4. Duration of this contract: 5 years of the date of signing.

5. Any contract alterations must be mutually agreed in written form for further sending by emails
(originals not required).

6. This contract will be complemented by other documents like employment contracts between
employer and the FIRST PARTY and between the SECOND PARTY and the candidate. The
detailed settlements are mentioned in Addendum no. 01.

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