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8/13/2017 Telecommunications Use Cases | MapR

Telecommunications Use Cases

Communications Service Providers Use MapR to Reduce Churn, Improve Efciency and
Generate New Revenue Streams

With the explosive growth of smart phones, communications service providers (CSPs) are
seeing huge expansion in the volume of data travelling across their networks. While CSPs
have always collected voice data, todays data is much more complex and includes photos,
video, streaming music, web browsing, location data, social media, text messages, email,
and more. Traditional storage and analytics solutions cannot adequately manage this
expanding, diverse volume of data.

CSPs need new storage and analysis solutions so they can cost-effectively store and derive
insights from this growing and invaluable volume of customer data. CSPs have a major
opportunity to gain value from this data across their entire enterprise, including customer
insights for marketing and product development, network operations, sales, and risk

The MapR Converged Data Platform provides CSPs with a cost-effective and scalable
platform to ingest, store and analyze their customer data in real time. Being able to analyze
multiple types of data in context will help CSPs develop new insights about their customers,
deliver relevant location-based services and targeted promotions, increase the accuracy and
speed of fraud detection, and help to manage networks more efciently.

Telecommunications Use Cases

Operational Intelligence
Telcos can benet from big data analytics by gaining a deeper understanding of switching,
frequency utilization, and capacity use for capacity planning and management. Analyzing
consumption of services and bandwidth in specic regions helps with planning locations for
infrastructure investment. Capturing and analyzing data produced by the infrastructure and
by sensors can accelerate troubleshooting information about the network. The MapR
Converged Data Platform can efciently collect and store huge volumes of sensor data and
scale as data grows.

Customer Churn Analysis

Accurate diagnosis of customer churn and enabling of alerts when a customer exhibits
behavior that suggests imminent defection is a critical requirement for telcos. By looking at
multiple factors, such as comments on social media and declining usage, along with
historical data that show patterns of behavior that suggest churn, companies can predict
when a customer is at risk of defecting. The MapR Converged Data Platform helps bring
together customer transaction data and communication streams from customers in real-
time that can show how customers feel about their service. This is critical for detecting and
addressing customer satisfaction issues in real time.

Fraud Detection
CSPs need to protect their customers and their bottom line by proactively detecting
fraudulent activities. They can analyze usage data, location-specic data and customer
account data in real time to model baseline normal behavior. The MapR Converged Data
Platform can enable building of predictive models that can ag anomalous phone calls that
might indicate theft or hacking, both in business-to-business and business-to-consumer

Clickstream Analysis
Communications service providers can generate more revenue and create better customer
experiences by tracking and analyzing customer clickstreams to understand their
preferences and propensity to buy. For example, if clickstreams show a customer has been
researching specic products, the CSP can serve up targeted promotions or offers to that
individual customer. They can optimize web pages to increase conversion including cross-
sell opportunities.The MapR Converged Data Platform helps ingests data faster, enables
streaming writes to update models and target customers quicker.

Recommendations 1/3
8/13/2017 Telecommunications Use Cases | MapR
CSPs can make more accurate and relevant recommendations to customers in real time by
analyzing customer call logs, usage and customer satisfaction data combined with social
media data to understand customer preferences and behavior. These recommendations can
include cross-selling new services, matching pricing plans, or making targeted offers for
sports or music enthusiasts. The MapR Converged Data Platform delivers real-time
capabilities that enable recommendations to be delivered at just the right time and place.

Product Development
CSP product managers can gain valuable insights by collecting and analyzing the diverse and
rich data generated from their customers mobile devices. They can use insights into
customer behavior and usage to identify new product features or services to improve
customer loyalty. They can also tailor services to different segments or regions based on
usage patterns. The MapR Converged Data Platform can be used to store ne-grained data
about product usage over time and correlate that with customer likes and dislikes through
advanced analytics.

Network Management/Optimization
Communications service providers can optimize quality of service and routing by being able
to analyze network trafc in real time. This enables them to respond to uctuations in trafc
and reallocate bandwidth as needed. They can use the MapR Converged Data Platform to
identify and resolve network bottlenecks, manage capacity to plan for infrastructure
investments and maintain quality of service, and optimize the network for their most
valuable customers.


( from Ben Sadeghi, a Data Scientist

with expertise in Telecommunications
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8/13/2017 Telecommunications Use Cases | MapR

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