School Trip Announcement Sumatzkuku

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School Trip Announcement

August 13, 2017

Dear Parents,

I am excited to announce that we will be going to the Heard Musume on September 1, 2017.

In class we have been learning how to conduct research. Druing the field trip your child will be

responsible for gathering information on a certain Native American tribe. Before we attened the

Heard Musume students will have conducted research from book and the internet. In our Arizona

social study standards students must be able to use primary souce materals to study people and

events from the past. In our Common Core state standars students must be able to present

knowledge and ideas using poems, drawings, visual displays and using apporiate facts.

After visiting the Hearn Musume your student will be presenting their information to the class.

This would be a great opportunity for you and your child to go to the library and find more

information on Native Americans. The library also has computers to look up any other materals.

I will also be sending home some traditonal Native American recipies and some craft ideas. If

you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Ms. Sumatzkuku

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