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Polish Journal of Microbiology

2015, Vol. 64, No 2, 93100


Intestinal Microbiota, Obesity and Prebiotics



Institute of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology, Jan Dlugosz University in Czstochowa, Poland
Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences,
Technical University of d, d, Poland
The Childrens Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Faculty of Health Sciences, UJK, Kielce, Poland

Submitted 1 October 2014, revised 9 April 2015, accepted 9 April 2015


Over the past few decades there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of obesity in both children and adults. Obesity is a disease
that has reached epidemic levels on a global scale. The development of obesity is associated with both environmental and genetic factors.
Recent studies indicate that intestinal microorganisms play an important function in maintaining normal body weight. One of the objectives
in the gut microbiota research is to determine the role it plays and can it be a reliable biomarker of disease risk, including the predisposi-
tion to obesity. This article discusses (1) the role of prebiotics and gut microbiota in maintaining a healthy body weight and (2) potential
influence on the gut microbiota in the prevention and treatment of obesity.

K e y w o r d s: microbiota, obesity, prebiotics, SCFA

Gut microbiota intestinal tract to approximately 7.07.5, which can

cause gastrointestinal diseases in the elderly. Although
The colonization of the human gastrointestinal tract the composition of the intestinal microbial changes
begins within a few hours after birth but is not identical during the human life span, in the healthy person it
in all infants. The initial impact on the microbiota of remains quite stable and has a character of climax
the digestive system of children is determined by the (Nowak and Libudzisz, 2008). Strains of Firmicutes and
impact of labor, hospital environment, food, mother/ Bacteroidetes account for more than 90% of the total
child diseases and drug use (Salminen and Isolauri, population of the intestinal microbiota. At dominate
2006). In the early years of life the gastrointestinal genus level types are obligate anaerobes: Bacteroides,
tract is colonized by bacteria belonging to the genus Eubacterium, Clostridium, Ruminococcus, Peptococcus,
Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Peptostreptococcus, Bifidobacterium and Fusobacterium,
Enterobacter, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Eubacterium as well as facultative anaerobes: Escherichia, Entero-
and Clostridium (Moore etal., 2011; Libudzisz etal., bacter, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, Lactobacillus
2012). An intensive phase of colonization of bacteria (Shen etal., 2013).
in the human gastrointestinal tract usually lasts until The gut microbiota have many beneficial functions,
two years of age, after which the child gut microbiota among them are: help in digestion; effect on immunity;
begins to resemble that of adults (Nowak and Libudzisz, stimulates the development of microvilli; fermentation
2008). Another change in the composition and quantity of dietary fiber and prebiotics that are very beneficial to
of microorganisms is in the elderly. There is a signifi- the human body short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) (butyric,
cant reduction in the quantity of bacteria of the genus propionic and acetic acids) as well lactic acid. Micro-
Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium, where Clostridium, biota may play a beneficial role in the metabolism of
Eubacterium, and Fusobacterium begin to dominate. potentially harmful substances such as cholesterol,
This change is related to the increase in the pH of the nitrosamines, heterocyclic amines and bile acids (Neish,

* Corresponding author: K. Bandurska, Institute of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology, Jan Dlugosz University
in Czestochowa, Czestochowa, Poland; e-mail:
94 Barczynska R. etal. 2

2002; Stewart etal., 2004; Alan etal., 2013). Microbiota prevent the formation of obesity when the mice diets
may also be a source of antigens and harmful com- consist of fiber, increased amounts of polysaccharides
pounds, and even pathogens. The most preferred state and small amounts of fat (Ridaura etal., 2013). This
for a human is a state of natural balance of microbiota indicates that the composition of the intestinal micro-
(Everard and Cani, 2013; Walker and Lawley, 2013). biota, and its effect on reducing the development of
Adverse changes to human health caused by the com- obesity is closely correlated with the consumed diet
position of microbiota are referred to as dysbiosis (Ridaura etal., 2013).
(Tamboli etal., 2004; Feng etal., 2010; DuPont and Based on the dominance of certain types of bacteria,
DuPont, 2011). The consequence of dysbiosis may be Arumugam (Arumugam etal., 2011) has isolated three
aleakage of the intestinal barrier and the reduction of bacterial enterotypes: Bacteroides, Prevotella and Rumi-
the total quantity of SCFA (Clausen etal., 1991). Dys- nococcus. The presence of a specific enterotype is not
biosis may precede the clinical manifestations of intes- dependent on age, gender, or ethnicity. Wu (Wu etal.,
tinal diseases and is tied to the occurrence of colorectal 2011) demonstrated that enterotype is dependent on
cancer and inflammatory bowel diseases. Dysbiosis can the type of diet. Consuming large amounts of saturated
also lead to serious systemic disorders (Tamboli etal., fats and proteins determine the development of ente-
2004; Feng etal., 2010; DuPont and DuPont, 2011). rotype Bacteroides, while enterotype Prevotella reveals
itself in people whose diet consists of high amounts
of saccharides and fiber and is low in fats and animal
Influence of diet on correct development proteins. The type and proportions of the microorgan-
of the gut microbiota isms present in the gut, i.e., enterotype determines
the metabolic products which have important conse-
Ridaura (Ridaura etal., 2013) found that the intesti- quences for the host. These metabolites can be either
nal microbiota of lean and obese people induces asimi- beneficial or harmful. For example, short-chain fatty
lar phenotype in mice, namely, that the microbiota acids (SCFA) are formed by the fermentation of indi-
transplanted from a lean individual (donor) causes the gestible polysaccharides in the large intestine by spe-
decrease of fat in obese mice (recipient) where mice cific groups of bacteria (Archer etal., 2004; Cani etal.,
were fed a reduced fat diet (4 wt%) and a high content 2004; Delzenne etal., 2005; Tarini and Wolever, 2010).
of plant polysaccharides. In addition, research was done SCFA have numerous positive functions and these
on four pairs of adult female twins, both lean and obese, include: butyric acid that stimulates intestinal epithe-
from which the microbiota was transferred to germ- lial tissue, nourishes the intestinal cells and affects their
free mice. In animals that received microbiota from proper maturation and differentiation; propionic acid
obese people, obesity developed; whereas mice contain- has apositive effect on the growth of hepatocytes; acetic
ing intestinal microorganisms from a lean person had acid has apositive effect on the development of peri
normal body weight (Ridaura etal., 2013). Research pheral tissues. SCFA regulate glucose and lipid metabo-
was also performed to check whether isolates from lism, stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of
stool specimens from a slim twin would colonize the intestinal enterocytes, lower pH effect on the intestinal
intestine of germ-free mice colonized already inhabited contents, and thus help out in the absorption of miner-
by microbiota derived from an obese twin. It turned out als by increasing their solubility (Blaut and Clavel, 2007;
that the isolates from the slim twin prevented the devel- Lin etal., 2012). It has been shown that in spite of SCFA
opment of obesity in germ-free mice with the micro- as a source of energy, it contribute toward reducing the
biota from the obese twin. Analysis of the microbiota formation of obesity by inhibiting fat accumulation
of these mice showed increased participation of strains in adipose tissue, increased energy expenditure and
of Bacteroides in germ-free mice colonized with sam- increasing production increase of hormones associated
ples from the slim twin. This indicates that strains of with the feeling of satiety (Keenan etal., 2006; Gao etal.,
Bacteroides and their quantity may have a significant 2009; Kimura etal., 2013). Influence of butyric acid on
impact on reducing the development of obesity, but it regulation of energy homeostasis of the organism may
should be noted that it is important to determine not be associated with stimulation of leptin synthesis in
only the genus type but also the species of a given strain. adipocytes, induction of GLP-1 secretion by Lcells of
Increased abundance of Bacteroides has been correlated intestine and increased fatty acid oxidation (Gao etal.,
with low fat diet that contained higher levels of fruit 2009; Nicholson etal., 2012). In examining the influ-
and vegetables; however, this correlation disappeared ence of metabolites of the gut microbiota on the human
when diet proportions of ingredients were reversed body, it has been confirmed that the additional source
(Ridaura etal., 2013; Walker and Parkhill, 2013). It of energy to the host (human) may be propionic acid
has been shown that bacterial strains derived from used in the synthesis of glucose and lipids (Bates etal.,
slim persons transferred to germ-free obese mice can 2007; Cani etal., 2008).
2 Gut microbiota and obesity 95

The role of the intestinal microbiota in maintaining the proportions of the major groups of microorganisms
normal body weight changed. In both groups there was a gradual decline in
quantity of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes increased up to
In 1998, the World Health Organization (WHO) 20% (Ley etal., 2006). In order to determine the relation-
classified obesity an epidemic on a global scale (WHO ship between the microbiota and the amount of energy,
Report 2008, WHO Report 2009). In terms of fre- Jumpertz (Jumpertz et al., 2011) conducted research
quency, obesity precedes the occurrence of AIDS and on a group of 21 volunteers where an interchangeable
malnutrition. An alarming phenomenon is the growth diet of 2400 and 3400kcal/day was administered. Fecal
of this obesity epidemic in children. Until just recently, microbiota composition was monitored. It showed
adipose tissue was considered only as a reservoir of a 20% growth of Firmicutes strains was accompanied
body energy substrate. Today it is known that it is an by a 20% reduction in the quantity of Bacteroidetes, and
important part of the endocrine system (Fichna and changes in the proportions of these strains were directly
Skowroska, 2006). Pathologically increased amounts related to gain in body weight. It seems that an impor-
of fat in the body can result in numerous disorders in tant role of gut microbiota is bifidobacteria. It showed
the proper functioning of the many different systems, that in overweight people and sick people with type2
organs and tissues. Particularly dangerous complica- diabetes the amount of Bifidobacterium was significantly
tions may occur in the cardiovascular, respiratory, lower (Schwiertz etal., 2010; Wu etal., 2010).
endocrine, and psychosocial systems. It is estimated De Filippo (De Filippo etal., 2010) compared the
that 80% of the diseases in man are caused by problems composition of intestinal microbiota in children ages1
associated with excessive body weight (Nowak etal., to 6, living in extremely different conditions. The first
2010). Statistics predict continuous deterioration of this group of children came from rural areas of Africa
situation, which is a challenge for the public health sec- (Burkina Faso); and the second group consisted of chil-
tor in many countries of the world (WHO Report 2008; dren from Italy (Florence). The intention of the study
WHO Report 2009). The problem of obesity relates to was to determine the correlation between the applied
people of all ages, and the causes have very complex diet, and the composition of the intestinal microorgan-
character, from bad habits to environmental impact (to isms. The diet of children living in Africa was low in
stress and genetic factors). A major problem is the obe- meat, but contained significant amounts of vegetables,
sity transfer from childhood to adulthood (Fichna and starch and dietary fiber (about 672.2kcal toddler ages
Skowroska, 2006; WHO Report 2008; WHO Report 12 years old and 996 kcal children ages 26 years
2009). Many studies have shown that obesity is also old), while nourishment to children from Europe con-
associated with significant changes in the composition sisted mainly of meat, and their diet contained alot of
and function in metabolism of the intestinal micro animal fats, sugars, but poor in vegetables and fiber
biota. It is recognized that a particularly important (about 1,068.7 kcal children ages 12 years old and
fact is to keep a correct proportion of Bacteroidetes 1,512.7kcal children aged 26 years old). Regardless
and Firmicutes strains in the intestine (Ley etal., 2006; of the diet used in the gastrointestinal tract, this study
Sanz and Santacruz, 2008). Research teams Bckhed, showed that the dominant bacteria types present were
Gordon and De Filippo have also indicated that obesity Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, but their
in humans is likely to be related to the composition percentage was different and dependent on diet. In
of the gut microbiota (Bckhed etal., 2004; Ley etal., children coming from rural areas of Africa, Actinobac-
2006; De Filippo etal., 2010). Bckhed and colleagues teria and Bacteroidetes dominated, respectively 10.1%
determined the share of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes and 73%; while bacteria from the phylum Firmicutes
in obese mice and mice with normal body weight and accounted for 10%. Within the phylum Bacteroidetes
found that the proportion of Bacteroidetes is signifi- the dominant bacteria were Prevotella (53%), which
cantly lower in obese mice (20%), while in mice with indicates the microbiota of these children was mainly
normal weight the bacteria was at a larger amount up enterotype Prevotella. In the case of children coming
to 40 % (Bckhed etal., 2004; Bckhed etal., 2007). In from Florence, increased body weight was found and
turn, Flessner demonstrated that supplying mice with intestinal microbial system was different than in the
high animal fat and low fiber diet results in a quantity case of children from Africa. The dominant bacteria of
reduction of Bacteroidetes strains, but conversely the the phylum Firmicutes (51%), and Actinobacteria and
growth of Firmicutes (Flessner etal., 2010). Studies were Bacteroidetes were 6.7% and 27% respectively. Ahigh
carried out on a group of twelve obese humans, who concentration of SCFA, which has been demonstrated
had an increased presence of Firmicutes and reduced in children from Burkina Faso, is an additional source
presence of Bacteroidetes from 1 to 5%. After supplying of energy for the host. Despite the low calorie intake,
one groups diet with reduced fat content and for others normal development was observed in these children
group a diet with decreased portions of saccharides, (De Filippo etal., 2010) (Fig. 1).
96 Barczynska R. etal. 2

Fig. 1. Effect of diet on the development of gut microbiota and normal body weight (own layout on the basis
of Archer etal., 2004; Cani etal., 2004; Delzenne etal., 2005; Tarini and Wolever, 2010).

The gut microbiota vs. obesity the potential tion of LPS (dephosphorylation of lipid part of LPS).
mechanisms Furthermore, increased activity of the IAP is associated
with reduced endotoxemia which is caused by meta-
The impact of gut microbiota on the development bolic dysfunctions (Everard etal., 2011). It has been
or slowing down of obesity is not yet fully known. It is shown that the expression of IAP may be controlled
believed that obesity is associated with elevated serum by gut microbiota (Bates etal., 2007). In obese people
levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is acompo- with type2 diabetes changes in the intestinal barrier
nent of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria (Amar were detected, namely an increase of cellular perme-
etal., 2011a; Amar etal., 2011b). LPS, due to proinflam- ability (Everard etal., 2013). The increase in intestinal
matory properties, may be involved in the development permeability was observed in obese mice and can be
of inflammation, present in type2 diabetes. Intravenous associated with a change in the expression, localization
administration of lipopolysaccharide in mice resulted in and distribution of proteins belonging to the tight-junc-
the development of insulin resistance and weight gain. tions of the small intestine (Brun etal., 2007; Cani etal.,
In vivo correlation was observed between the increase 2008; Cani etal., 2009; Everard etal., 2012). Another
in plasma concentrations of LPS and the implementa- potential factor linking gut microbiota to obesity is
tion of a high fat diet. Cani (Cani etal., 2007) concluded blocking the expression of fasting-induced adipose fac-
that fat contained in food may be an important regula- tor (FIAF) by the microbiota. FIAF inhibits the activ-
tor of the concentration of LPS. The introduction of ity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme responsible
four weeks of high fat diets in mice resulted in a two or for the storage of energy in fat. The decreased expres-
even three time increase in plasma levels of LPS (Cani sion of FIAF determines increased LPL activity and
etal., 2007; Tilg etal., 2009). This phenomenon was enhances the process of storing energy in the form of fat
confirmed in people diagnosed with obesity and type2 (Bckhed etal., 2004). Gut microbiota modulates the
diabetes (Cani etal., 2007; Amar etal., 2011a; Geurts activity of the endocannabinoid system and thus has
etal., 2011). In the origin of obesity a vital role may be an effect on the function of the intestinal barrier. These
played by intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), which studies revealed an important role of the intestinal
is involved in the degradation of lipids derived from barrier in the etiology of obesity and Type 2 diabetes
food, and also has an important role in the detoxifica- (Everard etal., 2013).
2 Gut microbiota and obesity 97

Prebiotics teers were treated with diets enriched with RS4 resistant
starch, and their stool samples were studied by analyz-
Since gut microorganisms to some extent are res- ing for the presence of Bifidobacterium. It turned out
ponsible for the formation of obesity, modulation of that after a diet consisting of RS4, the amount of these
microbiota is seen as a potential tool in the preven- bacteria increased (Abell etal., 2008). Also a reduced
tion and treatment of disease. It was shown that the amount of Firmicutes bacteria was observed, thereby
growth of beneficial microbiota, and therefore sealing increasing Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria (Martinez
the intestinal barrier and changes in the metabolism of etal., 2010). The addition of fructooligosaccharides
endotoxin in the blood can be modulated by the addi- and inulin mixture (10g/d) to the diet stimulated of
tion of prebiotics to the diet (Everard etal., 2013). the growth of bifidobacteria, in particular Bifidobac-
FAO/WHO defines prebiotic as non-digestible terium adolescentis (Ramirez-Farias etal., 2010). It is
food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by proposed that the lactate produced by the bifidobacte-
selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of ria can be converted to butyrate by Eubacterium hallii
one or a limited number of bacterial species already and Anaerostipes caccae (Duncan etal., 2004; Belenguer
established in the colon, and thus improve the hosts etal., 2006; Falony etal., 2006).
health (FAO Technical Meeting on Prebiotics, Pre-
biotics, 2007). Prebiotics are not hydrolyzed and
absorbed in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract Summary. The World Health Organization (WHO)
and unchanged reach the large intestine where they are predicts that by the year 2015 the number of obese
nutrients for beneficial bacteria (Kowalska-Duplaga, people in the world (17 years old and over) will rise
2003). Examples of substances having prebiotic proper- above 700 million. Obesity is associated with clearly
ties are fructooligosaccharides, gluco-oligosaccharides, excessive caloric intake compared to low energy out-
isomaltooligosaccharides, maltooligosaccharides, lact- flow. However, the gut microbiota have a key role in the
ulose, raffinose soy oligosaccharides, stachyose, xylo- development of adipose tissue and disorders of energy
oligosaccharides, and inulin resistant starch (Wang, homeostasis (Everard etal., 2012). An important role in
2009; Xu etal., 2009). Recently research was conducted maintaining a healthy body weight is to keep the proper
to confirm prebiotic properties of new substances proportion of strains of bacteria belonging to the Fir-
such as resistant dextrins derived from potato starch micutes and Bacteroidetes phylum (Bckhed etal., 2004;
(Jochym etal., 2012). These formulations have a bifi- Bckhed etal., 2007; Turnbaugh etal., 2008; Hilde-
dogenic effect and stimulate the growth of gut micro- brandt etal., 2009; De Filippo etal., 2010; Murphy etal.,
biota, thus limiting the growth of Clostridium strains 2010; Geurts etal., 2011). It is also important not to be
(Barczynska etal., 2010; Barczynska etal., 2012). limited only to diversify the phylum of bacteria but also
Studies conducted on rats and healthy persons con- take into account the genus of bacteria within the phy-
firmed that prebiotics reduce hunger and increase the lum and determine the amount of these bacteria to the
feeling of satiety (Cani etal., 2007; Parnell and Reimer, appropriate enterotypes of Bacteroides and Prevotella.
2009). Positive effects of modulation of gut microbiota Research is being currently being conducted to find
are: the production of SCFA, increased level of PYY the relationship between gut microbiota and metabolic
(this peptide is synthesized and secreted by the L-cells pathways. One of the proposed mechanisms that can be
of the ileum and colon, and has a stimulant effect on relied on is the ability of the gut microbiota to increase
satiety center) and GLP-1, resulting in a reduced gly- energy from diet. It was also observed that obesity is
cemic, reduction of insulin resistance, reduced fat cells, associated with elevated levels of lipopolysaccharide
and the perception of satiety (Delzenne etal., 2011; (LPS) in blood plasma (Amar etal., 2011a; Amar etal.,
Alvarez-Castro etal., 2012; Paranel etal., 2012). Add- 2011b), but not only elevated levels of LPS in blood
ing to diets a mixture of inulin and xylooligosaccha- plasma because in obesity there is avital role played by
rides resulted in lowering the LPS level in blood plasma alkaline phosphatase (IAP) (Bates etal., 2007). IAP is
(Lecerf etal., 2012). involved in the degradation of lipids derived from food,
In a study examining the effects of diet containing and it also plays an important role in the detoxifica-
large amounts of polysaccharides on the composition tion of LPS. The next potential factor linking gut micro-
of microbiota showed that after four week there was biota to obesity is caused by blocking the expression
afundamental change in the composition of the micro- of microbiota fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF)
biota and its metabolic functions (Duncan etal., 2007; (Bckhed etal., 2004). Despite extensive research on
Brinkworth etal., 2009; Russell etal., 2011; Walker the role of the gut microbiota in maintaining a healthy
etal., 2011; Karen etal., 2013). Adding resistant starch body weight, the mechanisms of intestinal microbiotas
to the diet caused the number of Ruminococcus bromii influence on the development or reduction of obesity
to double (Abell etal., 2008). For 17 weeks 10 volun- is not fully known. It is necessary to carry out research
98 Barczynska R. etal. 2

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