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Security measures in OpenSSH

Damien Miller
OpenSSH Project

ABSTRACT plementation on the Internet [23]. Today it is installed

by default on almost all modern Unix and Unix-like op-
This paper examines several security measures that have erating systems, as well as many network appliances and
been implemented in OpenSSH. OpenSSHs popularity, embedded devices.
and the necessity for the server to wield root privileges, OpenSSH is has been developed to run on Unix-like
have made it a high-value target for attack. Despite initial operating systems and must operate within the traditional
and ongoing code audits, OpenSSH has suffered from a Unix security model. Notably, the OpenSSH server,
number of security vulnerabilities over its 7.5 year life. sshd, requires root privileges to authenticate users, ac-
This has prompted the developers to implement several cess the host private key, allocate TTYs and write records
defensive measures, intended to reduce both the likeli- of logins. OpenSSH is also based on a legacy code-base,
hood of exploitable errors and the consequences of ex- that of ssh-1.2.16 [33]
ploitation should they occur. OpenSSHs popularity, and the knowledge that a suc-
This paper examines these defensive measures; each cessful compromise gives an attacker a chance to gain
measure is described and assessed for implementation ef- super-user privileges on their victims host has made it
fort, attack surface reduction, effectiveness in preventing an attractive target for both research and attack. Since its
or mitigating attacks, applicability to other network soft- initial release in 1999, a number of security bugs have
ware and possible improvements. been found in OpenSSH. Furthermore some of the li-
braries that OpenSSH depends on have suffered from
General Terms bugs that were exposed through OpenSSHs use of them.
Some of these errors have been found despite
Security OpenSSH being manually audited on several occasions.
This, and the occurrence of vulnerabilities in depen-
dant libraries, have caused the developers to implement
Keywords a number of proactive measures to reduce the likelihood
of exploitable errors, make the attackers work more dif-
SSH, OpenSSH, Security, Attack Surface, Network Ap- ficult and to limit the consequences of a successful ex-
plications ploit. These measures include replacement of unsafe
APIs, avoidance of complex or error-prone code in de-
1 Introduction pendant libraries, privilege separation of the server, pro-
tocol changes to eliminate pre-authentication complexity
OpenSSH [22] is a popular implementation of the SSH and a mechanism to maximise the benefit of OS-provided
protocol [32]. It is a network application that supports attack mitigation measures.
remote login, command execution, file transfer and for- A key consideration in implementing these measures
warding of TCP connections between a client and server. has been their effect on reducing OpenSSHs attack sur-
It is designed to be safely used over untrusted networks face. Attack surface [17] is a qualitative measure of an
and includes cryptographic authentication, confidential- applications attackability based on the amount of ap-
ity and integrity protection. plication code exposed to an attacker. This quantity is
Since its release in 1999, OpenSSH quickly gained scaled by the ease with which an attacker can exercise
popularity and rapidly became the most popular SSH im- the code for example, code exposed to unauthenticated
users would be weighted higher than that accessible only better use of operating system attack mitigation mea-
by authenticated users. A further weighting is given to sures.
code that holds privilege during its execution, as an at-
tacker is likely to inherit this privilege in the event of
a successful compromise. Attack surface may therefore 3.1 Defensive programming
be considered as a measure of how well developers have Defensive programming seeks to prevent errors through
applied Saltzer and Schroeders Economy of Mechanism the insertion of additional checks [29]. An expansive in-
and Least Privilege design principles [7]. terpretation of this approach should also include avoid-
This paper examines these security measures in ance or replacement of APIs that are ambiguous or dif-
OpenSSHs server daemon, sshd. Each measure is con- ficult to use correctly. In OpenSSHs case, this has in-
sidered for implementation ease, applicability to other cluded replacement of unsafe string manipulation func-
network applications, attack surface reduction, actual at- tions with the safer strlcpy and strlcat [30] and
tacks prevented and possible improvements. the replacement of the traditional Unix setuid with the
less ambiguous [2] setresuid family of calls.
2 Critical vulnerabilities A source of of potential errors may be traced to
POSIXs tendency to overload return codes; using -1
Table 1 lists and characterises several critical vulnerabil- to indicate an error condition, but zero for success and
ities found in OpenSSH since 1999. We consider a vul- positive values as a result indicator (a good example of
nerability critical if it has a moderate to high likelihood this is the read system call). This practice leads to
of successful remote exploitation. a natural mixing of unsigned and signed quantities, of-
ten when dealing with I/O. Integer wrapping and signed-
File Problem Found vs-unsigned integer confusion have caused a number of
session.c sanitisation error Friedl, 2000 [15] OpenSSH security bugs, so this is of some concern.
deattack.c integer overflow Zalewski, 2001 [18] OpenSSH performs most I/O calls through a retry on
radix.c stack overflow Fodor, 2002 [11]
interrupt function, atomicio. This function was mod-
channels.c array overflow Pol, 2002 [8]
ified to always return an unsigned quantity and to instead
auth2-chall.c array overflow Dowd, 2002 [12]
buffer.c integer overflow Solar Designer, 2003 [13] report its error via errno. Making this API change did
auth-chall.c logic error OUSPG, 2003 [21] not uncover any bugs, but reducing the need to use signed
types it made it easier to enable the compilers signed/un-
Table 1: Critical vulnerabilities in OpenSSH
signed comparison warnings and fix all of the issues that
OpenSSH has also been susceptible to bugs in li- it reported.
braries it depends on. Over the same period, zlib [9] and Integer overflow errors are often found in dynamic
OpenSSL [24] have suffered from a number of vulnera- array code. A common C language idiom is to
bilities that could be exploited through OpenSSHs use allocate an array using malloc or calloc, but
of them. These include heap corruption [14] and buffer attacker-controlled arguments to these functions may
overflows [27] [16] in zlib, and multiple overflows in the wrap past the maximum expressible size_t, result-
OpenSSL ASN.1 parser [20]. ing in an exploitable condition [1]. malloc and
Note that many of these vulnerabilities stem from array resizing using realloc are especially prone
memory management errors. It follows that measures to this, as their argument is often a product, e.g.
that reduce the likelihood of memory management prob- array = malloc(n * sizeof(*array)).
lems occurring, or that make their exploitation more dif- OpenSSH replaced all array allocations with an error-
ficult are likely to yield a security benefit. checking calloc variant (derived from the OpenBSD
implementation) that takes as arguments a number of
3 OpenSSH security measures elements to allocate and a per-element size in bytes.
These functions check that the product of these quan-
OpenSSH will naturally have a raised attack surface be- tities does not overflow before performing an alloca-
cause of its need to accept connections from unauthen- tion. The realloc function, which has no calloc-like
ticated users, while retaining the root privileges it needs counterpart in the standard library (i.e. accepting argu-
to record login and logout events, open TTY devices and ments representing a number of elements and an element
authenticate users. size), was replaced with a calloc-like error-checking ar-
The approaches used to reduce this attack surface or ray reallocator. Implementing this change added only
otherwise frustrate attacks generally fall into the follow- 17 lines of code to OpenSSH, but has not yet uncovered
ing categories: defensive programming, avoiding com- any previously-exploitable overflows. A similar change
plexity in dependant libraries, privilege separation and was subsequently made to many other programs in the
OpenBSD source tree. links. Compression is negotiated during the initial key
Once valid criticism of API replacements is that they exchange phase of the protocol and activated, along with
make a program more difficult to read by an new de- encryption and message authentication, as soon as the
veloper, as they must frequently recurse into unfamil- key exchange has finished. The next phase of the proto-
iar APIs. In OpenSSHs case, effort has been made to col is user authentication, but by this time compression is
use standardised APIs as replacements wherever possi- already enabled and any bugs in the underlying zlib code
ble as well as using logical and consistent naming for have been exposed to an unauthenticated attacker.
non-standard replacements (e.g. calloc xcalloc) OpenSSH introduced a new compression method [5] as a protocol extension (the SSH
3.2 Avoiding complexity in dependant li- protocol has a nice extension mechanism that allows the
use of arbitrary extension method names under the devel-
braries opers domain name unadorned names are reserved for
Significant complexity, and thus attack surface, can lurk standardised protocol methods). The
behind simple library calls. If there is sufficient risk, it compression method uses exactly the same underlying
may be worthwhile to replace them with more simple, or compression algorithm (zlibs deflate), it merely delays
limited versions. Replacing important API calls is not its activation until successful completion of user authen-
without risk or cost; it represents additional development tication. This eliminates all zlib exposure to unauthenti-
and maintenance work and it provides the opportunities cated users.
for new errors to be made in critical code-paths. If re- An alternate solution to this problem that does not re-
placement is considered to risky, simply avoiding the call quire a protocol change is to refuse compression in the
may still be an option OpenSSH avoids the use of reg- initial key exchange proposal, but then offer it in a re-
ular expression libraries for this reason. exchange immediately after user authentication has com-
An example of this approach is OpenSSHs replace- pleted. This approach was rejected, as key exchange is
ment of RSA and DSA cryptographic signature veri- a heavyweight operation in the SSH protocol; usually
fication code. Prior to late 2002, OpenSSH used the consisting of a Diffie-Hellman [4] key agreement with a
OpenSSL RSA_verify and DSA_verify functions large modulus. Performing a re-exchange to effectively
to verify signatures for user- and host-based public-key flip a bit was considered too expensive.
authentication. The OpenSSL implementations use a The benefit of delayed compression is clear, despite
general ASN.1 parser to unpack the decrypted signature there not having been any zlib vulnerabilities published
object. This adds substantial complexity in the case of since it was implemented. Network application develop-
RSA_verify at least 282 lines of code, not including ers considering making non-standard protocol changes
calls to the raw OpenSSL cryptographic primitives, or its to reduce attack surface should consider interoperability
custom memory allocation, error handling and binary I/O carefully, especially if the protocol they are implement-
functions. ing lacks a orthogonal extension mechanism like SSHs.
These calls were replaced with minimal implemen-
tations that avoided generic ASN.1 parsing in favour
3.4 Privilege separation
of a simple comparison of the structure of the de-
crypted signature to an expected form. The replacement [Privilege separation in OpenSSH is described in detail
openssh_RSA_verify function was implemented in in [25], this is a brief summary].
63 lines of code, of much simpler structure (basically de- The design principle of Least Privilege [7] requires
crypt then compare) and with no calls to complex subrou- that privilege be relinquished as soon as it is no longer
tines other than the necessary cryptographic operations. required, but what should application developers do in
The replacement functions clearly reduce the attack cases where privilege is required sporadically through an
surface of public key authentication in OpenSSH and applications life? sshd is such an application; it must re-
have avoided a number of critical bugs in the OpenSSL tain root privileges after the user has authenticated and
implementations, notably an overflow in the ASN.1 pars- logged in as it needs to record login and logout records
ing [20] and a signature forgery bug [3], both of which and allocate TTYs. Furthermore the SSH protocol allows
were demonstrated to be remotely exploitable. multiple sessions over a single SSH transport and these
sessions may be started any time after user authentication
3.3 Protocol changes to reduce attack sur- is complete.
OpenSSH 3.3 implemented privilege separation (a.k.a
privsep), where the daemon is split into a privileged
The SSH protocol includes a compression facility that monitor and an unprivileged slave process. Before au-
is intended to improve throughput over low-bandwidth thentication (pre-auth), the slave runs as a unique, non-
privileged user. After authentication (post-auth) the slave Another criticism [19] of OpenSSHs privsep imple-
runs with the privileges of the authenticated user. In all mentation is that it uses the same buffer API as the slave
cases, the slave process is jailed (via the chroot system to marshal and unmarshal its messages. This renders the
call) into an empty directory, typically /var/empty. monitor susceptible to the same bugs as the slave if they
The slave is responsible for the SSH transport, in- occur in this buffer code (one such bug has already oc-
cluding cryptography, packet parsing and managing open curred [13]). However, the alternative of reimplement-
channels (login sessions, forwarded TCP ports, etc.). ing the buffer API for the monitor is not very attractive
When the slave needs to perform an action that requires either; maintaining two functionally identical buffer im-
privilege, or any interaction with the wider system, it plementation raises the attack surface for questionable
messages the monitor, which performs the requested ac- benefit. A better approach may be to automatically gen-
tion and returns the results. erate the marshalling code (discussed further in section
The monitor is structured as a state-machine, enforc- 4).
ing constraints over which actions a slave may request Privilege separation in OpenSSH has been a great suc-
at its stage in the protocol (e.g. opening login ses- cess; it has reduced the severity of all but one of the
sions before user authentication is complete is not per- memory management bugs found in OpenSSH since its
mitted). The monitor is intended to be as small (code- implementation, and the second layer of checking that
wise) as possible; the initial implementation removed the privsep monitor state machine offers has prevented
privilege from just over two thirds of the OpenSSH ap- at least one logic error in the slave from being exploited.
plication [25]. It has suffered from only one known bug, that was not
OpenSSHs privsep implementation is complicated exploitable without first having compromised the slave
somewhat by the need to offer compression before au- process. OpenSSH is something of a worst-case in terms
thentication. Once user authentication is complete, the of the complexity required to implement privilege sepa-
pre-auth slave must serialise and export its connection ration, other network applications seeking to implement
state for use by the post-auth slave, including crypto- it will likely find it substantially easier.
graphic keys, initialisation vectors (IVs), I/O buffers and
compression state. Unfortunately the zlib library of- 3.5 Assisting OS-level attack mitigation
fers no functions to serialise compression state. How-
ever it does support allocation hooks that it will use Modern operating systems are beginning to implement
instead of the standard malloc and free functions. attack mitigation measures [28] intended to reduce the
OpenSSHs privsep includes a memory manager that is probability that a given attack will succeed. These mea-
used by zlib. This manager uses anonymous memory sures include stack protection as well as a suite of run-
mappings that are shared between the pre-auth slave and time randomisations that are applied to stack gaps, exe-
the monitor. The post-auth slave inherits this memory cutable and library load addresses, as well as to the ad-
from the monitor when it is started. Since the monitor dresses returned by memory allocation functions. Col-
treats these allocations as completely opaque and never lectively, these randomisations (often referred to as Ad-
invokes zlib functions, there is no risk of monitor com- dress Space Layout Randomisation ASLR) render use-
promise through deliberately corrupted zlib state. less any exploits that use fixed offsets or return addresses.
The OpenSSH privsep implementation builds the These randomisations are typically applied per-
monitor and both the pre- and post-authentication slaves execution, as it would be very difficult to otherwise
into the one executable. This may be contrasted with re-randomise an applications address space at runtime.
the Postfix MTA [31], which uses separate cooperat- Stack protectors such as SSP/Propolice [6] also employ
ing executables that run at various privilege levels. The random canaries that are initialised per-execution.
OpenSSH implementation could probably be simplified A typical Unix daemon that forks a subprocess to ser-
if the monitor were split into a dedicated executable that vice each request will inherit the address space layout
in turn executed separate slave executables. An addi- of its parent. In the absence of other mitigation mea-
tional benefit to this model would be the slaves would no sures, an attacker may therefore perform an exhaustive
longer automatically inherit the same address space lay- search, trying every possible offset or return address un-
out as the monitor (further discussed in section 3.5), but til they find one that works. They will be guaranteed
it would carry some cost: it would no longer be possible success, as there is a finite and unchanging space of pos-
to disable privsep, and it would be impossible to sup- sible addresses (as little as 16-bits in some implementa-
port the standard compression mode though the above tions [26]).
shared memory allocator zlib would have to be modi- To improve this situation, OpenSSH implemented
fied to allow state export, or pre-authentication compres- self-re-execution. sshd was modified to fork, then exe-
sion would have to be abandoned. cute itself to service each connection rather than simply
forking. Each daemon instance serving a connection is generate mechanical parts of the source automatically.
therefore re-randomised, approximately doubling the ef- Packet parsers are an excellent candidate for automatic
fort required to guess a correct offset and removing any generation, and this technique is used by many RPC im-
absolute guarantee of success. plementations and at least one SSH implementation al-
This change, while straightforward to implement, does ready [10]. The channel and privilege separation state-
incur some additional overhead for each connection, and machines could also be represented at a higher level, al-
has been criticised as offering little benefit on systems lowing easier verification.
that do not support any ASLR-like measures.
5 Conclusion
4 Future directions
Network software that accepts data from unauthenticated
There are several opportunities to further improve users while requiring privilege to operate presents a sig-
OpenSSHs security and attack resistance. Perhaps the nificant security challenge to the application developer.
most simple is to disable or deprecate unsafe or seldom- This paper has described the OpenSSH projects ap-
used protocol elements. Removing support for pre- proach to this problem, has detailed a number of specific
authentication compression (once a delayed compres- measures that have been implemented and explored areas
sion method is standardised) would permanently remove of possible future work.
complexity and significantly simplify the privilege sep- These measures focus on reducing the attack surface
aration implementation. Likewise, deactivating and ul- of the application and making better use of any attack
timately removing support for the legacy SSH protocol mitigation facilities provided by the underlying operat-
version 1 would remove a lot of complexity from the ing system. They have been shown to be effective in
code (and may hasten the demise of a protocol with stopping exploitable problems occurring or in reducing
known weaknesses). their impact when they do occur. Finally, these measures
Further attack resistance may be gained by including have been shown to be relatively easy to implement and
measures to frustrate return-to-executable attacks, where widely applicable to other network software
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