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2017-2018 7th Grade Math Syllabus

Morrison Elementary School

Mrs. Janiece Owens, 7A
Room E108
The seventh-grade math curriculum is based on the frameworks designed by the
Tennessee Department Education. In this class, students will focus on learning and
mastering the Math standards. Every effort will be made to provide hands-on
opportunities, integrate technology, differentiate instruction, and the presentations
of the lessons in a variety of formats to suit all learning styles. Students will be
tested in the spring on the 7th Grade Math TN Ready state test. It is my goal to help
each student reach their optimal learning and to be successful in years to come.
We will be using two textbooks in class from the Curriculum Associates. We will use
the Instruction book and the Practice and Problem-Solving book. These books are
consumable meaning the students can write in them. The workbook will be left in
the classroom. The textbook will travel back and forth with the student as it
contains process information and all notes.
Course Needs:
Students are required to bring the following supplies to class every day:
Pencil, Pencil, Pencil
Binder AND ISN (Interactive Student Notebook)
Student Agenda
Any other supplies needed for the day such as glue, scissors, colored pencils,
etc. will be written on a board located outside my door.
Protractor and Compass in the spring date to be determined
Absentee Policy:
When a student is absent, it is the students responsibility to ask me or another
student what work may have been missed, including taking notes. It is also the
students responsibility, not the teachers, to turn in this work. It is also recommended
that the student check in with the teacher to ask any questions about the missed work
and make sure that there are no other missing assignments. Students have 3 days
from the day they return to make up the work.
Homework Policy:
Homework is an integral part of the curriculum and essential to reinforcing material
that was taught in class. Students should copy any homework into their agenda
before leaving class from the Homework board located in the back of the classroom.
Homework is due at the beginning of class.
Extra Help:
If you have a question, please come see me at recess time or message me on Remind.
Please do not wait until class time to tell me you have a question as that will be too
late for you to react to the information I help you with.
Grading Policy:
Several factors make up the quarterly grade in Math. In addition to daily classwork,
students will have homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and CFAs to
complete. Effort and participation are very important. Students are expected to be
on time to class and to come prepared. The breakdown of the quarterly grade for
Quarters 1-3 is as follows:
Tests & Projects 30 %
CFA (Common Formative Assessment) 20 %
Classwork/Homework 50 %
Retake Policy: (please see the policies on my website for more information)
If a student has concerns about their grade, they should discuss with the teacher the
reason(s) behind their current average and the necessary steps to take. CFAs will be
retaken after a review assignment is given to ensure mastery. Students will complete
iReady lessons to be able to retake any quizzes.
Classroom Rules and Discipline Policy:
Be Safe
Be Organized
Be Accountable
Be Respectful
Students are expected to behave properly at all times. Failure to do so will result in
1st Warning, 2nd Write-up, 3rd A 2nd Write-up with call to parent. Keep in mind that two
minor write-ups over the same offense converts into a major. Parent must sign and
return the write-up form. Major write ups will result in a trip to Mrs. Cantrells office
and a call home.
Class Web Site:
Students and parents are encouraged to visit this site regularly for links to helpful
resources, general information, videos, etc. Most of the time any question you have
can be answered through the website. Additional information to come!

Please sign and return.

I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter and we have discussed and understand
all of the policies and procedures.

_________________________ _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
_________________________ _______________
Student Signature Date

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