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Client Facilitation


Questions & Answers With

Hyrum Smith
Remind me of the old adage about owning a ranch

If you want to make a small fortune, buy a ranch with a large

Scott Miller
General Manager fortune.
Client Facilitation Services
Tell us…go back 25 years almost and give us
a quick reminder of the principles that you
founded Franklin Quest on. Remind us of the
To Our Client Facilitators:
journey you started that literally tens of millions of us
have followed you on.
We’ve just entered the 26th year since the founding
of our company and thought it perfect timing to I started the company back in 1983. The reason I
interview our co-founder Hyrum Smith. We asked
started the company is because I had a passion to
our facilitators to submit questions and I posed
them to Hyrum, with a few of my own. I’m certain teach. I went through the process of discovering my own
you’ll enjoy reading his responses, so print off these governing values. Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography had a
pages and sit back with a cup of hot cider and enjoy major impact on my life and I decided that I would do what
some sage advice—on a broad range of topics.
he did and find out what my values are—what matters most to
You will also see a note from Sean Covey at the me. I discovered that one of the things that matters most to me
end regarding the future of our Time Management is to (a) make a difference and (b) how do I make a difference.
solutions. I should teach, I should teach people what I believe to be true,
and that can change and better their lives.
We had our interview delayed a little bit.
I left a very lucrative career at ADP—Automatic Data
Would you mind sharing with us what
happened in your life this week? Processing, a firm in New York—and started my own little
seminar company. The original name was Golden Eagle
We were supposed to have the interview yesterday
Motivation, which I shudder to think about now. It was awful.
and we had an emergency. I run a cattle ranch here in
In a year, we learned about the seminar business. In that year,
southern Utah and I had a bunch of cows get through a fence
I was living in California, and I knocked on every door on
up on our…what we call our summer range. The BLM (Bureau
Wilshire Boulevard and no one was interested in a seminar
of Land Management) called and said get your cows off BLM
on how to be a great person. That was my original seminar—
ground.We had to go up and find the cows. My wife, son-in-law,
“How to Be a Wonderful Human Being.” My original vision
son, and my grandson—five of us—trailered five horses up the
was “How to Become a Magnificent Human Being.” It
mountain yesterday and spent four hours in the saddle finding
bombed, but I learned a lot about the seminar business. I read
cows.We found one cow that was sick and we were able to corral
a book which I wish I could remember the name of. It was
that one into the trailer and bring it back. Most of the other cows
about how to build your own seminar business. It said it takes
had already made it back to the correct area.
four to five years to make a name for yourself, so don’t get

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

discouraged. I learned, for example, that when people say they that is the only way you can experience inner peace. It was a
will come to seminar they haven’t paid for, they don’t come. fun concept to teach because a lot of people, when you start
That was a hard lesson to learn. I did a lot of seminars for 3 to talking about inner peace, would become uncomfortable at
4 people when I was expecting 50. first.The more we got into the seminar, the more they realized
that is what they want. What I want is peace in my life. I want
I gravitated to time management because there was a recession.
to feel okay about me. I want to be in charge of me and to be
People were being laid off and productivity of existing people
doing what matters most to me. I don’t want to be reactive,
became a very big issue. I had aligned myself briefly with a
I want to be proactive. Those words started to become buzz
guy who was teaching time management as a consultant, so
words in the business community. That is how it started.
I decided we could teach time management from a values-
based position. It was my idea of helping people become better You’ve been in this business now for 25 plus
years and are considered a world expert
human beings using the Trojan Horse of time management.
on time management. What are some
Time management, we discovered, was interesting to people. fundamental principles that have not changed in
Dick Winwood was my partner and, actually, my wife was my the midst of revolutionary technical changes in
third partner. We created a seminar called “Focus on Time how we lead our lives, operate our businesses, and
Management.” We started that thing and it just exploded
around us. The reason is our approach was “find out what A point that I make in just about every speech is
matters most to you and then do something about it.” that the basic principles that help a human being
become a better human being have not changed for 6,000
I can give you the seminar in nine seconds: ‘find out what years. I think that is something we need to keep in mind. I
matters most to you; bring the events of your life in line with have people come up to me, and this is literally true, and they
what matters most to you and you have a right to inner peace.’ will lower their head and make sure no one around is listening
I’ve just given you the whole seminar. That’s basically it. to them. They say, “I wish I lived a hundred years ago when
Initially, we used the Day Timer®. The advent and creation of they had more time.” I would ask, “How much more time did
the Franklin Day Planner was a wonderful mistake. We went they have?” The only difference between a hundred years ago
to Day Timer to see if they would make some changes on and today is that we have more options than they had. Why
their format to fit the mechanics we were teaching.They were do we have more options? Because we do things faster. That is
not interested in doing that. If you look at a Franklin Planner why we are into speed.
and a Day Timer they were similar. We had some changes If my grandfather missed the train, no big deal; in 24 hours,
we wanted made to the left and right pages. They were not he would take the next train. If my father missed his flight, no
willing to collaborate. So we mocked one up of our own big deal; he would take the next plane in 5 hours. If I miss one
and invented the Franklin Planner. We decided to call it the section of a revolving door, I go nuts. And so does everybody
Franklin Planner because Ben Franklin in his autobiography else. Why? Because we are into speed. You wouldn’t tolerate
talked about this little book he carried with him everywhere. the speed of a PC 15 years ago today. Do you remember the
He recorded the weather every day and all of his thoughts. old dot-matrix printers? We would stand there in awe and
So it was a fun beginning. The whole idea was all around the watch those suckers spin. We wouldn’t tolerate that today.
idea of finding out what your personal governing values are Now the point is, the basic principles that help a human being
and building that productivity pyramid, because at the top become a better human being have not changed for 6,000
of the pyramid was a tool. Now you need a tool to bring years. For example, the whole idea around the quest for inner
your governing values into some kind of daily activity because peace…if you did a survey of the business executive 500 years

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

ago and do that survey every 100 years for the next 500 years Speaking of books, name the top three to
and ask the person what they want, they want inner peace. four books that you feel have had the biggest
influence on your life, shaped your thinking
We did a study on this and it came back that people wanted
on life.
four things: balance in their lives, simplicity in their lives, they
wanted to be successful at something, and they wanted to First, the scriptures. I am a Christian and the
be more effective at what they do. Isn’t that interesting? If scriptures have had a major impact on my life. The
you wrapped those four items into one simple concept, what second book that had the biggest impact on my life is Les
people want is inner peace. Miserable. If you want to read a book that will change your
life, you need to read the full version—1,400 pages—of Les
What is inner peace? It is bringing what I do every single day Miserable. It is a magnificent read about a guy who had to learn
in line with what matters most to me. That is an immutable to forgive. It is also a book about the abundance mentality. It
principle that has nothing to do with technology. Technology is about a guy who discovered that giving is what mattered.
can help. What has changed in the last 100 years is our Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning is a fabulous
technology. The tools with which we implement these ancient book. Viktor Frankl survived the Auschwitz death camps and
principles are moving at light speed. And that is very exciting. discovered the difference between freedom and liberty, which
The thing that has not changed in the last 100 years, 500 is really an interesting idea. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less
years, is the human being. The human being is still the same. Traveled is a very worthwhile read. Jim Collins’ books are very
We still go to the bathroom two to three times a day. We still good, Good to Great and Built to Last.Very good current stuff.
put our pants on one leg at a time. The human being is the
Being a prolific author yourself, what is on
same. The basic principles, when you talk about the principles your nightstand right now?
of time management—focusing on your governing values,
I just finished one that Richard Godfrey and I co-
changing those values into a long-range goal that turns into an
authored called Home of the Brave. It was just released.
intermediate goal that eventually ends up on a daily task list—
It has to do with how Americans deal with adversity.
is a very old idea.You can find that on the pages of Plato. But
We identified 10 great Americans and how they dealt with
why is it still relevant today? Because the human being is still a
adversity. In a time when we are having to deal with adversity
human being. I still want to be in control of my life. I want to
in a big way, the book on my brain right now is the one on the
be in charge of what matters most to me. I don’t want someone
92 principles that have to be integrated ultimately if we are
telling me what I have to do every five seconds. I would like to
going to be great human beings. There may be a co-author.
be in charge of that. That is why reading the books that have
Are you familiar with Wintley Phipps? He is the voice behind
been written by great authors from the very beginning of time
Amazing Grace, anytime you hear it sung beautifully, that’s him.
is such a worthwhile read; reading stuff that Winston Churchill,
He has the most amazing voice you’ve ever heard. We met
Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King had to say. Look at
for lunch the other day and he’s created a list also, which we
the principles that they talk about.They are immutable, ancient
compared. He has a list of about 70 to 80 of these principles
principles that still work today. It’s treating people with respect.
and 90 percent of them are identical, what I thought was really
It’s the principle of love, the principle of forgiveness. It’s a very
ancient idea. It still works today. Forgiveness is a good idea.
Do you want inner peace? Then you should learn to forgive. You’re well known as an American patriot and
There are 92 principles that help a human being become a your patriotism is contagiously inspiring. What
is the connection with you regarding Ben
great human being. I’m going to write a book about this, by
Franklin? Why was it Ben Franklin that seemed to inspire
the way. I’ve identified 92 principles that help a human being so much of your writing, thinking, and teaching versus
become a human being. They are very old, ancient ideas. any of the other Americans from the same generation?

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

Ben Franklin’s autobiography is a wonderful read he could hardly make it back to his seat. I thought, that will be
and I would encourage everybody to read it. He talks me. I’m going to do that until I die. I’m focusing on a couple
about his governing values and the impact these governing of businesses with my sons and sons-in-law here in southern
values had on his life. He didn’t call them governing values; Utah. I am just right under six million miles on commercial
he called them his 13 virtues and how he focused on each aircraft. My biggest value, at this point, is spending time with
one. He would take one and focus on it for an entire week. my family.
The next week, he would focus on another one. One was
Right now I am the president of the Command and General
temperance and one of them was humility; that was imposed
Staff College Foundation at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. It is
on him by a friend of his. He never felt good about the
kind of a fun thing. Three years ago, I got a call from David
humility one, which is interesting. Chastity was one of them.
Petraeus, who was then the commandant of the school. He
As you read about Ben Franklin, you realize that is one he
was a three-star general then. I had lunch with him and he
struggled with.   And he talked about it in his life. As you study
said that he wanted to create a foundation and would I help. I
the life of Ben Franklin, I believe he is probably the most
said I would be happy to do that, and I am now the president
productive, prolific American in our history. The things that
of that foundation and we raise money for the college. West
he founded; the things that he created, invented; the role he
Point has a foundation; Annapolis and the Air Force Academy
played in the Constitutional Convention as an old man; the
have one. The Command and General Staff College is a very
trips to Europe representing the United States; when you look
prestigious, 125-year-old school. To move from major to
at the things the man did in his 82 years, it was amazing. At
colonel in the Army, you have to graduate from the Command
the time, the life expectancy was 55. I just think he was an
and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. I got to know
incredible person.You know, the impact that he has had on the
David Petraeus before he became a household name. Now he
world, the impact he had on the Constitutional Convention—
is a four-star general running the war in the Middle East. He is
he imposed the idea of identifying governing values first on
a fabulous guy, by the way.   This is my philanthropic urge right
the Constitutional Convention, so that is what they focused
now. I am back at Leavenworth every other month and we’re
on. They were screaming at each other for four months in
having fun raising money. I was in Ross Perot’s office two
1787, “What matters most to us? What would we cross the ‘I’
weeks ago. We’re honoring him next April at a dinner giving
beam’ for?” Freedom of this, freedom of that, and that is what
him our annual Leadership Award for all the things he’s done
ended up in our Constitution.
for the military. I was in his office at Perot Systems.You should
Other than the recent book you’ve just written see his office. It’s a museum.
and the book you’re considering writing
about 92 principles, what are you working on? Technology today offers many electronic
options for managing time, but I still love
My major focus right now—I’m still giving three my paper Franklin Planner. Are we seeing
to four speeches a month, which I will probably do a return to paper and pencil, or is the trend going
until I die because I love to do it. One of the highlights of my toward electronic tools?
speaking career was when I was asked by Norman Vincent My impression is that there is a surge returning to
Peale, when he came to Salt Lake City, to warm-up the crowd. paper. I will never forget when 3Com brought in
So I spoke for an hour before Norman Vincent Peale, about 2 and put on my desk the first Palm Pilot. I played with it and
years before he died 10 or 12 years ago. He was 92 years old thought it was a great toy, but no one will ever buy one. I
and the guy got up and gave a wonderful talk. He could hardly turned out to be wrong about that. We strongly embraced
get up to the podium, but when he did, it was like someone technology at FranklinCovey and sold 10,000 Palm Pilots a
stuck an electrode in him. He went nuts for an hour and then week for several years, and then all of a sudden, we didn’t.

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

People stopped buying PDAs. I thought, “I’ve got to try the management process was created by you during
Palm Pilot.” I put away my paper planner for 13 months. I the mid ‘80s a time which was arguably less global
focused and not as pervasive—24/7 around the
went to a PDA and I discovered that I could do everything
clock. If you were creating the planner process today,
in my Palm Pilot that I could do in my paper planner, but I would you change anything? And to that point, how
wouldn’t. The reason I wouldn’t is because it took too much do you manage your own time? What would you
time. It was too hard to do. I came back to my paper planner do differently if you were launching the company
today in the midst of the balance between paper vs.
because of the ease of the operation. What I discovered was
technology and using Outlook or Lotus Notes and
that for managing tasks, appointments, and taking notes, a the speed with which you can retrieve information
paper planner is four times faster than any electronic device. from paper? Also, will you address the environmental
There is a whole host of reasons for that, but I will just leave sensitivity of using paper in a paperless society?
it at that level. A paper planner for tasks, appointments— First of all, the myth that we are a paperless society
managing me—is four times faster. Now, there is a place for needs to be blown up, because we are using more
technology. I carry a BlackBerry. I love my BlackBerry. What paper today, globally, than ever in our history. What would I
do I use it for? I can communicate my calendar to my people. do differently? I would do everything exactly the same but…
I can download The Wall Street Journal. I can check my email. It our message to the world when we started 26 years ago was
is a wonderful phone. But for managing me in the heat of the have everything in one place. That one place was the Franklin
day, my paper planner is more effective and it is faster. Planner. There was no technology then. There were no PDAs,
no PCs. There were no cell phones when we started. Have
I have had letters from CEOs, senior vice-presidents from
everything in one place and that is your Franklin Planner.That
all over the country, telling me, “Hyrum, I’m back to my
is your life. Your life was in your planner. It exploded. People
paper planner. I’ve got control back in my life.” In fact, just a
went nuts over the Franklin Planner: 172 countries, six million
year ago, a senior VP from Merrill Lynch went through our
people using Franklin Planners. It was amazing—32,000 at
seminar. She said, “Hyrum, you trained me 18 years ago, I
Dow Chemical, 15,000 at Merrill Lynch using the Franklin
went to an electronic device 3 years ago, I lost control of
Planner. It just became an amazing thing. Then technology
my life. I went back to my paper planner and my control
came along and technology, clearly, has a place. We changed
is back.” There is something about writing on paper that a
one word in our message to the world from “Have everything
human being likes. The thing about those three things: tasks,
in one place,” to “Have everything in one system.”You create
appointments, and taking notes, and if I know how to retrieve
a system that works for you.
those notes—the magic of the Franklin Planner is the retrieval
system. The minute I write a note in my planner, I’ve given My system…the way I manage myself. I have four pieces in my
that note a root in time. I will always be able to find it. There system. I have my Franklin Planner for tasks, appointments and
are three different ways for retrieving information from a taking notes. I have my BlackBerry, a wonderful receptacle for
Franklin Planner. I can do it with lightning speed. If you don’t information. I can carry more information in my BlackBerry
understand the mechanics of the Franklin Planner, you don’t than I could ever carry in my Franklin Planner. I have a cell
understand why people would use that instead of technology. phone that is now combined into a BlackBerry so that I can
If you’ve gone through the class and you’ve been taught well communicate with the world. And I have a PC so that I can
how to use it, it is a dangerous tool. I’m a paper guy myself. do all the things that a PC allows you to do. I have a nice thin
Eugene Fucetola one that fits into a satchel so that I can do my email. That
Global Operations Manager GIST AM&I is condensed into three items now because my cell phone
and BlackBerry are one and the same. That is how I manage
The Franklin Planner and associated event-
Hyrum Smith, and it works wonderfully for me. If I’m passing

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

somebody in the airport and ask for their phone number, thing I’ve got to accomplish today?” That is the way you
I write that in my Franklin Planner. I don’t whip out my start your prioritization. A lot of things are close. There are
BlackBerry and punch that in.That is a royal pain in the fanny, a lot of heavy things we’ve got to do.
quite frankly. I can write that in my planner in nanoseconds. If
The fact is, if you don’t take the time to isolate yourself—get
I want to transfer it into my phone when I’m on the plane, I
away from the melee, close the door, put your feet up on
can do that; but initially, I write it down. The immediate need
your desk and just think—you are going to live in a reactive
to take a note… Even when the Tablet PC came out and you
world. Most people don’t take time to split the hair. What is
could write on the screen, while cool, they were a pain to
life-sustaining and what is vital? You’ve got to get down to
work. No one used them because paper was so much faster.
the nubs. What is the single most important thing today? If
When people started moving to PDAs, they started carrying nothing else happens, this must happen.
yellow pads of paper. Why? They had to.   Are you going to
With respect to FranklinCovey’s client
take notes on a Palm Pilot or BlackBerry in a meeting and facilitators, two of the most popular solutions
try and keep up? There is no way. Still, it is not really socially are The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
okay to sit there and bang on a computer. If I am going to and FOCUS: Achieving Your Highest Priorities. We
have tens of thousands of facilitators throughout
take a note, I write it so that it has a root in time so I can
North America and the world teaching these solutions.
retrieve it when I want it. If I want to transfer it to some kind A question from one of these facilitators reads:
of electronic note-taking device I can do that. I can scan it in Donnie Brown
if I want. I can save it on my computer if I want. In the heat of Vice President Human Resources
Tindall Corporation
the day, from a time-motion standpoint, paper is faster.
It is gratifying to see participants in our company
Vincent Zaniewski make the commitment and continue to use a Franklin
Manager, Training HR Development Planner after attending one of our workshops. I
Corporate Human Resources would like to see more of a commitment to using the
Canon U.S.A., Inc. system.
What do you do when everything is a top priority?
What else can facilitators and others do to increase
The fact is, everything is not a top priority. That is the number of their colleagues who use the Franklin
why I spend a major part of teaching time, telling Planning system, whether it be the planning tool, the
methodology or the system? What have you learned
people to take 10 to 15 minutes of time each day, isolating
from other companies that had pervasive use? What
yourself from the world in a period of planning and solitude, was the magic ingredient?
and really focus in on what I have coming down the pike
I think the magic ingredient is…we had a word for it:
today. What in fact is the most important thing? The A-B-C
the breeder effect. For example, Dow Chemical…I
system of prioritization is just as relevant today as it was
did the first seminar there in December 1985. For the next
1,000 years ago. It is a very old idea of prioritization. A is
several years, they had a waiting list of like 300 to 400 people
vital, B is important, C is maybe. What is vital—I’d even
waiting to get into the seminar. The impact of the seminar
add life-sustaining? If you add the word “life-sustaining”
with each group that went through it had a viral effect on
to a task or something that is coming down the pike, that
the rest of the company. Those who came out of the seminar
changes things dramatically. When I hear “everything is a
were very excited about their planner; very excited about
top priority,” I ask, “Is everything life-sustaining? What on
how to use that planner; very excited about the whole idea
this list may take your life?” You have to get down to the
of governing values and getting those into their daily task
point and ask, “What will I lose my job over? What will cost
lists. They talked about it. They carried it with them. People
the company money? What is the most vital, life-sustaining
around them would see their enthusiasm for managing their

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

lives. They would say, “I have to have one of those. How do down to 300 and then 250 and then I’m experiencing inner
I get one?” The trainer director had people lining up at their peace on that value, I value being physically fit. In fact, let me
door. share a letter with you that I recieved.
If the seminar is being taught well, that means the instructor I did a seminar at Merrill Lynch many years ago, and a
has to believe in what they are teaching. They have to use the year later, I got a letter from the senior VP of the office in
planner. I have seen instructors try and teach the program and Cleveland, Ohio. I can’t remember his name. “Hyrum, I went
when they don’t use a planner, it bombs. It dies very quickly. to your seminar a year ago and it never occurred to me that
The importance of the instructor being a total believer in I needed to manage my life around what matters most to me.
what they are teaching is absolutely critical. If I could tell the I took your challenge, identified my own constitution, and
client facilitator anything, it would be that when you get up discovered in the process that one of my governing values was
and start talking about governing values, you need to have a good life for my son. When I discovered that was one of my
identified your own so that when people ask you about them governing values, I also had to admit there was a huge gap. I
you can pull out your list and show them. I have had, literally, was not doing anything for my son. I’ve dedicated this last year
hundreds of thousands of people ask me for copies of my to making my son’s life wonderful.” Then he listed the things
governing values. We finally printed them in the What Matters he has done with his son this last year. On the last page of the
Most book.Teaching a seminar is not telling the seminar. Some letter, it said, “Last week my son, nine years old, was killed in
people can tell the seminar and it sounds fine and it can be a car accident. I have experienced some real pain at the loss
entertaining for six hours, but those who teach the seminar of my son, but I have not had to experience any guilt.” Then
have done it themselves. They have had the impact in their he said, “For the first time, I finally realized what you talked
own personal lives and they get up and teach with six times about when you talked about inner peace. I felt peace when
the energy that someone who is telling the seminar had. my son left, because I had dedicated my life to making his life
People come out of the experience a believer and then the wonderful the last year I had him.”
breeder effect takes place. The next thing you know, we have
the spouses there. We did seminars at Dow Chemical for the You can’t look at an experience like that without getting goose
children of the executives. The powerful aspect of our seminar bumps on your arms. He discovered at a Time Management
is that it gets under people’s skin. The whole idea of finding seminar at Merrill Lynch, that if he wanted peace in his life, he
out what really matters most to me — writing your personal ought to find out what matters most to him and do something
constitution, equating the quest of discovering your governing about it. To me, that is exciting stuff.
values to writing your own constitution — people would go How many children do you have?
nuts over that. That is what the Americans did. They created a
Constitution. What is a Constitution? It is a list of governing
values of our founding fathers. No law is ever ratified in this How many grandchildren do you have?
country until it is measured against our set of governing Twenty, with one in the oven. I lost a daughter in a car accident
values. That is identical to what we teach. Measure the events in 1995. She was 24. I have five living children. I also lost 2
of your life. If you value being physically fits and you weigh grandchildren, so I have 18 living grandchildren.
400 pounds, there is a gap between what you are doing and
With 20 grandchildren and one on the
what you value. Whenever there is a gap between what you
way, you are well aware of the differences
are doing and what you value, there is pain. How do I get rid between Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials, Baby
of the pain? Close the gap.   You cut down to three meals a day Boomers, and Traditionalists. A prominent question
and cut out french fries and ice cream, and all of sudden, I’m comes frequently, like this one.

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

Michael Sutcliffe to it, that 20-year-old today going into the business world has
Organizational Development to be able to decide what matters most to me today. What
AGIA Insurance Services
As a facilitator, I come into contact with many am I going to do that is the most effective thing that I could
Millennials who are skeptical about either the paper do? How am I going to make my relationships better with
planner or the longevity of the Franklin Planning the people that I work with? The sad thing that is happening
System or both. Many of these younger customers
is that because of our ability to communicate immediately
may be concerned that your system is old-fashioned
or that it is appropriate for their parents, but not for and electronically, we are dehumanizing the interpersonal
them, and they are looking for alternative planning relationship issue on the planet. In fact, I heard the other day
systems such as David Allen’s book and content that at a high school dance, students were asking each other
around getting things done.
to dance by text message across the dance hall. What is that all
What would you say to the indisputable fact that
about? Because texting is so pervasive now, the actual human
the workforce in the world is absolutely undergoing
a complete transition with Baby Boomers and interaction is becoming less.When you don’t have that human
Traditionalists exiting, and a new, much younger, interaction, to me, that is a very dangerous thing. I think we
tech-addicted profile of workers entering? need to be careful about that. Back to the issues of managing
I go back to the premise that we started with. There me. None of the principles changed from generation to
are, in fact, no new principles. The basic principles generation. I would be very bold about saying, when I’m
that help human beings become better human beings are the teaching someone who is part of the “new generation” and
same as they were 6,000 years ago. Regardless of what the we’re high-tech, that paper is high-tech. Paper is technology.
Millennials think, they are still human beings. They are not Paper will always be high-tech. It is a conceptual thing. It is
any smarter than the Traditionalists were. They still have the not a device thing. It is part of my system, and part of my
same challenges. They still have to get up every morning and system happens to be paper. Why? Because it happens to be
make a living and support a family. The basic principles that very effective.
will help them find peace in their lives are the same principles Dawn M. Karner,
that their fathers and grandfathers had to discover to get peace CPLP, ACC, CPCC
HR Training Manager
in their lives. The tools that are available to help them find Cache Creek Casino Resort
inner peace are changing at warp speed and that’s great. The As a life coach, I regularly help others navigate
fact is, the paper planner still, for the human being, is the most change but I don’t seem to be able to do it for myself
as well as I would like to. Do you have any words of
effective device. I go back to the system idea. Create a system.
wisdom to help an individual make the changes their
Have all the bells and whistles you want. You will discover head is wanting?
in the long run that the most effective tool for you for tasks,
It’s back to the idea, “Have you taken the time to
appointments, and taking notes is the paper planning device
identify your own personal governing values? Have
of some kind. Have your BlackBerry. Have your PC. Create
you written your own personal constitution?” What I have
a system that makes you the most effective you can be. Inner
found is that there are many who have not yet done this.There
peace for you is having balance in your life; its simplicity; it’s
are many facilitators out there who teach governing values and
being successful at something. You want to be more effective
teach the FOCUS course and do it very well, but they have
at what you do. That is what human beings want. I don’t care
never taken the time to sit down with themselves and identify
what label you put on the generation. That generation is still
what their governing values are. There is a reason why people
human beings.
don’t. We did a study some years ago and discovered that 92
This stuff about labeling the generations is fine. It creates percent of the people that we taught continue to use their
magazine articles, and that’s cool. When you come right back planner. Only 12 percent had taken the time to identify and

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

write down their constitution. What a gap. I never had anyone looking for ways to enhance and build the relationships that
come out of a seminar and say “That idea of the Productivity you have with people around you.You have to identify, first of
Pyramid was a stupid idea. I’m not going to do it.” I’ve had all, what are my most important relationships. Is it my spouse,
hundreds of thousands of people say that is a wonderful idea my significant other, my children, my boss, the people I work
and I’m going to do it. But they don’t. Here is why they don’t. for or with? Just exactly how important is that? The minute
If I sit down with myself and identify my governing values, we consciously start thinking about that, then suddenly
the highest priorities in my life, and write them down, I also we start doing something about it. I’ve discovered that the
have to come face to face with the gap between what I’m not minute you start thinking about and focusing on an issue, you
doing about those governing values. The gap is painful and automatically find ways to do something about it. It starts with
so people steer away from it. They intuitively know that the deciding that the relationships are important and then all of a
minute they sit down and identify the values, they have to be sudden, you are finding ways to do it. If you’re mechanically
a better husband or wife, lose weight, this or that.They are not setting aside an hour a day for relationships, it’s not going to
prepared to do that. Light is the best disinfectant on the planet. work.
The minute you identify your governing values, you put light
What is the most common question you are
on what matters most to you and all of a sudden, the gaps are asked from participants across the million
all very clear. plus people attending your seminars?

Dr. Covey’s Habit 3: Put First Things First is It usually has to do with identifying their governing
a great illustration around big rocks. One of values—something that has gotten under their skin.
the most popular tools with facilitators is in
I rarely get mechanical questions about the planning system
fact the Big Rocks kit. This question relates to Habit
3 and placing the big rocks into their week. or how to use it. It usually has something to do with a deep
challenge in their lives. The biggest question is “How do I sit
Gil Speer
Zionsville, Indiana down and identify my governing values? What books can I
Many of my participants try to action-plan their read that will help me identify my governing values?” That
relationships and miss the whole point of relationship
is when I steer them to the autobiography of Ben Franklin,
building. Or these relationships are so broken, they
don’t feel it is worthwhile to spend any time on them. Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, or Scott Peck’s The
Road Less Traveled. They are wonderful books that help people
This is a great question. What is the balance between
action planning — fitting time in for your relationships identify governing values. Talk to people who have identified
in an efficiency model — versus seeing the value and their governing values. The biggest question usually is “I’m
managing around relationship building? excited about this, but how do I do this?”That is what’s asked in
I think this all boils down to how much value you most of the letters I receive: “How do I do this? I’m struggling
place on relationship building. There are managers in discovering my governing values.” The reason that is hard is
in our society who place a low value on relationship building. that when they sit down to identify their governing, they start
They couldn’t care less if they have a good relationship with a list of things that somebody else thinks they should
with those they work with, as long as they get their jobs have rather than what I think I should have. When I started
done. The issue is really how much value do you place on out the process myself, I had 43 governing values. I ended
relationship building? If you really do place a high value up with 16. I discovered that most of them weren’t mine,
on that, then you will figure out ways…taking it through they were somebody else’s. I have 16 now. These are pretty
the Productivity Pyramid. I value relationships. Long range solid. What changes is the description of them. We encourage
goals; intermediate goals. What am I going to do today about everyone to write a paragraph about what the value means to
building relationships? Then all of a sudden, you find yourself them, and that paragraph has changed dramatically over time.

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

In fact, I’m looking in my Franklin Planner sitting in front my C44. Take your A1 somewhere else.”You don’t have to be
of me to pull out my list of governing values. Number 3 for rude, but the fact is, that if you’ve taken the 10 to 15 minutes
me is “I am an outstanding husband and father.” I encourage in a solitude time every single day, you will have amazing
people to write them as affirmations so that it is an active ability and courage to say no.
statement not a passive statement. So my governing values
I’ve had the privilege of seeing you speak 15
are written as active statements. This is what number 3 means or 20 times over the course of my career at
to me: “I take sufficient meaningful time with my wife and FranklinCovey, and one of the points I find
children to help them with their spiritual, intellectual, social, most inspiring about you is your ability to condense
broad, esoteric thoughts into quick quotes and quips
professional, physical, and financial needs. I love my wife with
that I can memorize. My PDA is full of one-liners from
care, respect, kindness, and maintaining with her a spiritual you that have had profound impact on me. One of my
physical union of excellence. I build strong family unity. I have favorites is your definition of character. Another one
helped develop leadership skills in all family members and is about vocabulary and the ability to think. Would
you share these and a few of your favorites? Tell us
guide them in living all the commandments of God. I help
again your definition of character.
them build their self-esteem and help each maximize their
potential.” That paragraph has changed dramatically now that Character is the ability to carry out a worthy decision after the
I have been married for almost 44 years. That paragraph has emotion of making that decision has passed.
evolved. That’s changed as I have a better understanding about Is that original to you, Hyrum?
what it means to be an outstanding husband and father.
Yes, that is, actually. I take credit for that one. It is
Ann Bick not a dictionary definition of character, but it is a
Xcel Energy
profound one in that character is doing what you say you
How do I diplomatically say no to requests
for assistance? are going to do. If you say you are going to lose weight, lose
weight. If you say you are going to be on time, be on time. It
That is a great question because of what happens
is easy to make commitments.The whole idea is that we make
when people have really sat down and created their
these commitments and we get excited about them. We go
own constitution. They’ve written their governing values. The
back to our desk, but nothing has changed at our desk. And
first thing that comes out of a clear understanding of what
then we don’t do what we say we are going to do. A person’s
matters most to me is the magnificent ability and the courage
character is ultimately measured by what they do, when they
to say no. Automatically. Why? Because I recognize now, what
say they are going to do it.
matters most to me. This is my focus; this is where I’m going.
And so all the requests that take me off that focus, off that The other one my father introduced me to: “You cannot think
direction, I have to say no to. If I don’t have that clear vision, any deeper than your vocabulary will allow you to.” I was
then I don’t have a good reason to say no. And then I’m into 12 years old when I first heard that and it took me 20 years
that “I’m going to offend them if I say no because I just don’t to realize that is a very profound statement. We think in the
want to do it.”Well, why don’t I want to do it? If you’re saying words we understand. There are 340,000 words in the English
no, people are going to expect an explanation. Quite frankly, language. Winston Churchill had a working vocabulary
you don’t owe anybody an explanation, but they want one. of 25,000 words. We think he had the biggest working
So when someone says, “Can you do this?” “No!” “Well, why vocabulary of any English-speaking person in history. The
not?” “Let me tell you why not. This is what I have discovered average business person has 12,000 to 13,000. The average
today. It comes from long-term planning, a solitude session, teenager has about 2,500. If you want a scary experience, walk
and there is no way I can squeeze that in today. Your A1 is through the hallways of any high school in America and listen

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

to the vocabulary you hear and you won’t sleep for a month, hit 5 million golf balls, you are going to be Gary Player. Who
because their vocabulary is so awful. is Gary Player? He is one of the top six golfers ever to play the
game—163 tournaments. Tiger Woods is at 60 something at
I’m assuming the quote from your father drove a love
for reading and writing books. this point. He’s won 163 tournaments. The guy is a machine.

Absolutely! The only way to build a vocabulary is to read. But This aligns with the writings of Malcolm Gladwell in
Outliers and Geoff Colvin’s Talent is Overrated that, in
our young people don’t read today. Why? Because they have
fact genius may be more about disciplined, rigorous
TV, and these Xboxes and these crummy, stupid games that practice versus solely innate. Some are just willing to
they play. Nobody is reading. Newspapers are going out of practice more.
business at an alarming rate. USA Today is a popular newspaper
Right. It’s like defining time. If you don’t know what time
because you don’t have to read it.You can see it at 30 feet and
is, you will never get control of it. What is time? Time is the
many of the words are misspelled. In all of the studies done on
occurrence of events in sequence one after the other. Too
successful people on this planet, from all walks of life, the one
often, people confuse time with having something to do with
common denominator that they found is a large vocabulary.
a clock. It has nothing to do with a clock. All a clock does is
Indulge us. Share a couple more of your favorites that tell you how long it takes the sun to go across the sky. Time
you think our clients can benefit from. is the occurrence of events in sequence one after the other.
There is a definition of wisdom that I like to use: “Wisdom Everything is an event. Your getting out of bed this morning
is knowledge rightfully applied.” My son, when he was four, is an event. Getting in your car is an event. Picking up your
we were in the kitchen together. I said, “When the stove is phone is an event. Time is the occurrence of all these events
hot, it burns. Don’t touch the oven.” I gave him knowledge. in sequence one after the other. The issue, then, is what events
What do you think he did when I left the kitchen? He has do I have any control over? Now we are in the prioritizing of
wisdom now on the tips of all four fingers on his right hand. things. Can I control what time I get up? Can I control what
Wisdom is knowledge rightfully applied. At the start of all I wear? Can I control what I eat? Can I control when I do
seminars, I say, “All I can do today is share some knowledge my email? Can I control when I take that phone call? Now
that has been pulled together from some wonderful sources. we are starting to manage time. Only when you understand
The issue is, are you going to do anything with it? I’d like to what time is can you manage it. Too many people think it has
share with you a definition of success: a successful manager something to do with a clock. It’s got nothing to do with a
of time is willing to do that which the unsuccessful manager clock.
of time is not willing to do. I’m going to give you a profile Let’s finish with this question. What have you
of what a successful manager of time is willing to do. The learned? I imagine you’ve had some fantastic
question is, are you going to do anything about it? A successful business successes and some great failures. I
also suspect you’ve both gained and lost some great
mother, father, business person, athlete is willing to do that
friends along the way. As you come into what Dr.
which an unsuccessful mother, father, business person, athlete Covey calls, the crescendo of your life and career, tell
is not willing to do.” us what you’ve learned?

I was having dinner with Gary Player a few years ago and I I think the biggest thing that I’ve learned that was
asked, “How many golf balls have you hit in your lifetime?” really brought home to me in vivid clarity when my
He looked at me and said, “I don’t know.” I asked, “How many daughter was killed in the car accident, and this is a statement
balls do you hit in a day?” He knew that number—500. I said, that I learned many, many years ago: “Pain is inevitable, misery
“You hit 500 golf balls in a day?” Well, Gary Player is now 74 is optional.” In fact, I wrote a book with that title, Pain is
years old. He has hit 5 million golf balls. If you are willing to inevitable, misery is optional. The fact is, that we are not going to

Q & A With Hyrum Smith

get through the mortal experience without some pain. Pain

comes in lots of different forms. There’s spiritual pain, there’s
physical pain, emotional pain, psychological pain. There’s all
kinds of pain. But the fact is, we choose whether or not we
are going to be miserable about it. Some of the most amazing,
fantastic, serene, magnificent people I know have had to deal
with some sort of excruciating pain of some kind. But they
chose not to be miserable. So, I think that is the biggest lesson
that I’ve learned. I made a lot of big mistakes. I’ve caused pain.
I’ve had to experience pain. Ultimately, the measure of who
we are is how we deal with pain.

SEAN Covey
Chief Product Architect and Sr. VP
Innovations, Products, and Ventures

You have long trusted FranklinCovey to bring you to help them cope with the nearly overwhelming
the very best in personal productivity and time crush of information, tasks, and appointments. We’re
management. For nearly 30 years, we have worked not sure exactly what will emerge from our innovation
to help you facilitate timeless productivity principles efforts, but you can be assured that if FranklinCovey
in relevant and impactful ways. While our FOCUS is doing it, it will be world-class. We owe you nothing
workshop has been a life-changing experience for less.
literally hundreds of thousands of people around If you would like to be a part of this process, let
the world, we feel the time has come to make this us know. Our development process involves a lot
content even better. of customer input and on-site testing, and we’d be
This year we will be reinventing our Time Management delighted for any feedback or contributions you’d
curriculum and making it more engaging, practical, like to offer. If you would like to be involved, please
and powerful than ever. We will be gathering data contact our General Manager of Innovations, Adam
from around the globe to improve everything from Merrill, at
what we teach, to how we teach it from the materials Thanks,
we provide to you, our valued partners, to the tools Sean
and resources we provide your participants. Our
videos will be inspiring, our tools will be more current
and useful, and our research will be world-class.
A lot has changed in the last few years, and people have
moved to a whole new level of tools and technologies

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