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Fall for Seasonal Comfort Foods

Concord High School

Foodservice Meal Project
Keene State College Dietetic Internship 16-17
Marissa Schriver
P age |1

Table of Contents
Menu Development ........................................................................................................................2
Theme and menu ......................................................................................................................2
Recipes .....................................................................................................................................3
Production ......................................................................................................................................3
Standardized Recipes................................................................................................................3
Production Sheets .....................................................................................................................3
Forecasting ...............................................................................................................................3
Cost Analysis of Recipes ...................................................................................................... 4-8
Purchasing Sheets .....................................................................................................................8
Service Diagram .......................................................................................................................8
Over & Underproduction Tracking ..........................................................................................8
Leftover Plans ...........................................................................................................................8
Work Distribution & Equipment Utilization ............................................................................8
Final Event Food Cost ..............................................................................................................9
Customer Satisfaction Tool ......................................................................................................9
Marketing ................................................................................................................................. 9-10
Final Report ............................................................................................................................ 10-14
Appendix (supporting documentation)
A- Standardized Recipes & Nutrient Analysis E- Facebook Advertisement
B- Production Sheets F- Staff Email
C- Invoices/ Purchasing Sheets G- Event Flyer
D- Customer Satisfaction Tool
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A. Menu Development____________________________________________

Theme and Menu

When I began working with the Concord School District, I was told that Concord
High School (CHS) didnt have enough participation in their foodservice program as
desired, so they felt that it would be best to complete my meal project at this location. I
came up with the theme of seasonal comfort foods gone healthy because kids love
comfort foods and giving these recipes a healthy twist would just be an added bonus. The
event date, October 6th, 2016, was given to me as it was the day before a long weekend
for CHS. I was given the opportunity to also choose all of the recipes, with guidance from
the foodservice staff as to what they felt would appeal to the students, based on past meal
trends and feasibility. I wanted to include the most popular seasonal comfort foods
amongst my target market, such as macaroni and cheese, French fries and apple pie, but
give them a healthy twist to demonstrate that these foods can be created in a healthier
way without sacrificing their taste. I was also informed by my preceptor that CHS was
thinking about incorporating soup into their daily selections, so I included two soup
recipes in my meal to analyze how the students and staff reacted to it, in order to
determine whether or not it should be included in the cafeteria daily. On the day of my
meal project, my menu was considered the hot meal of the day but all of the other stations
in the cafeteria remained open as well. The main dish was only available to participants
who were getting the hot meal of the day, but the side dish and dessert were available to
all participants.

Light Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Vegetable Soup
Baked Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese
Baked Zucchini Fries
Apple Pear Crisp

I was not provided a budget for this event, however, I was required to stay within
the governments guidelines in order for the meal to qualify as a reimbursable meal.

Food Cost: Many students that participate in the foodservice program qualify for a free
or reduced price lunch as recognized by the state. The school district will get reimbursed
by the governments for these students meals if it falls within their guidelines. In order
for a meal to be considered reimbursable it must contain the following components, a
whole grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable. The meal must adhere to the low calorie,
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sodium, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol guidelines as well. The cost for a typical school
lunch is $3.50 and the cost of a reduced price lunch it $0.40. As about 100 students were
forecasted to attend, I estimated my overall food cost budget to be around $350.

Labor Cost: All labor necessary to complete this project was utilized during the hours of
the cafeteria staffs typical day and no extra labor hours were required, therefore, there
was no additional labor cost.

Supplies: The CHS cafeteria was fully equipped with the supplies necessary to create
and serve the items on my menu so the only supplies that needed to be purchased were
decorations. It was decided early on that we would need to purchase minimal decorations,
as several of the head chefs in the district had many different seasonal decorations for me
to utilize. A few days before the event, we purchased a few wall and ceiling decorations
to add to what we already had, totaling about $20.

Overall, that put my event budget around roughly $370 total.

Recipes: See Appendix A for recipes & nutrient analysis

Two of the five recipes were obtained from the USDAs Recipes for School Lunch
Programs found online from ICN, Healthy School Meals Resource System, and Team
Nutrition (vegetable soup and apple-pear crisp). Three out of the five recipes were
adapted from existing recipes and standardized by myself, using an online recipe
converter tool (baked butternut squash macaroni and cheese, light broccoli cheddar soup
and baked zucchini fries) Appendix A

B. Production____________________________________________________
Standardized recipes- see Appendix A

Standardizing new recipes: Three new recipes were adapted from existing recipes found
through different online resources. See nutrient analysis and new standardized recipes in
Appendix A.
Production sheets- see Appendix B
Production sheets were provided by the Head Chef, Fran, at CHS.

The total number of persons to be served were based off of history of student daily
participation in the hot meal station and the total lunches served per day. On an average day,
about 400 lunches are served, with about 30% of this total being from the hot meal line.
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Based on this information, we determined about 100 participants in our hot meal on the day
of the event. The recipes were prepared for 100 servings of each, except for the broccoli
cheddar soup being 50 servings, in order to prevent waste if participation was lower than
expected. The amount of items to be purchased was based off of what was already available
in storage and to avoid waste as well.

Recipe Cost Analysis

Actual cost (cost per recipe and per serving)
Broccoli Cheddar Soup (50 servings):

o Cost per recipe: $18.69
o Cost per serving: $0.37
o Cost per recipe: $3.31
o Cost per serving: $0.07
Red Potatoes
o Cost per recipe: $2.40
o Cost per serving: $0.05
o Cost per recipe: $0.17
o Cost per serving: N/A
Chicken broth
o Cost per recipe: $0.16
o Cost per serving: N/A
o Cost per recipe: $0.38
o Cost per serving: N/A
Extra-sharp Cheddar cheese
o Cost per recipe: $0.60
o Cost per serving: N/A
Worcestershire sauce
o Cost per recipe: $0.44
o Cost per serving: N/A
Evaporated milk
o Cost per recipe: $12.00
o Cost per serving: $0.24

Total recipe cost: $38.15

Total cost per serving: $0.76
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Vegetable Soup (100 servings):

Chicken broth
o Cost per recipe: $24.00
o Cost per serving: $0.24
Canned tomatoes
o Cost per recipe: $6.76
o Cost per serving: $0.07
o Cost per recipe: $3.18
o Cost per serving: $0.03
o Cost per recipe: $1.89
o Cost per serving: $0.02
Black pepper
o Cost per recipe: $0.28
o Cost per serving: N/A
o Cost per recipe: $5.44
o Cost per serving: $0.05
Garlic Powder
o Cost per recipe: $0.54
o Cost per serving: NA
Frozen whole-kernel corn
o Cost per recipe: $1.92
o Cost per serving: $0.02
o Cost per recipe: $6.57
o Cost per serving: $0.07
Green Beans
o Cost per recipe: $2.72
o Cost per serving: $0.03
Frozen green peas
o Cost per recipe: $2.23
o Cost per serving: $0.02

Total recipe cost: $55.53

Total cost per serving: $0.55
Baked Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese (100 servings)

Whole grain elbow macaroni

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o Cost per recipe: $0.19

o Cost per serving: N/A
Butternut squash
o Cost per recipe: $11.75
o Cost per serving: $0.12
Sharp cheddar cheese
o Cost per recipe: $1.63
o Cost per serving: $0.02
o Cost per recipe: $1.79
o Cost per serving: $0.02
Parmesan cheese
o Cost per recipe: $4.16
o Cost per serving: $0.04
o Cost per recipe: $0.85
o Cost per serving: $0.01
Garlic Powder
o Cost per recipe: $0.73
o Cost per serving: $0.01
Chili powder
o Cost per recipe: $1.43
o Cost per serving: N/A

Total recipe cost: $22.53

Total cost per serving: $0.23
Baked Zucchini Fries

Zucchini sticks
o Cost per recipe: $67.96
o Cot per serving: $0.68
o Cost per recipe: $6.50
o Cost per serving: $0.06
Parmesan cheese
o Cost per recipe: $8.00
o Cost per serving: $0.08
Garlic powder
o Cost per recipe: $1.08
o Cost per serving: $0.01
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o Cost per recipe: $0.08
o Cost per serving: N/A
Black pepper
o Cost per recipe: $1.70
o Cost per serving: $0.02
o Cost per recipe: $2.50
o Cost per serving: $0.02

Total recipe cost: $87.82

Total cost per serving: $0.88
Apple-Pear Crisp

Canned apples
o Cost per recipe: $1.92
o Cost per serving: $0.02
Canned pears
o Cost per recipe: $3.50
o Cost per serving: $0.03
o Cost per recipe: $0.52
o Cost per serving: $0.01
o Cost per recipe: $0.12
o Cost per serving: N/A
Brown sugar
o Cost per recipe: $1.86
o Cost per serving: $0.02
Ground cinnamon
o Cost per recipe: $0.78
o Cost per serving: $0.01
Ground nutmeg
o Cost per recipe: $1.64
o Cost per serving: $0.02
o Cost per recipe: $1.92
o Cost per serving: $0.02
o Cost per recipe: $0.74
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o Cost per serving: $0.01

Lemon juice
o Cost per recipe: $0.25
o Cost per serving: N/A

Total cost per recipe: $12.80

Total cost per serving: $0.13

Purchasing- see Appendix C

Purchasing for this event was done about one week in advance. I emailed my final recipes
to the head chef at CHS, Fran, and she placed the orders for me. All of the fresh vegetables that
were needed were ordered over the phone through M. Saunders Inc. All other items were ordered
online through Performance Food Group- Concord School Districts main vendor. The items
arrived three days prior to the event, in which I began preparing the recipes that would be able to
hold for this period of time, without sacrificing its quality. Not all items necessary for this event
were purchased because the kitchen already had a fresh stock of these certain items.

Service diagram- see page 14

Tracking of over production and underproduction

Over production: broccoli cheddar and vegetable soups

Underproduction: baked zucchini fries

Plan for leftovers

The plan for the leftovers for the event was dependent upon which items were leftover.
Since only the soups were leftover, they were put in the freezer and then would be served at
some point during the following week. The macaroni and cheese or zucchini fries would have
been discarded of if there were extras because they wouldnt have held well overnight. The apple
crisp could have been chilled and reheated to be served the next day, but no longer than 1 day

Employee work distribution and equipment utilization

Two days prior to event (10/4/16)

o Prepare and pan apple crisp- myself
o Cooked and chilled vegetable soup (steam kettle)- Fran and I
Day prior to event (10/5/16)
o Steamed the butternut squash for macaroni and cheese- Fran
o Prepare and pan butternut squash macaroni and cheese- myself
o Cooked and chilled broccoli cheddar soup- Fran and I
Day of event AM (10/6/16)
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o Bake the apple crisp and macaroni and cheese- Fran

o Reheat the broccoli cheddar and vegetable soups- Fran
o Prepare, pan and bake the zucchini fries- myself
o Hang decorations throughout the cafeteria- cafeteria staff
Day of event PM (10/6/16)
o Plate the apple crisp and zucchini fries to be served in the warmer on the line for
students to grab- myself
o Plate and serve the macaroni and cheese- myself
o Set up soup terrines- Fran
o Plate and serve soup- cafeteria staff member
o Prepare and serve ready-to-make deli sandwich to accompany soup- deli staff
o Distribute surveys to participants- cashiers
o Direct/ inform participants of their meal choices- Foodservice Director (Donna)

Final food Cost for event

PFG order: $250.37
Saunders order: $171.11
Total cost: $421.48

Customer satisfaction tool- See Appendix D (analysis/ evaluation and future recommendations
discussed in report in section D)

C. Marketing____________________________________________________
Marketing for this event was done in four different ways; I created a flyer via Microsoft
Word, a post on the Concord School District Foodservices Facebook page, a segment on the
CHSLive! morning announcements and an email to all CHS faculty/staff. I first created a flyer,
entirely from scratch, (Appendix G) advertising the event and sent it to Donna Reynolds for
approval. Once the flyer was approved, I sent it to the social media representative to post onto
the foodservices Facebook page with a small blurb explaining who I was, what the event entails
and when/ where it was taking place (Appendix E). Donna and I were trying to brainstorm ideas
as to what the best way for us to reach students directly would be and we decided on the
CHSLive! CHSLive! is the student-run TV station that displays the morning announcements in
all classrooms each day. After meeting with the staff in charge of this network and working out
the details, we filmed our announcement. The announcement consisted of displaying the picture
of the event flyer, with a recording of my voice in the background, explaining a little bit about
myself and all of the details for the event. The announcement was played on the announcements
on Monday, October 3rd and Wednesday October 5th, as a reminder for students (please contact
me for a copy of the announcement). The final form of marketing for this event was via email.
After talking to faculty members about my plan for the event, word spread and I had several
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teachers personally ask me to have an email sent to all CHS staff to remind them about the event.
I constructed an email and sent it to Lisa Bennett, Administrative Assistant, to be sent out to the
CHS staff listserv (Appendix F).

The theme decorations for the event were quite simple, but just enough to add an extra
fall touch to the cafeteria. There wasnt much space for decorations in the actual cafeteria, which
is also why they were kept to a minimum. The soup station had the greatest amount of open
space, so we decorated it with a fall themed table cloth and hanging ceiling decorations. Cut-outs
of leaves were also purchased and dispersed around the cafeteria at the different stations. Fall
themed balloons were placed at each register in the cafeteria as well. The head chef and I
discussed decoration ideas, she purchased what we didnt already have and was then reimbursed
by the district for what was purchased. On the day of the event, I was very busy preparing,
baking and plating the different dishes, so the cafeteria staff members volunteered to display the
decorations, which I greatly appreciated. The decorations werent overwhelming or too little, but
just enough to create that fall feel that I was going for.

D. Final Report_____________________________________________________
I began the planning of my meal project during the first full week of my rotation. When I
arrived at the Concord School District, Donna Reynolds gave me an overview of each school and
stressed to me that she really wanted me to focus on attracting more student involvement at CHS
because their program is really struggling. It was then that I knew thats where I wanted to hold
my meal project. She also informed me that their biggest competition is the open campus policy
during lunchtime, as there is a pizza restaurant, Pizzafina, located directly across from the
school. I felt that in order to draw in more participants than the competition, the cafeteria should
offer similar types of food but at a better cost and quality. It is for this reason that I came up with
the idea of fall comfort foods and titled my event Fall for Seasonal Comfort Food.
Once the theme was set, I met with head chef, Fran, at CHS to brainstorm possible recipe
ideas that would fit this theme. Fran had a recipe book of USDA certified recipes for me to
peruse, which is where I found the vegetable soup and apple-pear crisp recipes. As those werent
enough recipes, I perused the internet and my own recipe book to find more. I presented a few
ideas to both Fran and Donna to see which would be the most feasible and appealing to students,
based on past history, they decided on the baked butternut squash macaroni and cheese, baked
zucchini fries and light broccoli cheddar soup. On a daily basis, the CHS cafeteria is only selling
about 400 lunches, ~30% at which consists of sales from the hot meal depending on the day. It is
for this reason that we forecasted that about 50 servings of the broccoli cheddar soup and 100
servings of every other item.
After the details of the menu were finalized, I began working on the marketing tools to
spread the word about the event to the student population. I created an original event flyer, from
scratch and then sent it to Donna for approval. Once it was approved, I began brainstorming
ideas as to how to advertise this flyer. The first marketing avenue that we utilized was the
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Foodservice Departments Facebook page. Several CHS students and parents follow this account
on Facebook, so we felt that this would reach students because they frequently check their social
media accounts, but if they didnt, it would reach their parents and then the parents could relay
the information to the students. Although students are very active on Facebook, some may not be
or they may not follow the Foodservice Departments page, so we had to think of a different,
more direct way to reach students. This is when Donna told me about CHSLive! and we both
agreed that this would be the best way to reach the students directly. This TV station airs the
morning announcements to all students every day during their homeroom period, so we would be
sure that all CHS students will be exposed to it. We met with the CHSLive! staff to create our
announcement that consisted of the image of my flyer, with a voice recording of me introducing
myself and my event. The announcement aired on both the Monday before the event and day
before the event, as a constant reminder for the students to join us for the event. After we secured
our tactics for reaching students, we then wanted to reach the staff as they are able to participate
in school meals as well While I was working in the cafeteria prior to the event, several faculty
members asked that I send a mass email to the CHS staff to remind them about the event as well.
I then formulated an email for the Administrative Assistant to send to the CHS staff listserv.
Utilizing multiple marketing techniques ensures that we reached all of the different populations
that we were targeting to encourage as much participation as possible, while at the same time,
exposing new customers to the CHS cafeteria and all that it has to offer.

About two weeks before the event, I standardized the recipes that werent done so already
and compiled a list of ingredients and the total amounts needed to send to Fran so that she could
see what we had and what needed to be ordered. Many of the items needed for the recipes were
already available in storage and were still safe to use. The items that needed to be ordered, were
ordered about one week before the event, to be delivered the Monday before the event. The fresh
vegetables needed were ordered through M. Saunders Inc., the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
Program distributor. Several of the other items, such as, canned apples and peaches, whole grain
elbow macaroni and whole grain oats are provided to the district as a commodity item by the
government, so they were available at a significantly discounted rate. All of the other items were
ordered through their main food distributor, Performance Food Group.

I began preparation for the event on the Tuesday before it, October 4th. Preparation of
menu items was completed mainly by me with help from Fran as well. We first prepared the
apple-pear crisp to be held cold and then baked and served on the day of the event. We also
cooked the vegetable soup, chilled it and then will reheat it in a soup terrine. These items were
chose to be prepared two days in advance, as they would hold their quality the best for this
duration of time. The day before the event, Fran had steamed the butternut squash prior to my
arrival, so that I could begin to prepare the macaroni and cheese. I prepared and plated that to be
cooked the day of the event. I also cooked the broccoli cheddar soup to be chilled and then
reheated the next day. These items would have become soggy and wouldnt hold as well if they
were prepared more than one day before the actual event. I finalized the decorations that I would
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like purchased for the event, on this day with Fran as well. She went to the stores and purchased
what I needed and was reimbursed by the district for this. I originally planned on purchasing the
decorations myself, but she insisted on helping me and I truly appreciated it, as I was starting to
become a little stressed about all that had to be done.

The morning of the event, I arrived earlier as I still had to prepare and bake 100 servings
of zucchini fries. When I arrived, I was informed that Fran had already began to bake the apple-
pear crisp for me which again, I greatly appreciated. This took a little extra weight off of my
shoulders so I didnt have to rush as much to get the zucchini fries in the oven as well. As the
items were cooking, the cafeteria staff members assisted me with decorating the cafeteria. We set
out the table cloth, hung the ceiling decorations, dispersed the fall cutouts all around the line and
set the balloons at each register. As previously mentioned, there isnt much room for decorations
in this cafeteria, but we did the best that we could to add that hint of fall to the atmosphere. Once
the zucchini fries and apple crisp were ready, I had to plate each serving and load them into the
warmer on the line for students to grab and go. The macaroni and cheese was placed on the line
for the hot meal and would be plated and topped with cheese as the students came in. The two
soups were placed in terrines in middle of the line, in which they were pre-cupped for students to
grab as well. My job during serving times was to plate and serve the macaroni and cheese, while
restocking the zucchini fries and apple-pear crisp as they got low. Another cafeteria staff
member was in charge of plating the soup as needed also.

The meal choices for the event were as follows; the students could select either the baked
butternut squash macaroni and cheese or, a deli sandwich, of their choice, with a cup of soup of
their choice as their entre. All meals, even those not part of the hot meal, came with both the
baked zucchini fries and apple-pear crisp. We felt that we should keep all of the other stations
within the cafeteria open that day as well, so that we dont take away the choices from the
students and staff. If we included a choice of soup with all meals, it wouldnt qualify as a free or
reduced price meal, which is why we only made it available with a sandwich. This information
seemed as though it could be confusing for students, so Donna came to help explain it to those
who were unclear about their choices.

After the 2nd lunch period was over, out of four total, we had already ran out of baked
zucchini fries and had to change to regular French fries instead. All of the other items remained
stocked until the final lunch period. At the end of all lunch periods, all that was left was of the
terrine of broccoli cheddar soup and one large container of vegetable soup. These items were the
preferred leftovers, as they would be the easiest to freeze and then reuse during the following
week. Since the hot meal was completely gone, we can estimate that we had about 100
participants in the hot meal, however, it is difficult to get a total participation number from the
entire event because some participants may have chosen the soup/sandwich option instead, or,
just selected the side dish and dessert. Despite not having the exact participation number, I feel
that the event went very well as it was organized and the verbal feedback that I received from
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students and staff was mainly positive. Fran and the entire cafeteria staff all taste tested my
recipes and had positive feedback, and also said that they felt that the event went very well also.

Even though I felt that the event was a success, I had to analyze the results of my
customer satisfaction tool to get a more accurate idea. Based on the general consensus, the most
liked meal was the apple-pear crisp and the least liked meal was the vegetable soup. I feel that
apple crisp is a very familiar item amongst people, which is why they tend to gravitate to it more.
The macaroni and cheese did not go over as well as I had anticipated. The government pasta that
I was provided for the macaroni and cheese becomes very soft and mushy when it is cooked, so I
feel that that contributed to the dissatisfaction with the macaroni and cheese. Many students are
also used to a cheesier, creamier macaroni and cheese, as opposed to the butternut squash taste,
contributing to their dissatisfaction as well. Despite this, a majority of participants stated that
they would be willing to eat these menu items again if included as a part of the regular menu, so
I would interpret that as they were satisfied with the meal.
In addition to asking questions about the taste of the menu items, I asked participants
questions about the marketing techniques as well. The main forms of communication in which
participants heard about the event were tied via CHSLive! and the staff email. These results
informed us that our marketing techniques actually worked. It also informed us that the best way
to reach students is through the morning announcements and the best way to reach faculty is
through direct email communication. In order to continually have increased participation in the
meal program at CHS, the foodservice department should post more regular announcements
about their menu on CHSLive!.The other general consensus in regards to marketing is that,
students and staff would be more willing to eat in the cafeteria I they were more aware of what
the daily specials were. These responses support my proposed systems analysis plan of e weekly
email reminder of the daily lunch specials to be sent to students and parents. Hopefully the
results of this survey will help push this system along to be enforced and utilized.

If I could do this event again, I would have changed the macaroni and cheese recipe by
removing the butternut squash, and focusing on lower fat and sodium ingredients instead. It was
difficult for me to focus on taste, rather than nutrition when creating a meal, but I feel that that is
the most important aspect when creating a meal for children and teens. Yes, it is important to
provide them with a nutritious meal, but taste shouldnt be sacrificed in order to do so. I feel that
the combination of the subtle taste of the squash with the mushy consistency of the macaroni
didnt go well together, making it unappetizing for many. Being sure to include variety in menu
options is very important as well. Teens have very different taste preferences and eating habits,
so it is important to create a menu that will fit for many different option. Teamwork is also very
crucial in events like this. For many, this meal project will be one of the first times that they have
to create a large meal for an operation, which can be very overwhelming at times, so the more
help that can be offered, the better. If you work well with the kitchen staff and are
accommodating to their normal routines, they will be more than happy to accommodate to yours
as well. Overall, I felt that this event was a success. The main goal was to encourage more
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student and staff participation in the school lunch program, which I feel that we truly did. Donna,
Fran and the CHS cafeteria staff were all a huge help to me during this event. It was so kind of
them to adjust their normal routines to help me out and Im very appreciative of that because I
truly couldnt have done it without them. At the start of my rotation, I was very nervous about
this event, but, it ended up going very smoothly and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Service Diagram
Cafeteria/ Seating

Cashier Cashier Cashier

Snacks Snacks

Zucchini Fries,
Taco Apple-Pear Crisp
DELI Hot Meal PIZZA Fresh Fruit & Veggies
Station (Mac&Cheese) & Soups

*All stations were served by staff

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Pictures from the Event

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Appendix A: Standardized Recipes & Nutrient Analysis __________________

Vegetable Soup
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Light Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Original size: 6
Desired size: 50
*Original recipe multiplied by 8.33
25 cups of broccoli
8 1/3 cup onions, finely chopped
8 1/3 cup red-skinned potato, diced
2 1/8 cup all-purpose flour
25 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
2 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
8 1/3 cup grated extra-sharp Cheddar
8 1/3 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
100 ounces fat-free evaporated milk
1. Separate the stems and florets of the broccoli. Chop broccoli florets and set aside
2. Spray a large pot with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium heat
3. Add broccoli stems, onions and potatoes to pot and cook until softened. Add flour and
cook until lightly toasted.
4. Stir in the broth and bring to a boil. Once it has reached a boil, reduce heat to maintain to
simmer and cook until thickened and vegetables are tender (12-15 minutes).
5. As the soup is cooking, combine the reserved broccoli florets and cup of water in a
saucepan. Bring to a boil, cover and continue to steam until the florets are crisp-tender.
6. Add the entire contents of the saucepan and nutmeg to the soup. Stir in cheddar,
Worcestershire and milk and cook until cheese has melted. Season with salt and pepper.
Recipe adapted from: the Food Network Kitchens
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Baked Zucchini Fries

Original size: 4
Desired size: 100
*Original recipe multiplied by 25
100 zucchini
25 cups breadcrumbs
6 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
cup garlic powder
cup salt
cup pepper
50 eggs
1. Preheat oven to 425F & line baking sheet with parchment
paper and lightly grease with oil.
2. Combine eggs in a small bowl and set aside. Combine the breadcrumbs, Parmesan
cheese, garlic powder, salt & pepper in a separate bowl and set aside.
3. Peel zucchini and cut into inch sticks or strips.
4. Dip zucchini sticks into egg mixture, then in breadcrumb mixture and transfer to pre-
greased baking sheet
5. Once all zucchini sticks are coated and placed on baking sheet & spray with cooking
6. Bake in oven for about 30-35min or until golden brown, turning over halfway through
cooking time.

Recipe adapted from: GimmeDeliciousFood
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Baked Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese

Original size: 6
Desired size: 100
*Original recipe multiplied by 16.67
1lb Whole wheat shell pasta
33 1/3 cups Butternut squash (cubed)
25 cups sharp cheddar cheese
4 1/8 cup onions, chopped
3 cups Parmesan cheese
3 cups breadcrumb
16 2/3 teaspoon Garlic powder
16 2/3 teaspoon Chili powder

1. Preheat oven to 375 & bring 2 pots of water to a boil.
2. In one pot, add uncooked pasta and stir occasionally until cooked, about 8-10 minutes.
Remove from heat and drain pasta.
3. In second pot, add butternut squash and boil 8-10 minutes. Drain most of the water,
reserving cup.
4. While pots are boiling, chop onions and cube butternut squash.
5. In food processor, blend butternut squash and cup reserved water until smooth
6. In a large baking dish, mix in pasta, butternut squash, garlic powder, chili powder and
cheddar cheese. Top with Parmesan cheese & bread crumbs and bake in 375 oven for 15
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Apple-Pear Crisp
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Appendix B: Production Sheets________________________________________

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Appendix C: Invoices/ Purchasing Sheets_______________________________

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Appendix D: Customer satisfaction tool________________________________

Keene State College Dietetic Intern: Meal Project Survey
Which menu items did you try today? ______________________________________
1. Which menu item was your favorite?
a. Baked macaroni and cheese
b. Broccoli cheddar soup
c. Vegetable soup
d. Baked zucchini fries
e. Apple-pear crisp
2. How did you hear about our event today?
a. CHSLive morning announcements
b. The Concord School District Website
c. The Concord School District Facebook page
d. The Concord School District Foodservice Facebook page
e. From a friend or teacher
Please rank your responses to the following questions on a scale of 1-5 (1 being not satisfactory
and 5 being exceeding satisfaction):
3. How would you rank the taste of the baked macaroni and cheese?
1 2 3 4 5
4. How would you rank the taste of the broccoli cheddar soup?
1 2 3 4 5
5. How would you rank the taste of the vegetable soup?
1 2 3 4 5
6. How would you rank the taste of the baked zucchini fries?
1 2 3 4 5
7. How would you rank the taste of the apple-pear crisp?
1 2 3 4 5
Please rank your responses to the following questions on a scale of 1-5 (1 being not so willing
and 5 being more willing):
8. Would you be more willing to eat in the cafeteria if homemade meals were made more
frequently? 1 2 3 4 5
9. How willing would you be to eat any of these items if they were included in the regular
lunch menu? 1 2 3 4 5
10. Would you like to have the option of a soup of the day served in the cafeteria on a daily
a. Yes b. No c. Indifferent
Additional Comments:
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Appendix E: Facebook Post______________________________________

Appendix F: Staff Email______________________________________

Good Afternoon Concord High School Staff,
My name is Marissa Schriver and I'm a Keene State College Dietetic Intern who has been
working in the CHS cafeteria over the last few weeks. Please join me and the rest of the cafeteria
staff tomorrow, October 6th, as we kick off National School Lunch Week with a special meal
comprised of all of your favorite fall comfort foods! We will be serving a choice of either, baked
macaroni and cheese or your favorite deli sandwich paired with a cup of either broccoli cheddar
or vegetable soup. We will also be serving baked zucchini fries and a delicious apple-pear crisp.
Supplies are limited so be sure to get there early to be able to take part in this event. We hope to
see you all there!
Thank you,
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Thursday, October 6th


Help us kick off National School Lunch Week on
Thursday October 6th in the CHS Cafeteria for a special
meal filled with all of your favorite fall comfort foods!



Baked Zucchini Fries

Apple Pear Crisp

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