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May 10, 2017


RE: 4 Harvey Street, Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0

1. I began authoring this document in March 2017 and have updated it accordingly as
matters progressed.

2. On November 5, 2016 I responded, with stated interest, to an advertisement on a

website known as Kijiji, for a 2 bedroom house rental.

3. I received a reply to my response from Mr. Ryan Coens that same day. I made Mr.
Coens aware that I was struggling with health issues, that I was on a fixed income and
that I needed a home to rent as soon as possible. Mr. Coens and I eventually entered
into a verbal contract whereby I was to rent his home at 4 Harvey Street in Picton
Ontario for a SIX (6) month term.

4. Mr. Coens sent me a copy of the Tenancy Contract, I reviewed it, and further agreed to
sign it and give it to the Property Manager, Ms. Penny Cronkwright, on the day that I
was to move into the house.

5. Mr. Coens suggested that, because I was moving in to the house in the middle of the
month, I pay him $1500.00 on the December 1, 2016 and then make another payment
in the amount of $1500.00 on January 1, 2017. This way I would be afforded some
time to pay the last month's rent, especially through the Holidays. I was grateful for Mr.
Coens offer and I accepted it.

6. Mr. Coens and I agreed, at his suggestion, that I would move into the house on
November 14, 2016 at 10:00a.m. I agreed to pay rent in the amount of $1000.00 per
month plus utilities and basic maintenance. I further agreed to pay last month's rent in
two installments.

7. On Sunday November 13 at 7:18p.m I received an Email from Mr. Coens that stated:

Hey there Brenda, So I was just confirming things up with Penny and something has
come up during that day. She will not be able to meet you at 10am tomorrow but will be
available at 7pm tomorrow. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience the change
in times makes. Let me know if this works for you. Thank you. Ryan

8. I was preparing to move on the evening of November 13, 2016 and I was not
connected to the internet so I did not get the Email that Mr. Coens sent to me until I
arrived at my daughters house sometime after 10pm that evening. I therefore didn't
have an opportunity to respond to Mr. Coens Email until 10:35pm. When I responded I

Hi Ryan Oh my. This changes so much on my end. With less than 12 hours to go now
it's really difficult to re-route everything. The last thing I want is to seem like I'm being
difficult, especially after all you've done to so kindly accommodate me, it's just that
everything was set for tomorrow afternoon and I'll have to re-schedule the truck and
the movers. Unfortunately I currently do not have my own vehicle so I have to pre-plan
all of my transportation and last minute changes makes things really tricky. Like I said
though, it is what it is and I understand that unavoidable situations come up on your
end too. My kids are throwing me a birthday dinner tomorrow night at 6pm so if it turns
out that 7pm is the soonest time that Penny can meet me, I might be just a few minutes
past 7pm as I'll be eating and running but will be there asap. Thanks Ryan. Brenda

9. At 10:39p.m on November 13, 2016 Mr Coens replied to my response via Email and

It's unfortunate and I understand that it's hard to adjust.If tomorrow is too busy we can
do it on Tuesday if that gives you more time to plan. Let me know. Ryan

10. At 10:49p.m on November 13, 2016 I responded to Mr. Coen via Email and stated:

Hi again It's not the adjustment. I can usually adjust just fine. It's the cost and the
inconvenience. Tomorrow works as I have to get this underway asap. Thanks! Brenda

11. At 10:55p.m on November 13, 2016 Mr. Coens replied to me via Email and stated:

Hey Brenda I completely understand and I have already spoke with penny about not
giving me much notice about this. Unfortunately though my hands are tied I'm trying to
see if I can get keys left for you in the mailbox on the side door so you won't have to
change but I haven't heard back yet. It's a huge inconvenience and I understand that
and like I said I'm trying my best but I'm at the mercy of Penny and what she does for
this. I will let you know as soon as I can with what's going on. Ryan

12. At 10:58p.m on November 13, 2016 I responded to Mr. Coens via Email and stated:

Ryan I appreciate what you're sayin. I hear ya. It's tough for us both. Just keep me
posted and we'll do our best. Thanks. Rest easy. I get it! Brenda

13. At 11:02p.m on November 13, 2016 Mr. Coens replied to me via Email and stated:

Hey Brenda. So I was able to get a set of keys left for you in the mailbox at the side
entrance. There won't be anyone there to go through house with you. But Penny will
stop in after work and collect your rent and contract and can address anything when
you move in. so you are still good for 10 am you will just have to let your self in. Sorry
again for everything I am super flexible but sometimes my support team throws a
wrench in my plans lol. Thank you for your understanding and sorry for all the
headache. Ryan
14. At 11:20p.m on November 20, 2016 I responded to Mr. Coens via Email and stated:

Ryan Wow! Well, you are a man of your word and I can't tell you what it means.
You've actually just saved me so much craziness by going this extra mile. That totally
works for me and 10 is a good time, but if it has to be a bit past that I'm flexible too.. I
just have a car coming to move stuff in the early afternoon and then a truck for late
afternoon so by noon will be cool. I'll be taking a cab to the house the first time I go so
it's just a matter of knowing the keys are there before I head out & then I'll lock up and
leave again to go back for my stuff and start moving things in. I'm assuming Penny is
done work at 7pm? I can be at the house whenever she is finished if you can confirm
the time and I'll have the cash and the contract in hand for her. I have to rely on my
family too and let's just say I feel the pain of a wrench in the it is what it is
but in all reality we're so lucky to have family and support even if it does go sideways
once in a while. I really appreciate this and I will not let you down as a tenant! Thank
you, thank you, thank you! Brenda

15. At 11:26p.m on November 13, 2016 Mr Coens Replied to me via Email and stated:

Hey Brenda. That's not a problem at all. Hope your moving goods smoothly and penny
will meet you at the house at 7pm for all the paper work. Take care and have a good
night. Ryan.

16. At 12:07p.m on November 14, 2016 I sent Mr. Coens an Email and I stated:

Hi Ryan I just left the house after waiting around a good while. There are no keys in
the mailbox and nobody showed up with any. Also I looked in some of the windows
and the house is still partially furnished (bed, couch, tools, shoes/clothes, etc.) and it
looks like someone is still in process of moving out. Can you please advise asap?
Thanks. Brenda

17. I had not received a response from Mr. Coens by 1:23p.m on November 14, 2016 so I
sent him another Email and I stated:

Hi again Ryan Moving is supposed to begin at 2:30-3:00 so I'm going back to the
house around 2:30ish to see if keys are there before we load up. Just keeping you
posted. Thanks. Brenda

18. At 6:06p.m on November 14, 2016 Mr. Coens responded to me via Email and stated:

Hey Brenda, I am greatly sorry for the huge mix up today. I am on nights right now so I
do not get up until around now to go to work. I left it with Penny to get a key left for you
and I guess Josh who lives there now was the only one with keys and they had not
moved all his stuff out yet. It seems like there has been some miscommunication with
her and him and getting them moved out. Which was suppose to be over the weekend.
I unfortunately can only do some much from far away and I hope this does not reflect
on my self or our rental. We are usually pretty easy to deal with and flexible to most
things. This mix up is highly unacceptable and I have made that clear with Penny and
Josh my current tenant. I hope you were able to get in this afternoon and things have
moved a little smoother for you. I apologize if there is any mess left behind the house
was to be cleaned and dealt with on the Sunday and Monday morning but I am
assuming from you email that was not done yet. Sorry again for this great mess of
confusion. Please do not let this tarnish your outlook on our home. We are hoping you
enjoy the place and are able to make it feel like your home. Thank you again for
updating me and sorry for the inconvenience. Ryan

19. At 11:20p.m on November 16, 2016 I replied to Mr. Coens via Email and I stated:

Hi Ryan I am just getting online now, phone/internet service won't be hooked up at the
house until next week. Because of the way the moving day went I was only able to get
half moved and have to line up vehicles and bodies to help me move the rest when I
can get it all coordinated. I'm very sick with lyme disease so I just have to do what I can
while keeping my stress minimized and rest as much as I can after the chaos of the
move. I just have to get feeling better in the immediate term and then I 'll worry about
everything else. Will be in touch, just touching base with you now to let you know that
I'm in the house and doing my best to move forward. I'll be happy once I'm totally in the
house and all settled in and I appreciate that much of this was out of your control.

20. At 11:32 on November 16, 2016 I sent Mr. Coens an (afterthought) Email that stated:

Ryan One more thing. The lease says the rental term ends December 1, 2017. We
originally agreed on a six month term with the option to extend the lease. Can you
please make changes within the lease (and I'll re-sign) to reflect that the end date is
not December 1 2017. I will likely rent from you for the long-term but do not want to be
locked into something that I didn't originally agree to. Thanks. Brenda

21. At 11:36a.m on November 16, 2016 I send Mr. Coens another (afterthought) Email

Ryan I will check my email again in a day or two when I return to my daughters house.
In the interim, my daughters phone number is 613-403-xxxx if you need to get a
message to me. Thanks. Brenda

22. At 5:49p.m on November 16, 2016 Mr. Coens responded to my Emails stating:

Hello Brenda, Sorry about the mix up on the contract. It has been changed to reflect a
6 month term ending at noon on June 1 2017. Hopefully the move is and went well and
that your starting to settle in. Ryan

23. At 2:31p.m on November 17, 2016 I sent Mr. Coens an Email that stated:

Ryan No worries, thanks for fixing that up. My monthly money is switched over now
from the other landlord and I can transfer cash to you at the end of every month for the
rent payments and will make the first transfer at the end of November to pay for
December's rent. I gave Penny the $500.00 cash on November 14th. I had to go
through a community program to get the last months rent for you. It will come to you in
one lump sum payment before the end of the month and Susan from the Community
Homeless Initiative Program should be in touch with you via email shortly to confirm. I
had to take that route because my budget is absolutely shot since I have to pay
movers twice and secure moving vehicles again just to get moved, hopefully by this
weekend. I know we had discussed doing it another way but I'm out of options in
keeping my word to you about paying the last months rent on such a low fixed income
after all of this chaos. Once I get two seconds to breathe I will sit down and make a list
of things that we should discuss and I'll get back to you regarding it all. I know Penny
was supposed to come back to replace the closet door in the hallway and to replace
some trim today but I waited around as long as I could and then had to leave so I
locked up and don't know if I missed her or not. Working with one key and no
phone/internet (on my end) is a little tricky. We were supposed to have phone/internet
services by the end of the week but the company has rescheduled us until next week
so I won't have service until then. So if you're talking to Penny please tell her I'm sorry
that I missed her, but I wasn't going to leave the house unlocked with what I do have in
there so far. Also, the people living in there before had 2 2x4's screwed to the front
door and the back door has 4 dead bolts on it so it seems like the house was being
somewhat targeted in the first place. I am settling in as best I can and I know I'll enjoy
the home more and more as everything begins to settle down. I appreciate our
arrangement and look forward to the months come. Thanks Ryan. Talk to you soon.

24. Mr. Coens never, to my knowledge, sent a reply my Email. In fact, I don't believe I
heard from Mr. Coens again until March, 24, 2017 when he Emailed to ask if I would
renew the Tenancy Agreement.

25. When I was able to retrieve the keys from the former Tenant later in the afternoon on
November 14, 2016 he told me that he was just taking the final few loads of his
belongings out of the house and that he would be finished as soon as possible. The
locks on the doors were never changed. How was I to know that I genuinely possessed
the only key in existence? The former Tenant was, seemingly, so threatened while
living in the home that the back door had 5 locks in total and the front door was
barricaded with 2x4's but I was simply supposed to take the keys from him and trust
that me, my Son and the few contents in our home were safe.

26. Everything on my end was a total upset at this point. I had to re-arrange vehicles and
helpers, which was not cheap or easy to do. I finally began moving my belongings into
the house sometime after 6:00p.m on November 14, 2016. I was not able to move all
of my belongings due to the late hour and whereby my helpers and vehicles became
unavailable. I hoped to return to my former home the next day to retrieve the rest of my
belongings, much of which, left on the front lawn.

27. Ms. Cronkwright was at the house cleaning out the refrigerator and puttering around
the kitchen when I arrived with the first load of my belongings. She stated that she had
'crossed wires' with Mr. Coens about the timing of my move and further apologized for
the inconvenience. I was hoping for a positive experience during my time at 4 Harvey
Street and so I just let it all slide, so to speak.

28. The Tenancy Agreement stated that I was to maintain the appliances and whatnot
accordingly and which I have, however, in the case of the furnace, Ms. Cronkwright
instructed me not to go into the crawlspace/basement without her.

29. Ms. Cronkwright and I eventually agreed that I would clean the rest of the house and
she left for the evening, promising to return the next day. She left several boxes on the
deck that my Son had carried out of a bedroom closet, a broken door from the hallway
closet, a large garbage container and a large garbage bag, both overflowing with
empty alcohol bottles. A locked storage chest was left in the porch and a head-board
and foot-board left leaning against the mantle in the living room. A large BBQ that
belonged to one of the previous Tenants remained on the deck and the outside shed
was locked. Ms. Cronkwright stated that she would leave me a box of garbage bags
and some cleaning supplies since I was going to be cleaning the rest of the house
myself but when I went to use these items they were gone and I therefore had to
purchase my own items to clean the house and yard with.

30. While cleaning and unpacking, after everyone left on November 14, 2014 I discovered,
much too late, that coolers of food and condiments were among some of the
belongings that were left at my former property. I had only the benefit of vehicle
headlights when loading up my belongings so it was far too difficult to see the most
pertinent items, especially while being so sick and having limited rides and helpers. All
of my food had been sitting in coolers since the day before the move as the power to
my former property had been disconnected by that point.

31. I was unable to make arrangements to have the rest of my belongings moved to 4
Harvey Street the day after my move. All I could do was make arrangements to store
my belongings at my former property. I took a Taxi to the former property to retrieve
the food coolers and what wasn't spoiled was soaking wet from the melted ice. I was
completely devastated! Still, I sucked it up, so to speak, and I moved forward. I simply
wanted to get settled into my new home so that I could begin an imperative health
regimen in response to my critical health. I literally lost approximately $400.00 worth of

32. The deck was littered with a broken door, alcohol beverage containers pouring out of
their containers, large tattered boxes of random items. There was garbage throughout
the yard and the back patio was a literal disaster. Although snow was soon imminent
the patio furniture set was strewn about the back patio. The seat cushions were
tattered, soaking wet and covered with decaying leaves and minor rubbish. I cleaned
everything up around the patio and brought the seat cushions in and washed them up.
I eventually had to bring two of the patio chairs into the house and use them for
furniture as I was never able to get own my chairs moved into the house.

33. Ms. Cronkwright said that she would return to the house, on November 15, 2016, to
replace a closet door that had been removed from inside the house, to replace some
trim around the backdoor, replace an outdoor light and remove a large pole from the
front yard that the previous Tenant had previously erected. The yard was very poorly
maintained and so embarrassingly covered with an extreme amount of leaves. Then
there was the junk (recyclables, broken door,) and boxes of a former Tenants belongs
on the deck waiting to be hauled away. I was moderately upset with the appearance of
my new yard and deck but I resolved to be patient and positive, honestly expecting that
Ms. Cronkwright would want me to have a nice and suitable home/property so I tried
not to let it get to me. Ms. Cronkwright did not show up as she said she would.

34. I left the house to run errands on November 16, 2016. When I returned home my Son
informed me that Ms. Cronkwright and one of the previous Tenants had come to the
house, without providing the usual and proper 24 hour notice. They came into the
house and removed the 2x4's from the front door, took the pole out of the yard,
replaced an outdoor light, unlocked the shed (taking the lock), and took the recyclable
alcohol bottles, the head-board and foot-board, and the locked chest away. My Son
provided Ms. Cronkwright with a note that I had prepared for her the day before. I
stated in this note that I was not able to get all of my belongings moved with me and as
such I was using various kitchen items, as required, from the boxes that were left on
my deck. I stated that I was borrowing these items and that I would return them to the
boxes either when I was able to get the rest of my belongings or when the owner
showed up for the boxes that were on the deck. Ms. Cronkwright acknowledged the
note and left one for me in return that stated that I wasn't to purchase paint until
speaking with her further. A long piece of trim was left behind the washer and dryer
that was to be put up around the inside of the back door. The trim currently remains
behind the washer and dryer. The broken closet door currently remains on the side
deck at this time. Ms. Cronkwright told my Son, and stated in a note that she left for
me, that she would return the next day to finish up with her required tasks.
The note also mentioned not to pick up paint to paint the walls with, as we had
discussed on the evening of November 14, 2016, until I received further direction from
her. I guess it was expected that I would paint the house myself, though paint was
never discussed any further nor did the walls ever get new paint.

EDIT **Note - Ms. Cronkwright sent me a message on Facebook at 4:27p.m on

November 15, 2016 that stated:

Hi Brenda its Penny i was.wondering if we could.come tomorrow around 1030 not

feeling well today?

I did not realize that Ms. Cronkwright sent that message to me until I checked my
message requests on Facebook on April 26, 2017. The message wasn't visible to me
on Facebook until I eventually accessed the 'message requests' folder. Therefore, Ms.
Cronkwright did attempt to provide some notice before coming to the house, however,
she ought to have known that I did not receive the message by the indications on the
messenger. I believe that Ms. Cronkwright knew, or ought to have known, that I did not
have phone or internet service yet hooked up at the house. Also, the notice that she
attempted to provide me with did not allow for a proper 24 hour notice in the first place.
35. On the evening of November 16, 2016 I checked the smoke detector and the carbon
monoxide detector in the house. Neither device was operable. It's upsetting to know
that Ms. Cronkwright cared so little for my life that she failed to ensure that these
devices were operable. I did not have the internet or a phone connected at the house
yet so my Son texted a family member and we had batteries, and our own working
units for good measure, delivered to the house so that we could sleep soundly that
night. We were going to discuss this with Ms. Cronkwright, however, she never
returned to the house until the springtime and things were under control by the without
her assistance. This issue must be better addressed with new Tenants!

36. One of the previous Tenants showed up at the house around the November 16-17,
2016 and took his BBQ. He told me that the boxes full of items in the shed would
remain there until further notice. I've never received any further notice and the boxes
remain in the shed to this day.

37. By November 17, 2016 I had been told, by at least three different Taxi-cab drivers, that
I was living in a 'drug house'. Each cab driver said that they had made several calls to
my new address in the past and that the previous Tenants seemed to have entertained
a lot of company. Friends and Family members were telling me similar stories.
Whether true or not, I was further informed that the front windows in the house had
been smashed out, for whatever reason, and that, subsequently, new windows were
recently installed. If the house was being targeted I feel that I had a right to know,
especially since my Grandchildren, Nieces and Nephews are often here to visit. To this
day I still have random people showing up at the door asking if Josh is here.

38. It was getting ready to snow when I moved into the house. The yard was filled with a
ridiculous amount of leaves. It's actually quite difficult to explain just how many leaves
there were! The leaves would blow into the house every time the door opened and they
covered the steps, hindering safety. I'm not even attempting to exaggerate! Everyone
who came to the property made note of what an absurd amount of leaves we were left
to deal with. Ms. Cronkwright wasn't returning, I still didn't have phone or internet
services and I therefore raked the leaves up with my Son's help. It was in my contract
that I was responsible for yard work in the spring and the leaves would've complicated
that task significantly. We left the full bags of leaves by the side deck for Ms.
Cronkwright to haul away the next time that she came to the house, which would be
months away. I did not have the ability or the obligation to rake or bag the leaves in the
first place, much less haul them away. If I couldn't arrange to get my own belongings
here how in the world was I expected to get rid of several bags that I wasn't
responsible for in the first place? There was an extreme amount of garbage and/or
recycling strewn throughout the leaves that my son and I had to sort through and to
dispose of accordingly. We took pictures of the yard before, during, and after raking
along with all of the garbage and recycling that we found in the process.

39. As I continued to clean the house and settle in, I documented any damages that I
noticed. The damages weren't extreme, in my opinion, and were actually the type of
damages present in other rentals that I had historically moved into. I made note of any
damages, even the most minor ones, and I took pictures to coincide with my notes. I
showed the damages to several other people so that I would have third-party
testaments should I need them in the future. Although I had no reason not to trust Mr.
Coens or Ms. Cronkwright at the time, I've learned the hard way to protect myself when
entering into contracts, especially a contract that tends to go 'sideways' from the onset.

40. Around the two week point, the large boxes on the side deck disappeared. I assume
the previous Tenant showed up for his belongings. I was unaware of his return and I
was never asked for the kitchen items that I had borrowed from the box. He left a large
lamp with a cut off cord and a large bulky shade on the deck, presumably because he
didn't want it because it was inoperable. I put the lamp and shade near the broken door
on the deck for Ms. Cronkwright to haul away, however, she never returned to finish
the jobs that she said she would.

41. Not long after moving in, the shade for the fan/light in one of the bedrooms of the
house fell down and crashed. Upon inspection I had to remove the shade from the
fan/light fixture in the second bedroom as it too was not properly attached. I removed
that particular shade and stored it in the pantry/closet.

42. Because of my financial losses I was not able to celebrate the Christmas Holidays in
my traditional way. I was also limited on food and transportation. I was literally stuck in
poverty after carefully preparing a budget for the winter months. I started to fall behind
in my bills, though I was doing my best to stay as caught up as possible.

43. I have Lyme Disease. I had told Mr. Coens before I moved in that I was sick. Ms.
Cronkwright knew that I was sick the night that I moved into the house. I further made .
I was simply too incapacitated to deal with keeping the Property Manager on task nor
should I have been required to. Ms. Cronkwright knew, or ought to have known, what
she was required to do as the Property Manager. Mr. Coens could have, and should
have, from my perspective, contacted me to see if the Property Manager was fulfilling
the contractual obligations, especially after I made him aware of pending issues in an
Email that I sent to him. It was not for me to make either Mr. Coen or Ms. Cronkwright
accountable in their respective roles as Landlord and Property Manager. I paid my
rent, in advance for the most part, and I maintained the property as per the contract. I
simply wanted to get through the winter months with a focus on nothing but my health.
Recovery was part of my goal for renting the home to begin with. I needed somewhere
safe and secure to begin a healing regimen and I could not handle any unnecessary
aggravations or stressors in my life. I was simply too sick to do much beyond to simply
exist when I first moved into the house. I couldn't deal with anything outside of my own
initial health and safety. Dealing with Mr. Coens and/or Ms. Cronkwright was not at the
top of my priority list, especially when I knew it was a short-term rental contract that I
could walk away from by Springtime, if necessary.

44. Sometime after March 17, 2017 (I do not recall the exact date) Ms. Cronkwright
showed up at the house and she said that Mr. Coens wanted my contact information. I
told Ms. Cronkwright that I was sure that Mr. Coens had my Email but I wrote it down
for her to give to him at any rate. I also provided my new phone number. Ms.
Cronkwright asked me if I was planning on renewing the rental agreement. I told Ms.
Cronkwright that I had assumed that Mr. Coens and I would enter into an implied,
'month to month', agreement after the original contract terminated. I therefore told Ms.
Cronkwright that although I had no immediate plans to move out I would further
discuss the issue with Mr. Coens. Ms. Cronkwright then advised me that a door was
being measured up for the hall closet and that she would get it installed as soon as
possible, though I'm fairly certain it's a standard sized door. At any rate, the house is
very small and a door missing from a linen closet is quite an obvious eyesore! The
door should've been replaced in November and Ms. Cronkwright obviously knew it
when she mentioned the door to me at this time. I just smiled and nodded as I had felt
that she was just saying what she thought I wanted to hear.

45. I was honestly offended with how Ms. Cronnkwright seemed to lie to my face about the
door being 'sized up' and it got me to thinking. I thought all evening about how
one-sided this rental contract has been and, being that I was feeling somewhat
stronger and healthier than when I first moved in, I decided to get out of the contract
that I was in with Mr. Coens as opposed to renewing it. It was evident to me that I was
just being used as a source of income by Mr. Coens and that he, nor Ms. Cronkwright,
were concerned with my rights as his Tenant whatsoever. I did not feel that I was in a
position to renew the contract for a full term, for a couple of reasons, so I decided that I
would soon give Mr. Coens my formal notice to end my tenancy. Before I sent my
Notice to Mr. Coens, he emailed me.

46. At 5:05p.m on March 24, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me an Email that stated:

Hello Brenda Sorry for taking so long to get ahold of you. The email I had was not
allowing me to send anything to you. I was just emailing to see how things were going
and to see what your plans are for coming up on our rental agreement in June. We
would love to keep you as a tenant if you would like to stay. Please let me know what
you think. Thank you. Ryan

47. Above, Mr. Coens had stated that he was sorry for taking so long to get a hold of me. I
feel that Mr. Coens was well aware of the fact that he failed to reply to me when I
indicated that I was experiencing issues as his Tenant in my last Email to him in
November 2016.

48. At 10:51 on March 31, 2017 I responded to Mr. Coens via Email and I stated:

Hi Ryan Now it's my turn to apologize. I'm sorry it took so long to respond. Normally,
in my rental experience, when a lease expires it just goes month to month after that
and then the tenant gives two months notice when ready to move out. So with that
being said I hadn't put any thought into a lease renewal when Penny stopped by. At
that point I got to thinking. I'm not sure if I can stay another whole six months as I have
commitments elsewhere that I have to return to at some point. I did some figuring and I
think it's best if I move out at the end of the lease instead of renewing it. Now with that
being said, I'm positive that someone will rent take you up on a rental offer lickity-split.
Picton has a MAJOR housing crisis. I was also thinking about convenience for you. As
opposed to Penny having to come in to show the place to each prospective tenant I
wouldn't mind being home to meet the people and let them do a walk through if Penny
isn't available at the time or even if it's simply more convenient. I'm flexible with some
notice is all I'm saying. Just ask and I'm sure we can work things out if required. I can
appreciate how stressful it might trying to rent your home from so far away. I want this
to go smoothly for you and will do what I can on my end for smooth transitions. I've
attached a formal notice for your records. Thanks Ryan. Brenda P.S I'm sending the
rent payment task

49. I assumed that Mr. Coens did not like what I had to say as he did not reply to my
Email. Mr. Coens once told me that he was usually fairly prompt at returning Emails so
when he didn't respond to the above Email, as with the Email on November 17, 2016
when I told him that he would be receiving my last month's rent payment through a
community program, I simply assumed that he was annoyed and/or avoiding a reply to
me as a result.

50. On April 1, 2017 I Emailed Mr. Coens once again and I stated:

Ryan Can you please update the Kijiji ad to tell prospective tenants not to show up
here at the house without an appointment. One guy has already been here and it's only
day one. I was terribly ill when he showed up and no one else was here to answer his
persistent knocking. Thanks!

51. At 5:45p.m On April 2, 2017 Mr. Coens responded to my Email and stated:

Hello Brenda,I apologize for that person. He is from the city and was very interested in
the property. It should not happen again. I am writing to give you notice that we will be
showing the house on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 530 to 630 If you
wouldn't mind letting Penny in at 530 or if you prefer not to be there then would you
mind leaving a key in the mailbox for her to get into the house. Also I have had a large
interest in May 1 tenancy. I was just going to ask if you are wanting to move before
June 1 or if its easier to be on the contract expiration at June 1. It is completely your
decision I just figure I would ask. I apologize for the inconvenience and I will try my
best to keep the showings to a reasonable time and enough notice for your self. Thank
you. Ryan
52. I hadn't yet replied to Mr. Coens Email when he sent me another Email at 9:51p.m on
April 3, 2017 that stated:
Hello Brenda, This is just a follow up email to let you know that there will be showing
at the house tomorrow from 5:30 pm to a little after 7 pm As well as Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They will all be 5:30 pm to just after 7pm. I also have
Sunday from Noon to just after 1 pm at this moment. I have tried my best to clump
them as close together as possible to not take up much of your time. Penny will be
showing the house and if you decide you would rather be out of the house would you
mind leaving the key in the mail box so Penny can let herself in. I apologize again for
the amount of viewings but I am giving lots of notice and trying my best to make it as
easy on you as possible. Thanks again. Ryan

53. Mr. Coens gave me approximately 48 hours notice to prepare for a showing but by the
time I checked my Email I really only had less than a days notice. It was early in the
springtime and I had not yet started the yard work but I wanted it to look nice for
prospective tenants. So I made yard and house work a priority on the day that the Ms.
Cronkwright was set to show the house. There were still some leaves on the property
that did not get raked up before the snow fell so I raked them up into small piles. I also
raked up any animal feces that had been leftover after the snow melted into the side
yard. I came into the house to get bags to bag up the yard contents and to use the
washroom just before 5:00p.m when Ms. Cronkwright knocked on the door. I informed
her that the first showing of the house was not until 5:30p.m and she said that she had
been told that it was for 5:00p.m. I told Ms. Cronkwright that I couldn't accept visitors
until 5:30 as I was finishing up some last minute cleaning and preparing to make dinner
before my Son's girlfriend had to leave. I finished up some dinner preparations and
was about to head back outside to finish the yard clean up when the first group of
people arrived to view the house. We made small talk for a while and since Ms.
Cronkwright hadn't returned by this time, I allowed the people in to view the house in
Ms. Cronkwright's absence and I answered relevant questions about utility costs and
whatnot. Ms. Cronkwright pulled up and met with the family outside as they were
heading to their vehicle. I had to go ahead with our dinner plans and therefore didn't
have time to get back outside before Ms. Cronkwright did the next showing. We were
eating dinner when the third and final showing occurred and then everyone left. The
house was in fine shape for the viewings, though it probably looked relatively bare
without all of my belongings to furnish it.

54. Mr. Coens had informed me that there would be another viewing of the house for
prospective tenants on April 5, 2017 beginning at 5:30p.m. A lone man arrived for the
viewing but Ms. Cronkwright never did. I ended up letting this man into my home for a
viewing after it seemed that Ms. Cronkwright had, once again, crossed her
communication wires. The man took a look, around, asked some questions and then
left. Being a single woman I did not appreciate that a man was, presumably, sent to my
home and expecting entry without being informed that plans had changed. I
understand that I didn't have to let this man in to my home, however, he seemed gentle
enough and I did not want to complicate matters for Mr. Coens. I figured it was simply
more of Ms. Cronkwright's evident personal dysfunction that hindered her ability to
make it to the showing.
55. At 8:16p.m on April 5, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me an Email that stated:

Hello Brenda,I was just wanting to let you know the house has been rented as of
June 1. There will be no more showings at the house at this point. Please let me know
if there is anything I can do to help make your move out smooth and if cost is an issue
and you need to move out sooner please let me know and I can try my best to make it
as smooth as possible. I will advise you that I will need you to be out of the house
completely by May 31 by noon as I will be having my workers come through there and
they need a vacant house to work and prep for a new tenant. At this time they will also
report back to me with the condition of the house and any thing they may have
breached contract or been an extra cost. It has been a pleasure dealing with you over
the last 6 months and I wish you all the best in the future. Thanks again. Ryan

56. I have fulfilled my obligations as a Tenant and, I believe that I've further gone over and
above what was expected of me as a Tenant.

57. I have all rights to stay at 4 Harvey Street until June 1, 2017 at 12:00p.m as per my
contract. I kindly offered, on my own accord, to leave the premise by 11:59p.m on May
31, 2017 to eliminate the hassles of a tenant moving in while another moves out. I
figured that Mr. Coens would be grateful for with how reasonable I was being,
however, he demands that I leave by 12:00p.m on May 31, 2017. I think it is very
inappropriate for Mr. Coens acknowledge my contractual obligations while attempting
to minimize and/or alienate my contractual rights.

58. I do not understand how Mr. Coens can threaten me with the prospect of extra charges
when there was obviously no objective inspection done of the home before I moved
into it. How does he think he will fairly gauge any potential damages when he cannot
indicate what shape the home was in when I arrived? At any rate, I'm entirely confident
that the home/property will be left in far better shape for the next Tenants than was
afforded for me. I had to clean the home and go out of my way in other regards and Mr.
Coens has the audacity to threaten that I may have to pay extra charges. Of course, if
there is substantial damage to the home, which there isn't, I could understand Mr.
Coens' hyper-vigilance, however, I refuse to take any responsibility for the previous
Tenant(s). The contract was very clear in regards to what my responsibilities were so I
do not believe that there was a need to bring up the potential for extra charges. It sure
would have been nice if Mr. Coens was as hyper-vigilant for my move as he seems to
be with the new incoming Tenants. In fact, I told Mr. Coens when we first discussed
my move in date that I could wait until December 1, 2016 to move in but he insisted
that he could have the home ready by mid November and then when I made the move
it was nothing but chaos with no evident concern from Mr. Coens on how it was all
going from thereon.

59. The move and all of it's catastrophes completely blew my budget! I didn't even have
much of a Christmas because of the debacle, and still, I didn't make waves for anyone!
It was a very unfortunate and stressful time for me. And Imagine paying $1000.00 per
month to get by with only half of your belongings. Still, I was simply too incapacitated to
deal with any further stress and I made the best of my situation. I didn't have my own
living room furniture or much of my kitchenware, nor did I have any furniture in my
bedroom beyond a mattress and box-spring, and a tote, two crates and a laundry
hamper for stands and/or dressers. I've lived without most of my own clothes and a
majority of my linens. I wonder if Mr. Coens and/or Ms. Cronkwright would be content if
this were the reality they were forced to live in.

60. I was not aware that the lighting fixtures in the house required special bulbs that cost
an extraordinary amount of money to replace. One bulb for one of the bedroom fixtures
costs approximately $20.00 and lasts approximately 2 months before requiring a
replacement. I eventually ceased to use that fixture and eventually resorted to using
my own pole lamp as I was not prepared to buy another bulb.

61. I believe that I genuinely attempted to have a good working relationship with Mr. Coens
and/or Ms. Cronkwright. Mr. Coens said he was willing to help me with costs to move
out early and yet he failed to offer to help me with costs that I didn't ask to incur with
the move into the home. I was never offered compensation for the extra work that was
thrust upon me and/or my Son nor was any consideration given, as far as it seems to
me, regarding the tasks that the were never finished in and around the home.

62. I kept a clean home and I maintained the property at 4 Harvey Street as per my tenant
agreement. I paid rent in advance most months and I fulfilled all of my obligations as a

63. I do not believe that my Tenant rights were respected nor do I believe that Mr. Coens
fulfilled his obligations as my Landlord. The actions of Mr. Coens and/or his Property
Manager have cost me time, money and stress that I did not consent to and that I
could most certainly cannot afford!

64. I sincerely appreciate that Mr. Coens helped me out when I needed a place to live. I
hope that this experience can be a learning opportunity for us both. I wish Mr. Coens
all the best in his future endeavours.

65. I issue the above sixty-four (64) statements, without malice or purposeful deceit, as
part of my evolving personal Record of events.


Brenda Everall

UPDATE MAY 6, 2017

1. At 12:39p.m on May 5, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me an Email that I've copied below:

Hello Brenda, I hope all is going well. I am just writing you to run though the wrap up
of your tenancy. I would greatly appreciate if you could be completely cleaned and
moved out before May 31, 2017. As I will need to do a run through the house and prep
for the new tenant and you not being out by then will accrue extra cost and problems
for me and my team. You will first be responsible to return all keys (post office key (if
applicable) house keys and key to any locks on sheds etc.) All animal waste and
garbage in the yard and house are to be taken out and disposed of before leaving. The
house is to be in good standing order (cleaned, no damage to anything ...etc) We do
ask that the house look the way to first saw it if you do not decide to do these simple
expectations for example dog poop left all over the yard I will have to bill you for the
clean up of the yard as this was part of your contract with us. I hope it doesn't come to
this and I expect you will follow your contract with us but I must do this to all tenants
before they leave. Thank you for your understanding on the matter and best of luck in
your new place. Ryan

2. Before May 31, 2017. Is this guy serious? First I offered to move out early then Mr.
Coens told me to leave even earlier and now he wants me gone a full day sooner?
Things are getting out of hand in my opinion. I feel as though I'm operating under
duress at this point.

3. I received one house key, which I have all intentions of leaving behind when I move
out. I never received postal keys or keys, or a lock for that matter, to the shed. Unless
otherwise instructed, I will lock the house when I leave the house for the final time on
May 31, 2017 and I will leave the key in the mailbox that is attached to the house, near
the side entrance.

4. I told Mr. Coens when I gave him my Tenancy Termination Notice that I would clean
the house before I moved out. I don't understand why he feels the need to keep
indicating that I might not fulfill my obligations. Mr. Coens' threat to bill me if I don't
clean up dog poop is a little over the top, if you ask me, and it makes me wonder why
he would say such a thing in the first place.

5. If Mr. Coens is serious that he wants the house and the property to look as it did when
I first saw it then his new Tenants will be sadly disappointed. Good thing for everyone
involved that I'm a decent and moral person. I would never intentionally leave the home
in disarray and I fully intend to fulfill my contract in that regard. I intend to fulfill my
obligations for my own moral reasons and for my contractual obligation as a Tenant
and NOT because Mr. Coens thinks that he can bully or intimidate me.

6. Mr. Coens stated to me that he hopes it doesn't come to this and he expects that I
will follow the contract and that he must 'do this' with all Tenants. In my opinion, 'this'
doesn't appear to have happened with the previous Tenant(s) and I'm genuinely
becoming increasingly offended and concerned with the pressure that I feel from Mr.

7. I feel that Mr. Coens' Email to me was a form of harassment, whether he meant it to be
or not. I feel that I've been exceptionally reasonable with Mr. Coens up until this point. I
am becoming increasingly concerned with our Landlord/Tenant relationship. I am well
aware of my obligations as a Tenant. I do not need constant reminders from Mr. Coen,
especially when each subsequent reminder seems to be increasingly intimidating in

8. Mr. Coens did not, in my opinion, fulfill his obligations as my Landlord, in several
regards. He did not, in my opinion, pay due diligence to me as my Landlord and yet he
feels entitled to make unrealistic demands of me. I just kept letting things slide up until
this point, primarily because I was so down and out with illness, however, I feel that I
need to stand up for myself at this time.

9. To be honest, the longer I'm left to think about things, I'm feeling as though I've been
potentially set up. I see now, in hindsight, that I never had the privilege of viewing the
house before I rented it. We seemed to rush through the discussions to enter into
contract. I was so desperate to secure a home to rent that I didn't press to view the
house. The pictures attached to the online advertisement for the house looked decent
enough. I further knew the family, which made me comfortable, so I did what I felt I
needed to do and I entered into the agreement with Mr. Coens to rent the home
without viewing it beforehand. Then it was pure chaos on the day that I moved into the
house. The other Tenant was literally moving out as I was moving in. Now, Mr. Coens
seems to be hyper-vigilant about charging me for damages. I've promised to clean the
house before moving out. I'm further bound to do so by contract. I've generated no
reason to indicate that I won't fulfill my obligations. There are no reported damages to
repair in the house since I moved in. I wonder then, why Mr. Coens would predict that
he needs a whole day to prepare the house for the next Tenants while seeming to
point a finger at me in advance. It seems much too strange from my perspective! I will
not tolerate being set up for damages or any other issue that I am not responsible for.

10. I believe that I've not only fulfilled my obligations as a Tenant but that I've gone over
and above what should've been expected from me. I didn't make problems for Mr.
Coens. I simply played the cards that were dealt to me and I think I was beyond
reasonable and fair. I have rolled with the punches, so to speak, in the best ways I
could. I've never set out to be difficult and I've avoided generating conflict wherever
possible. I did not ask for the complications that I think I've handled very well in my
time at 4 Harvey Street. I believe that it'd be nearly impossible for me to have been a
better Tenant than I have been.

UPDATE MAY 7, 2017

1. A person close to me informed me today that they had heard a rumour about me and
my tenancy at 4 Harvey Street. Apparently people in the small town of Picton, Ontario,
are under the impression, for whatever reason(s), that I have not paid my rent at 4
Harvey Street and that I'm being evicted as a result. I haven't publicly announced that
I'm moving, so I genuinely wonder how this rumour began in the first place. The rumour
further has it that I have allegedly destroyed the house at 4 Harvey Street and that I
have littered the yard with animal feces and garbage.

2. This rumour lines up far too similarly with the most recent Email that I received from
Mr. Coens. Unfortunately, I believe there is reason to allege that Ms. Cronkwright
and/or the new Tenant is potentially behind these latest rumours about me.

3. It seems to me that more 'wires are being crossed'.

4. I'm feeling exceptionally threatened and extremely vulnerable, as a Tenant, at this

5. I do not intend on generating any further Landlord/Tenant issues for Mr. Coens if he
doesn't create any issues for me. I simply want to move out of 4 Harvey street without
incident. I am a historically phenomenal Tenant and I take responsibility for myself
when and wherever necessary but I refuse to be set up for things that I am not
responsible for.

6. I sincerely desire a conflict-free move out of 4 Harvey Street and without feeling
harassed, threatened, intimidated or unnecessarily berated. I am not well enough to
take on any extra stress at this time.

UPDATE MAY 8, 2017

1. At 12:57p.m on May 8, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me another Email that stated:

Hello Brenda, If you wouldn't mind replying to this email to confirm you have got it and
understand. I am working on tying up lose ends for your departure and for the new
tenant coming in. It has been a pleasure renting to you over the last 6 months and I
wish you the best of luck in the future. Please see below a copy of the last email sent
regarding moving out: Thanks Ryan

Hello Brenda, I hope all is going well. I am just writing you to run though the wrap up of
your tenancy. I would greatly appreciate if you could be completely cleaned and
moved out before May 31, 2017. As I will need to do a run through the house and prep
for the new tenant and you not being out by then will accrue extra cost and problems
for me and my team. You will first be responsible to return all keys (post office key (if
applicable) house keys and key to any locks on sheds etc.) All animal waste and
garbage in the yard and house are to be taken out and disposed of before leaving. The
house is to be in good standing order (cleaned, no damage to anything ...etc) We do
ask that the house look the way to first saw it if you do not decide to do these simple
expectations for example dog poop left all over the yard I will have to bill you for the
clean up of the yard as this was part of your contract with us. I hope it doesn't come to
this and I expect you will follow your contract with us but I must do this to all tenants
before they leave. Thank you for your understanding on the matter and best of luck in
your new place. Ryan

2. So much for healing. The stress I'm under from these Emails, the move itself, the
rumours going around, etc., are making me sicker than I need to be. What part of I
HAVE LYME DISEASE are we missing here? Stress exacerbates my condition and I'm
feeling a whole lot of unnecessary stress here.

3. I'm starting to wonder what this talk is about garbage and how I'll be responsible for it.
It seems as though Mr. Coens is somewhat uptight about garbage and dog poop. It
seems to me he may have been been told something, at some point, to influence this
hyper-vigilance. If Mr. Coens was told that there was debris on the deck, he was, in
fact, properly informed. I've been waiting for Ms. Cronkwright to pick it all up for months
now. It's a door, a lamp base & shade. I did have two bags sitting on the deck when
Ms. Cronkwright randomly showed up at my door in April but I informed her that those
bags were not garbage and that someone was picking them up soon, and the bags
were picked up shortly thereafter. If there's talk of garbage in the shed, well, that too is
correct. What are sheds for? I had tossed three garbage bags in the shed so that the
animals wouldn't get them before garbage day. Then on garbage day, I fit two of the
bags into one and I put two garbage bags out to the curb. What is the big deal? Why
does Mr. Coens think that this yard and home have garbage and dog poop issues? I've
been renting houses a long time here in Prince Edward County and I've never, in my
life, been so insulted by my Landlord and/or Property Manager. What is going on?

4. I just happened to notice today how much the grass has finally filled in after this most
recent rain that we had. In April, when the rental viewings were taking place, there was
no grass on the ground and that the dog waste that I had collected onto the side yard
must have somewhat stood out to others. If this is what the issue is with the freakin
dog poop then I dare say that everyone needs to relax a little!I

5. I took pictures of every room in the house, the shed, the deck and the yard when I
moved in and I will be doing the same when I move out. I'm not being set up by

6. Orange garbage bags, that I bought, are full of leaves that my Son and I raked up and
they remain at the side of the house waiting to be picked up. I do not have truck or any
other vehicle for that matter. Ms. Cronkwright never showed up again to do her duties.
I don't appreciate it one bit! It's an eyesore. I'm tired of it! It reflects poorly on ME!

7. I haven't wanted problems and I don't need problems. Ending emails by telling me it's
been a pleasure dealing with me doesn't cancel out the insults and intimidation, in fact,
everything becomes somewhat insultingly contradictory. Either I'm a good tenant and
should be left alone in peace to finish out my contract and to fulfill my own obligations
or I'm a bad tenant and the issues get made clear and we talk about it like adults.
Which is it? Beating around the bush is making me really nervous here!

8. When I told Mr. Coens that I was experiencing issues, after moving in to 4 Harvey
Street, he didn't bother to communicate with me but now that he wants something from
me he seems to be relentless in his attempts to communicate. My experience with this
whole ordeal has been extremely one sided and unfair and I'm not interested in helping
anyone out at this point. I simply want to be responsible for myself and to get out of 4
Harvey as soon as I can due to this increasing and unnecessary stress I'm

9. Where does Mr. Coens expect me to stay or to keep my stuff for two days before I'm
able to move into another home on June 1, 2017? Why is Mr. Coens bending over
backwards for the new tenants when he couldn't make sure the same was afforded for
me? I've been screwed over since the day I moved into 4 Harvey Street and I've simply
had enough of being walked on and pushed around. I have rights. Nothing that was
supposed to be done for my move in was done and now I feel as though I'm being
used as a fall guy for whatever reason(s). I live here with half of my belongings. I never
even had the opportunity to decorate the home or to put pictures up on the walls as all
of that stuff was not able to be moved when my move in day was upset by Ms.
Cronkwright and/or the other Tenants. Ms. Cronkwright never returned to give me what
I paid for like trimmed doorways and a closet with a working door or a clean deck and
yard. The yard was a disaster and I was sick, yet I was expected to bring the property
up to standards and still, there seems to be insinuation that I'm not pulling my weight or
that I will fail to in the future. I'm sorry I ever entered into contract with Mr. Coens at this
point. I just want out! If I could leave now I truly would.

10. At the onset of our Landlord/Tenant relationship I was pleased with how things were
transpiring. Everything was going well right up until there was no regard for the
inconvenience that my move-in day had been for me. Still, I shut up and dealt with it. I
didn't cause problems for anyone.

11. I'm frazzled beyond what's right. I need to get things settled with the 4 Harvey Street
contract. I just want out at this point but I have nowhere to go. I'm willing to do
whatever is necessary to get out of this house. At this point, I feel as though I'm
operating under duress.

12. I am not opposed, in the least, to having an open conversation with Ms. Cronkwright
regarding any issues, whatsoever, that she perceives to be having with me as a
Tenant at 4 Harvey Street. In fact, perhaps Mr. Coens, Ms. Cronkwright and I should
have a three-way skype conversation. I bet that could potentially solve a few problems,
for me at least!

UPDATE MAY 14, 2017

1. On may 10, 2017 I spent all afternoon (from 12-5) weeding the back garden. Just the
back garden. There is still several hours of work left to properly weed the garden. It
does not seem to me that the garden was maintained last year as the garden simply
should not require as much effort as it is to just get it weeded. There is still another half
to full day of weeding left to go. I don't mind maintaining the property, as per my
contract, but I do, however, take issue with being used to bring the property up to a
standard that it wasn't at before I arrived, which seems to be the case in this instance.
A neighbour walked over while I was weeding and she told me that the garden had not,
in her opinion, been maintained for sometime now and that she felt sorry watching me
work on it for hours, especially when I won't get the use of it. The garden is flush with
the ground, though it was alleged to be a raised garden, and two of the enclosure rails
are missing.

2. I finished raking up the leaves from around the property. Yes, there were still MORE! I
had to rake up a composting pile of leaves in the front yard from under the tree so that
the grass could grow in properly. In total this Spring, I've bagged up five more large
garbage bags. All of the bags have been moved off of the yard so that the grass can
grow and have been placed up beside the deck in front of the drive way waiting for
someone to take them away.
3. Since May 10, 2017, two different neighbours have approached me while I've been
outside. Neither neighbour had anything positive to say about the former tenant nor the
current property manager, with no prompting from me. I keep my problems to myself.
So I wonder why these people felt the need to approach me and to ask me if I'm having
any troubles as a Tenant. These people told me that they will be happy to speak up for
me should I require such.

4. I am very upset that things have transpired the way that they have. I didn't ask for any
of this! At this point, I just want out whether I get financially compensated or not. This
is the most stressful rental I've ever experienced by far! I'll be vacated from 4 Harvey
Street by 11:59p.m on May 30, 2017 one way or another, though I feel forced into
leaving so soon.

UPDATE - MAY 19, 2017

1. I've recently learned that Ms. Cronkwright allegedly engaged in a conversation about
me with my Mother. I appreciate that my Mother attempted to defend me against the
rumours that are going around about me, however, Ms. Cronkwright had no right, in my
opinion, to entertain such conversation, especially without ever informing me of the
things that she allegedly accused me of.

2. Ms. Cronkwright told my Mother that the complaints about the dog poop came from the
prospective Tenants on the night they viewed the home . I have already mentioned
earlier why the dog poop was on the side yard. I had actually tried to make the yard
look nice, with little notice, and Ms. Cronkwright screwed up the timeline for the
evening so my jobs didn't get done. I should've just left the yard the way it was as
being proactive only backfired and made small minds judge the situation!

3. Ms. Cronkwight allegedly conveyed to my Mother that she is upset with me because
I've been talking about her son, the former tenant. This is not true. I challenge Ms.
Cronkwright to produce one person who will state that I have slandered her son or
have otherwise spoke ill of him. I have heard stories but I have not purported them and
I challenge ANYONE to prove otherwise. You see, I was in bed suffering from Lyme
Disease all winter and I didn't have time or the will to play the juvenile games that Ms.
Cronkwright is allegedly accusing me of. If Ms. Cronkwright had properly performed
her Property Manager duties and facilitated a smooth move into the house for me her
Son would've never been an issue in my life to begin. Still, I didn't judge the kid even
when Ms. Cronkwright stated I didn't raise him to live like this to my Sister and I. I
didn't care for her excuses. I just wanted to move into my home. On another note, had
Ms. Cronkwright and/or the former Tenant respected my rights enough to allow for a
proper move into the home I doubt there would've been any speculation by anyone, at
any point about what was occurring in regards to the former Tenant. I feel like I'm being
attacked for things I've never said about the Property Manager's Son. I wish she
could've spoke to me about her perceived 'issues'.

4. Ms. Cronkwright allegedly said something along the lines of I don't care about you or
your daughter to my Mother. It is quite obvious, to me, that Ms. Cronkwright doesn't
care about anyone but herself or her own family. My rights have never been respected
as a tenant since day one! Ms. Cronkwright doesn't have to 'care' about me but she
does have to respect my rights as a tenant and as a person. The way that Ms.
Cronkwright spoke to my Mother in her messages was utterly disrespectful and very
revealing of her her true character. What does upset me about all of this is that I was,
seemingly, expected to tolerate all of the dysfunction that I've experienced because of
family friendships and whatnot and yet when it comes to me getting what I deserve Ms.
Cronkwright flat out says she could care less about my family. Still...I'm trying to keep
this as impersonal as possible. I don't care, one iota, in all reality, what Penny
Cronkwright thinks of me. I paid my rent. She didn't give me what I paid for. Then she,
seemingly, goes on to set me up. Not cool!

5. When Ms. Cronkwright showed up at the house to ask for my contact information back
in March I told her that I was very sick and that I was in the midst of a full body detox.
Ms. Cronkwright allegedly mentioned this 'detox' to my mother and I feel that she did
so in an attempt to suggest that I was suffering from an addiction of some sort. I don't
think it was right, or necessary, for Ms. Cronkwright to take this 'stab' at my character! I
don't do drugs and I do not drink alcohol. I do not appreciate speculation, by anyone, to
the contrary!

6. Josh Cronkwright sent my Son's Girlfriend a friend request on Facebook shortly after I
moved into the house. She accepted the request at first but then deleted him after
some consideration. She wasn't sure why he made the request as she doesn't know
him. It wasn't me butting into the Cronkwright's personal life on any level. Quite the
other way around if you ask me!

7. It's absurd that I have to go through this nonsense. And why? Because Ms.
Cronkwright is a dysfunction that has to point fingers so that others don't see what
she's really all about? I've really had enough of her, the set up, the way I had to live for
six months because of her and her son and this ongoing malicious dysfunction!

8. Ms. Cronkwright allegedly accused my Mother of acting like she was in high school
and causing unnecessary drama for attempting to speak up for me. My Mother was
trying to defend me against, what she believed to be, malicious actions. Ms.
Cronkwright went on to act like the high school bully, in my opinion, where she
attempted to put others down with her 'better than others' attitude. It totally reminded
me of a mean, ignorant snob from highschool! My Mom struck back, only with kindness
and forgiveness. It's sad to know Ms. Cronkwright's true character, though I had
suspected it all along. What's truly 'high school' about all of this situation is how Ms.
Cronkwright seems to talk about me to everyone but me. I wish Ms. Cronkwright could
have approached me for straight answers, instead of talking about me to others and
generating all of this unnecessary gossip and misunderstanding. Ms. Cronkwright
further, allegedly, stated something to the effect that my Mother 'needs to get her story
straight'. I believe my Mother had her facts very straight regarding this matter.

9. Ms. Cronkwright told my Mother that she has received complaints from other people
since I've lived at 4 Harvey Street. I don't believe this to be true. Why didn't Ms.
Cronkwright deal with those complaints at the time if they genuinely existed, rather
than tell my Mother long after the fact. It seems like slander to me. NOTHING went on
at 4 Harvey Street while I have lived here that could've possibly generated a negative
report and if a report was made for any reason, the appropriate thing to do would be to
discuss the issue with me, the Tenant!

10. I feel that Ms. Cronkwright has mislead Mr. Coens which has resulted with Mr. Coens
sending me harassing Emails. I'm subsequently forced to leave the home early, under
duress, by terminating my contract sooner than it should have been. I'm literally being
forced into a chaotic situation that I did not ask for and that I can hardly handle due to
illness. Oh well, the Cronkwright's and the Coens will get what they want!

11. I wonder if the rumour that I haven't paid my rent has something to do with going
through the community program to pay for my last months rent. I had originally agreed
to pay Mr. Coens cash for last month's rent, however, due to the chaos of my move
and the strain that it put on my finances I had to make other arrangements to keep my
word to Mr. Coens. I told the caseworker that helped me with the last month rent
payment that Mr. Coens seemed upset with me that I took the route that I did and she
told me that she sees similar situations when the Landlord was hoping to avoid paying
taxes. Is this true? I don't know but it seems that speculation is the order of the day
since I moved into 4 Harvey so why not put it out there eh?

UPDATE MAY 21, 2017

1. At 3:51a.m on May 15, 2017 I sent Mr. Coens and Email that stated:

Hey Ryan,I wasn't online for the last few days as my computer had to be repaired and
it's all I have to go online with. Sorry for the delay. Feel free to call me if you ever feel
you need to at 613-645-2109. I'll be moving out by 11:59p.m on May 30, 2017. I would
like to work out the terms of moving out early with you at some point in the near future.
I'm working on a document that I'll forward to you in response to the contents of your
last couple of Emails to me. I wish to reassure you at this time that I've caused no
damage to the house or property whatsoever and that I have maintained such to a high
standard. I believe there is some miscommunication occurring somewhere which I will
further address in the document that I'll send to you shortly. Further, I'm currently
attaching two documents for your consideration. Thank you kindly! Brenda

2. At 9:01p.m on May 18, 2017 Mr. Coens Responded to my Email and he said:

Hey Brenda Sorry for the long time to reply. We are currently out of the country and I
do not have my laptop with me or internet most the time. I will get those receipts and
letter done up for you as soon as I get back which will be roughly June 8th. If that is ok.
As well it's just standard things we tel all our tenants before moving out it's nothing
personal and you could imagine that we have had some interesting tenants over the
year. As for moving out I have not heard anything about it other then Penny
approached you on it. All I ask is that you are out before noon on the last day of the
month which you already stated you would be. That just allows my team of people to
do their jobs before the new tenant comes in. If you decide to leave earlier then that it's
up to you please just let my self know to make sure penny can get the keys and stuff
from you. Thank you again and if you have any other concerns or questions please just
shoot me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Ryan

3. Mr. Coens had previously sent me an Email on May 6, 2017 expressly demanding that
I leave the premise BEFORE May 31, 2016. Mr. Coens forwarded the same demand to
vacate the premise to me on May 8, 2016 whereby he specifically requested
confirmation that I understand his demand. And now, when I finally agree the demand,
but with further potential terms and conditions, Mr. Coens reverts back to saying that I
can stay until noon on the May 31, 2017, though I continue to have all rights to stay
until midnight. I can't keep up. This is nonsense! I'll be leaving 4 Harvey Street, under
duress, by 11:59p.m on May 30, 2017.

4. I will not leave the house key in a random place as I am liable for the premise until I
someone signs off in lieu of the key, especially while I'm the only one to possess a key
in the first place. Therefore, arrangements will have to be made for someone to
retrieve the key from me in person.

5. Mr. Coens acknowledges having 'interesting' Tenants before me. Mr. Coens personal
experiences has no bearing on my situation and I should not be harassed because of
his previous Tenants behaviours. I signed a contract and I know my obligations.

6. Threats, intimidation and arbitrary demands are not appropriate and I don't care if this
is how all Tenants are treated.

7. After this rental experience, I've lost all respect for Ms. Cronkwright. I never knew Mr.
Coens personally. I don't take anything personal when it comes to either of them but I
do continue to expect and further demand the respect from them that Provincial and/or
Federal Legislation allegedly guarantees me!

8. And speaking of extra billing for yard and house clean up when will Mr. Coens be
sending my cheque for raking all of the leaves, cleaning the house on my own, the
money and food I lost in the move, living with half of my belongings. never getting the
repairs that Ms. Cronkwright was responsible for, the extra stress I'm going through
due to perceived slander, etc.? If Mr. Coens understands the concept of billing me for
things that I'm responsible for then surely he understands his own culpability in the
same regard. Do I expect to receive any fair compensation for what I've endured? LOL.

9. I do not intend on mediating my matters or applying to Social Justice Tribunals for

resolve. Ontario and Canada for that matter has corrupted Tribunals and I feel that Mr.
Coens would win the case due to his professional connections in the long-run anyhow.
The evidence wouldn't matter, in my experience. Therefore, I make this Statement of
Fact for my own personal Record.

10. It is not my intention to unnecessarily generate malice, deceit and/or vexation. All
comments and submissions within this document are, to the best of my knowledge,
true and verifiable.

UPDATE MAY 22, 2017

1. I feel that Ms. Cronkwright is a potential threat to my personal stability. I've endured a
major smear campaign in my community while trying to expose systematic child abuse
throughout the years. There is an active criminal conspiracy directed at me by several
professionals in this small town. This alleged collusion was revealed through Human
Rights Proceedings. My experience at 4 Harvey and the slander that has been
generated about me, by whomever, is not helping my case. I urge all parties to govern
themselves accordingly hereon!

2. I had given Ms. Cronkwright $500 cash on November 14, 2016 along with a copy of the
Lease that I had signed before noticing that an amendment was necessary. I therefore
never received a returned copy of the Lease with Mr. Coens' signature on it before we
agreed to sign an amended version. I told Mr. Coens that I would print off the amended
version, sign it and then give it to Ms. Cronkwright the next time that I saw her,
however, I did not see her again until the springtime whereby the lease was not readily
available at that random moment. The next time that I saw Ms. Cronkwright was after I
had given Notice to move out so I didn't bother digging it out of the belongings that I
had begun to pack, nor did she ask for such. Therefore, Mr. Coens has never received
my signature on the amended version of the Lease so, subsequently, I have never
received a copy of a Tenancy Agreement signed by both Mr. Coens and myself.
Nevertheless, an implied contract is obviously employed whereby the terms and
conditions, in my opinion, remain enforceable by the respective Parties.

UPDATE MAY 29, 2017

1. The garden is a sad joke. It is not a garden in my opinion. It is a patch of different sorts
of grass and weeds. I did my best. I spent hours weeding the garden but it is out of
control. I am not able to 'maintain' something that seemingly has been overgrown for
sometime now.

2. The flower beds and the yard have been maintained. My neighbour and/or a friend
have cut the grass for me over the springtime because I've been too ill to do it myself.
When I did attempt to start the lawnmower to cut the lawn for a final time before
moving out I learned that the lawnmower does not work. There is gas in the
lawnmower, however, the engine does not fire so I arranged to have the grass cut on
May 29, 2017, however, it was pouring rain that morning and the person cancelled as a
result. Rain is predicted for May 30, 2017 as well. I am out of time to worry about this
issue any further as I am in the process of moving out. Therefore, a final cut of the yard
will not be possible before I move out. Still, I have worked hard to make the lawn as
nice as it can be and I feel that I went over and above my required duties in this regard.

3. I removed the blanket off the front door today, May 29, 2017. The rain needs to be
mopped up from the floor every now and again as the water blows through with the
wind. Imagine paying $1000.00 per month to live like that and then to have rumours
started about you indicating that you're a dirty or incapable person. It's really too
insulting to discuss!

4. Today, with all of the rain, I need to report that I can smell an overwhelming odour of
mold from my bedroom. I can only smell it in this one room, the room beside the
bathroom. Also, the kitchen floor began to making creaking sounds in the last couple of
weeks that were not being made all winter long. I wonder if it is an issue with the house
settling or if there is a moisture problem causing this to occur. The back wall of the
laundry room appears to indicate that there is a moisture issue in the house. I am
simply reporting this as my Contract indicates that I should be hyper-vigilant in regards
to moisture/mold issues.

5. I feel that my move to 4 Harvey Street was completely contradictory to my intent to rent
a place where I could heal. My budget was shot upon moving and I spent the winter
months living in extreme poverty as a result. Getting finances back on track over the
Christmas holidays while on a fixed income is not an easy feat. I lived with only half of
my belongings. The Property Manager never cared enough to give me what I paid for. I
had a couple of months to rest up but the stress with the Property Manager promptly
began in the springtime whereby rumours about me began to surface. I then had to
deal with random emails from Mr. Coens and I started feeling very stressed and
pressured. My illness is only intensifying at this point. I'm broke. I'm completely
frazzled. I'm sorry that I ever replied to Mr. Coens advertisement to rent this house! It
has, by far, cost me more time, money and worry than it was ever worth!

6. I had all rights to stay at 4 Harvey Street until June 1, 2017, as per my Contract. I tried
to be nice and offered to move out by midnight the night before to accommodate Mr.
Coens and his new Tenant. This wasn't good enough for Mr. Coens. He still demands
that I leave earlier. Whether he wants me out by by noon on the 31st or sooner, he is
still forcing me out earlier than we originally agreed to. Anything I have agreed to since
entering into contract is an agreement made under total and complete duress. Why
should I be inconvenienced so that the new Tenants can live here happily ever after
when all I ever received was pressure and a home and yard that I had to clean myself?
I could care less at this point how the move goes for the next Tenant. I had rights too
and they should've been respected as much as they seemingly are for the newcomers.

7. I'm very disgruntled that human beings treat each other this way. It seems that some
people will do anything to get ahead in life. I myself value integrity over all else and I
honestly believe that I can walk away from this nightmare confident that I did all that i
could for a positive experience with Mr. Coens and/or Ms. Cronkwright. I paid $6500.00
to Mr. Coens. The onus was on him to ensure that contractual obligations were fulfilled,
however, it seems he only had the capacity to ensure that I was the accountable party,
which I verily believe I was for the total duration of my Tenancy Agreement. I didn't ask
for any of this animosity, I'm simply responding to it all the best that I can. Would a little
respect and understanding be too much to ask? I think I was really forgiving for all that
I endured during my Tenancy, and for what? Only to have my name being smeared for
being an excellent Tenant. Not cool! Really, not cool!
UPDATE - JUNE 2, 2017

1. I was completely moved out of 4 Harvey Street by 11:59p.m on May 30, 2017.

2. My Son, my daughter-in-law, my Mother and I were at 4 Harvey Street in the morning

of May 31, 2017 to put the garbage out and to meet with whoever was due to arrive at
12:00p.m to retrieve the key from me.

3. Around 9:30a.m 2 employees from Messy Maid showed up in a company car. My

Mother let them into the house where the four of us entered into discussion regarding
their duties. I told them I wasnt sure what they could do as I had thoroughly cleaned
the home from top to bottom just the day before. I told the employees that I felt setup
by my Landlord and I explained that I would be leaving the property at 12:00p.m. The
employees said they would seek direction from Mr. Coens and they went back out to
the car where they seemed to be making phone calls. Eventually, without another
word, the Messy Maid employees and I did not see them again before I locked the
house and left. Though I did fail to ask them, I assumed that the Messy Maid
employees must have gained a key from the Property Manager as they seemed
prepared to enter the property without me there.

4. My Mother and I waited until approximately 12:30p.m. No one showed up to inspect

the property or to retrieve the key. I therefore left the key on the kitchen counter, took
video and pictures of the home and property, and I locked the door and left the
property with my Mother.

5. At 7:44 on June 1, 2017 Ms. Cronkwright sent me a message on Facebook that stated:

Looking for the keys

6. Later in the day on June 1, 2017 my Mother received a message from an administrator
at her place of employment asking if my Mother knew where the keys to the house

My Mother replied stating that the key was left on the kitchen counter.

My obligations are over. Not my circus. Not my monkeys!

UPDATE - JUNE 30, 2017

1. At 2:36p.m on June 14, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me an Email that stated:

Hello Brenda, So I am writing this email to follow up with the mess of things that
happened on the last few days of tenancy. First of all the email you send me on April
15 stated you would be out of the house at 11:59pm on May 30th. Which means I
should not have had this issue at around noon on the 31st with my cleaning staff being
not allowed in and the hostility that you showed towards them. Not to mention the prep
work that did not get done for a new tenant to move in the next day. This action in
which you decided to make a big deal has cost me extra that should not have
happened. Along with that when Penny arrived on the property after you finally left late
on the 31st there were two full truck bed loads of garbage and dog waste left in the
garden beds. This also is a breach in the contract and these two actions are now at the
cost of you. The lack of clean up and leaving of garbage which was what I heard over
20 bags and the two loads to the dump will be $100.00 and the not moving out at the
time you said to me which is in an email previous and stated above again without any
notice of staying longer. This then did not allow proper cleaning and extra fees is also a
$100.00 fee. I am being nice at this moment and not charging the full amount for those
cleaners nor the garbage and dump runs. If you would like to email transfer me these
fees I would greatly appreciate it or I will take further actions and charge the full
amounts and take this through the legal channels necessary. Thank you Ryan Coens

2. At 5:05p.m on June 14, 2017 Mr Coens sent me another Email that stated:

Hello Brenda, This is a follow up to my email previously. The cleaners also noted that
there was a heavy cigarette smell in the house and especially the bedrooms. They had
to clean all the walls and the amount of nicotine that was stated was a clear indication
from someone smoking in the house. This is a clear violation of our contract and for
someone that likes to quote it lots to my team when they came to do their jobs this is
me now using towards you. The Tenant agrees and acknowledges that the Property
has been designated as a smoke free living environment. The Tenant and members of
Tenant's household will not smoke anywhere in the Property nor permit any guests or
visitors to smoke in the Property. The Tenant will, at its sole expense, keep and
maintain the Property and appurtenances in good and sanitary condition and repair
during the term of this Lease and any renewal of this Lease. At the expiration of the
term of this Lease, the Tenant will quit and surrender the Property in as good a state
and condition as they were at the commencement of this Lease, reasonable use and
wear and tear excepted. This lease are something you signed and agreed upon.You
have clearly broken these. This cost to you for the smoking in the house plus cleaning
is an additional $225.00 (for smoke) along with the $100 for the house cleaning and
$100 for the numerous garbage that had to be disposed of. This is a simple non
informal way to resolve this and as i stated before or I will have to take more formal
avenues to deal with this. I look forward to getting this resolved and dealing with this as
soon as possible. Ryan

3. At 11:56p.m on June 17, 2017 I replied to Mr. Coens Email to me. I stated:

Hi Ryan I verily believe that you are extremely misinformed and you are further
harassing me. I will be taking further steps to deal with this SLANDER and for the
contract breaches on your end as soon as I am able. I am in the process of updating a
statement of fact that I began to write this Spring. In the meantime, as you seem so
sure of yourself, please feel free to take the further steps that you mentioned as I won't
be sending you one red cent. My move in to the house was a complete nightmare and
the ensuing chaos ended up costing me dearly. I was trying to let it all go but you need
to be dealt with at this point! I'm also quite interested to see who will back up your
allegations when this matter further proceeds as its all absolutely untrue. I have plenty
of witnesses (neighbours included), video and pictures, so you do what you gotta do
Ryan! Please govern yourself accordingly hereon. Brenda P.S #1 Do you plan on
supplying me with a rent receipt or not? P.S.#2 I believe that I got the jist of what you
were saying, however, your poor grammar structure allows for the potential
misunderstandings. P.S.#3 For the Record, I've been redundantly nice all along and
I've always been willing to work with you!

At 9:04p.m on June 18, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me sent me another Email that stated:

Brenda Rent receipts will be provided when contact information for the case worker is
provided and I can verify that person. Until then nothing will be done. Also thank you
for showing your true colours and believe what you like my cleaning team and mother
law have said different. Have a nice day.

4. At 1:43p.m on June 19, 2017 Mr. Coens sent me another Email that stated:

Hello Brenda This is a notification that you have an outstanding water bill as well with
Prince Edward County. They have now sent you a final notice for 4 Harvey st. This bill
is due by June 30th. Please take appropriate actions to pay this accordingly.

5. There statement about cigarette smoke in the house at 4 Harvey Street is totally untrue,
absolutely unverifiable and purely slanderous!

6. The decision to withhold my rent receipt was purely ignorant, vexatious and malicious!

7. As for the statement about the outstanding water bill, well, I can only say that my finances
are indeed a mess and Mr. Coens is 100% responsible for such! On another note, Mr. Coens
had an outstanding bill himself at 4 Harvey Street and he was informed on June 1, 2016 by
the P.E.C Revenue Department that steps would be taken to transfer his outstanding balance
of $172.28 to his Tax Account if the balance wasnt paid by June 30, 2017. I hope he was
able to take care of that debt! It seems Mr. Coens likes to be bully me and seem so perfect
himself. Its truly laughable!

8. I dont even know what Mr. Coens was trying to say in his final statement. The guy seems
very uneducated and simple. Sorry for insults but it is what it is! He does seem to imply that
his mother in law was indeed talking poorly about me.. As for the cleaning team. Im going to
need some sworn statements from the employees as I was nothing but nice to them with
plenty of witnesses to prove it!

9. Ive really, seriously had enough of Ryan and Penny! Renting at 4 Harvey Street was one
of the worst decisions of my life. I remain financially devastated because of those two! My
character is damaged from the ongoing slander and I am sicker than ever from all of the

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