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Pediatric Upper-Extremity Fractures

Rajan Arora, MD; Utkarsh Fichadia, MD; Earl Hartwig, MD; and Nirupama Kannikeswaran, MD

Upper-extremity fractures account for
more than half of childhood bony injuries.
The frequency of injury increases with
increasing mobility. The most common
mechanism is a fall on an outstretched
hand while playing. Optimal management
requires knowledge of the normal anatomy
and variants unique to pediatric bones.
The physician needs to maintain a high
level of suspicion for growth plate injuries
because if unrecognized, these may result
in growth arrest. Although the vast major-
ity of pediatric upper-extremity fractures
will heal rapidly with minimal intervention,
physicians should be aware of the compli-
cations that can arise from these injuries.

Rajan Arora, MD, is a Pediatric Emergency

Medicine Fellow, Carman and Ann Adam Depart-
ment of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital of Michi-
gan. Utkarsh Fichadia, MD, is a Pediatric Emer-
gency Medicine Fellow, Carman and Ann Adam
Department of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital of
Michigan. Earl Hartwig, MD, is Associate Profes-
sor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, Car-
man and Ann Adam Department of Pediatrics,
Childrens Hospital of Michigan. Nirupama Kan-
nikeswaran, MD, is Associate Professor of Pediat-
rics and Emergency Medicine, Carman and Ann
Adam Department of Pediatrics, Childrens Hos-
pital of Michigan.
Address correspondence to: Rajan Arora, MD,
Carman and Ann Adam Department of Pediat-
rics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Childrens
Hospital of Michigan, 3901 Beaubien Boulevard,
Detroit, MI 48201; email:
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant fi-

nancial relationships to disclose.

doi: 10.3928/00904481-20140417-12

196 | PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014


hildhood injuries account for
more than 10 million annual
visits and are the second lead-
ing cause for visits to primary care of-
fices and the emergency department.1,2
Fractures make up around 10% to 25%
of these musculoskeletal injuries. Almost

Images courtesy of Rajan Arora, MD.

two-thirds of all boys and nearly half of
all girls will have had sustained a fracture
by 15 years of age, with a peak incidence
for fractures of age 14 years for boys and
11 years for girls.3,4 In children, fractures
tend to occur more frequently in the up- A B C D
per extremity in comparison to the lower
Figure 1. (A) Buckle fracture of the distal radius. (B) Plastic deformation of the ulna. (C) Greenstick frac-
extremity.5 The distal radius is the most ture of the radius. (D) Salter II fracture of the distal radius.
frequently fractured bone. This, along
with fracture of metacarpals and phalan- plates are located at the ends of the occurs at the junction of the metaphysis
ges, accounts for 50% of all fractures.3,6 long bones and are responsible for con- and diaphysis. Acute angulation of the
With children and adolescents ever- tinued longitudinal growth. In younger cortex is noted as opposed to the usual
increasing participation in sports, it is children, fractures closer to a growth curved surface, resembling the torus or
likely that primary care physicians will plate have great remodeling potential, base of a classical Greek pillar. This is
increasingly encounter patients with as the physis of a bent bone will grow best seen on the antero-posterior view
upper-extremity injuries. This article eccentrically to help restore alignment and not on the lateral view of a radio-
discusses the commonly encountered over time. Depending upon age, re- graph. Greenstick fractures are incom-
upper-extremity fractures in children. modeling can correct varying degrees plete fractures that result from a bend-
Common mechanisms of injury, fracture of displacement and angulation but ing force perpendicular to the shaft of a
type and classification, possible compli- not axial malrotation. The periosteum long bone, much like a green twig when
cations, and current principles of their in children is much thicker, stronger, it is bent. The side under the force re-
management are reviewed. and has a greater osteogenic potential. mains intact but gets bent, whereas the
It provides stability, acts as a restraint cortex opposite the bending force frac-
KEY ASPECTS OF PEDIATRIC BONE to displacement, preserves the vascular tures completely. Complete fractures
The skeletal anatomy of a child varies supply, maintains reduction, and allows are those that propagate completely
considerably from that of an adult in sev- for faster fracture healing. through a bone. They can be spiral,
eral important ways. The pediatric bone oblique, or transverse fractures.
is less dense, more porous, and has a CLASSIFICATION OF PEDIATRIC The physis, also known as the
lower mineral content. Being more elas- FRACTURES growth plate, is an area unique to pe-
tic and pliable, it can undergo a greater Pediatric fractures can be broadly diatric bone. The physis is the transition
degree of deformation before breaking. classified into five types: plastic de- zone at the end of the long bones in the
Hence, both greenstick and torus frac- formation, buckle fracture, greenstick body between the metaphysis and the
tures are seen almost exclusively in the fracture, complete fracture, and phy- epiphysis. Physeal fractures make up
pediatric population. Increased porosity seal injury (Figure 1). Plastic deforma- 15% to 25% of the pediatric fractures,
prevents fracture propagation, thereby tion is essentially unique to children with a peak incidence in the adolescent
resulting in a lower incidence of com- and most commonly involves the ulna. age group.7 The distal radial physis is
minuted fractures in children. However, Plastic deformity occurs from longitu- the most frequently injured physis.8
since the tensile strength of pediatric dinal stress and results in bowing of the Growth plate injury should be suspected
bone is lower than that of the ligaments, bones, with a completely intact perios- if point tenderness is noted over a phy-
fractures are more common than sprains. teum. No fracture line is visible radio- sis regardless of presence or absence of
The two key attributes of imma- graphically. Buckle or torus fracture, radiographic findings. Depending upon
ture skeleton are presence of growth also a primary childhood injury, results the pattern, the physeal injuries are usu-
plate and thick periosteum. The growth from axial loading on an extremity and ally classified into five categories by the

PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014 | 197


obese and overweight children tend to
fall more during daily activities as a
Sensorimotor Assessment of Common Upper-Limb Nerves result of difficulty with balance. Envi-
Nerve Sensory Motor ronmental modifications have not been
Radial Dorsum of first web space Thumbs-up sign
shown to lower the risk of fractures in
obese children, and the only reduction in
Ulnar Volar aspect of little finger Make a star
fracture risk was achieved by attaining a
(Spread fingers wide)
healthy body weight.13
Median Volar aspect of index finger Make a fist with thumb flexion
The role of vitamin D in maintaining
Anterior Interosseus No sensory function OK sign (Making a circle with the
patients bone health, as well as fracture
thumb and index finger)
healing and prevention of future frac-
tures, is well known. In a recent study
TABLE 2. by James et al.,14 hypovitaminosis D was
common among children with upper-
Common Upper-Extremity Splints and Their Indications
extremity fractures. In their study cohort
Splint Indications of 181 patients, 64% had low vitamin D
Volar/Dorsal Soft tissue injuries to hand and wrist, carpal bone fractures (excluding levels, with African-American children
scaphoid/trapezium), and distal radius buckle fracture. being more likely to have an insufficient
Thumb Spica Scaphoid, non-displaced first metacarpal, and stable thumb fracture. or deficient level.
Radial Gutter Non-displaced/non-rotated fractures of second and third metacarpal or Repetitive stress may result in frac-
corresponding proximal/middle phalangeal shaft fractures. tures due to overuse and fatigue of the
Ulnar Gutter Non-displaced/non-rotated fractures of fourth and fifth metacarpal or surrounding musculature. Though less
corresponding proximal/middle phalangeal shaft fractures. prevalent than lower-extremity stress
Sugar Tong Acute distal radial and ulnar fractures. fractures, upper-extremity stress frac-
Long Arm Distal humeral, proximal/midshaft forearm fractures, and non-buckle tures are now being more frequently
Posterior wrist fractures. recognized. Common examples include
Aluminum Distal phalangeal fractures. Little Leaguer shoulder and gym-
U-Shaped Splint nast wrist, which are a chronic Salter-
Buddy Taping Stable, non-displaced, non-angulated shaft fractures of the proximal or Harris type I injury to the physis of the
middle phalanx. proximal humerus and distal radius,
respectively. Pediatricians should offer
nutritional counseling and discuss the
Salter and Harris classification system.9 but it is important to recognize physeal importance of appropriate training and
Type I injuries extend through the phy- fractures as any damage to the growth conditioning prior to and during sports
sis. Type II fractures extend through the plate can result in progressive angular participation to avoid these fractures.
physis and exit through the metaphysis. deformity, limb-length discrepancy, or
They are the most common and repre- joint incongruity. INITIAL ASSESSMENT
sent approximately 50% of all growth- Accurate diagnosis of musculoskel-
plate fractures in children.10 Type III RISK FACTORS etal injuries in children warrants a sys-
begins in the physis and exits through In otherwise healthy children, skel- tematic approach. A detailed history,
the epiphysis intra-articularly. Type IV etal fragility is often attributed to low comprehensive physical examination,
injury traverses through the physis, me- peak bone mass. Several independent and a good understanding of sport bio-
taphysis, and epiphysis. Type V involves risk factors like genetic constitution, mechanics are vital adjuncts in mak-
crush injury to the physis and carries birth weight, poor nutrition, and low ing the correct diagnosis and planning
the worst prognosis. Salter-Harris III to socio-economic status may influence appropriate management. A pertinent
V fractures have a higher incidence of fracture risk in children. Whiting11 and history should include mechanism of
growth disturbance, as the likelihood of Goulding et al.12 showed that obesity injury, direction and magnitude of the
growth arrest is directly related to the in childhood and adolescence reduces force, prior injuries, or any associated
severity of physeal injury. Usually the bone mineral density with an increased symptoms. All splints and bandages
growth plate repairs well and rapidly propensity for fractures. Furthermore, must be removed to ensure a thorough

198 | PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014


examination of the injured extremity.

Ensure appropriate analgesia, as it will
make the child comfortable and comply
with the examination. It is imperative to
examine the entire limb as well as assess
the joint above and below the injury for
range of motion, stability, or concomi-
tant injuries. A B
While performing an upper-extrem- Figure 2. (A) Midshaft clavicle fracture with overriding. (B) Healing clavicle fracture with surrounding callous.
ity examination, attention should be
paid to the clavicle, scapula, and shoul- or prefabricated and over-the-counter greenstick and may go unnoticed until
der. One should assess for any swelling, splints. In general, six to 10 sheets of a large callus forms.17 In older children,
deformity, open wound, area of maxi- plaster material over appropriate pad- the fracture is usually displaced and as-
mal tenderness, and active and passive ding especially over bony promi- sociated with lowering of the affected
range of motion. Finally, it is important nences are recommended for upper- shoulder, point tenderness, swelling,
to assess the distal neurovascular status extremity injuries. Splints should be obvious deformity, and/or ecchymosis
of the limb. In younger children, motor non-circumferential, somewhat loose, at the fracture site. Shoulder movements
and sensory assessment can be done by and applied in a position of function. across different planes usually exac-
asking them to copy simple movements Commonly used upper-extremity splints erbate the pain. X-rays with dedicated
and touching areas reliably supplied by and their indications are listed in Table clavicle views can accurately diagnose
each nerve (Table 1). Plain radiographs 2. Although some angulation is accept- most clavicle fractures. However, one
are the mainstay of the diagnosis. Frac- able depending upon patients age, the should be aware that clavicle views are
tures should be described in terms of fracture should not be malaligned or different from routine shoulder films.
location, displacement, separation, malrotated. In most cases, 15 to 20 de- The majority of clavicle fractures will
shortening, and presence of angular grees of volar/dorsal angulation in the heal uneventfully and are managed using
or rotational deformities. Further im- sagittal plane in a skeletally immature a simple sling for 2 to 3 weeks, primar-
aging, such as computed tomography child is deemed acceptable.15,16 Marked ily for pain control. When compared to
(CT) scans, may be necessary to plan bowing should usually be corrected a figure-of-eight splint, a sling is more
operative intervention for intra-articu- by completing the fracture and restor- comfortable, less cumbersome to put
lar displacements. A bone scan or mag- ing alignment. For displaced fractures, on, causes fewer skin problems, and has
netic resonance imaging (MRI) may be closed reduction and immobilization in similar outcomes. Indications for opera-
needed occasionally to confirm the di- a cast can be achieved under procedural tive intervention include open fractures,
agnosis of a stress fracture. sedation. Open fracture warrants broad- complicated comminuted fractures, and
spectrum antibiotics and tetanus vacci- fractures with neurovascular compro-
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FRACTURE nation. Immediate orthopedic evaluation mise or greater than 100% displacement
MANAGEMENT IN CHILDREN is indicated for fractures that are unsta- (width of the clavicle) where skin is tent-
Bone healing in children is usually ble, open, or associated with neurovas- ed or its integrity is threatened.18 Parents
rapid and inversely related to the age of cular compromise. should be informed that a callus bump at
the patient. Further, greater remodeling the fracture site is part of the natural heal-
potential and abundant callus formation CLAVICLE FRACTURES ing process and will become less distinct
lessens the likelihood of long-term com- Clavicle fractures are the most com- as the bone remodels over the next 6 to 12
plications in childhood fractures. There- mon of all pediatric fractures. They may months. Complications, though rare, may
fore, conservative treatment including be seen in newborns as a result of birth include brachial plexus injury, pneumo-
pain control, immobilization in a splint trauma, or in children and adolescents thorax, and airway compromise. Healing
or cast, and return of activity in accor- following a fall on an outstretched hand usually happens over 6 to 18 weeks, with
dance with the patients symptoms suf- (FOOSH) or shoulder, or a direct blow average return to non-contact sports in 4
fices in the majority of common upper- to the bone. An overwhelming majority to 6 weeks followed by return to contact
extremity fractures. (80% to 85%) occur in the middle one- sports when there is no pain over the frac-
Splinting may be accomplished us- third of the bone (Figure 2). In younger ture site, full pain-free range of move-
ing plaster, pre-padded casting material, children, these fractures are typically ments, and normal strength.

PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014 | 199


ated neurovascular injuries, open, and/

or intra-articular fractures, or severely
angulated fractures in older children and
adolescents. Complications are quiet
rare and include axillary nerve/brachial
plexus injury (typically neuropraxia),
avascular necrosis, and malunion.
Humeral metaphysial/shaft fractures
in the absence of significant trauma (eg,
motor vehicle accident, fall from height)
should raise the suspicion of abuse, al-
though neither age nor fracture pattern
A B C is pathognomonic of abuse (Figure 3B).
Figure 3. (A) Displaced fracture through the neck of humerus. (B) Humerus shaft fracture with overrid- Physicians should also consider patho-
ing. (C) Pathologic proximal humerus fracture through a bone cyst. logic fracture, as the humerus is a com-
mon site for bone cysts and other benign
TABLE 3. TABLE 4. lesions (Figure 3C).19 These fractures
Ossification Centers of the Gartlands Classification of also have an enormous remodeling po-
Pediatric Elbow Supracondylar Fractures tential; hence, the majority are treated
with immobilization in a coaptation
Age of splint for 3 to 4 weeks and rarely require
Appearance Type I Non-displaced. surgical intervention. Complications are
Ossification Center (years) rare, with radial nerve injury being the
C = Capitellum 1 most common.
Type II Partially displaced with
R = Radial Head 3
intact posterior cortex. ELBOW FRACTURES
I = Internal (Medial) 5
Epicondyle Elbow fractures in children are quite
T = Trochlea 7
common and represent approximately
Type III Completely displaced with
10% to 12% of all pediatric fractures.20,21
O = Olecranon 9 no contact between frac-
tured segments.
Unlike fractures of the clavicle or proxi-
E = External (Lateral) 11
mal humerus, elbow fractures are more
likely to require precise, often surgical,
Adapted from Beatty and Kasser22 and Green23 Adapted from Gartland24
Diagnosis of pediatric elbow frac-
HUMERUS FRACTURES be subtle or absent and may include tures can be challenging, as this requires
Proximal humerus fractures are a swelling, bruising, and/or an obvious distinguishing normal ossification cen-
common injury in children that peaks deformity in more severe injuries. Injury ters from fractures in a radiograph. Ap-
during adolescence secondary to in- to the axillary nerve should be excluded plying the mnemonic CRITOE, which
creased sports participation. It compris- by carefully assessing deltoid function refers to the sequence of appearance
es of both physeal and metaphyseal frac- and sensation over the lateral aspect of of six secondary ossification centers at
tures (Figure 3A). The most common the proximal humerus. Standard shoul- the elbow (Table 3), can help pediatric
mechanism of injury is a FOOSH or a der radiographs are diagnostic. These providers with this.22,23 However, one
hit directly at the proximal humerus. Al- fractures carry an excellent prognosis should be aware that these ages are ap-
though less common than clavicle frac- as a result of the abundant remodeling proximations, and these injuries often
tures, this type of fracture may be seen in potential of the proximal humerus. Most occur somewhat earlier in girls.
neonates secondary to birth trauma. The can be managed by immobilization with
patient usually presents with pain local- a simple sling, or a coaptation splint for Supracondylar Fractures
ized to the proximal humerus and/or the more severely displaced fractures, Supracondylar fractures account for
anterior shoulder or, in newborn cases, for approximately 3 to 4 weeks. Surgi- 60% to 80% of all pediatric elbow frac-
pseudoparalysis. Physical findings could cal intervention is required for associ- tures.5 They occur primarily during the

200 | PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014


first decade of life, with a peak incidence

at around 5 to 7 years of age. The most
common mechanism is a FOOSH injury
with hyperextension of the elbow (eg,
a fall off the monkey bars). The child
usually presents with a swollen painful
elbow and limited range of motion and
may have an obvious deformity. Signifi-
cant ecchymosis is considered a risk fac-
tor for forearm compartment syndrome.
Due to its potential to injure the brachial
artery, as well as the radial, median, and/ Figure 4. (A) Type I supracondylar fracture showing anterior fat pad (sail sign) and posterior fad pad sign
with normal anatomic alignment of anterior humeral line (black line). (B) Type II posteriorly displaced
or ulnar nerve, a thorough neurovascu- supracondylar fracture with large effusion. (C) Type 3 supracondylar fracture with severe and complete
lar assessment should be performed in displacement of the distal segment.
all patients with a suspected or known
elbow fracture. Standard elbow radio-
graphs, including an anteroposterior
(AP) view in extension and a lateral
view at 90-degree flexion, are sufficient
in making the diagnosis. On a lateral
radiograph, the classic figure-of-eight
appearance of the distal humerus and
the anterior humeral line should always
be assessed. In a normal elbow, a line
drawn along the anterior cortex of the
humerus should bisect the middle third
of the capitellum, whereas in the case of Figure 5. (A) Transverse fracture through lateral condyle and epicondyle with displaced capitellum. (B)
Fracture of the medial epicondyle. (C) Fracture of the radial head. (D) Avulsion fracture of the olecranon.
a supracondylar fracture, the capitellum
is generally displaced posterior to this
line. In absence of a clear fracture line, clude neurovascular injuries, compart- tellum (Figure 5A). Treatment is usu-
subtle signs like presence of a posterior ment syndrome, Volkmanns ischemic ally surgical. The articular nature of the
fat pad or a large, triangular sail-shaped contractures (contracture deformities of fracture and often delayed diagnosis re-
anterior fat pad are indicative of an intra- the fingers, hand, and wrists), and cubi- sult in a high incidence of malunion and
articular joint effusion with an associat- tus varus (angular gunstock deformity). nonunion with this injury.
ed fracture. Supracondylar fractures are
classified on the basis of the degree of OTHER ELBOW FRACTURES Medial Epicondyle
displacement of the fractured distal frag- Lateral condyle Medial epicondyle is the third most
ment (Figure 4, Table 4).24 The lateral condyle is the second common pediatric elbow fracture. It is
Type I non-displaced supracondylar most common elbow fracture and results usually seen in children between the
fractures can be treated in a long-arm from a FOOSH mechanism. Examina- ages of 9 and 14 years and frequently
cast for approximately 3 to 4 weeks. tion findings reveal a swollen elbow, encountered in baseball pitchers. The
Type II and Type III fractures are mostly possible localized lateral tenderness, and mechanism of injury is a valgus stress,
managed surgically with closed reduc- decreased range of movement. The frac- and about half of cases are associated
tion and percutaneous pin fixation. In ture may not always be appreciated on with dislocation of elbow. Examina-
case of suspected vascular compromise, initial radiographs, as it occurs through tion findings include a swelling and
the patient should be taken immediately an area that may be only partially ossi- tenderness over the medial epicondyle
to the operating room for fracture reduc- fied. Radiographic findings may include and weakness in the flexor-pronator
tion. Supracondylar fracture carries one the presence of a posteriorly displaced muscle group. Imaging for epicondylar
of the highest complication rates of any metaphysial fragment or disruption of fractures includes AP and lateral radio-
pediatric fracture.25 Complications in- the radial head alignment with the capi- graphs (Figure 5B). Non-displaced and

PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014 | 201


10 years of age, buckle and greenstick

fractures occur most frequently, whereas
growth plate and complete fractures are
more likely in patients older than 10
years of age and adolescents, respec-
tively. Fractures of both bones of the
forearm are mostly distal in location,
as well (Figure 6B). Imaging may re-
veal plastic deformation, greenstick, or
complete injuries with varying degrees
of displacement. Fracture dislocations
Figure 6. (A) Transverse fracture of the radial metadiaphysis. (B) Fracture of both bones of the forearm. of the forearm can also happen, in which
(C) Monteggia fracture characterized by proximal ulnar fracture with radial head dislocation. (D) Gale-
azzi fracture depicted by distal radial fracture with disrupted distal radio-ulnar joint. there is a fracture with shortening of one
of the two bones with dislocation of the
be subtle and only demonstrate the pres- other bone. Monteggia fracture compris-
ence of a posterior fat pad sign. Undis- es radial head dislocation plus proximal
placed fractures, or those with less than ulna fracture or plastic deformation of
30-degree angulation, are managed in a the ulna without obvious fracture (Fig-
long arm posterior splint or cast. Dis- ure 6C). Galeazzi fracture is a relatively
placed or more angulated fractures are rare injury characterized by fracture of
treated surgically. Complications in- the distal radial shaft with disruption of
clude decreased range of motion, avas- the distal radioulnar joint (Figure 6D).
cular necrosis of the radial head, and Forearm fractures typically result
Figure 7. (A) Fracture through waist of the scaph- posterior interosseous nerve injury. from a FOOSH injury or, occasionally,
oid bone. (B) Fracture through shaft of the 5th
metacarpal (boxers fracture). due to direct blow, as in the case of a
OLECRANON FRACTURES both-bone forearm fracture. Physical
stress fractures are treated conservative- Olecranon fractures occur rarely in exam may reveal swelling, tenderness,
ly in a long arm posterior splint or cast children. If present, they are commonly and decreased motion, and gross defor-
for 3 weeks. Displacement of greater associated with other elbow injuries. mity may or may not be present. While
than 3 mm to 5 mm or presence of intra- The common mechanism is a fall onto evaluating forearm fractures, if only one
articular loose bodies require surgical the elbow or a direct blow to the olec- bone appears to be fractured, the clini-
fixation.26 The most common compli- ranon process. Examination may reveal cian should check the proximal and
cations are stiffness, ulnar nerve injury, swelling and tenderness over the olecra- distal joints for injury. Although rare,
and symptomatic non-union. non process, and the patient will resist compartment syndrome should be ruled
extension at the elbow. If nondisplaced, out in both-bone forearm fractures. Plain
RADIAL HEAD/NECK FRACTURES these fractures can be treated in a long radiographs of the forearm can provide
Children usually sustain radial neck arm cast; however, operative interven- the diagnosis.
fractures, whereas fractures of the ra- tion is required for displaced fractures. Treatment depends on the type of
dial head occur primarily in adults. Most fracture and the degree of displacement.
fractures result from a FOOSH mecha- FOREARM FRACTURES Most pediatric forearm fractures can be
nism with the elbow in extension and Childhood forearm fractures repre- treated without surgery. Buckle fractures
valgus. Upon examination, there may sent 40% to 50% of all fractures in chil- may simply need the support of a splint
be local tenderness over the radial head dren.27,28 They may occur at the proxi- or cast for 2 to 3 weeks until they heal.
with pain accentuation on pronation/ mal end or in the middle of the forearm, Closed reduction and immobilization
supination of the forearm. At times, pa- but the majority (75%) are located near for 6 to 12 weeks in a long arm cast is
tients may present with referred pain at the wrist at the distal end of the bone needed for greenstick fracture with more
the wrist. Most cases are Salter-Harris (Figure 6A).29 Distal injuries vary great- than 10 degrees of angulation, both-
type II fractures and are revealed on ly in severity and complexity, with age bone fracture in children younger than
standard elbow radiographs (Figure determining the pattern and the location age 10 years, fracture dislocations, distal
6C). At times, radiographic findings can of the fracture. In children younger than radius fractures, and Salter-Harris type I

202 | PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014


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204 | PEDIATRIC ANNALS 43:5 | MAY 2014

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