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Thesis Titles

This kind of mobile application that manages expenses and the reserve salary of user and it
also computes for the expenses daily, monthly and annually. It handles the notification for the
previous saved expenses for its history. The user can add data to manage the next expenses and it
saved for the next notifications. Some features of this system are push notifications that will pop up
on mobile phone even if the device is locked. And it can be enjoy because of its themes.

City Guide: Tagaytay City Tourist App

City Guide is a mobile application for the City of Character which will guide the users to
explore the beautiful places in Tagaytay. This kind of app is not only a guide but it also useful for the
new set of tourist to visit the City like the transportations. It also tells the user where to ride to hop
to another place within the City from time-to-time.

Day & Night Updates

An application in mobile that forecasting weather and tells the user what to bring when go
to outside. If raining season, it will notify the mobile device of the user to bring an umbrella outside.
News updates are embedded in this kind of application for some public announcements.

G.Y.M. (Go with Your Motivation)

Fitness and Exercises are the main concern of the healthy conscious persons. G.Y.M. is the
app that guides to be stay perfectly healthy and fit. Users can create their own criteria of exercise
and set of time to achieve their customize body workout and it can share it online with their friends.

Prepared by:

Managbanag, James Jervie

Bernadas, Ariel
Catinsag, Brix Francis
Atienza, Rhevelyn

Thesis Titles

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