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Teacher Survey Emma DeBoer

What are the most effective teaching strategies for individuals with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD)
Name: Julie dLima
School: Reynella East College

How many students with ASD do you currently teach in total?

Do you use the same teaching strategies for the student with ASD as you would for the rest
of the class? (Yes/no Include more information if necessary)
No I need to use targeted teaching for all students. For my ASD students, I need to
modify task delivery so that it caters for their learning needs. I need to modify how they
can access the curriculum e.g. Avoiding sensory overload by allowing students to work in
smaller groups or in a quieter learning environment.

If you have more than one student with ASD in one class, do you tend to use the same
strategies for each student? Or is the teaching differentiated to meet the students needs?
The teaching is differentiated to meet each individuals learning needs.

What type of strategies do you use for students with ASD (if you use different strategies for
different students, please include all of them)?
- Breaking down tasks into smaller chunks and working one on one
- Reducing the number in a group to enable greater success with group work (this
reduces stress related to noise and language communication difficulties
- Using a quieter learning space to reduce sensory overload

How do you determine the level of support required for each student with ASD?
I read the student NEP which is he one plan devised in consultation with the student,
teacher and family. A SMARTER goal is written each term.

If you are working with a student with ASD one-on-one, what do you do to ensure that the
rest of the class arent being ignored?
I rotate one on one with others and check progress of all students during the lesson. All
students have some one on one time throughout the term and are encouraged to seek help
and feedback regularly.
Teacher Survey Emma DeBoer

What strategies would you use if there are behavioural issues or difficulties between other
students and the individual with ASD?
Behaviour issues usually arise from students not being able to access the curriculum due to
the task being not engaging e.g. not relevant, too easy, too hard, not easy to understand. I
redirect students back to the task and question the students about why they have not been
able to remain on task. I do not focus on the behaviour or issue between the students but I
focus back to the task.

How often do you meet with the parents of the student(s) with ASD?
I meet during parent/teacher interviews and during the One Plan meetings if requested.
Communication is available via phone, email and at school Arts events in between
parent/teacher meetings. I would meet once a term.

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