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Pepneios Q PERS | Schodet prleenat 2017 UniSA | Education ——s PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE & REFLECTION 3/REFLECTIVE PRACTICE 3 FINAL REPORT PRESERVIGE TEACHER: | Emma DeBoor 1D | 410008778 PROGRAM: Masters of Teaching (Secondary) [SITES] Reynetia East College ‘SITE COORDINATOR: | Trish Margonie ~) WENTORIS: | Anne Wilson, Jule D'Lima, Tamara Tane UNIVERSITY LIAISON: | Bruce Underwood e LEARNING AREAS | | YEAR LEVEL (S) TAUGHT: | 8,9, 10, 11 (eecondary ony) | VS¥3/AtS and Mesa Ans DATES OF PLACEMENT: | 61312077 te | 2en7 TOTAL DAYS: | 28 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CONTEXT: a Reynella East College is an R-12 school divided over 2 campuses. It caters for over 1700 students from al year levels, Itis a ECS school which accommadates students from the Adelaide South district, The class sizes vary depending on the subject but generally have 20-30 students per class, We see ourselves as preparing students ofall ablives who are independent and interdependent learners, acive ctizens, enterprising and prepared to mest the challenge of the 2st century, A @ school, we are aiming to become a community of learners, where we lear from each other. We make strong connections to aur local communty, land our students are actively engaged with the community. We host International students as exchange - short term and long term. ‘Our focus is on the student as a member of local, national and global community. The school setting at Reynella, a southern ‘suburb of Adelaide, has extensive gardened grounds, sporting and leaming facilities, and provides an ideal environment fora focused, wel-rounded preparation for if ‘SUMMATIVE COMMENTS BY MENTOR TEACHERIS: ‘Anne Wilson: Emma has presented herself as an organised, motivated, frienaly and effective teacher in the Gassroom. She has engaged students in thei leaming, being considerate of their ifferent leaming styles, abilities and interests. She has fitted in well with the Arts team whose stucio and office space she has shared, Emma has at all times been professional, punctual and poite. ‘She has been keen to gain professionel knowledge regarding behaviour management strategies, practical subject delivery and ‘content including assessment and reporting procedures and policies. Emma achieved good classfoom management through the Use of well-prepared teaching aids and clear directions. Her active involvement of students in group work and as individuals ‘encouraged a good learning atmosphere in the classroom. She was able fo gain student cooperation through a positive and caring attitude towards her teaching, classroom preparation, sel-suficiency as an At teacher and her wilingness to assist the students. Julie D'Lima: In Mecia-Arts teaching, Emma has demonstrated good knowledge of content and pedagogy for digital learning and Collaborative creative and critical thinking, She has enabled students to pursue diferentiated tasks and work towards presenting ‘media arts works for an audience. ‘Tamara Tan ‘ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT (ct applicable io EC arand) “Topic: Strategies for Teaching Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Research Finding present io: Anne Wilson Del — EDM re, NE i mir SATIspACTORY | SUNMATIVE COMMENTS BY SITE COORDINATOR: Emma is a friendly and enthusiastic final year graduate who has developed excellent professional relationships with staf, students nd the wider schoo! community. She quickly became a valued member of the Ars faculty and her wilingness to be involved in a variety of extracurricular activities was appreciated. | belie Emma wil be an asset to any school where she continues her teaching career. bgeeyoeds gre, 81 tr saneracrony VERIFICATION BY AUTHORISED UNIVERSITY PERSONNE! ‘The Mentor Teacher, Site Coordinator and Preservice teacher have been consulted during the placement and this report documents evigenoejo the Preservice Teacher's achievement of the Professional Experience objectives, DATE: M4, 06; 2017 eaTeracIONy ‘SUMIMATIVE COMMENTS BY PRESERVICE TEACHER? During my final placement | leamnt a lot from my three mentor teachers, and challenged myself as a teacher on several occasions. | have developed my philosophy of teaching a great deal over the five weeks at Reynelia East College, and built my confidence in ‘areas that | fet needed improvement, During this time, | was able to utlise behaviour management strategies which | studied during my course. | also utilised strategies to keep students engaged throughout the unit and motivated to complete work; such as using ICT to show examples of cther fim makers work in my Media classes to demonstrate the use of camera angles, framing end editing techniques. One of the areas | believe | excelled in whilst on this practicum was building relationships with students, | particularly {elt that | learnt the names of each of my students very quickly and used them whenever I could, This is ski which Iwill continue to develop and wil help me in my own teaching practise This final placement helped me develop the skils and strategies that | will take with me into my career as a teacher. | feel that | have seized every opportunity whilst on placement, and | am looking forward to continuing the development of my own teaching practise, (4 [ob [Qoit NOTES FOR MENTOR TEACHERS AND SITE COORDINATORS COMPLETING THIS REPORT ‘The assessment criteria used in this report are the Australian Professional Standards Tor Teachers. Tho Preservice Toachor may wish to cubmi ths report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of acronyms as audent reports are ‘len viewed by inferstate and international employers wh are not always familar wih South Avsralan nomencature, “The presence teacher has completed the required the ful26 days of ther placement nuding visi YES days. MENTOR TEACHER COMMENTS: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE 4 Know students and how they lear 2. Know the content and how to teachit 1.4, Physica, soci and intel development and characterises of | 2.1 Content and teaching sratgies ofthe tacing are ees 2.2 Conon ovecton and orgarsaton 1:2. Understand how students learn 2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting 13 eer ‘cultural, religious and 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 1.4, Sealsges or ieacing tog! and Toes Sander ce etn Bee a Suen 25 Uteracy and mercy stratgies 1.5. iferentate teaching to meet the spc ering needs of ray and numeracy stties ‘sludents across the full range of abilities oe her or 1.6 Sven o super full pariipaton of studnts wih disabity Anne Wilson: Emma used school systems, ie Segta and Learnlink, to update relevant knowledge ensuring an ome Understanding of student physical, social, linguistic, socio-economic and intellectual development were met. She had professional conversations that allowed her to employ teaching strategies that responded to individual student learning strengths and needs, Emma was able to put in place differentiated teaching to moot the specific needs of students who missed lessons due to suspensions, holidays or sickness. She developed strategies and Pit in place effective consequences for students whose constant lateness to class became a significant | disruption atthe beginning of lesson time, She did this through individual one on one teaching and mentoring students to meet adjusted time frames, praising and reinforcing positive responses, acknowledging etudent questions and comments. She regularly made herself available at lunch time and after school workshops so that the Year 11 cohort was able to complete course work in time for the end of semester Exhibition evening. Emma showed a good knowledge and understanding of the Australian Curriculum Frameworks al the associated year levels that she taught looking at curriculum mapping, frameworks, assessment and reporting course content, unit planners and task sheets, This enabled her to submit prior to teaching, unt plans and task sheets and eet associated timeframes for the completion of exch component. She successful aimed the teaching content to the appropriate year level and maintained student interest and motivation to complete the task. At the completion oO ‘of each practical and associated theory task she assessed each student's submitted work using the set assessment criteria and marking rubrics, seeking examples and strategies used by myself to guide her own ‘marking decisions. She gave individual wilten summative feedback as well as ongoing formate suggestons as | Sear the task progressed. Emma's ICT knowledge and skis were evident in both the development and presentation of classroom teaching and resources used to suppot the delivery of practical lessons. Emma was able to cet oO ‘challenging but achievable learning goals catering forthe range of students’ abilties, interest and prior knowledge in the student cohort class groupings that she taught. She successfuly sequenced a range of practical and theory tasks ensuring students were able to complete work in single and double lessons, satan maintained classroom behaviour and learning outcomes. Her subject knowledge and skils were evident in ‘classroom group demonstrations as well as one cn one mentoring. She quickly gained student respect due to oO her caring and supportive approach and was able to build up a good rapport with students communicating fluently and atthe targeted age group. Emma was reflective and flexible, modifying task content and timeframes, to improve student learning as required Emma encouraged student particpation and engagement with an organised approsch to setting up a well ‘equipped and safe classroom space. She always arrived to school and lessons ahead of time to ensure she had ‘adequate time to organise teaching aides, materials and equipment. She allowed appropriate time for students to ‘clean and pack up from practical activities. She sought feedeack on ways to improve her classroom delivery and ‘when dealing wit disincined learners, behaviour management as well as course content and ts relevance, Julio D’Lima: In her media-arts teaching, Emma has engaged students with ICT through fim making. Her ‘teaching included the cross curriculum prionty of sustainabilty through storytling and the use of found materials as resources. Her targeted teaching practice with students who have autism was implemented with confidence, MENTOR TEACHER COMMENTS: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE : 2. lan orang Implomontafecive toch andiearina 1-4 Cane and mana auoporve and sae leaning 3 Baeeeat plement oes a Pa ae an ee ae ene ae cea eas Sean eee tee See cis betes 35 au and tnporo acy poate ee ey eactaan, ee ae ee See alick and ase Sn aan 5 Vale corona on rape oT es pact tae Sse aaa nro Erin hs assoced eho clasos she has GQ RAL wag paisa ore ear SA Cane] — a Clay sculpture and Mixed Mecia drawing and one Year 11 Class ~ Drawing and Painting Portraits. She has used ‘an assessment rubric and set grades accordingly, with students being aware ofthe marking criteria and performance standards. She sought advice on methods of assessment and | mentored her through the process. Emma made use of criterion referenced assessment practises and assessment rubrics in formulating feedback wood and allocating grades with each ofthe classes she taught. This included using the Austalign Curriculum Performance Standards grading A-E. She gave ongoing formative assessment throughout the weeks with a clear o ‘ume frame for completion and assessment. She was able to use this to reflect on the success of the learning, ‘modifying the quantity and complexity ofthe task and to identiy studonts who needed extra suppor. For | exemple ~the Year 11 Class were working toward a spectic deadline of @ completed Practical Painting tobe | sawoy | | ready for a Year 11 group Exhiiton display. As such Emma was able to get the class to complete the nal art ‘work reving ona partially completed Foto of backup sketches and media experiments. After the Exhibition o students nad enough time te backtrack ané werk onthe Folos, Emma supeorted students to achieve completed At works for display by altencing afer hours workshops and iunen timo sessione, The students {enjoyed the challenge an exctement ofa professional organised Exton in which ty could celebrate thei achievements wth family, fiends and staff te ctered opening night even. A specal invitation was also | exteded forall stat fo attend as part ofthe gular staff meeting right. Feedback was pesve with mary staf |=] Appreciating the opportnty to see art work by students that they toseh. Emma provided both lessee wth ‘ren feedback comments Which were personal and relevant to the set task as wel asa summery rae sulieP'Lima; In Media ats teschng, Emme created a safe learning environment by implementing isk ‘management fr fim making and ethical consderetons wn digta media. She hes produced unt plans which have included dferenated strategies and student led feedback opportunites, MENTOR TEACHER COMMENTS: PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT 6. Engage in professional learning 7. Enaaae professionally with colleagues, parenisicarers and ‘the community 6.4 dently and pan professional learning needs 7.1 Meet professional tics and responsbites | 62. Engage in proessional learning and improve practice 7.2, Compl wih legislative, adminisvative and organisational requirements | 62. Engage with colleagues and improve pracice 7.3. Engage wth the paronsiearers | (64. Apply professional eaming and improve stent faring Engage wih professional eaching networks and broader communities | ‘Anne Wilson: Emma actively sought ongoing fecdback on her Classroom teaching and learning from each of her | sede mentor teachers. This alowed her to reflect on her own practise and adapt other methods she sam wien she successfully put nto practise. She attended Staff meetings as well as Arts facully meetings, Student Free Days eq Panalatinga Partnerships observing and participating in discussion ranging from the Australian Curriculum, ACE, Positive Psychology, to Behaviour Management issues as well as daily routines and special events, ‘These included after hours’ events such as the Arts Showcase evening at the Hopgood Theatre, Noerlunga and SI the Year 11 ArtDesign, Multimedia and Photography Stage 1 Exhibition evening. Emma happily volunteered ner time and supported the Arts team in the setting up of the Foyer display and interacted with other Arts teachers im} | ‘nd famios from the school and wider community | Professional Experience Office University of South Australa, Mawson Lakes Boulevard, Mawson Lakes SA 5095 ‘This sa certifed copy ofthe orginal assessment docurent provided by the sie In vich the student was placed forthe professional experience, tt ‘may be used for employment purposes.

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