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iorities In Ireland

Health Pr
Healthy Eating and Active The Tobacco Free Ire-
living Programme: land Programme:
The Irish population are to be The Irish people are to
physically active on a regu- stop smoking cigarettes
lar basis as well as eating a and cigars as it decreases
healthier diet by increasing lung and heart health
consumption of fruit and
inside the body. By re-
vegetables, reducing con-
stricting tobacco use in
sumption of foods high in fat,
salt and sugar and achieving Ireland, the people of Ire-
and maintaining a healthier Alcohol Programme: land would have a much
weight. 4/5 adults drink alcohol. To Ireland, a stand- healthier lifestyle, as
Healthy Childhood Pro- ard drink is about 10 grams of pure alcohol. they would have a much
gramme: This priority has already been established, greater lung capacity for
In Ireland there are ap- now stating that the low-risk deinking breathing the necessary
proximately 68,000 babies guidelines for women is up to 11 standard amount of air to keep the
are born in the state every drinks in a week while males are 17 stand- body going during exer-
year and (as children under ard drinks in a week. It also states that there cise. It would also mean
the age of 18) account for are to be 2 or 3 alcohol free days per week that the average Irish wo/
25% of the population. Fun as to properly space out the consumption of man would have an extra
fact: They have the young- alcohol. 2500 Euros to use on
est population in the EU. healthier foods.
In mid-2014 Ireland was services. It also looks at the wide determi-
introduced to the National nants of health that have a significant part in
Healthy Childhood Pro- child and adult health, the pivotal roles of the
gramme, which instigated parents in child development and the early
children, on their 14th identification of issues that enable early inter-
birthday, having at least 22 vention to occur; improving the outcomes for
contacts with the health the child.

Sexual Health:
Sexual Health promotion, education and Staff Health and Wellbeing:
prevention; which makes reference to There are three priorities under this main priority. These
making sure that everyone in Ireland will priorities are reforming the health service, Reducing
receive comprehensive and age appropri- Chronic Diseases, Staff Health and Wellbeing. The HSE
ate sexual health education and/or infor- Corporate Plan 2015-2017 outlines five goals, two of which
mation and will have access to the appro- include the need to promote personal health and wellbeing
priate prevention and promotion services. among staff to enable them to not only reach their own po-
Sexual Health services: Equitable, accessi- tential health and wellbeing but in so doing, be better able
ble and high quality sexual health services to promote the health and wellbeing of clients. Our staff is
that are targeted and tailored to need, will our connection to those who use our services.
be available to everyone in Ireland.
Sexual Intelligence: Robust and high
based on the life course approach, highlighting that age-
quality sexual health information will be
ing policy and practice is an issue for all ages and sectors
generated to underpin policy, practice,
of society. In order to help better inform policy responses
service planning and strategic monitoring.
to population ageing in Ireland, the Healthy and Positive
Positive Aging Programme: Ageing Initiative (HaPAI) has been established. The HaPAI
Positive ageing refers to a holistic indi- is a collaborative partnership involving the HSE Health and
vidual, community and whole-of-gov- Wellbeing Division, the Department of Health, the Atlantic
ernment approach to changing attitudes Philanthropies and Age.
towards ageing. Particular emphasis is

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