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The Resistance of a High Displacement-Length

Ratio Trawler Series

By C e d r i c R i d g e l y - N e v i t t , ~ Member

A series of related hull forms with large volumes for their lengths has been developed
and tested in smooth water. Covering a range of prismatic coefficients from 0.55 to
0.70 and displacement-length ratios from 200 to 500, their residuary resistance cont"ours
and wetted surface coefficients have been plotted in order to make resistance estimates
possible at speed-length ratios from 0.7 to 1.5. Evidence is presented to show that ~total
resistance changes rather slowly as a function of beam-draft ratio. One nonseries model
has been designed and tested to show the effect of the simultaneous additions of a pro-
jecting bulbous bow and a transom stern.

Introduction resistance qualities while maintaining all the

THIS paper is the last of three covering the normal characteristics of practical ships. With
design and testing of a group of high displacement- the latter d e m e n t in mind, conventional non-
length ratio hull forms in order to ascertain their bulbous bows and cruiser sterns were used. In
resistance values in smooth water. For many order that hull forms would be reasonable, they
years the designers of these types of vessels have were all designed up to a standard sheer line.
had to proceed without satisfactory systematic The flare above water often affects the shape
test data enabling them to predict, with accuracy, below and it was felt that the complete hull should
not only the horsepowers, but, especially, the be delineated to assure satisfactory overall shapes
quantitative variations resulting from design for the models tested.
modifications. The present installment includes testing of
The first paper [1 ],2 presented to the Society in displacement-length ratios from 200 to 500
1956, covered the choice of a particular type of derived from the four parent hulls which had
vessel for series tests, a single-screw fishing trawler; values of 300. The results have been presented
the range of variables to be tested; and the in the form of residuary resistance contours which
development of a suitable parent hull with a both the author and his m a n y assistants hope
prismatic coefficient of 0.65, a displacement- will be useful to designers of fishing vessels, tugs,
length ratio of 300, and a beam to draft ratio of fireboats, icebreakers, oceanographic ships, yachts
2.30. A t that time this set of parameters rep- and other short, beamy ships falling outside the
resented average American practice for such a range of the Taylor Series or Series 60.
ship. In 1963 a second paper [2] reported the The author would like to emphasize the fact
development of three additional parent hulls that this work has been carried on by means of
with prismatic coefficients of 0.55, 0.60, and 0.70 m a n y willing, able, and unpaid hands. A large
and demonstrated, by comparisons with other majority of it has been accomplished by means of
model tests, that all four parents had desirable a series of undergraduate theses at Webb In-
stitute of Naval Architecture. Reference [1]
*Professor, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, was based on five theses, reference [q] was carried
Glen Cove, N. 5:.
2 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of forward by six more, and the present work in-
paper. dudes the results of work by Messrs. Endrizzi
Presented at the Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., and McGowan [:3] in 19(i2 and Birkhead and
November 18-18, 1967, of THE SOCIETY"OF NAVALARCm-
TEC'I'S AND M A R I N E I~NGINEERS. Olson [4] in 19(53. In all, there have been twelve

undergraduate theses, one graduate thesis, and
25 students directly involved. T h e y have de-
signed and tested 26 of the 30 models covered by
these reports. In 13 cases they constructed, ~? ~ a , 00o.,,o. ~ o~ ,>:
finished, and outfitted the models as well. Fur-
ther thesis work included the design and construc-
~~o~ ~ ~ ~ -
..# ..-#
tion of a large capacity dynamometer in order
to test the models at high speed-length ratios and 0

the investigation of stinmlation problems which

made the tests repeatable at low and moderate '0

Working at the rate of about one thesis or two
models per year, this project has not achieved c , ca ~ t-.. c,~ cq ...... ~ c,'~ o u"a ~c.q~

any records for speed in completion. The

author has contributed to its low rate of progress 00c,l cO "0
since he has introduced further delays by retesting
all the models to insure that no inconsisteueies,
due to technique, might be present. He is directly
responsible for making the restricted channel
corrections to the model test results and for the
preparation of the resistance contours in this

. "co~" 4~
Ig o O. ~
C q

' d
paper. He has also been involved in further o oc,~
developments of the pin-type stimulators used.
~. 0 Co oO b,- C,l ~,1 . . . . . . ~

,-~ ,,-i O 0

The Series 0 .
i u-I
As already noted, the general type of hull, "B
-i- d
chosen in 1951, is a fishing trawler of conventional
shape This choice was a result of correspondence "6
with m a n y designers of small craft Those who 0
00 ~ o o o ~ '~o o o,~
specialized in this type showed the most interest ._g . .C~I~. CO ~ ."00, ~0
in a resistance series and provided the most in- -'O 0 ~ Cq "0 0 ,~

formation as to lines and other data covering their

designs. Since this is a single-screw ship with , . . . . qcq-Wmt-t--e~co "'l,r~ ~~O

considerable keel drag, it is not possible to derive

reasonable hull forms from a single parent a
0 ~ OO 0 C~I ,1 --cp 0~ 0 . Cb
A n y prismatic change would result in unsatis-
factory end profiles and a curved keel line if 0

sections were relocated in the normal way. It O1 I ~ , ~ r.,,O 0 ~'~ ,- ~ .'.'.'.'.'.0'.'.'.'~ ~.~ O 0 O0

was, therefore, necessary to adopt four parent

hulls, one for each prismatic coefficient to be
investigated. .Og. O0 ~ - ~ CO0 O0
All four had the same stern profle, but the bow C, ,
rake decreased progressively as the prismatic
increased. Essentially the same midship section
was adopted but these are not quite identical
since they are affected by the maximmn section
moving aft as the hulls grow finer I t is the area
of the maximum (not the midship) section that is
used herein for expressing elements such as the
prismatic coefficient. The normal nmxinmm area
coefficient (based on maximum beam aud draft ~-a g e
amidships in order to maintain the relationship
C~ = C,C~,) is 0.761 but there are slight variations
of 4-0.003 from this. Centers of b u o y a n c y move
from 8.6 percent aft of amidships on the finest
hull to 0.9 percent aft for the fullest; the trend

52 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series


/o ,9.~
Fig. 1 O.554 prismatic coefficient parent--Model W- 16

Fig. 2 0.597 prismatic coefficient parent--Model W. 18

is generally in accordance with American practice. derived by multiplying both beam and draft by
T h e b e a m - d r a f t ratio is kept constant at about the same constant to produce hull forms of 200,
2.30 which again is average for ships of this type. 400, and 500 displacement-length ratio. For
All parent hulls were given a displacement-length comparison purposes, the Taylor Series [5] stops
ratio of 300 and a keel drag of 3 percent of the at 250 at low speeds and at 170 for speed-length
length between perpendiculars, the latter being ratios of 1.30 and higher. Thus the present
used for the computation of all form character- series of four prismatics and four displacement-
istics. T h e four parents chosen had prismatics length ratios results in a total of 16 models, all
of 0.554, 0.597, 0.650, and 0.700. with the same beam to draft ratio. The partic-
Reference [2] presented cross plots to indicate a ulars of these hull forms are summarized in
fair progression throughout the series of selected Table 1; all dimensions are for a ship length be-
water lines, the bilge diagonals, stem profiles, tween perpendiculars of 100 ft, the standard
and section area curves. A further plot showed length used throughout the paper for speed-
gradual variations in the hydrostatic elements. length ratios as well as dimensionless resistance
From each parent, three addition models were values which are given in the form of ~).

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 53


/o ~ .~ o
Fig. 3 0.650 prismatic coefficient parent--Model W-8

Fig. 4 0.700 prismatic coefficient parent--Model W-20

B o d y plans and bow and stern profiles for the tween runs, in order to maintain the turbulence
four parents, W-16, W-1S, W-S, and W-20 are level in the t a n k ; and, finally, by a row of pin
presented in order of increasing prismatic coeffi- stimulators located 4 in aft of the stem. In all
cient in Figs. 1 through 4. Section area curves cases the models were tested with two different
are shown in Fig. 5 and load water lines in Fig. 6. s t i m u l a t o r configurations over the lower half of
the speed range and the more effective one of the
Test Procedure and Expansion Methods two used for expansion. All, however, had the
same stimulator at speed-length ratios above 1.0.
All models are built of wood, without append- F u r t h e r details are given in the Appendix.
ages of a n y kind, finished with marine spar T h e speed range covered by the tests was from
varnish, and tested in the W e b b Towing T a n k in V/v/L = 0.7 to 1.5. The model size was k e p t
fresh water a t S0.0 4- 0.5 deg F. Since these are small to keep down the blockage, the ratio of
very small models, stimulation was achieved b y midship area to t a n k area. W i t h a rectangular
three means: first, the elevated water tempera- t a n k 10 ft wide by 5 ft deep, the blockage values
ture; second, by the least possible interval be- ranged from 0.:3 to 1.0 percent. While m a n y

54 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series



I I , l! I , ~ ! L

I ! ~ I I I I I ' ,
103~Sdgkd 7 6 S ~ 3 f i~ / ~'A o
Fig. 5 Section area curves

I/// .~_xi"%<~
,+i. .6


~'~ -

Fig. 6 Load waterlines

I // QIO0

"~/o~S= Z O O /// ,3.0
z)4".OTZ"~= , 3 0 0

J ~.5 / i i

if ~//
.d- I
7 d ,9 /0 /I / 2 /3 /4 /,5- 7" ,:9 .9 / 0 / I /~ /.3 l'~ /.5"
,.%P~Z'D -/'FT-~. d P C~'D - /'f T,5.

zb /o z'= z'4 ~'~z'= Jo J'z J.'4 J'6 /I 6 /I 2./0 212 2..~2..6 ~..~ J.O ~i I i i I

Fig. 7 Expanded resistance--200 displacement-length Fig. 8 Expanded r e s i s t a n c e - - 3 0 0 d i s p l a c e m e n t - l e n g t h

ratio ratio

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 55


~o~ ~=4oo
~/'.aTz-~ =5oo /
,3..O ,3.0



"~- // '~, /,5- .6"/ a

_._.. _/.@ ~ . ~

ZO / - ~ ~._,._ 4

7" ~ ,9 I0 I/ /~" /,3 /~ /,5" ;7 ~ ,9 /0 // /2 /3 /4 /,,5-
..%'~-ED - AT"T.~. ,,..%PEEZ~ - K T,.5".

Fig. 9 Expanded resistance--400 displacement-length Fig. 10 Expandedresistance---500 displacement-length
ratio ratio

"~/a-;z "
v/v2-=. 7
f ~ -'-'- ~ ,5"00

- 4 5 O

\ \ -o

J - 6 .~-0 .60 .6~ .~4 G6 .ff~ .70

Fig.II ResiduaryresistancecoeJ~cients--V/~/L = 0.7
56 Resistance o f a H i g h Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series
8 ./.o-Tz *

.--,..--....,_ ,,
, oo

..4-6 . ,5",~ 60 . ~'~-~ .6~ .6" 6 .68 . 70
Fig. 12 Residuary resistance coe~cients--V/.~/L = 0.8

tanks operate routinely with values this high, ratio. The present analysis indicated that the
they are usually testing large merchant ships of quantitative wflues for such a group would be
lower speed-length ratio and relatively low wave only 1.8 percent of model resistance as a :maximum
making resistance. Trawlers with large beams and could be neglected for all speeds below
and high speeds have large wave patterns and are, Vx/L = 0.9. Differences between models would
therefore, more likely" to suffer resistance in- not be appreciably affected.
creases due to even these small channel restrictions. The author has made a number of comparisons
Unfortunately, there is no general agreement between small models tested in the Webb Tank
as to a satisfactory means for blockage correction. and large ones with adequate stimulation and low
The author has used the Landweber approach blockage values [7]. Although all results have
[6]. With this basis, the computed corrections not been published, they cover a number of types :
to total model resistance varied from zero, on the cargo ships, tankers, a destroyer, a submarine,
four 200 displacement-length ratio models at all and a planing hull. All this material has shown
speeds, to a maximum of 4.7 percent at a speed- that the American Towing Tank Conference Line
length ratio of 1.a for the 0.55"4 prismatic, 500 (the author still prefers to call it Schoenherr
displacement-length ratio model, hi passing, it friction which is both a shorter and more accurate
should be noted that the two previous reports description) is not steep enough at the lower
[1 and 2] did not make blockage corrections. Reynolds nmnbers. Because of this difficulty,
They were involved, however, in merit compari- the Webb Tank has used the International Tow-
sons between hulls of 300 displacement-length ing Tank Conference Correlation Line [8] since

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 57







.0"6" .O"~ .60 .6~ .6~ .G6 .~ .7"0
Fig. 13 Residuary resistance coefficients--V/x/L = 0.9

1959. Fortunately (and a result of careful I t is also evident that, for this particular series,
planning), the A T T C and I T T C values are prac- an optimmn prismatic coefficient exists that is
tically identical in the large ship range. I)rimarily a function of speed-length ratio but is
The model data, after correction to zero block- further influenced by the displaeenaent-length
a ~ were expanded via the I T T C line to a ]l)0-ft value.
lbp ship in 59 deg F salt water with a correlation With the proper choice of prismatic coefficient,
(or roughness) allowance of 0.0004. If one does it is possible to keep wavemaking dements under
not have reference IS] readily available, the fric- reasonable control up to speed-length ratios of
tion values used are: approximately 1.15. Thereafter, the curves rise
rapidly at low prismatic values and are already
0.075 excessively high at high ones. Higher speeds,
C's = (loglo R~ -- 2) 2 while attainable, require the liberal use of horse-
Cf = friction coefticient
Resistance Contours
R~ = Reynolds number
The residuary resistance coefficients for the
The results for the ship are plotted in Figs. 7 to models, free from blockage, have been cross faired
10. An inspection of the curve shapes shows that and contour plots derived at speed-length ratios
the hmnps and hollows are accentuated on the from 0.70 to 1.5() at 0.10 intervals. These are
slimmest hulls and are much decreased in prom- presented in Figs. 11 through 19. The wetted
inenee as the displacement-length ratios increase. surface values, upou which the plots are based,

58 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

.y~. b-TZ-a
v/,/z"= z o
' r //// . oo

L ,~t~o

~ Joo

,5-6 . d-~ 6 0 . ~ 7"0

Fig. 14 Residuary resistance coefficients--V/-v'L = 1.0

r a t i o of2.30.
can be d e t e r m i n e d from Fig. 20 a t a b e a m - d r a f t

T h e a u t h o r suggests, in the i n t e r e s t s of con-

vessel. T h e l a t t e r figure varies with how carefully
the r u d d e r a n d stern f r a m e are s t r e a m l i n e d w i t h
t h e u p p e r figure m o r e likely.
sistency, t h e use of I T T C coefficients [8] for ship
e s t i m a t e s w i t h at c o r r e l a t i o n a l l o w a n c e of 0.001)4. The Effect of Beam-Draft Ratio
F o r t h o s e who are f i r m l y w e d d e d to the Schoen-
herr f o r m u l a t i o n [9], it can be s u b s t i t u t e d w i t h
the s a m e c o r r e l a t i o n a l l o w a n c e and will give re-
to draft, 2.:30.
T h e series r e p o r t e d is for o n l y one ratio of b e a m
I t would, of course, be nice to
test m a n y m o r e m o d e l s ill o r d e r to i n c l u d e t h e
suits within 1 p e r c e n t of the p r e v i o u s v a l u e s pro- effect of this variable. T h e a u t h o r has n o t done
v i d e d the ship l e n g t h is a t least 50 f t and, simul- so for two reasons. H e does n o t feel t h e r o u t i n e
t a n e o u s l y , t h e s p e e d - l e n g t h r a t i o 1.00 or b e t t e r . tests of this n a t u r e would b e useful in e d u c a t i n g
S h o u l d t h e user be satisfied w i t h n e i t h e r frietion, s t u d e n t s . Second, he hats no desire to c o n t i n u e
he can r e c o n s t r u c t the m o d e l d a t a b y a d d i n g this p r o j e c t b e y o n d its ah-eady long s p a n of years.
t h e I T T C f r i c t i o n coefficient for fresh w a t e r a t F o r t u n a t e l y , p a s t tests h a v e been m a d e w i t h
80.0 d e g F to t h e r e s i d u a r y coefficient f r o m t h e p a r t i c u l a r parertt hulls a n d these show t h a t t h e
p l o t a n d t h e n r e - e x p a n d t h e r e s u l t to ship size b y b e a m - d r a f t r a t i o hats a q u i t e small effect on the
a n y o t h e r m e a n s t h a t satisfies him. t o t a l resistance of fishing vessels g e n e r a l l y similar
As at r o u g h guide for p r a c t i c a l p r e d i c t i o n s , t h e in s h a p e to the ones r e p o r t e d here. T h e y also
a u t h o r would a d d aboul: 3 p e r c e n t of t o t a l resist- show t h a t an increase in b e a m - d r a f t r a t i o some-
ance to c o v e r a well s t r e a m l i n e d r u d d e r a n d s t e r n times increases resistance, b u t can, j u s t as fre-
f r a m e of a steel ship a n d 8 to 10 p e r c e n t for t h e q u e n t l y , r e d u c e it. A n i n h e r e n t p a r t of t h e v a r i a -
stem, keel, r u d d e r , a n d stern f r a m e of a w o o d e n tion should be t h e w e t t e d surface and its friction

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 59

...---%o \ xX,!1/I/!1! i' ! ..o
I, ,o

\ X '

~ - 6 .d-~ 60 ~- .64" .66 .69 7 0

Fig. 15 Residuary resistance coefficients--V/~/L = 1.1

drag. Fig. 20 is d r a w n to a v e r y large v e r t i c a l Fig. 22 is an e x a c t l y similar p l o t p r e p a r e d from

scale a n d d e m o n s t r a t e s t h a t t h e w e t t e d surface five s y s t e m a t i c t r a w l e r m o d e l s t e s t e d b y A s t r u p
c h a n g e s q u i t e slowly in c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e b e a m - a n d S u n d [11]. I n this case we h a v e an even
d r a f t ratio. As t h e l a t t e r goes from 2.0 to 3.2, t h e higher d i s p l a c e m e n t - l e n g t h ratio, :390, and a lower
w e t t e d surface c h a n g e s less t h a n 3 percent. I t s prismatic, 0.632. T h e results i n d i c a t e t h a t t o t a l
p r a c t i c a l effect, then, is minor. resistance decreases, o v e r m o s t of the speed range,
As p a r t of t h e B r i t i s h S h i p b u i l d i n g R e s e a r c h as . B / H is e i t h e r raised a b o v e or decreased below
A s s o c i a t i o n ' s w o r k on t r a w l e r s [10], Messrs. 2.30. I t confirms t h e p r e v i o u s tests in t h a t re-
P a t t u l l o a n d T h o m s o n t e s t e d five m o d e l s w i t h sistances in t h e v i c i n i t y of 2.50 can be d e t e r m i n e d
B / H v a l u e s from 2.00 to 3.50. Fig. 21 is a r e p l o t w i t h o u t a resistance c h a n g e of m o r e t h a n 2 per-
of some of t h e i r results in t h e f o r m of a c o r r e c t i o n cent, a n d t h a t a v a l u e of a b o u t 2.10 w o u l d lower
f a c t o r which is a p p l i c a b l e to t h e t o t a l resistance of t o t a l resistance n o t m o r e t h a n 4 p e r c e n t from t h e
a ship to a c c o u n t for B / H d e v i a t i o n s from 2.30. s t a n d a r d value.
As a q u a n t i t a t i v e i n d i c a t i o n , it shows t h a t b e a m - F i n a l l y , t h e a u t h o r has m a d e some c o m p u t a -
d r a f t changes f r o m t h e i r series would p r o d u c e a tions oi1 a 200 d i s p l a c e m e n t - l e n g t h ratio, 0.60
p r e d i c t i o n no m o r e t h a n 4-2 p e r c e n t in error in p r i s m a t i c ship similar to M o d e l W-27 b y m e a n s of
a r a n g e from 2.20 to 2.50 and, if a 4-4.5 p e r c e n t t h e D o u s t s t a t i s t i c a l d a t a [12] and, once again,
m a x i m u m e r r o r were allowed, we could go all finds it possible to v a r y ]3/H v a l u e s b y 4-0.30
t h e w a y f r o m 2.00 to 2.75. T h e s e a r e for a hull from 2.30 w i t h o u t c h a n g i n g r e s i s t a n c e m o r e t h a n
of 250 d i s p l a c e m e n t - l e n g t h r a t i o a n d 0.645 pris- 4-4 percent. H e r e again t h e resistance a t m o s t
m a t i c coefficient. speeds goes d o w n as t h e b e a m is increased.

60 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series


l 4.fO

6''d ~


i i JS"O

\ lll .oo

,~-5 " 0
"/I .. \

.5"15" .O'~ .6"0 .62 .6"4 .6,ff .6c9 .70

Fig. 16 Residuary resistance coefficients~g/a/L = 1.2

The author believes, therefore, that Figs. 11 coefficient for minimum residuary resistance
through 19 can be used with reasonable con- coefficient. Since, moreover, wetted surface
fidence for resistance predictions of ships with values vary rather slowly with prismatics, and
beam-draft ratios from 2.00 to 2.60, with an order friction components are considerably smaller than
of accuracy of better than 4. percent due to the they are for lower displacement-length ratios,
latter effect. In a majority of cases, the figures the minimum total resistance value is very close
will tend to overestimate rather than underesti- to the point indicated on the charts for the mirfi-
mate the result. He would advise making the nmm residuary coefficient. Fig. 23 summarizes
total resistance and the horsepower computations the results, not only from the plots, but also from
with the series wetted surface for B / H = 2.30, the unpublished curves used in their preparation.
from Fig. 20, in order to avoid the complication Since, for lower speeds, the minimum is normally
of correcting the residuary resistance coefficients for prismatics below the range t e s t e d an addi-
to a different area value. tional curve is added from Taylor [5] covering a
Should a beam-draft value higher than 2.60 displacement-length ratio of 200 and beam-
be desired, Fig. 21 giw~s some idea of a correction draft value of 2.25. It will be noted that this
factor that could be applied to the above estimate fairs into the series very nicely.
in order to arrive at horsepowers for craft up to The figure shows considerable variation in opti-
B / H = 3.50. mum value depending upon the displacement-
length ratio. Another interesting feature should
The Optimum Prismatic Coefficient be noted: The curve for the fattest group, with
For this particular series, Figs. 11 through 19 500 for this quantity, is two branched. There is a
can be used as a guide in selecting' the prismatic definite minimum resistance with relatively high

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 61

/0/'/ j i;/ , ," . ,


,5"6" .O"dr .G O . 6"~2 6".,~ 66 . 6"6' .70

Fig. 17 Residuary resistance coefficients--V/~/L = 1.3

prismatics at low speeds. Furthermore, very sulted to help ascertain a suitable coefficient for
probably, another minimum with lower resistance design purposes.
occurs at a prismatic somewhere below 0.55.
A Nonseries Design
Fig. 11 indicates a similar situation for A/(0.01L)3
= 400 at V/V/L = 0.7 but this single spot is As soon as the results of any series of related
not shown on Fig. 23. models become available, every naval architect
From a practical viewpoint, the actual models who deals with the type of ship in question tries
of 0.55 prismatic coefficient have extensive dead- to produce a better hull form. Those who are
wood at either end that would make a ship both not directly involved proceed to advise the author
costly to build and difficult to design from a struc- as to what he should have done instead of what he
tural point of view. The author suggests a mini- did and assure him that their suggestions would
m u m prismatic of about 0.57, regardless of resist- produce a much superior hull. The author de-
ance elements, for a commercial design. If this cided to join in the suggestion-redesign-improve-
were adopted, it would be the choice for all design ment game before leaving the subject.
speeds below V/V/Z. = 1.10 which represents the Model W-IS, the 0.60 prismatic, 300 displace-
region in which the series was not carried down ment-length ratio hull form was chosen as the
to low enough prismatic values to determine the one to be improved upon. I t has the dimension
optimum. M a n y modern fishing vessels, tugs, and parameters in line with recent American
and other high displacement-length ratio designs practice for fishing trawlers. Its resistance values
do operate at free speeds well above 11 knots for a are extrenmly good; they correspond to the mini-
].00-ft ship and, in this case, Fig. 23 can be con- mum possible ones predicted by Doust in his

62 Resistance o f a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

v//z- --- ,,.

/ ./

// / ./
,'//j 0

Cp. ~,/ O . O .~lO -~

.0-6" .0"~ 6 0 6 ~ .64 .66 .6a .70
Fig. 18 Residuary resistance c o e f f i c i e n t s l V / x / L ~- 1.4

1962 paper [12]. I t is already considerably Table 2

superior to published bulbous bow designs with Model W-18 W-30
comparable parameters by Johnson [13] and Bow Normal 6.34% Bulb
Tothill [14]. The simultaneous application of a Stern Cruiser 0.00% Transom
bulbous bow and transom stern was adopted as a Cb 0. 456 0. 457
Cp 0. 597 0. 599
practical way to better the performance. C. 0. 764 0. 762
The author had found such a combination very C~ O. 731 o. 737
satisfactory in 1959 when he developed the lines C~p O.,524 O.620
Lcb aft 2. ,55% 2.46%
adopted by the Davidson Laboratory for their L/B 4. ,344 4. 345
high-speed ship series [15] tested in both smooth B/H 2.30 2.30
A/(O. O1L)3 300 300
water and waves. In addition, a bulbous bow,
alone, always tends to pull the longitudinal center
of buoyancy forward when added to a conven-
tional hull. Since a transom has the opposite author's supervision by J a y Paris, then a student
effect, the combination can be used to avoid any at Webb Institute. As in the lines from refer-
movement from the position adopted in the nor- ence [15], the author used a bulb projecting for-
mal hull. Since this is an important resistance ward of the fore perpendicular with an area of
parameter in ships of this type, the new design 6.34 percent of the midship section. The transom
should duplicate the old location if the comparison was designed with zero immersion at rest, but,
is to be a fair one. since there is a considerable stern wave, it has
Lines for Model W-30 were prepared under the effective immersion, increasing with speed, when

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 63


/ / ..-- /

...--/ ,300

t.5- ~ ~ ~ ~?O'-O

d-6 .d-4~ .60 .6~ .6~ .66 .66 70
Fig. 19 Residuary resistance c o e f f i c i e n t s - - V / x / L = 1.5
IIZ i i
~/o~ ~ ~ s o
C p = . 6 "I~5-
ZlO ~0 -




.,5-5 .60 .65 .70
Fig. 20 Wetted surface coefficients

\ / \
~ .z .a .9 zo Zl ze
~ B p
Fig. 21 Effect o f beam-draft ratio on total r e s i s t a n c e - -
BSRA Series

64 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series


,o. I I ~./oTZ~ o a o
-- >10:S-
c,. - . 6 J ~

.o-_q- -

.F .d~ ._9 / O A/ /:2 Z,3 Z4 /,5-

/" zcz~-,~
Fig. 23 Optimum prismatic coefficients
" \ /

lished, they are far too impatient to wait for design
alternatives to be worked out, tested in model
tanks, and thorough analyses made. T h e y are
.7 .d .,9 /.0 /.I /Z" /.3 certainly unwilling to finance such activities.
The success of the tugs, trawlers, fireboats, and
Fig. 2 2 Effect of beam-draft ratio on total resistance-- other such craft have resulted from a handful
Astrup and Sund of small design organizations whose highly skilled
personnel continuously solve difficult problems
by means of imagination, intuition, and most of
under way. Although not intentional, the fining all, long practical experience. This series was
of the bow waterline and the filling of the stern done in an a t t e m p t to provide these frequently
resulted in a waterplane coefficient within 1 per- forgotten practitioners in the field of naval archi-
cent of that of the conventional hull. As a re- tecture with a quick and easy method of estimat-
sult, only a minor metacentric height change ing the effective horsepower of their designs.
could be expected. The body plan and end pro- For others with enlightened clients who will
files are shown in Fig. 24, the section area and finance model tests, it is hoped that this series
waterline shape in Fig. 25 and essential parameters will be useful as a means of ascertaining the merit
compared in "Fable 2. of new designs. E v e r y effort has been made to
T h e expanded resistance curves of the two m a k e the series represent practical, realistic ships
models are shown in Fig. 26. I t should be noted which could be built without difficulties. The
that there is no increase in resistance at low speeds above water shape has large :flare and this, to-
despite the bulb and an increase in wetted surface. gether with the Vee-shaped sections forward,
Furthermore, the m a x i m u m i m p r o v e m e n t is should lead to reasonable pertormance in rough
7.5 percent at a speed-length ratio of 1.05 and as well as smooth water. The latter quality has
appreciable savings exist over the range from been compared, model b y model, to all the similar
V/%/L = 0.85 to 1.20. published test data available and the conclusions
reached t h a t the series, throughout its range, is
Conclusion very good.
Once a set of parent models has been developed, There are still, however, a n u m b e r of ways by
in order to produce good hull forms, expanded which improvements of appreciable magnitude
into a related series, and the results analyze(/ are possible if we depart from the conventional
and put down in a form convenient for resistance bow, cruiser stern, and hull parameters currently
and horsepower predictions, it takes time and use used.
to digest the result and arrive at a n y really Model W-30 with a transom stern and a moder-
worthwhile c.onclusions. For the present the ate bulb has shown ,;avings up to 7 percent with-
author and his m a n y assistants have tried to pro- out departures from no,Trial hull coefficients.
duce material of use to designers of small special- Doust in reference ,!12] has shown that, with a
ized craft. In this eountry, at least, the owners proper choice of dimensions, angles of entrance
of these ships rarely have an engineering back- and longitudinal centers of buoyancy, a marked
ground. Once the need for a new boat is estab- i m p r o v e m e n t over existing practice is possible.

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 65


Fig. 24 Bulb-transom h u l l - - M o d e l W-30

z~/Z~ ,'fA x

( ..

i , I t I ('t'qt! I I I I I :
/0.9~ @ ~ ~ ~ 6 o- -~ .9 ~ //~ / /~ o
Fig. 25 Section area and load waterline--Model W-30

T h e centers of buoyancy, however, are extremely authors. Their individual theses have been
far aft in comparison with normal American de- listed in the references of the three papers pro-
signs. Another way, again departing from exist- duced to cover the progress, and, with this one,
ing practice, is to use very fine prismatic coeffi- the completion of the investigation. There have
cients in the order of 0.53 for a n y designs whose been other students who have contributed sub-
speed-length ratios are below 1.05. And a final stantial amounts of time to the project. For
possibility is to use a very large bulb extending the present paper, Messrs. Donald Moore, J a y
well ahead of the bow in order to achieve bow Paris, and K a r l K i r k m a n have prepared model
wave cancellation over a portion of the speed drawings, drawn lines, and m a d e computations.
range. There is one thesis under way in this Starting in 1958, THB SOCIETY OF NAVAL
field at the time of writing and it shows model ARCHITECTS, through the Resistance and Pro-
resistance values for a 0.65 prismatic coefficient pulsion Panel of the Hydrodynamics Committee,
hull at V/'V~ = 1.10 can be reduced as m u c h as has contributed funds to cover the construction
25 percent. of the last 15 models in the series.

Acknowledg ments References

The author wishes to t h a n k all of those former 1 C. Ridgely-Nevitt, " T h e Resistance of
students at Webb Institute who have made this Trawler Hull Forms of 0.65 Prismatic Coefficient,"
project possible. I n effect, he has had 25 co- TRANS. S N A M E , vol. 64, 1956.

66 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series


z / / r/ I

ZS----- ~

/.6 - - - - -
/ -G

v /
- -

Fig. 27 Two turbulence stimulator arrangements

7 c5 .9 /O / / /Z /,.Y
Fig. 2 6 R e s i s t a n c e c o m p a r i s o n for bulb-transom and
normal hulls 11 E. Sund and N. Astrup, "Modellforsok
med Fiskefartoyer Del I[," '3kippsmodelltankens
~feddelelse, Nr. 7, 1951.
2 C. Ridgely-Nevitt, " T h e Development of 12 D . J . Doust, "Optimized Trawler Forms,"
Parent Hulls for a High Displacement-Length Trans. North East Coast Institution of Engineers
Series of Trawler Forms," TRANS. SNAME, and Shipbuilders, vol. 79, 1962-63.
vol. 71, 1963. 13 N. V. Johnson, "Bulbous Bows on Trawl-
3 F. Endrizzi and R. McGowan, " T h e ers," International Shipbuilding Progress, De-
Resistance of Trawler Hull Forms of Various cember 1956.
Displacement-Length Ratios at 0.70 Prismatic 14 J. T. Tothi][1, "An Advanced Hull and
Coefficient," senior thesis, ~rebb Institute of Propeller Design," ~ishing Boats of the World, vol.
Naval Architecture, 1962. 2, 1960.
4 G. W. Birkhead and H. A. Olson, " T h e 15 P. R. Van 5,,tater, Jr., R. B. Zubaly, and
Resistance of Trawler Hull Forms of Various Petros M. Beys, "Hydrodynamics of High Speed
Displacement-Length Ratios at 0.60 Prismatic Ships," Davidson Laboratory, Report R-876, 1961.
Coefficient," senior thesis, Webb Institute of 16 J. A. Burns and P. J. Murphy, "An In-
Naval Architecture, 1963. vestigation of Turbulence Stimulators on Ship
5 D. W. Taylor, The Speed and Power of Models Employing H o t Film Anemometers as
Ships, third edition, 1943. Detection Devices," senior thesis, Webb In-
6 L. Landweber, "Tests of A Model in stitute of Naval Architecture, 1962, and Inter-
Restricted Channels," U S E M B Report No. 460, national Shipbuilding Progress, April 1965.
M a y 1939. 17 A. E. yon Doenhoff and E. A. Horton,
7 C. Ridgely-Nevitt, "Geometrically Similar "A Low Speed Expe.rimental I~avestigation on the
Ship Models---An Investigation of Some Problems Effect of a Sandpaper T y p e of Roughness on
Resulting fronl Their Resistance Values," Inter- Boundary Layer Transition," NACA Technical
national Shipbuilding _Progress, July 1959. Note 3858, 1956.
8 J . B . Hadler, "Coefficients for International
Towing Tank Conference 1957 Model-Ship Cor- ,~ppendix 1
relation Line," D T M B Report 1185, 1958.
Stimulator Performance or, Small Models
9 "Tables of Coefficients for A.T.T.C. Model-
Ship Correlation and Kinematic Viscosity and The development of satisfactory turbulence
Density of Fresh and Salt Water," S N A M E stimulators, together with an adequate technique
Technical and Research Bulletin, No. 1-25, of testing--which i,; essential if the stimulators
1964. are to do their work--has had to proceed simul-
10 R. N. M. Pattullo and G. R. Thomson, taneously with the models being designed and
" T h e B.S.R.A. Trawler Series (Part I) Beam- tested. I t should be emphasized that the models
Draft and Length-Displacement Ratio Series are only 4 ft 0 in long and are, therefore, the short-
Resistance and Propulsion Tests," Trans. R I N A , est that the Webb T a n k has ever tested. Refer-
vol. 106, 1964. ences [1] and [2] included in their appendices the

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 67

Table 3 Summary of Stimulator Performance
Failure Excess
1/~ Angle all resistance Small
of small alternate pins Alternate
entrance pins, pins, saris- pins
Model degrees C~ A/(.01L) 3 ft/see ft/sec factory necessary
W-19 7.0 0.554 200 2.5 2.7 Yes
W-30 7.7 0. 599 300 2.3 3.1 Almost Yes
W-16 8.5 0.554 300 Very Very Yes
low low
W-22 9.8 O. 554 400 2.4 3.3 Almost Yes
W-26 10.9 O. 554 500 3.2 3.3 Yes
W-27 13.3 O. 597 200 2.0 3.1 Yes
W-18 16.1 O. 597 300 2.7 3.5 Yes
W-IO 18.2 O. 650 200 2.0 2.8 Yes
W-28 18.5 O. 59"/ 400 2.7 3.4 Yes
W-29 20.5 O. 597 500 2.1 3.6 Yes
W-8 22.0 O. 650 300 1.7 2.4 Yes
W-11 25.0 0.650 400 2.8 3.4 Yes
W-23 25.8 O. 700 200 2.8 3.5 Yes
W-12 27.5 O. 650 500 2.3 2.4 Almost Yes
W-20 30.6 0. 700 300 1.8 3.0 Yes
W-24 34.4 0. 700 400 3.6 3.7 Yes
W-25 37.4 0. 700 500 2.1 3.9 Yes
Minimum 1.7 2.4
Average 2.4+ 3.2--
Maximum 3.6 3.9

d e v e l o p m e n t l e a d i n g to t h e final f o r m of t h e s t i m u - T a b l e 3 h a s b e e n p r e p a r e d in an a t t e m p t to
lators. d e t e r m i n e whether, a f t e r 17 t e s t s w i t h two t y p e s
U n f o r t u n a t e l y , i t was n o t possible to h a v e one of s t i m u l a t o r s , some definite conclusions could b e
s t a n d a r d t y p e t h a t could a l w a y s b e i n s t a l l e d a n d r e a c h e d to j u s t i f y t h e choice of a specific one, in
t r u s t e d to t r i g g e r t r a n s i t i o n . Fig. 27 shows a d v a n c e of testing, for t h e low speed region w i t h a
t h e t w o t y p e s t h a t were finally selected for all new model. T h e d a t a are a r r a n g e d in o r d e r of
t h e 16 series m o d e l s plus t h e b u l b - t r a n s o m case. i n c r e a s i n g half angle of e n t r a n c e , since this is
T h e a l l - s m a l l - p i n t y p e was i n v a r i a b l y s a t i s f a c t o r y t h e chief v a r i a b l e affecting t h e s h a p e of t h e hull
a t t h e high s p e e d e n d of t h e r a n g e ( a b o v e a h e a d of t h e pins and, therefore, t h e p r o b a b l e
V / x / L = 1.05), b u t p r o v e d q u e s t i o n a b l e a t t h e c h a r a c t e r of t h e a l m o s t e n t i r e l y l a m i n a r b o u n d a r y
low speed end. T h e a l t e r n a t e large a n d s m a l l l a y e r r e a c h i n g t h e s t i m u l a t o r . S p e e d s in feet p e r
p i n a r r a n g e m e n t i n v a r i a b l y h a d excessive s t i m u - second a r e q u o t e d below which t h e small p i n
l a t o r d r a g a t h i g h speeds. S o m e w h e r e in t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n fails to f u n c t i o n s a t i s f a c t o r i l y in
m i d d l e of t h e speed range, w i t h the e x c e p t i o n of c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e a l t e r n a t e large a n d small
m o d e l W-16, i t w o u l d give e x a c t l y t h e s a m e re- pins. A s e c o n d c o l u m n of speeds gives t h e u p p e r
s i s t a n c e as t h e s m a l l p i n case and, a t slow speeds, l i m i t for use of a l t e r n a t e large a n d small pins
i t was s o m e t i m e s a b e t t e r s t i m u l a t o r , s o m e t i m e s before excessive d r a g b e c o m e s e v i d e n t .
not, a n d s o m e t i m e s still g a v e i d e n t i c a l r e s i s t a n c e T h e t a b l e shows no set p a t t e r n w i t h angle of
v a l u e s w i t h t h e small pins. e n t r a n c e a n d no p r o g r e s s i v e v a r i a t i o n of speed
All m o d e l s of t h e series were t r i e d w i t h b o t h r a n g e for s a t i s f a c t o r y p e r f o r m a n c e as a f u n c t i o n of
a n d w h i c h e v e r one g a v e t h e h i g h e r r e s i s t a n c e a t this v a r i a b l e . All we can s a y is t h a t in 7 cases of
low speeds was d e e m e d t h e b e t t e r s t i m u l a t o r . 17 t h e small pins are s a t i s f a c t o r y ; in t h r e e a d d i -
S u b s e q u e n t t e s t s on a Series 60 a n d a t a n k e r hull t i o n a l cases t h e y are good d o w n to a s p e e d - l e n g t h
w i t h h o t film a n e m o m e t e r s [16] confirmed t h e f a c t r a t i o of 0.75, which is a l m o s t s a t i s f a c t o r y . I n t h e
t h a t t h e h i g h e r r e s i s t a n c e a t low speed was d u e to o t h e r cases t h e a l t e r n a t e p i n a r r a n g e m e n t is n e e d e d
t u r b u l e n c e a n d n o t j u s t a d d e d s t i m u l a t o r drag. a t speeds w h i c h m a y b e as low as 1.7 f t / s e c
I n all cases t h e s t i m u l a t o r d r a g was i n c l u d e d (V/'v/L = 0.5) or as high as 3.6 f t / s e c (V/.~/L =
in t h e m o d e l resistance. P r e v i o u s w o r k [1] 1.06). T h e a v e r a g e roughness R e y n o l d s n u m b e r
i n d i c a t e d t h a t i t was t h e p r o p e r o r d e r of m a g - a t w h i c h t h e s m a l l pins fail, b a s e d on free s t r e a m
n i t u d e to c o m p e n s a t e for t h e l a m i n a r f r i c t i o n v e l o c i t y a n d p i n p r o j e c t i o n , is 765 a n d t h e r a n g e
v a l u e s p r e v a i l i n g in t h e a r e a a h e a d of t h e pins. is f r o m 500 to 1100. T r a n s i t i o n d u e to r o u g h n e s s
T h e d r a g of p i n s is, f o r t u n a t e l y , m u c h lower t h a n a t R e y n o l d s n u m b e r s of a b o u t 800 are in accord-
s a n d s t r i p s and, on s o m e models, c o n s i d e r a b l y ance w i t h a e r o n a u t i c a l d a t a [17] a n d t h e a u t h o r
lower t h a n t r i p wires. uses this as r o u g h c r i t e r i o n for s t i m u l a t o r design

68 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

on surface models. Completely submerged bod- s t a t e m e n t dealing with other types of models.
ies have required higher values. T h e Webb T a n k has found no alternative, to
T a b l e 3 illustrates one of the most frustrating date, to testing with both the stimulators shown
elements in the testing of small (and quite prob- in Fig. 27 and inspecting the resistance curves to
ably large) models. T h a t is the erratic nature
see which one to use in the low speed range.
of stimulator performance. T h e only definite
For very accurate research purposes, in the vicin-
statement one can m a k e is t h a t all the models of
400 displacement-length ratio are particularly ity of V/x/L = 0.5, neither may be satisfactory
difficult and require the alternate pins. This, and double rows of small triangles of the Inui
however, cannot be extrapolated to any general type [7] m a y be necessary.

Robert Taggart, Member: Professor N e v i t t has contained in the present paper as are generalized
again demonstrated his ability to present the re- recommendations for full-scale expansion.
sults of a long and arduous research project in I t is suggested t h a t the work involved in prepar-
a thorough and concise manner. His three papers ing this publication could be undertaken b y W e b b
on the Webb Trawler Series represent a major students with H-2 Panel financial support. Since
contribution to the profession. As one who at- all of the data are available at Webb Institute, this
t e m p t e d t w e n t y years ago to compile resistance would be a logical procedure. Professor N e v i t t
d a t a on tug and trawler forms, I can attest to the would also be available for consultation but I
fact t h a t he has filled a gapping void in our knowl- would hesitate to recommend t h a t he be burdened
edge of ship hydrodynamics. with further responsibilities in this regard. H e
M y p r i m a r y c o m m e n t is related to the use of has already indicated t h a t the twelve or more
this information b y those who are concerned with years devoted to this project has lessened his
the design of vessels of this type. Although these enthusiasm for its continued pursuit. H e should
three paper,; give the salient d a t a developed in now be allowed to retire gracefully with a re-
the course of the study, they necessarily omit some sounding "Well Done."
of the detail needed for m a x i m u m use b y designers.
Before these details are lost in the files of the G. R. Thomson,3Visitor: With increasing universal
Institute, they should be assembled and published interest in fishing w_~ssel design the results given in
in a f o r m a t which is immediately available and the paper are a valuable addition to existing d a t a
usable. on the subject. Over the past ten years the
In view of the interest and support which this resistance of trawler hull forms has improved
project has received from the H-2 Panel of the considerably and systematic variations with ship
H y d r o d y n a m i c s Committee, it is suggested t h a t models have contributed to more efficient hull
they sponsor this publication. I t should contain designs.
sufficient definitive information on the hull form T h e writer has at~.empted a comparison between
of each of the series models so t h a t it can be re- the BSRA trawler series and the Webb Institute
produced together with the model test speed and series. At first sight it appeared t h a t the two
resistance points and their expansion to a standard series might link up at the common block coeffi-
ship length. In addition, the publication should cient of 0.53 and estimates were made from the
contain the contours of residuary resistance, wetted BSRA series for a 100-ft ship based on the par-
surface coefficients, and curves indicating the cor- ticulars of Webb )/[odel W.20. While accurate
rection for ratio. Finally, instructions corrections for changes in breadth-draught ratio,
and forms should be provided for predicting the length-displacement ratio, fullness, longitudinal
effective hor,~epower of a n y new design of this type center of buoyancy and trim could be applied to
of ship. the resistance values of the ba,sis BSRA hull, the
To m y knowledge only two of these series models difference due to ch:~nge in m a x i m u m section area
are included in the Resistanee D a t a Sheets pub- could not be accounted for in the same way and,
lished b y the Society. T h e remainder of the therefore, was omitted. At a speed-length ratio of
models should most certainly be described in 1.1 the I T T C resistance value.., with a roughness
this manner which would fulfill the initial re- allowance of 0.0004, derived from the BSRA series
quirements of the suggested publication. T h e
contours of residuary resistance, wetted surface 8 British Ship Research Association, Wallsend Research
coefficients, and b e a m / d r a f t ratio correction are Station, Wallsend, Norl:humberland, England.

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 69

came out at 1.523 compared with the Webb value Geometric
of 2.29, a difference of some 50 percent. Length, L
In the development of the BSRA trawler series Beam, B
parent form, 4 a decrease in m a x i m u m section co- Linear
Depth, D
efficient from 0.89 to 0.82, with the other basic Draft, H
particulars remaining constant, resulted in an Wetted surface, WS }
increase in resistance of about 30 percent at the Midsection area, M A ~ Area
speed-length ratio of 1.1. I t is conceivable, Water plane area
therefore, t h a t the difference of 50 percent men- Displacement, Volume
tioned above could be attributed to decreasing the
m a x i m u m section coefficient from the BSRA basis Relationships and Coefficients
of 0.885 to t h a t of 0.761 for Webb Model W.20. L/B
Variations of m a x i m u m section coefficient in- B/H
vestigated b y the author at Webb Institute on C,,, = midsection coefficient
forms of 0.65 prismatic coefficient showed rela- C~ = prismatic coefficient
tively small changes in resistance compared with Cb = block coefficient
the BSRA series. Cwp = waterplane coefficient
In connection with the effect of breadth-draught A/(0.01L) 3
ratio, it will be seen from Fig. 21 t h a t in the BSRA
series, resistance increases with increase in this Positiona!
ratio for a given speed and the Astrup and Sund LCB aft
results plotted in Fig. 22 generally show the G M = metacentrie height
same trends. In the writer's experience, a reduc- W P C G = waterplaue center of gravity
tion in resistance with increase in breadth- 1/9ao = 1~ angle of entry
draught ratio would appear to be the exception
rather than the rule. As hydrodynamic research becomes more re-
BSRA trawler series variations of position of fined and sophisticated, will it not be necessary to
longitudinal center of buoyancy 5 have shown t h a t refine further the definition of hull forms beyond
savings in resistance of up to about 40 percent m a y the limits of the aforementioned parameters? I t
be achieved b y moving the LCB from 1 to 6 per- seems reasonable to suppose t h a t the next step
cent aft of midships for speed-length ratios above will be to define b y ordinates or other measures the
unity. I t is, therefore, to be recommended t h a t o p t i m u m shapes of certain curves. These might
the LCB should be placed as far aft as is practical. include the 45-deg diagonal, the quarter b e a m
Finally, the writer is very interested in the buttock, and the load waterline.
results obtained with the form having combined I would like to ask Mr. Ridgely-Nevitt if he
transom stern and bulbous bow. Individual has had an opportunity to check his series of
effects of different types of bow and stern con- trawler hulls against the statistical analysis of
figurations were examined relative to the BSRA fishing vessel resistance reported b y Messrs.
trawler parent form but the combined effect was Doust, Hayes, and Tsuehiya at the 1965 FAO
not ascertained. Fishing Boat Congress. If so, would he report
the results of the comparison ?
Cyrus Hamlin,Member: There is not a great deal T h e anomalies in the turbulence stimulation re-
one can say to augment this p a p e r - - t h e s t u d y is ported b y Mr. Ridgely-Nevitt lead to considera-
so complete as it is. But, as with all good work, tion of other means of stimulation. Perhaps
it carries one's thinking beyond it into the future. better uniformity of results could be achieved by
N a v a l architects have traditionally relied on a overall tank turbulation b y means of underwater
fairly small number of parameters to define their air or water jets.
vessels. These are generally as follows: T h e cooperative effort between Mr. Ridgely-
N e v i t t and Webb students is exemplary. Un-
doubtedly all gained from the association. T h e
success of the Webb Institute effort suggests t h a t
4 I-I. Lackenby, "Resistance of Trawlers," Fishing Boats
this type of cooperation could become more widely
of the World, vol. 2, 1960, p. 364. used to the benefit of all if there existed a clearing-
5 R. N. M. Pattullo, "The B.S.R.A. Trawler Series house to bring together on the one hand engineers
(Part II). Block Coefficient and Longitudinal Centre and scientists having specific problems with, on the
of Buoyancy Series. Resistance and Propulsion Tests," other hand, students with facilities available and
Paper issned for written discussion by RINA, August,
1967. the desire to work op such problems.

70 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

A final word a b o u t S N A M E papers in general. exceeds Force 7. Groundwells and tidal velocities
I suppose I am a minority of one Oil the matter, in this area are also strong. The New England
but I do not seem able to remember definitions of Trawlers operating on Georges and Grand Banks
all the symbols from one paper to the next. also experience difficult working conditions.
Would it not be possible to include all the per- The need of seakindly and seaworthy vessels
tinent nomenclature in each paper, or volume, in these operating conditions is more important
even if it seems stupidly redundant? If the than speed and therefore speed at times has been
editors wished to m a k e the readings of their pa- sacrificed to develop a hull which provides comfort
pers flow even more smoothly, the table of symbols and safety to the crew.
could be printed on a foldout page so as to be The determination of proper hull form, hull
available for reference with a mere flick of the eyes. proportions, and weight and displacement dis-
tribution are required to develop a seakindly
T. W. Pross, Member: The paper presents valu- vessel. These, of course, v a r y depending upon the
able information to the fishing vessel and small fishery, fishing grounds, type of vessel, prominent
boat naval architect in determining desirable hull wave characteristics, average weather and sea
forms for various speed and power requirements. conditions, material of vessel, and so forth.
I t is noted that the tests were conducted in smooth Resistance, seakindliness and directional sta-
water. The results in rough water and when bility are of such importance that their correct
under trawling conditions would be of interest. determination b y the naval architect for each fish-
The speed a vessel makes through the water is ing vessel is of prime importance. The paper will
very important to most fishermen. On a recent be of great assistan,ze to the naval architect in his
tuna vessel under construction in the Fishing determination of resistance esfimates. However,
Vessel Subsidy Program, a bulbous bow was in- its importance coupled with seakindliness should
eluded. Model tests on this vessel indicated a ~/4- never be overlooked.
knot increase in speed, all other conditions remain-
ing the same. While this increase in speed m a y D. J. Doust, Member: This excellent paper shows
not appear great, its effect over a 3- to 4-month the valuable results which can be derived from
fishing trip is appreciable. Also, when tuna ship-model experiments when proper care and
vessels are working together in a given ocean area attention are given to overcome the problems of
the added speed enables the vessel to arrive at a turbulence stimulation and tank blockage.
new school of tuna quicker. The first vessel able to T h e discusser particularly wishes to endorse the
set its net usually receives the best results. Like- use of m a x i m u m area coefficient, as adopted by the
wise, in the long run to the grounds, when un- author, rather than the more usual midship sec-
loaded, and returning home, full with tuna, the tion area eoefficierLt. Most of the conclusions
added speed is of prime importance. reached in this paper confirm and reinforce the
Therefore, Mr. Ridgely-Nevitt's work will be statistical work performed b y the discusser and his
most valuable in this important fishery. The former colleagues at Ship Division, N. P . L . Of
shrimp fleet should also benefit as the new shrimp particular interest to the designer is the small effect
grounds off Brazil are developed and higher speed of b e a m / d r a f t ratio on resistance coefficient at
vessels are required. certain speed-length ratios; a conclusion sup-
In other fisheries, speed, while important, is not ported b y the BSRA Trawler Series and the work
so important as seakindliness. Fishing vessels, as of Astrop and Lund.
a rule, work in rougher seas, relative to their The forms indicated b y the author, for which
size, than most ocean craft. When the weather full resistance data have been presented, are re-
gets difficult, the fisherman must still handle his garded as an excellent guide to designers and prac-
gear out on deck. He cannot button up the vessel titioners in this field of ship design. Regarding
and stay inside. If he does he will not be produc- the question of the o p t i m u m location of the longi-
tive. tudinal center of buoyancy and the additional
The king crab vessels and trawlers operating off reductions in resistance coefficient which can be
Alaska and out the Aleutian chain expe.rienee some achieved by further movement of this location aft,
of the most difficult fishing weather in the world. it is suggested that this should always be con-
For example, the Cape St. James weather office, in sidered in relation to other practical requirements
Queen Charlotte Islands, which is nearly central such as trim, which depends on the internal load-
to the Hecate Straits, the most prolific trawling ing arrangements of such vessels and the layout
grounds on the West Coast, indicates the yearly of the propulsion ,,system employed. T h e dis-
average wind speed on 8.4 out of 10 days equals or cusser is pleased to note the benefits obtained in
exceeds Force'. 5 and on 4.7 days out of 10 equals or this work by fitting a bulbous bow and transom

Resistance o f a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawle,r Series 71

10 10

TUG- / 9

(.01 L)=I 415 t
1001 LW Cp= 615
(.0~= 385 971 To I /
7 7
Cp =.63 3 //
6 cr6 /
Cr 5 x1()'5
xl0 "s 4 4
971 N e v i :t L g
3 3
1001Ne~ tt Lg ~ ~ -1501 Tul a Boat
2 2
I 1
0 0
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.6 &7 Q8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 13 IA
v V

Fig. 28 Ocean-going tug (LT) Fig. 31 150-~ tuna boat

With ;ulb: W i t h ) u t Bulb:
(.01 L) 3= 418
A -', 8 - -
(.0~-)~= 225 (.01L)~ ~221 Cp = 626
7 /
Cp= .5 56 Cp=,E 54 /
Cr /
Cr6 /

=10' Nev it ~ . ~ E 54 / xlo"5 t /

~// 350 1 )n Tuna I ~ o a t ~ ~,. ~. /
4 j-/
Ship~ ithout B~ b ~
S h i p ~ ith Bulb- ..__.__..~ - ~ ' / S ' ~ - - N evit t
- __a~ X---~ ~ Nevitt 1;p = .566
2 - -
0.6 0,7 0.8 0,9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1A 0,6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1,4
v V

Fig. 29 147-ft fisheries research ship Fig. 32 350-ton tuna boat

Con( ition A Conditiol B
9 /X 2, for vessels of that class. In an endeavor to esti-
(.01 L)~ : 318 (.01 L) *= 377 ~ / ~ I mate the applicability of the contours given in the
8 Cp = .575 Cp = 592
paper to a wide range of different types and kinds
144f Tug Cond A-
of high displacement length craft, Cr resistance
Cr 6
x 10-35 1441 Tug ~ond B- ~. / ~ values have been plotted for five vessels designed
by my office. These vessels are two tugs, two
large tuna fishing vessels, and one oceanographic
~ Nevitt :ond B research vessel, all having lengths in the neighbor-
2 hood of 130 to 150 ft. T h e results of these plots
..... ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~ ' - N e v i : t Cond e~
are shown in Figs. 28 through 32.
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Fig. 28, showing plots of residuary resistance
v__ from model basin tests and as calculated from the
papers "Contours of Residuary Resistance," illus-
Fig. 30 1 4 4 - f t ocean-going tug trates one great danger in indiscriminate use of
these contours. Mr. Ridgely-Nevitt uses length
from the centerline of the rudder post, whereas the
stern, which are generally in line with practical model basin data are based on length to the water-
experience over the speed ranges quoted. line. The resistance values are all brought back
to the 100-ft expanded resistance base used in the
G. C. Nickum, Member: Only those who have Society's tabulated model resistance data sheets.
groped blindly through the voids of data existing Obviously, if the waterline length is used, assuming
on high displacement length/ratio vessels can that displacement and midship section coefficient
appreciate the value from the estimating stand- are unchanged, then the calculated prismatic co-
point of realistic contours of residuary resistance efficient will be less than that obtained if the

72 Resistance o f a High Displacement-LengthRatio Trawler Series

length from the eenterline to the rudder post is trawlers seldom have midship coefficients less than
used. In Fig. 28 the solid line shows the model 0.78. For vessels approximately 100 ft in length,
resistance fignres--the lower dotted line shows the a midship coefficient of 0.80 to 0.82 is considered
resistance figure from the paper calculating the optimum, resulting from a full block coefficient
prismatic coefficient on the basis of 100-ft water- necessary to sustain the increased weight of fish-
line l e n g t h - - a n d the upper dotted line shows re- ing equipment and outfitting being used t o d a y as
sistance contours from the paper calculating the a result of increased power in the main and auxil-
prismatic coefficient on the 97-ft length which iary machinery. In the 100-ft length, the op-
corresponds in the vessel in question to the length t i m u m prismatic in ready--for-sea conditions is
based on the rudder post. As one would expect, considered to be somewhere: between 0.50 and
the contours of residual resistance are extremely 0.61. Smaller vessels have a gradually increasing
sensitive to prismatic coefficients. Carelessness prismatic. Larger vessels have a slightly de-
in not using lengths which exactly correspond to creasing prismatic. In the last few years more
those used in developing the paper can result in and more fishing vessels became involved in full
errors in residual resistance values up to 25 per- trips by virtue of refrigeration allowing topped
cent. off holds or working at least p a r t of the year on
T h e fact t h a t in all five cases illustrated the seining for mackerel, herring, and other industrial
residuary resistance figures for Professor Ridgely- fish. Vessels of this type should have a speed-
N e v i t t ' s standard form are under those of five power calculation made for the full load condition.
vessels actually in service, with the exception of T h e m a x i m u m prismatie considered both sea-
one shown on Fig. 31 which was specifically kindly and reasonable with regard to power for a
designed to operate at a speed-length ratio of 1.15, vessel 100 ft long in the full load condition is about
leads to two conclusions. The first bears out what 0.67.
would be expected; i.e., Professor N e v i t t has done T h e body plans for the various models tested
an excellent job in developing a very efficient do differ from modern practice for fishing vessels
trawler hull. T h e second is t h a t in applying these 100 ft and over as follows:
values of residuary resistance to a wide variation The rise of floor is considered at the high
of hull types found in this high displacement end and, in general, would be in the vicinity of
length/ratio type of vessel caution should be used between l l and 16 deg. The bilge radius appears
in applying these values, and during the pre- especially slack in view of the improved roll
liminary design stage, at least before estimates can damping achieved b y hard bilges in the middle
be verified by model tests, some margin should un- length of the hull. The afterbody sections exhibit
doubtedly be added to the values given. a rather noted narrowing at both the deck and
J. W. Gilbert, Member: In the past, small craft The modern fishing vessel is generally over-
designers have been relegated to using the three powered. This is not for speed but for towing in
publications, namely the "Resistance and Pro- rough weather. The owner buys a large engine,
pulsion of Trawlers," by D. J. Doust, Takagis' then derates it by operating at somewhat reduced
"Graphical Methods for Power Estimations of rpm and considerably reduced leading. As
Fishing Boats," and " T u g b o a t Design," by T. D. the weather worsens, the demand for power in-
Roach. creases. I t is here t h a t excess power no longer
A review of the basic concepts applied in the seems impractical and often makes the difference
parent series contained in the paper illustrates a in a sueeessflfl operation.
number of departures from normal modern Trial and ready-for-sea speed-length ratios
trawler speed power calculations. Recent prac- Vk/VL on most of the recent vessels we have
tice for modern hull forms uses the designed designed are approximately 1.25, a speed which the
waterline length in lieu of length between perpen- owner does not necessarily use. I t does give an
diculars to avoid appendage corrections, espe- idea, however, as to how close to the limit the
cially with regard to stern trawlers and small hull forms are being driven.
seiners where the rudder stock m a y be located as Frictional and appendage resistances are diffi-
much as 15 percent of the designed waterline cult to deternfine. Most tishing boats of the
length forward of the stern profile waterline inter- trawler type have chafing strips attached in
section. vertical rows. Steel w:ssels nearly ahvays have
The author is quite clear in stating that the hull bilge keels, and often have propeller guards,
form selected was based on 1951 trawler character- especially on seallopers, consisting of a U-shaped
istics and this would appear to be the most serious frame surrounding the propeller.
drawback to the use of the data. Modern A recently trialed trawler was calculated for

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 73

speed-power using the Cr curves in the paper. 15.o FAO-OPTIMIZED FORMS (TRAUNG, DOUST, HAYES 1967)
This was plotted against the same calculation .... N E V I T T - GRAPHS

using Doust and Roach. Also plotted are three

points achieved on trials. I t is noted t h a t Ridgely-
N e v i t t is the lowest resistance and the full power
trial point agrees with this. At lower speeds the
Doust data more nearly agree with the trial points. ~oo __ //
I t has been our practice to use D o u s t for vessels
over 125 ft in length. However, it does not per- J //T
m i t full power speed determination on smaller
vessels. The Roach tug data are most suitable
on the tub stern vessels and full formed boats up 50
to a b o u t 100 ft.

A. K. Romberg, Member: This systematic series

of model tests does indeed fill a real need and the
author's analysis and presentation of the results O
will be greatly appreciated b y the designers v/K"
and owners of h e a v y fishing vessels, tugs, and
Fig. 3 3
other vessels of large displacement-length propor-
tions. As the author notes, such vessels usually are
designed without benefit of model tests because of
these subsequent tests did not change the original
time and cost.
An important by-product of this project was the
In waves the 0.525 prismatic model required
splendid opportunity it gave a number of students
least power but such sharp models become difficult
to participate in model basin work, perhaps for the
and uneconomical to build, and space utilization
only time in their careers.
becomes a problem.
Our profession owes the author and his col-
Inui bulbs were also tested (Yokoyama, 1961)
laborators a vote of thanks.
for the models with prismaties of 0.575 and I).675.
None of the bulbous bows on the 0.575 prismatic
J a n - O l o f Traung, Member: Professor Ridgely- model made any i m p r o v e m e n t at speed-length
N e v i t t ' s statement t h a t wavemaking can only be ratios below 1.1. The Inui bulb was slightly
kept under reasonable control up to speed-length better at high speed-length ratios. The Inui bulb
ratios of approximately 1.15 and t h a t at higher on the high prismatic model made a considerable
speeds excessively high powers are required, in- improvement; however, total resistance did not
duces me to suggest again that a prismatic co- decrease to t h a t of the low prismatic model.
efficient of about 0.575 is o p t i m m n for all prac- Fitting a transom stern to the model with 0.575
tical purposes for high displacement, nonplaning prismatic resulted in a decrease of resistance in
commercial craft. calm water, b u t when self-propelled in waves the
Sixteen years ago, I found that the o p t i m u m cruiser stern had less resistance.
prismatic was practically the same magnitude as I t is unfortunate t h a t few series have had
suggested in Nevitt's paper, i.e., 0.57 (Traung, transom sterns as there is no doubt t h a t for fish-
1951). A further paper (Traung, 1955) brought ing vessels a transom stern is ideal, and will be
up to date the study of model tests and also in- standard in the future.
cluded results of some systematic tests with FAO in collaboration with the National
Pakistani fishing vessels, again indicating t h a t Physical L a b o r a t o r y (NP), UK, has made a
optinmm prismatic was about 0.575. statistical analysis of model test data of fishing
I t was then decided that FAO should sponsor vessels (Doust, Hayes, Tsuehiya, 1967; Traung,
testing of four models having prismatics of 0.525, Doust, Hayes, 1967). In order to test whether it
0.575, 0.625, and 0.675. T h e results (Traung, was possible to optimize the best combination of
1960) indicated t h a t from the resistance point of parameters, four models were developed having
view o p t i m u m prismatic was 0.575 but from the lengths of 40, 55, 70, and SO ft and displacement
propulsion point of view optimum prismatic w a s length ratios of 555, 459, 377, and 310. Two of
0.55 in calm water and 0.525 in waves. The sub- the models were drawn from the computer op-
sequent discussion suggested testing a model with timized parameters at FAO, one at NPL, and one
a still lower prismatic, namely 0.475. However, at Chahners. There was reasonable correlation

74 Resistance o f a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

between the model test results and computer pre- d a t a are b a d l y needed and will be often used b y
dictions especially at the speed-length ratio of 1.1 naval architects.
on which optimization was made. When a new model series becomes available, the
We have now compared the E H P from the naval architect wonders how it compares with
model tests with the 55, 70, and 85 footers with the hull forms with which he is familiar. M a n y of the
E H P calculated from N e v i t t ' s resistance contours high displacement-length ratio ships with which
in Fig. 33. This suggests at higher speeds t h a t I have been concerned have twin screws, transom
when i m p o r t a n t second grade parameters have sterns, and considerably higher B/H ratios than
been determined from a suitable optimizing proc- the N e v i t t Series hull forms.
ess and if one is using a transom stern other lower In Fig. 34 I have compared the residual resist-
resistance values might be obtained than those ances of two such ships with predictions made
from N e v i t t ' s contours. from the d a t a in this paper. Ship A has a keel 12
N e v i t t ' s conclusion derived from studies of in deep and 9~//6 in wide which was not included
other model tests is t h a t the effect of B/H is nearly in the form coefficients used to m a k e the N e v i t t
negligible. At FAO we have calculated, in prediction. However, in the wetted surface
collaboration with N P L , four of N e v i t t ' s models comparison for Ship A the denominator includes
with the regression equation for hull resistance. the keel-wetted surface. Ship B has a stern form
The results indicate that this effect might be con- similar to Model W-30 with small transom immer-
siderably larger than N e v i t t assumes. T h e sion at rest. The N e v i t t predictions for these two
tendency of the computer calculated relations be- ships are made for B/H = 2.30 and hence the
tween b e a m - d r a f t ratio and resistance is very comparisons include the influence of B/H varia-
clear and therefore worth mentioning. tion on residual resistance and wetted surface.
T a b l e 4 shows approximate changes in per- Ship A is penalized by the vresence of the keel
centage of resistance, when varying b e a m - d r a f t and, at lower speeds, b y the large transom immer-
ratio. sion. Ship B is penalized b y an LCB location far
forward of the o p t i m u m position. These d a t a
m a y be of some use to naval architects designing
Table 4
fat twin-screw ships, often with nonoptinmm LCB
Model L/B when B/H locations.
No. B/H = 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.5 3.0 In Fig. 35 I have compared the residual resist-
11 4.04 -{-6 0 0 -I-6 ance of a T a y l o r Standard Series hull with the
12 3.62 0 0 -t-3 +14 equivalent N e v i t t hull. T h e difference between
28 3.88 --4 0 -{-4 -}-19
29 3.47 -- 8 0 -t-9 -/-40 the wetted surfaces is inte.resting and can be
attributed to the differences in the C~'s and the
bow and stern profiles of the two hulls. 1 suspect
An I M C O / F A O Working Group on Stability of t h a t at low speeds the T a y l o r hull was experienc-
Fishing Vessels has been studying the required ing some laminar flow. At higher speeds the
m i n i m u m stability. T h e Working Group has penalty due to a nonoptimum LCB location is
more or less confirmed Rahola's (1939) findings. striking.
One b e a u t y with Rahola's criterion is t h a t if one is Fig. 20 of the paper enables one to calculate the
giving a vessel an agreeable period of roll, the wetted surfaces of the hull forms of this Series.
stability will be sufficient to fulfil the criterion. Would the author explain the source of the d a t a
In this connection it should be mentioned t h a t it in t h a t figure for B/H ratios other t h a n 2.30?
has happened t h a t when the prismatic coefficient Also, why do the models of this Series show no
of a particular design has been reduced and one variation in wetted-surface coefficient with chang-
has ensured the same a m o u n t of stability b y in- ing displacement-length ratio? I would like to
creasing beam, because the inertia of the water emphasize the importance of proper wetted-sur-
plane otherwise became too small, and thus the face estimation. N a v a l architects using the d a t a
frequency of roll has become the same, the crew in this paper to estimate the resistance of hull
has complained a b o u t too soft motions. A forms somewhat different from those of the
Belgian shipbuilder has found t h a t vessels with N e v i t t Series should bear in mind t h a t wetted sur-
low prismatic coefficients should have higher G M face is influenced b y C~, transom width, skeg
and thus shorter period of roll if one wants the length, stem rake, and bulb size: (if a bulbous bow
crew to get the same feeling. is present), as well as b y Cp, B/H, and displace-
ment-length ratio.
P. A. Gale, Member: I h a v e looked forward to the I am greatly interested in the performance of
publication of this paper for m a n y years. These Model w-g0. Would the attthor include in the

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 75


L model (fl.) 13.521 11.22

" / ( ~.-~o)= 203" 185
Cp o.57e" 0.566
Ca 0.817* 0.8 I I
B/H 3.125" 2.85
TRANSOM AREA ( % OF A~ ) 7.5 1.5
L C B pos. ( % L A F T ~ - - )
-0.2 (FWD)
WS . ~ . - _ 0.958 I .072 CRN PREDICTION FOR B / H 2 . 3 0


J _ \
Rr~=peL 1.4 _
R I'~.RN
1.2 - -

I I , ,

0.6 _

0.4 I I I I I
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I.I 1.2
Fig. 34 Two twin-screw transom stern hulls compared with Nevitt

paper a comparison of the residual resistance of with the results from two of its predecessors from
Models W-30 and W-IS similar to the ones I have the literature and added trial data, corrected, it is
presented for other ships? Also, I would like assumed, for propulsive coefficients and append-
very m u c h to see a comparison of the trim and ages. Since the latter are major elements in the
sinkage d a t a for these two models. comparison, the author cannot c o m m e n t further;
I would like to acknowledge the assistance of the results depend on the assumed values in-
Michael Shen with the calculations and figures. volved in the computation.
tk~r. Gale has chosen residuary resistance as a
Author's Closure basis of comparison. T h e author regrets this
As soon as new information becomes available, choice since such a resistance subdivision is a
it needs to be tested against previous experience. result of purely arbitrary (and scientifically un-
A nmnber of the discussors have done this and, sound) splitting up of the elements invalid. He
thereby, gratified the author and increased the considers a total resistance comparison one with
value of the paper to those who do not have such physical meaning t h a t leads to a factor of merit
information available. ~[r. Nickum, in particular, more suitable for general use. T h e residuary
has emphasized the fact t h a t small length changes ratios tend toward large numbers which are, as
produce large resistance changes in ships of this Mr. Gale notes, often affected adversely by wetted
type. T h e author agrees; for a meaningful com- surface variations.
parison making use of the charts in the paper, Mr. T r a u n g ' s comparisons are also somewhat
length between perpendiculars m u s t be adopted obscured b y the question of w h a t is the length of
for prismatic, displacement-length, and speed- the ship or model being tested. T h e author has
length ratios. Mr. N i c k u m ' s first example illus- adjusted the four H a y e s - T r a u n g - D o u s t - T s u c h i y a
trates how large the effect is; his later compari- designs to an L B P of 100 ft for an L W L of 103.12
sons are truly representative of merit. ft (comparable to his models) and finds quite
Mr. Gilbert has compared the present paper different displacement-length ratios from those

76 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series


L = 20.5' C~ 0.950 0.762

"/(~f= 2oo LCB (%L AFT~) 0 3.03

Ce : 0.580 WS ~ - 1.052
B/H : 2.30
B ~ . ( , ~ , T.,=~ = I. 1045


R r ~,N 1.4 /




y I I I I

I I-
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I. I 1.2
Fig. 3 5 A comparison between Taylor and Nevitt Rr

quoted by Traung. As a result, he would produce but he gets an impression that the discussor's
different power curves. He has, in the past, suggestions for dry decks indicate he favors a
reduced some of his models to 16 ft 0 in long on rather full form for seaworthiness. Traung, on
the waterline in order to compare with the pub- the other hand, based on self-propelled tests of
lished values in "Fishing Boats of the World : 3." quite small models in Japan, favors a very fine one
Model W - i S under this latter arrangement be- - - i n the sense of prismatic coefficient. The author
comes superior to the Traung 85-ft model, which it has not seen enough good systematic tests to be
most nearly resembles, at all speed-length ratios sure. He regards the Traung models as too
except 1.20. All the FAO designs, however, small--their self-propulsion data were badly
should be superior, according to the published confused by laminar separation on the propeller
regression analyses, because their longitudinal models which leads to both unduly low and
centers of b u o y a n c y are well aft of the Webb erratic propeller efficieneies. The low midship
models (in order of 4.5 percent as opposed to 2.5 section and water plane coefficients of the series,
percent of L B P aft of amidships based on LBP). commented on by Mr. Gilbert, were selected as a
The author is pleased that his models show up so means of reducing smooth water resistance; they
well considering that they were worked out by came out of the early tests of the series and were
mere human beings rather than by the all powerful reported in the author's 1956 paper. The author
machine that we, too frequently, tend to believe. believes that but cannot prove they would also be
Other points have been brought up: a major one advantageous in waves.
being t h a t it would be nice to have the perform- Mr. Thomson takes a most original view of the
ance of these models in waves. The author agrees resistance problem. He compares Model W-20,
completely. W h y doesn't someone with a well- the one with a prismatic coefficient of 0.70, with
automated tank and an adequate supply of stu- the British Ship Research Association's data on a
dents undertake this ? basis of a block coefficient of 0.53. The resulting
The author m a y be misinterpreting Mr. Gilbert, model, after corrections for the minor variables,

Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series 77

has less resistance. Since it also has a prismatic was not brought into line with current tank prac-
of 0.597, it certainly should ! T h e author thought tice in its discussion of wetted surface calculations.
t h a t his plots clearly showed the prismatic co- An i m p o r t a n t question is how the resistance
efficient to be a major variable t h a t could not be changes with b e a m - d r a f t ratio. T h e author had
ignored. He has, incidentally, found t h a t the originally hoped to have regression computations
BSRA models behave in a much more com- from the FAO-National Physical L a b o r a t o r y anal-
prehensible manner if they are replotted with the ysis for the four models of his series t h a t would
prismatic, rather than the block, as the major still overlap it when they were varied from B / H =
variable in footnote 5 of Mr. T h o m s o n ' s dis- 2.00 to 3.00. After waiting a year, he was unable
cussion. to obtain these results; consequently he presented
Another item mentioned b y several discussors is only the replots of model data in the paper. He
the longitudinal center of b u o y a n c y position. is h a p p y to hear t h a t computations are now avail-
The author agrees with the regression analyses able, even though he has not seen them. Mr.
t h a t a farther aft position would be desirable from T r a u n g ' s brief s u m m a r y for these four models
a resistance viewpoint. T h e four models dis- (with A/(O.O1LBP) 3 values of 400 and 500, Cp's of
cussed b y T r a u n g are examples. However, he is 0.597 and 0.650) do not present the variation with
not totally convinced t h a t this position would pro- speed which m u s t exist. W-29, the model t h a t
duce both a healthy ship arrangement and com- shows a 40 percent increase in resistance for a B / H
pletely satisfactory flow conditions to the propeller. of 3.00 is, unfortunately, just outside the valid
As a result, he has accepted a less favorable posi- limits of the analysis at this point; the author
tion and shown that, even with this as an adverse simply does not believe the enormous increase
element in the series, good resistance character- quoted. H e has tested, on a number of occasions,
istics are possible in the regions where most models t h a t show opposite trends from regression
American ships are actually built. predictions and, therefore, considers the l a t t e r ' a s
With regard to the transom-bulbous bow design, rough, rather than final guides. Sometimes they
it has been suggested t h a t this model be sawed in even predict the wrong sign for carefully planned
half and the ends grafted on conventional ends. and measured resistance changes. He still thinks
This is an easy experiment to do and a difficult the Thomson-Pattullo and Astrup-Sund d a t a are
one to interpret. One does not know whether the the best possible information available on the
resistance change results from the LCB move- subject.
m e n t or the bulb or transom addition. For a real Finally, some discussors were kind enough to
comparison changing only one variable at a time, suggest t h a t the various papers and the in-
both ends m u s t be redesigned in order to keep the dividual pieces of d a t a on which they are based
center of b u o y a n c y at a constant position for a were worth assembling in one place. T h e author,
series of four models, one with a bulb, one with a once again, thinks this is a splendid idea as long
transom, one with neither, one with both. T h e as it does not take up any further time on his part,
author had expended the available funds for and uneducational, as well as unrewarded, time on
model construction when only two of these models the p a r t of his future students. To design a hull,
had been tested. test it, and assess its performance against all
Mr. Gale brings up the wetted-surface matter. the similar designs one can find is educational.
M a n y years ago the International Towing T a n k To rework, redraw, replot past d a t a is not.
Conference defined wetter surface as the " m e a n T h e discussors have been most helpful in show-
girth times the length" of a ship. A little thought ing how to use the paper, in showing how its
will show that, for a series of displacement-length material compares with existing designs and other
modification based on a single parent, the T a y l o r methods of computation, in showing where the
t y p e wetted-surface coefficient will not change. parent hulls agree with present practice and in
T h e fact t h a t it does in Gertler's replotting of the showing where they disagree. T h e y have pre-
T a y l o r Series is unfortunate and indicates t h a t an sented valuable opinions backed b y design experi-
obliquity correction was used in the data from ence and indicated where useful areas of work
which he worked. I t is also unfortunate t h a t the should be planned and carried out. T h e author
new volume of Principles of Naval Architecture is m o s t grateful for their comments and additions.

78 Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series

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