August 2017-Helping Out

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was a busy Friday afternoon at An-Nur. It was close to home time when
teacher Heather brought the laundry to hang inside the classroom. Just then a
group of children offered to hang the clothes. Ibrahim was one of them. So
teacher Heather went and got the children clothing hanger and lots of cloth pegs.

Ibrahim began to hang the napkins first. He then got a peg and as he tried to
place the peg on the napkin, he realised it didnt fit. He kept trying for a few
seconds and then got frusterated and began to cry. Abdul Hadi came to his aide
but he also couldnt do it. Ibrahim then got another peg which did fit. He reaised
that some of the other pegs didnt fit so he avoided them.

Other children soon lost interest but Ibrahim did not and he kept hanging the
cloths untill all were finished.

At Annur, we respect children to make their own choices and provide them with
opportunities to set their own learning. When kids learn to complete such chores
on their own, without having to be directed in the proper way to do so, they
learn their first lessons in self-sufficiency and independence.

Our learning goal for Ibrahim is to grow consistency and predictability of
behavior and response. Alhamdullilah, in this learning opportunity he was
learning to find an interest and persevere with the difficulity of the activity.
Although he did began to cry and give up in the beginning but then Ibrahim
problem solved and continued with hanging the cloths and placing a peg. Insha
allah, we will continue to work on his learning goals and further develop
interests in all areas of learning.

By: Teacher Madiha August 2017

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