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Big brother Khalid

Today Khalid you were on the mat with the other children building an amazing tower
with the blocks when Aemon came over. Aemon was interested in what you had built
and was about to push it over when you reached out and said no Aemon, you cant
push it over yet you need a safety helmet, Ill get you a safety helmet ok? . Aemon
sat down while you quickly got up and got the helmet, Aemon wasnt too happy about
having the helmet on however you persuaded him by saying you cant get hurt, if
the blocks fall on your head you will have a headache As you popped it on his head
Aemon gave a big giggle. You look like bob the builder, teacher Lynda Aemon looks
like bob the builder eh? Wow yes he does Khalid how clever of you to think about
putting a hat on Aemons head. Now you can push it over Aemon.

Khalid I was so impressed with how you shared your building with Aemon and even
let him knock it down. You were very resourceful and saw that Aemon needed to
have a hat on before he could demolish the building, that shows me you were
thinking about your brothers safety and not wanting him to get hurt. Ma sha Allah.

Te whariki : Communication Goal 2: Promotes language development, eg speech and

increases vocabulary. Opportunities for sharing builds social confidence and
communication skills.

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