Quarterly 2016 Viii

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CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL -PERUVILAI d) ---------- is the female gamete (sperm / ovum)

I TERM EXAMINATION 2016-2017 e) Xylem vessels are present at the .......(end /centre) of the root
Class: VIII Marks: 80 E. Give reasons for the following: (5*1=5)
Sub: Biology Time: 90 min a) Active transport requires energy.
SECTION-A b) Transpiration helps in the upward movement of water.
(Answer all the questions) c) Veins carry blood at lower pressure than the arteries.
A. Name the following: ( 5*1=5) d) In asexual reproduction, gametes are not involved. .
a) The part of the root that absorbs water from the soil. e) During germination, radical emerges first.
b) Water conducting tissue. F. Write the functions of the following: (5*1=5)
c) A complete cardiac cycle a) Cotyledon
d) Thick-walled blood vessels that do not have valves. b) Uterus
e) A type of modified stem for food storage. c) Testes
B. Define the following: (5*1=5) d) eye of potato
A) Plumule e) Antibody
b) Pollination G) Write scientific terms for the following: (5*1=5)
c) Pulse a) A straw coloured liquid of blood.
d) Diffusion B) Crossing of two different varieties of plants.
e) Ascent of sap c) Scattering of seeds over a wider area.
C. Complete the following:(5*1=5) d) The period of development of baby in mothers womb.
a) xylem : water : : phloem :--------------------- e) Upward movement of sap.
b) Stomata: transpiration : : xylem :-------------------- H) Distinguish between the the following:(5*1=5)
c) R.B.C : biconcave : : W.B.C. :--------------------- a) Lenticular and cuticular transpiration.
d) Donor : O : : recipient : : ---------------------- b) Systole and Diastole
e) Epigeal : bean : : Hypogeal : : ------------------ c) Tuber and bulb
D. Choose the correct option: (5*1=5) d) Zygote and embryo
a) The rate of transpiration---------------(decrease/increase) with an e) Androecium and gynoecium
increase in humidity.
b) Phagocytes and lymphocytes are types of---------(red/white)
blood cells.
c) Flowers that bear either the stamen or the pistil are called
----------------------(unisexual /bisexual)
SECTION B Amoeba Undergoes --------i-------under favourable condition.
(Answer all the questions) It is the simplest form of ------ii------- reproduction. In this type
Question1 of reproduction, the -------iii----- divides into two daughter cells.
a) i) Name the structure shown in the diagram (1) First there is ------iv-----division. Then it is followed by the
division of --------v-------.
ii) Label the parts A to E (1)
iii) Define germination (1)
b) Seeds require adequate water, Oxygen, suitable temperature and
iv) State the function of labelled part B (1) .
enough light for germination .
v) What are the conditions necessary for germination.(1)
b) Draw a well labelled diagrame of a bisexual flower.(5) Can you demonstrate a suitable
Question 2
a) i) Name the structure shown in the diagram (1) experiment to prove the above said statement?.(5)
ii) Label the parts A-D (1)
Question 4
iii) Define gestation period ? (1)
iv) Define fertilization (1)
a) Draw a labelled diagram of heart. (5)
v) What is the function of part labelled B (1)
b) I)Draw a web chart to show the modes of reproduction in living
b) i) What is the aim of this experiment?(1) organisms.(3)
ii) Define the process(1)
iii)In which part of the plant ii ) Write any four differences between arteries and veins(2)

does this process occur?(1)

Iv) Write the pathway of water absorption (1)
Question 3
a) The given picture helps you to fill the blanks of the passage given
below: (5*1=5)

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