Science Solar System Notes

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Science Solar system notes

Scientists believe that the universe is approximately 14.5 billion years old.
Scientist believe that most of the universe is predominantly Hydrogen and Helium (98%).
H(+) and H(+)/proton + proton chain = He
Overtime there were enough hydrogen slamming into each other to create helium and our first
proto-star was formed.
All the Hydrogen bundled together and clustered up tight to cause a nuclear fusion (He) and the
first star.
There is a scale of stars.

Death Formation of a star!

- After millions and Millions of years the stars run out of Hydrogen and starts to expand looking
for more hydrogen to create nuclear fusion.
- It becomes a red giant star which is a dying star.
- After it finds Hydrogen it shrinks back to its other size then it starts to reburn and combine
whats inside of it and then it explodes in a supernova.
- All of the elements in the form of particles mix back in with all the hydrogen and helium.
- The heavy elements move to the outside and then nuclear fusion happens again and we get a
new star.
- As the heavy elements spin around the outside they create planetesimals that crash into each

All of the elements on the periodic table came from the death of the star.
Mercury, Venus earth and Mars are the; Terrestrial planets - rocky planets.
Gas planets Jovial Planets all have rings
Black holes are either massive or small black holes. There is no in-between size.
The center of every galaxy is a black hole.

Galaxys come in three different classes.

- Spiral galaxy
- Elliptical Galaxy
- Irregular Galaxy

Scientists believe that if two Spiral Galaxys combine it creates an elliptical galaxy.
When Galaxys collide the two black holes combine and they send out gravitational waves.
Each star has a finite life
Stars are formed of gas and dust.
Center of a star is the densest and hottest area.
Main: Sequence Star most commonly known as a red dwarf star
Black dwarf cold dark mass of a star
A smaller star lives for longer than a big star because the big star uses up its fuel much faster
than the smaller star.
1 astronomical unit is 150 million kilometers.
- The unit is used to measure the space between planets.
- 1 astronomical unit is the distance between the earth and the sun.
- 40 astronomical units is the distance between the earth and Pluto.

The further you look into space the longer it takes for light to reach you.
Copernicus came up with the heliocentric model (everything revolves around the sun) and was
thrown in jail because no one believed him.
We only see approximately 58% of the moon as it orbits the earth shaking between gravities.
The moon is getting dragged away about 2cm each year because the suns gravitational pull.
Saturns rings are made of ice and the suns reflection enhances our view of the rings.
The rings on Saturn come from Enceladus (the moon of Saturn) which spurts water out of its
volcanoes which then freezes together as it exits Saturns heat orbit.
The dark patches on the moon is dried magma from asteroids hitting the moon.
The backside of the moon cooled faster than the front side because the front side was facing the
earth (heat).
All tectonic plates are at a constant movement called continental drift.
All of earths land mass is moving back together
Tectonic plates collide and shift to create mountains, islands, volcanoes.
Our galaxy and another galaxy named Andromeda are on a collision course.
The outward flow of water is known as an ebb tide
the inward flow is called a flood tide.
The area that gets periodically covered and exposed by the tides is the intertidal zone,
which is usually made up of mud flats and rock ledges.
Intertidal zones are home to whole communities of living things such as birds, crabs
and barnacles that depend on the daily ebb and flow of water in different ways.

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