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tions upon any such subject and, in (d) What is Indias Look East (a) What are the

(a) What are the social and

particular, recommendations for the Policy ? economic consequences of abolish-
better co-ordination of policy and ing child labour in India ?
(e) What is meant by empower-
action with respect to that subject. An (b) Explain the implications of
ment of Women in India ?
Inter-State Council was established in the implementation of intellectual
1990 but it met for the first time in Ans. (a) (i) Dissolution of the
property clauses in our patent law
1996. The forum of inter-State Council House means it is the end life of the
regime after joining the WTO.
could be very well utilized for dis- Lok Sabha so that all matters pending
cussion of policy matters involving before the House lapse with the dis- Ans. (a) The child labour is not a
more than one State and arriving at a solution. recent phenomenon and that too not
decision expeditiously. The Com- confined to any particular state. The
(ii) Prorogation of the House
mission issued a consultation paper problem of child labour continues to
means the termination of a session of
on "Constitutional mechanism for the pose a challenge before the nation.The
the House by an order made by the
settlement of inter-State disputes" magnitude and extent of the problem
President under Article 85(2) (a) of
and elicited opinion of the general is essentially a socio-economic pro-
the Constitution [Article 85].
public. blem inextricably linked to poverty
(iii) Adjournment on a motion and illiteracy. It requires concerted
(c) The High Court is the highest adopted by the House, of the debate efforts from all sections of the society
judicial body in the state. Art. 214 of on a Motion/Resolution/Bill on to make a dent in the problem. When
the Constitution of India provides which the House is then engaged to a a child is forced to work, it hampers
that there shall be a High Court for future day or sine die as specified in his/her growth, stunts his/her
each state. As the highest judicial the motion. psychological and intellectual deve-
body of the states, High Court
(b) All revenues received by lopment and prevents him/her from
discharge duties independently and
Government by way of taxation like realizing his/her full potential. Child
impartially without fear or favour.
income-tax, central excise, custom, labour is an unmitigated evil and any
The High Court in India has acted
land revenue (tax revenues) and society which suffers from it should
remarkably well since its inception.
other receipts flowing to Government be grossly ashamed of that fact.
During the short span of its working,
in connection with the conduct of Eradication of child labour needs
it has amply justified its existence and
Government business like receipts political will as well as social con-
the expectation of the makers of the
from Railways, Posts, Transport etc. sciousness. The social and economic
Constitution. But in issuing writs, the
(non-tax revenues) are credited into consequences can easily b e under-
power of the High Court is somewhat
the Consolidated Fund. Art. 266 stood if we understand the factors
under than that of the Supreme Court
provides for the consolidated fund of responsible for it. The factors pri-
of India. The Power is balanced and
India. marily responsible for it are poverty,
equivalent with the Supreme Court in
(c) Instead of either refusing caste, tradition, size of the family,
few cases. Because the Constitution
assent or giving assent ,except the labour scarcity, illiteracy, ignorance,
has also empowered the Supreme
money bill ,the President may return absence of schooling facilities. The
Court and High Court to issue writs
the bill for reconsideration of the low income of parents which is not
including writs in the nature of
Houses with a message requesting adequate to meet the basic needs of
habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibi-
them to reconsider it. If the Houses the family, force the children to work
tion, quo-warranto and certiorari for
pass the bill again with or without and supplement the family income.
the enforcement of the fundamental
amendments ,the President shall have Poverty is a common picture of
rights. In some cases, the power of
no power to withhold his assent from developing countries wherein a con-
Supreme Court is restricted to
the bill. siderable proportion of population
fundamental rights only whereas the
lives below poverty line. Caste is
High Court can issue writs on any (d) The look east policy refers to
responsible for social and economic
matter or subjects including funda- the policy of look east. It was started
consequences of child labour in India.
mental rights under Art. 226 of the by former Prime Minister I. K.
A survey says that the proportion of
Constitution of India. Gujaral. The objective of the look east
schedule castes children work at a
Q. 9. Answer the following in policy is to forge social, economic and
younger age for their own and their
questions(in about 20 words each) cultural relations with the countries
families. The combination of poverty
(a) Explain the following terms: of east Asia.
and the lack of social security net-
(i) Dissolution of the House (e) Empowerment of Women work is also responsible for bonded
(ii) Prorogation of the House means to give adequate power to child labour. They have been bonded
(iii) Adjournment of the busi- women in the affairs of descion at the cost of their life. There are few
ness of the House. making process.It also implies that credit sources like co-operative loan,
the women should exercise their bank loan etc. available only to few
(b) What is Consolidated Fund
power in social, economic, and poor families.
of India ?
political field .
(c) To what extent can the (b) Intellectual property laws are
President withhold his assent to a Q. 10. Answer any one of the designed to protect different forms of
bill already passed by the Parlia- following questions (in about 250 subject matter, although in some
ment ? words) cases there is a degree of overlapping


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