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AQUINO, Ma. Sophia Angelika P.

July 17, 2017

11-St. Jude Mr. Junlor C. Dacsa I


1.) What I have learned in this week?

On the 6th week, there was no discussion about any topic related to math subject. Sir
Dacsa was mad on us but I understood him. We admitted that we committed a mistake.
He told that if we dont like someone, tell it directly to that person. I then realized that
students like me should respect every teacher in our school; we must stop criticizing them
without any knowledge on whats going on. We students must stop bullying.

2.) What did I do and how I think/feel about this?

I did nothing about on the incident; I was coward because I did not do everything to make
them stop. I felt disappointed because on what my classmates did but then, I realized that,
when I see someone is talking behind those victims back, I will tell them to stop.

3.) How do I apply the topics I learned in real-life?

We, students must know our limitation. We need to be sensitive to others feeling because
not everyone is strong, like what Ive said all of us have weaknesses.

4.) What question/s I need to ask in relation to the topics/lessons discussed?

There is nothing that I want to ask.

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