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Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

NMR dipolar couplings for the structure determination of

biopolymers in solution
Eva de Alba, Nico Tjandra*
Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Building 50, Room 3513,
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Accepted 6 November 2001

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
2. Orienting media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
3. Dipolar coupling measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
4. Interpretation and use of dipolar couplings in protein structure calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4.1. Dipolar couplings for protein structure renement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4.2. Dipolar couplings as protein structure validation factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
4.3. Dipolar couplings in protein domain orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
4.4. Information about ligand conformation and orientation from residual dipolar couplings . . . . . . . 187
4.5. Structure building using dipolar couplings in the absence or with sparse number of NOE data . . 188
4.6. Protein family search via dipolar couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5. Interpretation and use of dipolar couplings in nucleic acid and oligosaccharide structure calculation . . 191
5.1. Dipolar couplings in the structure calculation of nucleic acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5.2. Dipolar couplings in the structure calculation of oligosaccharides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Keywords: Nucleic acid; J coupling; Structure renement; Protein; Liquid crystal

1. Introduction [1]. In addition, knowledge of the type of protein and

peptide secondary structure is gained on the basis of
There are several parameters derived from NMR the so-called secondary shifts [2,3]. This parameter is
data that have been traditionally used in the structure calculated as the difference between the experimen-
calculation of biological molecules such as peptides, tally observed chemical shift and the chemical shift of
proteins, oligosaccharides and nucleic acids. For an unstructured molecule. Another example is given
example, information on dihedral angles can be by the information derived from hydrogen exchange
obtained by the measurement of J coupling constants experiments, which is an indirect indication of the
existence of hydrogen bonds. Recently, the measure-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-301-402-3029; fax: 11-301-
ment of J coupling interactions through hydrogen
402-3405. bonds has given direct evidence of their presence
E-mail address: (N. Tjandra). [46]. Nevertheless, the most important NMR
0079-6565/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0079- 656 5( 01) 00042- 5
176 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

parameter for structure determination is the nuclear which resulted from the large degree of ordering
Overhauser effect (NOE). The presence of a NOE achieved originally with liquid crystalline media. It
crosspeak between two atoms implies that they are has been shown recently that the use of dilute liquid
at a distance smaller than ,5 A . crystals can create sufcient anisotropy for a small
While chemical shifts and J coupling constants give fraction of the molecules to adopt a preferred align-
local structure information, NOE data can relate ment direction in the medium [13,14], allowing resi-
atoms that are far apart in the series of chemical dual dipolar couplings to be observed while the
bonds connecting the biomolecule, but are close in simplicity of the spectra is still conserved. Typically,
space. Usually, structure calculation requires a large the degree of order is such that the value of the static
amount of NOE data. The typical qualitative interpre- dipolar coupling is scaled down by a factor of at least
tation of NOE information can lead to acceptable 10 3. As we will discuss later, there are several meth-
precise structures only because the inherent redun- ods to create dilute liquid crystals. At the present time,
dancy in the data. In spite of this, there are some a considerable number of proteins, oligosaccharides
cases where all the traditional NMR parameters fail and nucleic acids have been dissolved in this type of
to determine the three-dimensional structure. One media and residual dipolar couplings have been used
example is when a protein is not globular and has in their structure determinations.
several domains that are structurally independent. In Residual dipolar couplings have also been
this situation it is very difcult to determine the rela- measured in the absence of any orienting media
tive orientation of the domains, due to the sparse when the biomolecule has a sufciently large
number of NOE crosspeaks connecting them. This magnetic susceptibility anisotropy to cause it to
problem is also present in the structure calculation adopt a preferred orientation with respect to the exter-
of nucleic acids, where in addition to a low proton nal magnetic eld [15]. This has been shown for both
density, there is usually a lack of tertiary-type of struc- paramagnetic and diamagnetic biomolecules. In the
ture, and therefore only medium- and short-range case of paramagnetic proteins [16], the natural align-
NOE contacts are observed. Mainly for this reason ment with a high magnetic eld is usually one order of
nucleic acid structures are often poorly dened. magnitude smaller than that achieved by the use of
Fortunately, a well-known NMR parameter called orienting media. The same is true for nucleic acids
the dipolar coupling, that has not been particularly [17], in which the almost perfect stacking of their
useful in the solution structure determination of bases dominates the susceptibility anisotropy.
biopolymers in the past, has recently occupied a However, in general, the net alignment of diamagnetic
very important place in this eld [79]. In the case biomolecules will be at least another order of magni-
where two nuclei are scalar coupled, the dipolar tude smaller than that of their paramagnetic counter-
coupling is manifested as an apparent addition to the parts [18]. This fact renders the eld alignment
J coupling when the molecule under study is aniso- approach to be impractical for common NMR biomo-
tropically oriented in the magnetic eld. The dipolar lecular structure application. Nevertheless, this
coupling is the physical response of the interaction method is still the only one in which residual dipolar
between the magnetic dipole of two atoms and the couplings can be observed without incurring changes
external magnetic eld. This type of interaction is in the sample conditions.
always present when the molecule is under the In practice, the alignment tensor is dened by the
inuence of a magnetic eld, but averages to zero traceless matrix A, which is equivalent to the Saupe
by the isotropic tumbling of the molecule in solution matrix [10] if the liquid crystal director is parallel to
unless this movement is restricted to a preferred the magnetic eld, and has ve independent elements
direction. (i.e. AZZ, AXX 2 AYY, AXY, AXZ, AYZ. XYZ represents the
The dipolar coupling has been measured in the past molecular frame). A simple transformation that diag-
years in solution NMR using liquid crystals [10,11] onalizes the tensor A also relates the molecular frame
and magnetic alignment [12]. Nevertheless, its utili- to the principal axis frame of the alignment tensor
zation in biopolymer structure calculation has been (x,y,z). In this later frame the dipolar coupling
impaired by the complexity of the spectra obtained, between two nuclei, P and Q, as a function of the
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 177

as an isotropic diffusion in a cone with a certain semi-

angle. This type of averaging of the internuclear
vector leads to the order parameter, S 2, commonly
used in NMR relaxation studies [19]. Thus, angular
averaging resulting from internal motion with respect
to the alignment frame renders a dipolar coupling that
is scaled down by the generalized order parameter S.
Additionally, independent averaging of the rPQ
distance can be done under the assumption that vibra-
tional motion is not coupled to librational motion.
Eq. (1) differs by a factor of 3/2 with respect to
similar equations that relate the residual dipolar
coupling to the components of the Saupe matrix.
Fig. 1. Orientation of two dipolar coupling vectors in a protein
segment. The vectors connect the amide 1H N and 15N atoms. In This factor comes from the relationship between the
this case the interaction vector coincides with the chemical bond. Saupe order parameters, expressed in a Cartesian
The axis system of the alignment tensor is designated as Axx, Ayy, Azz. molecular frame, and the alignment tensor compo-
The angles u 1, w 1, and u 2, w 2 dene the orientation of both dipolar nents, which describe the deviation from the uniform
vectors with respect to the alignment tensor [7].
distribution. A detailed explanation of how to obtain
Eqs. (1) and (2) from the dipolar coupling hamiltonian
polar coordinates, u and w , is given by can be found in the review by Bax et al. [9] and
Prestegard et al. [8].
DP;Qu;f DPQ 2 2
a {3cos u 2 1 1 3=2R sin u cos 2w} As can be noticed from the previous equations, the
1 dipolar coupling value depends on the orientation of
where the vector connecting the two atoms with respect to
D E the alignment tensor. Therefore, once the orientation
DPQ 3 23
a 2m0 h=16p SgP gQ rPQ Aa 2 of the alignment tensor, the dipolar coupling, and the
distance between the two atoms are known, it is possi-
Aa is the dimensionless axial component of the align- ble to derive the orientation of each vector with
ment tensor, i.e. Azz 2 (Axx 1 Ayy)/2, and R Axx 2 respect to a reference frame (Fig. 1). The position of
Ayy =Azz : S is the generalized order parameter [19]. g P the vector can be restricted into a cone about the prin-
and g Q are the gyromagnetic ratios of nuclei P and Q. cipal axis of the alignment tensor (assuming it is
m 0 is the magnetic susceptibility. The polar angles u axially symmetric). In the more general case of an
and w describe the orientation of the vector in the asymmetric tensor the cone is distorted [20]. Since
alignment tensor coordinate system (Fig. 1). rPQ is the alignment tensor is of second rank, and the direc-
the distance between atoms P and Q. In practice, the tion of a second rank interaction is indistinct from its
magnitude of the alignment tensor is dened by Da (in inverse, the dipolar coupling denes two cones of
Hz) which is commonly normalized to the value possible vector orientations. This ambiguity compli-
observed for NH dipoles. cates the determination of local geometry in the
In Eqs. (1) and (2), the presence of internal absence of other structural information. Fortunately,
dynamics is taken into account by the order parameter it is possible to combine residual dipolar data obtained
S and the time averaging of the rPQ distance, indicated under anisotropic conditions where either the orienta-
by brackets. Several assumptions regarding internal tion and/or the rhombicity of the alignment tensor are
motion are considered in order to obtain Eqs. (1) different [20]. The angle at which the two cones
and (2). First of all, it is assumed that internal motion intersect will indicate the orientation of the vector
does not modify the overall alignment. This is an (Fig. 2). In Section 2 some of the procedures used to
acceptable assumption when the internal motion is modify the alignment tensor will be discussed.
fast and its amplitude is small. In general, the fast According to the explanations given earlier, the use
motion of the internuclear vector can be described of dipolar couplings makes possible the determination
178 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

of the relative orientation of different domains in a

multidomain protein, even if there are no NOE
contacts between them. Analogously, the use of dipo-
lar couplings greatly facilitates the structure determi-
nation of nucleic acids for similar reasons. The effect
of the inclusion of dipolar couplings in the structure
calculation of nucleic acids can be more substantial
than in the case of proteins, since dipolar couplings
can constitute up to 50% of the total structural data for
the former, while only 1015% for the later.
It has been demonstrated that the structural infor-
mation provided by residual dipolar couplings greatly
improves the accuracy with which structures are
Fig. 2. Orientations of an amide NH dipolar coupling bond-vector determined [21]. Nevertheless, residual dipolar
of the protein ubiquitin. Each cone of orientations is compatible couplings can be used for purposes other than biopo-
with two different alignment directions adopted by the protein in lymer structure renement. For example, structure
two different alignment media. The inner lines correspond to the
validation factors have been dened in terms of dipo-
orientations obtained from the measured dipolar couplings. The
outer lines include orientations that are possible if the dipolar lar couplings [22,23]. Another example is the use of
coupling values are either increased or decreased by 1 Hz. The residual dipolar couplings and 15N NMR relaxation
angle at which both cones intersect is dened by u . The solid dot data to identify protein residues that undergo
at the cone intersection determines the orientation of the dipolar conformational exchange [24]. Additionally, dipolar
coupling vector. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [20]).
couplings have been used to obtain information on
ligand orientation in proteinligand complexes, as
well as to determine the global fold of proteins with

Fig. 3. Cartoon illustrating the alignment of the particles of two different orienting media [7]. (a) Disc particles represent lipid bicelles. (b) Rods
represent viral particles. Bicelles orient with their normal orthogonal to the magnetic eld [14] and viruses with their long axis parallel to it
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 179

a low density of NOE data. These aspects related to acid or base catalyzed hydrolysis [22]. In addition,
the use of dipolar couplings will be discussed later. ternary mixtures of similar compounds allow the gel
In the following sections we will describe some of to liquid crystal phase transition to occur at different
the reported methods used to orient biopolymers in temperatures [26,27]. This may be an advantage for
solution, how to measure dipolar couplings and how proteins that have low stability at high temperature,
to extract from their values the structural information. since the original bicelle method (DMPC/DHPC) has
We will discuss different approaches used to interpret a temperature range for its liquid crystalline state that
this structural information and to apply it into biomo- roughly goes from 35 to 45 8C [26]. Other novel
lecule structure calculations. bicelle systems composed of a mixture of 1,2-di-O-
dodecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 3-(chlora-
2. Orienting media sulfonate have been designed to orient proteins at low
pH values and over wide temperature ranges [28].
Biological macromolecules can be directly aligned Orienting systems of quasi-ternary mixtures;
in the magnetic eld when they have sufcient cetylpyridinium chloride/hexanol/NaCl [29] and
magnetic susceptibility anisotropy, as mentioned cetylpyridinium bromide/hexanol/NaBr [30] have
above. Alignment in electric elds [25] and in liquid been reported to form lamellar liquid crystalline
crystalline phases is also possible. This last method phases that allow a large temperature range over
has been used extensively in the past to orient solutes which dipolar couplings can be measured. Similar
in order to extract structural information. The liquid mixtures of n-alkyl-poly(ethylene glycol)/n-alkyl
crystalline media that were typically used produced a alcohol and glucopone/n-hexanol have been shown
very large degree of orientation. Therefore, for biopo- to form lyotropic systems useful for biological
lymers, the observed NMR spectra were very complex macromolecule orientation in solution [31]. These
due to the presence of long-range dipolar couplings, components are less expensive than other alignment
and too difcult to analyze. Some compounds have systems and commercially available. The main
been discovered recently, which form dilute liquid feature of these systems is that they have little, if
crystals at low concentrations thus allowing a moder- any, binding capacity for macromolecules. They are
ate degree of alignment. The rst compounds used to uncharged, and thus are not affected by pH changes
study protein structure in weakly aligned states were and little affected by salt, plus they tolerate large
dihexanoyl phosphatidylcholine (DHPC) and dimyr- amounts of protein.
istoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), which undergo a Another commonly utilized method to get a moder-
gel to lyotropic liquid crystal phase transition at or ate degree of biomolecular alignment is by the use of
above room temperature when mixed in solution lamentous viruses [32,33]. Once the virus particles
[13]. This type of liquid crystal is formed by disc- reach a certain concentration in solution a nematic
shaped particles (bicelles) that are diamagnetic and phase is formed. The viruses adopt a preferred orien-
orient in the magnetic eld. Bicelle orientation in tation in the presence of the magnetic eld that is
turn induces a slight alignment of the solute present transferred to the solute. Biological macromolecules
in the medium via steric (in the case of neutral have also been aligned using purple membrane
bicelles) [14] or electrostatic forces (in the case of preparations [34,35]. The purple membrane is formed
charged bicelles) [20], creating in this way the neces- by two-dimensional crystals of the membrane protein
sary anisotropy to measure residual dipolar couplings bacteriorhodopsin.
(Fig. 3). Suspensions of cellulose crystallites have proven to
Modications of these types of compound have be a stable liquid crystalline medium for the measure-
been reported that have increased stability under ment of residual dipolar couplings of biological
strong acid and basic conditions, as well as over macromolecules [36]. They seem to be particularly
wider temperature ranges. For example, the useful for highly charged molecules that interact
carboxy-ester bonds present in DMPC and DHPC with other orienting media. Another method to orient
can be replaced by ether linkages, thus preventing biopolymers consists in the use of a cross-linked
180 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the pulse program IPAP-[ 1H 15N]-HSQC. Narrow and wide bars represent 908 and 1808 pulses, with phase
x unless indicated. The white bars represent pulses that are applied only when the anti-phase spectrum is acquired. The anti-phase and in-phase
spectra are recorded in an interleaved manner. The WATERGATE solvent suppression scheme [106] is used at the end of the pulse program.
1808 pulses are applied sequentially on Ca and C 0 to decouple 13C from 15N during nitrogen chemical shift evolution. t 2:5 ms; D 5:3 ms:
All gradients are sine-bell shaped of 25 G/cm at their center. Gradient durations: G1;2;3;4;5 2; 0.4, 2, 1, 0.4 ms. Phase cycling; f1 2y; y;
f2 2x; 2(2x) for in-phase and f2 22y; 2(y) for anti-phase; f3 4x; 4(y), 4(2x), 4(2y); f4 8x; 8(2x); receiver x, 2(2x), x for
in-phase and receiver x, 2(2x), x, 2x, 2(x), 2x for anti-phase. Quadrature detection in the t1 dimension is obtained by altering f 2 for the in-
phase and f 2, f 3 simultaneously for the anti-phase in the States-TPPI manner [107]. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [44]).

polyacrylamide gel [37]. The protein enters the gel by restricted and therefore no additional broadening of
diffusion from an external solution. The anisotropy in resonance lines, due to relaxation phenomena, will be
the gel is induced by straining it, either by compres- observed [40].
sion or by stretching. The alignment is in this case
independent of the magnetic eld. A similar approach
has been reported by Sass et al. [38], in which the 3. Dipolar coupling measurements
alignment can also be achieved by embedding
oriented purple membrane fragments in the gel. For two nuclei that are scalar coupled, the presence
As mentioned above, in the case of charged of residual dipolar coupling will translate into a modi-
bicelles, the alignment of the protein is governed by cation of the magnitude of the spinspin coupling.
both steric and electrostatic interactions. Thus, it is Therefore, the difference between the splitting
possible to modify the alignment by changing the observed under anisotropic conditions (TPQ) and the
type of proteinbicelle interaction or using different splitting observed under isotropic ones (JPQ) provides
types of orienting media. Modulation of the alignment the value for the residual dipolar coupling (DPQ)
tensor has been reported in experiments in which TPQ JPQ 1 DPQ 3
either, the net charge of the bicelle or the sample pH
has been changed, or a substantial increase in the net Typically, ve types of dipolar couplings are measur-
charge of the protein is created [20]. Additionally, two able in a protein. These are the one-bond amide NH,
alignment tensors can be obtained using two different CaHa, CaC 0 , C 0 N and the two-bond H NC 0 . One-bond
orienting media, such as bicelles and bacteriophages dipolar couplings are easier to interpret because the
[39]. As commented earlier, the information derived inter-atomic distance is known and the magnitude of
from dipolar couplings of a biomolecule oriented in the dipolar interaction is relatively large (Eqs. (1) and
different directions is complementary and greatly (2)). The NMR pulse programs most commonly used
improves structure quality. to measure the mentioned dipolar couplings are modi-
It is noteworthy that one of the most important cations of the 15N-HSQC, 13C-HSQC and HNCO
properties of all these media is that they are able to experiments. These three NMR experiments allow J
induce alignment through weak interactions of the coupling evolution between the nuclei that give rise to
solute with the liquid crystal. This way the rotational the dipolar coupling at one stage of the experiment.
tumbling of the molecule will not be impaired or For example, in the 15N-HSQC experiment 1H 15N J
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 181

Fig. 5. Downeld (a) and upeld (b) components of 15N doublets in the 600 MHz 15N-HSQC spectrum of the protein saposin [108] in Pf1
viruses. (a) Results from the substraction and (b) from the addition of the in-phase and anti-phase spectra recorded with the IPAP-[ 1H 15N]-
HSQC experiment, respectively. The sum of the residual dipolar coupling (D) and the J values can be obtained from the difference in frequency
of the two components (arrows). The broad aspect of the signals indicates the presence long-range 1H 1H dipolar couplings.

coupling evolution is active when 15N chemical shift one-bond NH amide dipolar coupling. In cases
is recorded. In this way amide dipolar coupling can be where spectral crowding is very severe HNCO-
measured. J coupling evolution is recorded during the based experiments allow the measurement of all or
indirect dimension since transverse relaxation is some of the four dipolar couplings (Fig. 6): NH,
slower in the 15N dimension than in the 1H dimension. CaC 0 , C 0 N and the two-bond H NC 0 [4650]. For
If C 0 N coupling is active as well during the 15N chemi- example, a new method has been described recently
cal shift evolution [41], this dipolar coupling can also to obtain accurate measurements of C 0 N dipolar
be obtained. coupling. The C 0 N coupling is derived from the
The two-bond H NC 0 dipolar coupling is also obser- relative intensity of two TROSYHNCO spectra.
vable in the 15N-HSQC experiment. The doublet One spectrum, in which the JC 0 N dephasing time is
components of the 15N are displaced one with respect 1/2JC 0 N, is used as a reference. The other contains
to the other in the 1H dimension as in an E.COSY non-zero intensity resulting from the presence of the
experiment [42] due to this two-bond coupling. dipolar coupling, since the dephasing interval is set to
An additional and very important feature of the 1/JC 0 N [51].
N-HSQC-type of experiments used to measure dipo- One of the most commonly used pulse programs for
lar couplings is that they are spin-state selective. This the measurement of the CaHa dipolar coupling is a J-
selection can be achieved, either by storing separately modulated pseudo-three-dimensional version of the
the fraction of the 15N magnetization doublet compo- constant time 13C-HSQC [52,53]. Coupling values
nents formed by the 1H 15N J coupling that are in- are obtained from a time-domain tting in the third
phase and anti-phase [43], or by collecting the two dimension. This experiment is also used for the
doublets in different subspectra (IPAP method; for measurement of dipolar couplings of nuclei that
in-phase and anti-phase) (Fig. 4) [44]. These subspec- belong to methyl and methylene groups. These last
tra can be added and subtracted generating other spec- dipolar couplings have to be applied cautiously in
tra; one containing the upeld component of the structure calculation, since side chains are subject to
doublet and the other containing the downeld conformational averaging that decreases the dipolar
component (Fig. 5). This method alleviates NMR coupling from its expected value for a xed confor-
signal crowding due to the presence of the coupling. mation. Due to spectral overlap, which is very
For large proteins (i.e. proteins with rotational corre- common in 13C-HSQC experiments of proteins, some-
lation times exceeding 15 ns) modied versions of the times only a few CaHa dipolar couplings can be
TROSY experiment [45] can be used to obtain the obtained with sufcient accuracy. In this situation
182 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the pulse programs used for the modied version of the HNCO (a) and the (HA)CA(CO)NH (b) experi-
ments. In (a), t 2:65 ms; d 5:4 ms; e 12:5 ms; and 2T 27:2 ms: All pulses for which there is no specication of phase are applied in x.
The phase cycling of the rest of the pulses is: f1 y; 2y; f2 4x; 4(2x); f3 x; f4 22x; 2(x); Receiver x; 2(2x), x, 2x, 2(x), 2x.
Quadrature detection in the 13C and 15N dimensions is achieved by States-TPPI [107] on f 2 and f 3, respectively. All gradients are sine-bell
shaped with strength of 25 G/cm when applied on x or y and 35 G/cm on z. The durations of the gradients are: G0;1;2;3;4;5;6 2:5; 1.1, 0.7, 1.3,
1.0, 2.7, 0.4 ms, with respective gradient axes: yz, x, yz, xz, xy, yz, z. In (b), t 1:5 ms; d 8:6 ms; Tc 12:6 ms; D 4:5 ms; j 13 m;
2T N 29:6 ms; c 2:65 ms: The phase cycling is: f 1 y; 2y; f2 x; f3 2x; 2(2x); f 4 x; f5 4x; 4(y); f6 4x; 4(2x);
Receiver x; 2(2x), 2(x), 2(2x), x. Quadrature detection in the 13C and 15N dimensions is achieved by States-TPPI [107] on f 2 and f 4,
respectively. The length of the gradients are: G0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7 2:5; 1.0, 0.7, 1.3, 1.2, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0 ms, and their respective axes are: yz, x, xyz, xz, y,
xy, yz, z. For both Figures, narrow rectangular bars represent 908 pulses, while wide bars represent 1808 pulses. Shaped pulses are represented by
non-rectangular bars and are (sin x)/x in shape, except the second and third 1808 pulses in Ca of (b), whose shape is hyperbolic-secant type with
a squareness level of 3. The white bars represent the extra pulses that are applied in an interleaved manner to collect the in-phase 15N
magnetization. The anti-phase 15N magnetization is collected without the application of the white pulses [50].

three-dimensional experiments such as HN(CO)CA or magnitude of the CaHa dipolar coupling is approxi-
(HA)CA(CO)NH can be applied. mately two times larger than the one-bond amide
Since the value of the dipolar coupling depends on dipolar coupling. One has to bear in mind these differ-
the gyromagnetic ratios and the inter-atomic distance, ences in order to have an estimate of the degree of
the intrinsic magnitudes of the CaC 0 and the C 0 N accuracy with which to measure the different types of
dipolar couplings are ,5 and ,9 times smaller than dipolar couplings and therefore, which NMR experi-
the NH dipolar coupling, respectively. And the ment to use for this purpose.
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 183

of the alignment tensor needs to be known in advance.

In this situation the orientation of the alignment tensor
will be determined during the structure calculation
process by treating it as a freely oating variable [21].
Very good estimations of Da and the rhombic
component of the alignment tensor R (Eq. (1)) can
be obtained from the dipolar coupling values [61].
In the case of a uniform and isotropic distribution of
dipolar bond-vectors the probability of nding dipolar
coupling values between the extremes (vectors close
to the z axis and vectors close to the y axis) has the
same shape as a chemical shift anisotropy (CSA)
Fig. 7. Histograms of residual dipolar couplings observed for the C- powder pattern (Fig. 7). Due to the symmetric char-
terminal KH domain of the ribonucleoprotein K in 3.2% w/v bicelle acter of biopolymer structure, it is convenient to use
solution [109]. (a) 1DNH, (b) 1DCaHa, (c) 1DC 0 N, (d) 1DC 0 Ca. None of more than one type of dipolar coupling to have a good
each type of dipolar couplings properly represents a powder pattern. estimation of Da and R. For example, in the case of a
In contrast, a histogram that contains the addition of all normalized
protein whose secondary structure is mainly a-helical,
dipolar couplings provides a good representation of a powder
pattern distribution (e). all amide NH dipoles that belong to one of the helices
will point to a similar direction. Therefore, the distri-
bution of dipoles orientation will be very narrow and
The dipolar couplings that have been mentioned so the powder pattern may not be well represented. This
far are heteronuclear and involve atoms that belong to problem can be solved by using dipolar couplings of
the protein backbone. Homonuclear 1H 1H dipolar other pairs of backbone atoms. In order to do this the
couplings can give very important structural informa- different types of dipolar couplings should be normal-
tion, not only because of the high density of protons in ized with respect to one of them by taking into
proteins but also because they can be very useful for account the differences in the gyromagnetic ratios
the accurate determination of protein side chain plus the bond distances between the atoms forming
conformations. Different types of NMR experiments the dipole. All normalized dipolar couplings will be
can be used to determine the sign and magnitude of used to obtain the histogram with the powder pattern
H 1H dipolar couplings [5460]. Many of them are shape (Fig. 7).
COSY-based heteronuclear experiments. Using this procedure the values of Da and R can be
A more detailed description of the different aspects obtained from Eqs. (4)(7) [61]
of this type of NMR experiments is reported in the
Azz 2Da 4
review by Bax et al. [9].

Ayy 2Da 1 1 3=2R 5

4. Interpretation and use of dipolar couplings in
protein structure calculation Axx 2Da 1 2 3=2R 6

4.1. Dipolar couplings for protein structure uAzz u . uAyy u $ uAxx u 7

In the recent work reported by Zweckstetter and Bax
It is necessary to know a priori the magnitude and [62] an approach to determine the magnitude and
orientation of the alignment tensor in order to use direction of the alignment tensor is explained. This
dipolar couplings as structural restraints if no method is based on the molecular shape of the solute
additional data is available in the structure calcula- and uses a systematic search of solute orientations that
tion. In contrast, when using a set of NOE data have the highest tendency to clash with the orienting
together with dipolar couplings, only the magnitude media. It works well provided that solute alignment is
184 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

driven only by steric interactions. The method is being Another method of determining the magnitude and
modied to also consider electrostatic interactions. rhombicity of the alignment is based on the determi-
In one of the reported methods for protein structure nation of the Saupe order matrix. Since it has ve
calculation [63] dipolar couplings are included as an independent variables a minimum of ve dipolar
empirical energy term added to the other conventional couplings have to be known. The anisotropic motional
terms of the target function [21] (distances from NOE averaging parameter is represented by the Saupe
data, torsion angles, covalent geometry, etc.) used in a matrix, which can be diagonalized by a transformation
simulated annealing protocol. This equation takes the matrix that relates the principal frame in which the
form order matrix is diagonal to the initial molecular frame
over which the dipolar couplings are dened. Singular
Edip kdip Dcalc 2 Dobs 2 8 value decomposition is the method proposed for
determining the Saupe order matrix [65]. Using this
where kdip is a force constant, and D calc and D obs are the method the values of Da and R can be obtained
calculated and observed values of D, respectively. provided that a good local structure of a molecular
Edip is evaluated by calculating the angles that the fragment is known, even when only a few dipolar
bond-vectors form with a reference axis that is repre- couplings are available.
sented by a pseudomolecule located far away from the Dipolar couplings are affected by the fast internal
biopolymer. This pseudomolecule consists of four motion of the protein and also by slow conformational
equidistant atoms (OXYZ). One represents the axis averaging. Internal motion is taken into account by the
origin (O), the other three represent the three axis, generalized order parameter S. This parameter has a
OX, OY and OZ, which are orthogonal to one another. relative uniform value in the range 0.850.95 for a
The pseudomolecule OXYZ reorients itself to yield protein backbone that adopts a regular secondary
the best t between the calculated and the observed structure. In contrast, other more mobile regions of
dipolar couplings. The force constant is chosen such a protein will have residual dipolar couplings reduced
that the errors between the predicted dipolar couplings due to the uctuations of the dipole with respect to the
from the calculated structure and the observed ones alignment tensor. Without any precise information on
match the experimental errors. the amplitude of these large uctuations dipolar
Residual dipolar couplings can be incorporated into couplings can still be used in structure renement,
the structure calculation at any stage. Nevertheless, if provided that the obtained values are considered as
applied once a preliminary structure is available from a lower limit. Conformational averaging is more
NOE data, dipolar couplings may help to identify complicated to address. Firstly, the various conforma-
misassigned NOEs and possible conicts among the tions that may be present can orient differently with
different types of data. respect to the magnetic eld. Secondly, when the
A method exists for applying dipolar couplings as conformational change involves a large part of the
restraints in structure calculation that does not require structure there is a good chance that the overall align-
knowledge of the alignment tensor orientation with ment tensor will be modied. In the absence of knowl-
respect to the molecular reference frame [64]. With edge of the possible conformations that exist and the
this method the projection angles between all pairs of time scale involved, conformational averaging would
internuclear vectors for which dipolar couplings are be very difcult to take into account in structural
known have to be calculated. The calculation of these studies that include dipolar coupling information.
angles is done with respect to the molecular frame, Although protein backbone dipolar couplings are
therefore this method and the one which uses the the most frequently used in structure calculations, it
orientation of the alignment tensor are very similar, is also possible to measure this parameter in side
although they differ in the mathematical expression of chains. This has been done for methylene and methyl
the dipolar coupling with respect to a chosen reference sites and the values obtained have been used in protein
frame. Apparently, the former method also avoids structure renement [53]. In the case of methylenes
convergence problems in the structure calculation the sum of both CH1 and CH2 dipolar couplings is
that are present when using dipolar coupling values. obtained and the energy function that is minimized
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 185

has the form obtain a starting model for the renement is called
h i2 molecular fragment replacement (MFR) [67]. This
Edip k Dcal
CH1 1 D cal
CH2 2 Dobs
CH1 2 D obs
CH2 9 method treats the protein of interest as overlapping
fragments of 710 residues in length. A protein data-
where D cal and D obs are the calculated and observed base is used to nd those fragments for which there is
dipolar couplings, respectively. a best t to the measured dipolar couplings. The aver-
In a side chain with a CCH3 moiety, rapid rotation age backbone angles of the best fragments are used to
of the methyl group makes the CH dipole to appear build the initial model. The MFR method will be
to be located in the direction of the CC bond, and explained in more detail in Section 4.5. Also in
scales the real value of the CH dipolar coupling by a Section 4.5 another method is described for incorpor-
factor of , 2 1/3. Assuming that the CC bond forms ating dipolar coupling data into protein structure
an angle of 08 with the z axis of the alignment tensor, calculation that is based on the orientation of peptide
the CH bond forms an angle of ,1098 with the CC planes [68,69].
bond for a tetrahedral carbon atom. Typically for
methyl groups the dipolar splitting that is measured 4.2. Dipolar couplings as protein structure validation
accounts for three protons. This fact, together with the factors
scaling factor that has been mentioned, results in a
measured quantity that coincides in magnitude and The use of residual dipolar couplings in protein
is opposite in sign to a CH dipolar coupling of a structure calculation improves structure quality by
CH dipole located in the CC bond. reducing the dispersion of the ensemble of structures
Due to the effect of fast conformational averaging that satisfy all experimental restraints. Additionally,
on dipolar couplings of atoms that belong to protein dipolar couplings allow the calculation of more accu-
side chains, their incorporation into structure calcula- rate structures. This means that the calculated struc-
tion must be done carefully. In the absence of quanti- tures are closer to the `real' one.
tative information regarding side chain motion and A structure quality factor (Q factor) that depends on
conformational averaging, it is assumed that the dipolar coupling data and is analogous to the R factor
observed dipolar couplings provide lower limits on used in X-ray crystallography [70] and in NMR [71]
the magnitude of the real couplings. A proper way has been reported [22]. This factor describes the
to take this into account is to apply a penalty agreement between the calculated structure and the
function with the shape of a half-open square well. experimental data. The characteristics of the align-
This same approach is also applied when incorporat- ment tensor, such as its magnitude, rhombicity and
ing backbone dipolar couplings of residues that orientation can be modied by changes in the experi-
undergo large amplitude fast motions into the struc- mental conditions. It is necessary to take this into
ture calculation. account when comparing predicted versus measured
In the case of 1H 1H dipolar couplings, except for dipolar couplings.
methylene groups, the distance between the protons is The Q factor is dened as follows:
unknown. This variable, which is xed for one-bond 2 31=2
heteronuclear dipolar couplings, is included in the X
energy term represented by Eq. (10) [66]. When the Q4 D 2 D =N5 =Drms
obs cal 2
sign of the 1H 1H dipolar coupling cannot be deter-
mined the calculation is carried out only against its where D obs and D cal are the experimentally measured
magnitude. The energy term then takes the form and the predicted dipolar couplings. The summation
Edip kuDcal u 2 uDobs u2 10 extends over N residues for which dipolar couplings
are known. D rms is the root mean square value of
As mentioned previously, a preliminary structure dipolar couplings when these are randomly distributed
calculated with NOE data is commonly used in the and using an alignment tensor obtained from the best
renement procedure that incorporates dipolar t between the experimental data and the existing
coupling information. Another approach used to structure. If the distribution cannot be considered
186 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197
uniform, D may be calculated as [23,72] a unique alignment tensor will represent the preferred
n o1=2 orientation of both domains in the anisotropic envir-
Drms D2a 4 1 3Dr =Da 2 =5 12 onment. There are several reported works in which the
importance of dipolar couplings in orienting xed
Da and Dr are the axial and rhombic components of a protein domains has been demonstrated, specially in
traceless second rank diagonal tensor related to the cases with conformational ambiguity due to lack of
alignment tensor. NOE contacts between the domains. One example is
Q has to be calculated for a set of restraints not used the determination of subdomain orientation of the
in the structure renement. In this sense it is similar to ribosomal protein S4 D41 [77]. In this work the lack
the free R factor [70,73]. Q is very sensitive to small of NOE contacts between the domains produces an
changes in structure and values of this factor that are ambiguity in interdomain orientation. The authors
smaller than 30% still indicate a good agreement use two different anisotropic media to obtain dipolar
between the calculated coordinates and the real couplings (DMPC/DHPC bicelles and Pf1 lamen-
structure. tous bacteriophages). They conclude that subdomain
Not only dipolar couplings can be used to dene orientation in solution is similar to the one present in
structure validation factors. Another NMR parameter, the crystal structure. In this case changes in subdo-
the CSA, has been utilized for this purpose as well main orientation may explain how the protein recog-
[74]. There is a change in the chemical shift of nuclei nizes RNA targets. This is an example of the
between isotropic and anisotropic media. The chemi- importance in dening the relative domain conforma-
cal shift change is related to the orientation of the tion in solution, since the function of many multido-
CSA tensor with respect to the alignment tensor. main proteins involves interdomain reorientation.
Another reported structure validation factor uses 15N Another example that, instead of using liquid crys-
backbone relaxation rates to demonstrate the better tal-induced alignment, utilizes magnetic alignment
quality of structures rened with residual dipolar to obtain dipolar couplings, is the partial replacement
couplings [75]. It is worth noting that most Q factors of Ca 21 in Ca-binding proteins by a paramagnetic
are calculated using data obtained under anisotropic lanthanide ions such as Tb 31. A study of this type
conditions. Therefore, they do not reect any possible has been performed with the xed domains of calmo-
structural changes derived from the presence of the dulin bound to a target peptide and the independently
orienting particles in the system. So far such an effect oriented domains of free calmodulin [78]. The Tb 31
has not been reported but it is still prudent to bear it in ions bound to one calmodulin domain increase the
mind. Only the Q factor that depends on the 15N back- magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of the protein,
bone relaxation rates is measured in isotropic condi- whose interaction with the external high magnetic
tions, thus it may be used as a way to indicate eld produces molecular alignment, and thus the
structural changes caused by the presence of the presence of residual dipolar couplings. The degree
orienting media. of alignment of the domain that binds the lanthanide
A different way of assessing structure quality is depends on its orientational freedom with respect to
reported in the work by Nikolai et al. [76]. The authors the other domain in free (not bound to the peptide)
translate dipolar couplings into angular restraints and calmodulin. In addition, the paramagnetic Tb 31 ion
use them to build consistency maps. These maps are creates a local magnetic eld that produces shifts in
utilized to examine the quality of protein structure. the resonances of nuclei in the domain that does not
bind to Tb 31 ions. Therefore this effect, known as the
4.3. Dipolar couplings in protein domain orientation pseudocontact shift, depends on the orientation of one
domain relative to the other and can be used as an
When protein domains have xed orientations with indicator of the average orientation of both domains.
respect to each other, determining the domain orienta- An additional reason why it is interesting to deter-
tion using residual dipolar couplings is in practice and mine the relative domain orientation in solution is
in concept similar to the structure renement process because there exists the possibility that domain
that we have commented on above. This is so because conformations determined by X-ray crystallography
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 187

can be biased by the presence of crystal packing domains. The authors claim that crystal packing inter-
forces, and therefore may differ from the physiologi- actions can have an effect on protein domain orienta-
cal relevant structure in solution. A difference tion. This effect can be identied with the use of
between the X-ray and the solution structure of the dipolar couplings.
maltodextrin-binding protein (MBP) loaded with b- Another example of the determination of the rela-
cyclodextrin has been found using dipolar couplings tive conformation of protein domains using dipolar
obtained under a weakly aligned medium [79]. The couplings is the work reported by Fischer et al. [81].
solution conformation of this 370-residue protein has The authors have studied the structure of a two-
been obtained from the X-ray structure using a large domain fragment of the barley lectin protein (BLP),
set of dipolar couplings. Hinge-rotations have been for which two alignment tensors have been dened
applied to various crystal structures searching for separately, one corresponding to each domain. This
the minimum difference between the experimentally study indicates that BLP interdomain orientation
measured and calculated dipolar couplings. The situa- differs from that present in the crystal structure of a
tion is somewhat different to the examples commen- highly homologous protein (approx. 95% identical in
ted on before, since in this case orientational freedom sequence). The differences between the alignment
between the domains is considered. Each domain will parameters of the two domains suggest that both can
have a different average orientation with respect to the be considered to reorient independently.
magnetic eld, and therefore the residual dipolar
couplings of residues belonging to each domain will 4.4. Information about ligand conformation and
have to be analyzed using two distinct alignment orientation from residual dipolar couplings
tensors. The calculated alignment parameters for the
two domains of MBP are very similar. Nevertheless Ligand conformation in proteinligand complexes
this evidence is not enough to rule out the presence of can reveal important information concerning protein
interdomain dynamics, since both domains can function and can be used as a basis for rational drug
undergo the same amount of motion. In this study design. X-ray crystallography and NOE based NMR
interdomain motion has been taken into account techniques are the most common methods used to
using three different models. In the rst model it is obtain this type of information. Nevertheless, deter-
assumed that there is a rapid exchange between an mining the conformation of ligands using NOE data
opened and a closed form of the protein. Since there can be difcult due to the small number of NOE
is no signicant improvement in the tting of the contacts between the protein and its ligand, which is
measured dipolar couplings by using a two-state a consequence of the, sometimes, large internuclear
model, the authors conclude that the calculated solu- distances. Recently reported works have used residual
tion structure accurately represents the average effec- dipolar couplings to extract information about ligand
tive conformation. A second model considers multiple structure when ligands are bound to proteins. One
conformational species. It is assumed that the system example is the study by Bolon et al. [82] of a 149-
can be described with a unique set of alignment para- residue fragment of the mannose-binding-protein-A
meters. According to the results interdomain (MBPA) bound to a-methyl mannoside (AMM).
dynamics modify the alignment parameters but do The authors have measured one-bond 1H 13C dipolar
not affect the structural ones. In the third model the couplings in AMM when it is bound to MBPA in an
N-domain of MBP is mobile. The results obtained orienting liquid crystal. The measured dipolar
indicate that the motion does not translate into a couplings are a weight average of the dipolar
change in the determined structure. couplings of AMM in the free and in the bound states.
This method based on crystal structures has been The dipolar couplings of AMM in the orienting media
used to analyze the dipolar coupling data of T4 lyso- but in the absence of MBPA are used as reference for
zyme in the work reported by Goto et al. [80]. Once the free state. The different pattern of dipolar coupling
again the average solution conformation of this values in free AMM indicates that the magnitude and
protein with two domains differs from the crystal orientation of the AMM alignment tensor is
structure in the relative orientation between both modulated by the presence of MBPA and those values
188 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

are used to calculate the dipolar coupling when the Another example concerns the three-dimensional
AMM is bound to MBPA. In this study the orienta- structure determination of Cytochrome c 0 [84]. This
tional tensor of the protein is dened by the protein protein has a paramagnetic center and therefore
symmetry and the ligand orientational tensor is deter- different types of conformational restraints can be
mined on the basis of the dipolar couplings. The derived from this feature. In this case the authors
superimposition of both tensors indicates the orienta- have used structural information from pseudocontact
tion of AMM with respect to the protein. paramagnetic chemical shifts, Curie-Dipolar cross-
Residual dipolar couplings have been measured for correlation, secondary structure constraints, as well
a transducin peptide that transiently binds to rhodop- as dipolar couplings and 15N relaxation data of the
sin in eld-oriented rhodopsin-containing disks [83]. anisotropically tumbling molecule. Dipolar couplings
The binding is triggered by rhodopsin light-activation. do not average to zero due to the susceptibility tensor
The authors measure an increase in 15N relaxation anisotropy of the protein and no orienting media has
rates after activation, an increase in proton amide been used. The structure calculation of the protein
line width, as well as residual dipolar couplings and follows basically two steps. In the rst place, only
N CSA. These data indicate that order is transferred vectors or nuclei present in previously known
from the oriented disks to the bound peptide. The elements of secondary structure are constrained. In
angles that some of the peptide NH bond-vectors the course of this calculation the magnitude and
form with the magnetic eld are obtained using dipo- orientation of the magnetic susceptibility and
lar coupling values. This work is an example of the rotational diffusion tensors are determined. Initial
conformational information that can be extracted on estimates of the values of the different components
the basis of residual dipolar couplings for ligands of these tensors are calculated using the method
bound into integral membrane receptor proteins. The previously commented on concerning the powder
current limitation of the method is that ligands must pattern shape (vide supra). Nevertheless, the authors
bind in the millimolar range. demonstrate that the success of their calculation
protocol is largely independent of the initially esti-
4.5. Structure building using dipolar couplings in the mated tensor values. In the second place, structures
absence or with sparse number of NOE data calculated in the rst stage are rened using data
from the loop regions, including only those residues
Several attempts have been reported recently to with negligible internal dynamics. Structures calcu-
dene protein global folds in the absence or with a lated in each of the two steps are selected according
small number of NOE data. Considerable improve- to their energies. For the case studied, there is a
ment in precision and accuracy of NMR structures difference in energy between the converged and the
have been obtained for the B1 domain of streptococcal non-converged structures of 10% of the total target
protein G (GB1), the monomer of the barrier-to-auto- function. The authors conclude that the amount and
regulation factor (BAF) and cyanovirin-N (CVN) quality of the structural information determines
when including dipolar coupling in protein structure whether the structure calculation method will work
calculation using a minimal number of NOE distance properly and that their data are at the limit for
restraints [72]. In the case of GB1, since approxi- obtaining good results. This protein structure determi-
mately 90% of the residues belong to secondary struc- nation without NOE data gives a root mean square
ture elements, only distance information derived from deviation (RMSD) of 0.73 (^0.18) A for the back-
hydrogen bonds has been used together with dipolar bone atoms of the helical residues. The differences
couplings to successfully determine the overall fold. between these regions and the equivalent ones in the
The accuracy, evaluated as resemblance of the struc- existing crystal structure is 1.7 A . As the authors
tures calculated this way with the crystal structure, suggest, this method can be applied to a large number
was improved. In contrast, in the case of BAF and of metal-binding proteins, or to proteins capable of
CVN, NOEs connecting backbone to side chain and binding peptides containing lanthanide ions. For
side chain to side chain were also included in the these cases, the structure of the protein should be
calculation. unmodied by the change in the type of bound
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 189

of NOE data. Their approach consists in orienting

peptide planes using dipolar coupling data. Five dipo-
lar couplings for each peptide plane are necessary to
overdetermine the three degrees of freedom related to
the three Euler angles that describe the transformation
from the coordinate to the alignment frame, assuming
that the axial and the rhombic components of the
alignment tensor are known. The three Euler angles
are determined by minimizing the difference between
the predicted and the measured dipolar couplings.
Eight possible orientations are obtained through this
procedure (Fig. 8). The real orientation is chosen
according to the preliminary structures that were
calculated with the NOE, dihedral and hydrogen
bond data. Direct renement of NMR structures
Fig. 8. (a) Dipolar coupling vectors represented by arrows for which
against residual dipolar couplings restricts vector
residual dipolar couplings are measured. (b) Eight possible peptide
plane orientations are compatible with the measured dipolar orientation to a pair of cones in the case of an axially
coupling data. (c) The correct peptide plane orientation is selected symmetric alignment tensor. In contrast, with the
on the basis of the comparison between the eight orientations and method proposed by these authors each vector is
the peptide plane of the average structure determined by the use of restrained into a well-dened value. Global pair-
NOE and other structural data. (d) Sum of the dot product between
wise RMSD of MBP backbone is reduced from 5.5
the dipole vectors of each peptide plane and the corresponding with the inclusion of dipolar coupling
vectors of the average plane. The results indicate that the peptide to 2.2 A
plane above the rectangle is the correct one. (Reproduced with restraints. Analogously, the RMSD to the existing
permission from Ref. [68]). crystal structure decreases from 5.1 (without dipolar
data) to 3.3 A (with dipolar data). This is another
metal and the paramagnetic center should stay static example of the increase in both the precision and
with respect to the protein. the accuracy of the determined NMR structures with
Dipolar couplings have also been used to determine the use of dipolar couplings, even in the presence of a
the global fold of the MBP (42 kDa) complexed with small number of NOE distance restraints.
b-cylodextrin in the presence of a limited set of NOE A very different approach from the ones commen-
restraints [68]. The authors use amide to amide, as ted on above to dene global folds in the absence of
well as amide to methyl and methyl to methyl distance NOE data uses dipolar couplings, chemical shifts and
restraints from NOEs. Structural information from a protein database with crystal structures of high reso-
hydrogen bonds and dihedral angles is also used. lution. The method is called molecular fragment
Initial structures are calculated with these restraints replacement and has been applied to the protein
in the absence of dipolar coupling information. A ubiquitin [67]. MFR selects from the database those
global pair-wise backbone RMSD of 5.5 A was fragments of 710 residues whose predicted dipolar
obtained for these preliminary structures, which couplings best t the set of measured ones, as well as
were then rened against residual dipolar couplings the fragments with the smaller differences between
resulting in a large number of dipolar restraints viola- the measured and calculated chemical shifts. The
tions. The authors suggest that the large number of method gives less weight to the chemical shift selec-
dipolar coupling violations is due to the innite tion. Average values of the f and c angles of the
number of orientations consistent with each dipolar selected fragments are calculated and used to build
coupling and the rest of the data. Therefore, the initial models that have an average RMSD of 6.95 A
energy surface of the renement process becomes with respect to the crystal structure. These preliminary
very complex. For this reason, the authors develop a structures can be subsequently rened by minimizing
new protocol for the use of dipolar couplings in the the difference between the measured and the
calculation of large protein structures with a small set calculated dipolar couplings, and analogously with
190 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

the chemical shifts. The rened structures have an within the EF-hand family have different types of
RMSD of 0.88 A with respect to the crystal structure. folds.
In addition, docking of proteinprotein complexes In the case of proteins of resemblance to calerythrin
has been accurately performed using dipolar the axial and rhombic components of the alignment
couplings and intermolecular NOEs [85]. For this tensor estimated from the measured dipolar couplings
method to work properly, high resolution structures are used for the prediction. For proteins whose struc-
of the free proteins have to be known and no signi- ture is suspected to be dissimilar to that of calerythrin,
cant backbone conformational changes must occur the use of those axial and rhombic tensor components
upon complexation. The docking is achieved by can be a source of differences between the measured
rigid body minimization using a target function that and the calculated dipolar couplings. Therefore, a
takes into account intermolecular NOEs, amide minimization procedure was applied in which the
residual dipolar couplings and a purely repulsive smallest discrepancy between the experimental and
intermolecular potential. Using dipolar couplings the predicted values is searched allowing the direc-
exclusively, with the absence of NOE data, there tions of the alignment tensor to vary.
exists ambiguity concerning several possible orienta- Within proteins of homologous structures the
tion of one molecule relative to the other. The transla- length of secondary structure fragments can vary
tional and orientational information contained in the considerably. This fact, as well as the presence of
NOE data help to solve this ambiguity. The effective- loops connecting the different elements of secondary
ness of the method is more clearly demonstrated when structure, complicate the comparison between the
docking the complex in the presence of dipolar experimental and the calculated dipolar couplings.
couplings and with a scarce number of NOEs. In Therefore, the authors suggest making an alignment
this case, not only the lack of NOE information but of primary structures based on amino acid sequence
also the limited precision and accuracy of NOE data is homology, an alignment of secondary structure based
alleviated by the inclusion of dipolar coupling on Ca secondary shifts and also about protein function
restraints, resulting in a rapid and accurate determina- if known, before comparing dipolar couplings. In the
tion of the proteinprotein complex structure. case reported by Annila et al. [86], the similarity
between the measured dipolar couplings of calerythrin
4.6. Protein family search via dipolar couplings and two other proteins of the database is evident and
unambiguous. In contrast, there is a clear discrepancy
Residual dipolar couplings have been used to between the experimentally measured and the
recognize protein folds in the pioneer work of Annila predicted values of calerythrin and the rest of the
et al. [86]. The idea is based on the secondary struc- EF-hand family of proteins. Additionally, the authors
ture composition of proteins and its arrangement in a nd that the recognition of similar and dissimilar
limited number of relative orientations. In this sense, structures is independent of the uncertainties in the
backbone dipolar couplings measured for a protein of values of the axial and the rhombic components of
unknown structure can be compared to predicted the alignment tensor. The distribution of the errors
dipolar couplings of proteins of known structure that squared between the measured dipolar couplings and
compose a database in the search for a common fold. the predicted ones also serves to identify similar or
The authors of this work measure the amide residual different folds. For example, for proteins whose struc-
dipolar couplings of a protein of undetermined struc- tures are close, the dipolar couplings are very similar
ture named calerythrin, an EF-hand containing for the majority of the residues while only a few show
protein, and compare them to the calculated values large deviations. This can be explained if one consid-
of proteins that are members of the EF-hand family. ers that the agreement is located in the secondary
The comparison indicates that calerythrin has a simi- structure fragments and dissimilarities concentrated
lar fold to proteins belonging to this family. It is in turns. This implies that it will be easier to recognize
important to note that calerythrin shares lower that common folds when comparing proteins composed
30% sequence homology with any of the proteins mainly of regular secondary structures. In contrast,
included in the database. In addition, the proteins for structures that are very different large deviations
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 191

are frequent. Related examples of the application of previously determined structure is used, H 1H 1

these ideas have been reported by Meiler et al. [87] distances are not known a priori. Therefore, the
and Fowler et al. [88] for the proteins rhodniin and angle as well as the distance of the dipolar vector
NodF, respectively. have to be considered variable during the renement
Dipolar couplings have also been used to validate process.
models built by sequence homology methods. In addi- In the absence of the most common orienting
tion, dipolar couplings have been shown to reduce the media, such as bicelles and bacteriophages, paramag-
RMSD between these models and the target structure. netic ions have helped in the magnetic alignment of
The RMSD of sequence homology models of the DNA in order to measure dipolar couplings. In the
protein calmodulin built from the structure of reco- work reported by Berger et al. [96] paramagnetic
verin and parvalbumin has been reduced using hetero- europium ions bind to the narrow grooves of a DNA
nuclear dipolar couplings [89]. pentadecamer increasing the alignment relative to that
observed for free DNA. The electron relaxation time
of europium ions is relatively short and their effect is
5. Interpretation and use of dipolar couplings in to shift NMR signals more than broadening them. This
nucleic acid and oligosaccharide structure increase in the magnetic alignment allows the authors
calculation to measure 1H 13C residual dipolar couplings up to
70 Hz. The procedure to dene the position of the
5.1. Dipolar couplings in the structure calculation of alignment tensor consists again in a minimization of
nucleic acids the difference between the predicted and the observed
dipolar couplings. In the case of nucleic acids it is less
The structure determination of nucleic acids by reliable than in the case of proteins to estimate the
NMR methods tends to be difcult due to the absence magnitude and rhombicity of the alignment tensor
of a globular fold and the low number of long-range from the distribution of the measured dipolar
NOEs that can be measured. As a result, the local couplings, since the assumption of a uniform distribu-
geometry and the overall shape of the molecule are tion of bond-vector orientations is far from real. In this
usually poorly dened. The incorporation of the work, the order parameter S 2 of all internuclear
`long-range' information that dipolar couplings vectors is assumed to have a value of unity for the
provide is expected to improve the quality of nucleic determination of the alignment tensor orientation.
acid structures substantially [90]. In fact, residual Isotropic diffusion on the surface of a cone is used
dipolar couplings have been successfully applied in as a model to take into account molecular motion.
the structure calculation and structure renement of Nevertheless, the authors claim that the position of
DNA and RNA [9195]. the alignment tensor does not seem to be highly sensi-
Bacteriophages constitute the orienting media that tive to this motion.
has been found to be more suitable for nucleic acid The rst RNA structure that has been rened using
dipolar coupling measurements because similarity in dipolar coupling information is part of a protein
the charges will reduce non-specic interactions. RNA complex [92]. Previously determined structures
Nevertheless, it is equally possible to use neutral of the complex without dipolar couplings were used as
bicelles and in this case primarily steric interactions starting structures and rened using dipolar couplings
will drive the alignment. The type of dipolar measured for the protein and the RNA moiety. The
couplings that can be measured for nucleic acids are authors of this work use an X-PLOR renement protocol
H 15N, 1H 13C, 13C 13C, 1H 1H, and 1H 31P. Due that has been optimized to rene protein structures with
to rapid exchange of imino protons with water the dipolar coupling restraints. It is known that protein
number of measured 1H 15N dipolar couplings is renement protocols do not operate well for RNA struc-
usually small. In addition, 1H 13C dipolar couplings tures. In this case, using previously calculated structures
may be difcult to obtain due to spectral overlap in the in the absence of dipolar data, the authors tested the
aromatic and the sugar regions. This problem can be performance of the protein-optimized renement
alleviated using selective labeling. Unless a method and found that the overall RMSD remains
192 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the protocol used in the structure calculation of a DNA dodecamer using residual dipolar couplings [97].

essentially unchanged, although the sampling of dened. In contrast, the precision of the rened struc-
the conformational space by the protocol optimized tures does not improve with respect to the unrened
for RNA structures seems to be more exhaustive. As ones.
a result of the renement process, the relative In the work reported by Tjandra et al. [97], the
position of the two double helical RNA stems is better structure of a DNA dodecamer is calculated using
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 193

Fig. 9. (continued)

mainly dipolar couplings and few NOE restraints. The magnitude and rhombicity of the alignment tensor
authors measure 1H 13C, 1H 15N and 1H 1H residual on the basis of the dipolar coupling distribution,
dipolar couplings using samples in which comple- although it is possible to establish lower limits of
mentary halves of the oligomer are isotopically the magnitude of the alignment. The optimum values
labeled. 1H 13C and 1H 15N couplings were are then derived from a grid search in which the dipo-
measured using HSQC experiments, and 1H 1H lar energy term in the structure calculation is evalu-
couplings were obtained from phase-sensitive COSY ated as a function of the magnitude and the rhombicity
spectra. In a rst step, starting structures are calcu- of the alignment.
lated from completely random structures. For this The calculated dodecamer ensemble of structures
purpose only energy terms for bonds, angles and are substantially different from the ones calculated
improper torsions are considered. In a second step, without dipolar couplings and from previous NMR
NOE and hydrogen bond restraints are included. The structures, but resemble those structures previously
structures generated in this second step are rened determined by X-ray crystallography (Fig. 10).
against residual dipolar couplings in a series of mole- Recently, experiments designed to measure 1H 31P
cular dynamic runs in which the dipolar force dipolar couplings have been reported [98,99]. This
constants are increased slowly (Fig. 9). Again, it is structural information can be very helpful in restrain-
not possible to obtain a good estimate of the ing the phosphodiester linkages that connect
194 E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197

combined with molecular modeling methods. Dipolar

couplings have also been applied recently in the struc-
ture calculation of oligosaccharides. Aubin and
Prestegard determined the conformation of a sialic
acid attached to the surface of a magnetically oriented
membrane-mimicking surface, on the basis of 1H 13C
and 13C 13C dipolar couplings together with a single
CSA induced shift [101]. A more recent example is
reported in the work by Kiddle and Homans and
concerns the application of residual 1H 13C dipolar
couplings of a trisaccharide into a restrained dynamic
simulated annealing protocol [102]. The authors
demonstrate that it is possible to partially orient
small molecules such as a trisaccharide in a dilute
liquid crystalline medium. The value of the axial
component of the alignment tensor is derived from
the minimum dipolar coupling value, considering
that the bond-vector having this value is aligned
perpendicular to the principal axis of the tensor. The
rhombic component instead, is derived from the usual
minimization of the difference between the measured
and the predicted dipolar couplings. Dipolar
couplings restrain the conformation of the oligosac-
charide better than regular short-range NOE data do,
since the individual conformation of each monomer is
xed on the NMR time scale and motion in the mole-
cule is a result of torsional oscillations about the
Fig. 10. Stereoviews of the NMR structure of a DNA dodecamer
glycosidic linkages.
calculated using residual dipolar couplings. (a) and (b) differ in a 1
908 rotation around the helix axis to highlight the non-cylindrical H 13C dipolar couplings have also been used in
symmetry of the molecule. These structures differ considerably the structure calculation of a pentasaccharide [103].
from solution structures calculated without dipolar [97]. The molecule is considered as a rigid trisaccharide
moiety whose conformation has been proposed
nucleotides in DNA and RNA. Nucleic acid backbone previously. The dipolar coupling data provide
is usually poorly dened due to the difculty in
obtaining experimental restraints that depend on its
conformation. This is the reason why 1H 31P dipolar
couplings may have a special importance in the struc-
ture calculation of nucleic acids. Not only 1H 31P
dipolar couplings but also 31P CSA has been applied
in the renement of DNA (Fig. 11) demonstrating its
usefulness in constraining the orientation of the
phophodiester groups [100].

Fig. 11. 31P CSA tensor orientation of a nucleotide from a DNA

5.2. Dipolar couplings in the structure calculation of dodecamer with its helix axis pointing vertical. The DNA structure
oligosaccharides has been calculated using CSA data obtained under anisotropic
conditions [100]. The CSA tensor is dened by d 11, d 22, d 33. d 11
The conformational study of oligosaccharides is is orthogonal to the O1PPO2P plane. d 22 bisects the O1PP
usually based on NOE and J coupling information O2P angle. Axx, Ayy, Azz dene the alignment tensor.
E. de Alba, N. Tjandra / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 40 (2002) 175197 195

information concerning the conformation of the rest Acknowledgements

of the molecule and also agree with the proposed
model for the trisaccharadide. The authors have eval- We would like to thank Dusty Baber, Ad Bax,
uated in this work two methods for obtaining the Lewis E. Kay and Ben E. Ramirez for kindly provid-
orientation of the alignment tensor. One of the meth- ing some of the gures used in this manuscript. We
ods assumes that the alignment tensor is axially are also very grateful to James A. Ferretti for the care-
symmetric and considers that the order parameter S 2 ful reading of the manuscript and useful suggestions.
as well as all HC distances are equal for all CH
bonds. In the second method the tensor is considered
asymmetric. The magnitude and orientation of the References
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