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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

5.1 Mitosis

The meaning and significance of mitosis Trial Kedah 2008 Trial selangor 2010

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(a) State three importance of mitosis to living organism 3m
P1- mitosis increases the number of cells in organism (during growth process) 1
P2- mitosis important for replacing dead / worn out / damaged cells. 1
P3- Injured organ can be repaired 1
P4- Some organism can regenerate lost parts of their bodies/ reproduction through Mitosis 1
P5- mitosis ensures that new cells that are formed will have exactly the same genetic 1 3
information and characteristic as it parent cell.
(b) Explain the important of the process (mitosis) to the living thing Essay & Structure
F1-increase the number of cells(during growth process) 1
P1-replacing dead cell/repair the damaged tissue/organ 1
P2-for growth/development in living organism 1
F2-to produce genetically identical for daughter cells 1
P3-asexual reproduction (for unicellular organism) 1
P4-maintain the chromosomal number (of daughter cells) any 2 F+P 1 2
(c) Give two significant of mitosis
P1-Mitosis allow a zygote to produce more cell in order to grow into a a multicellular organism 1
P2-Mitotic cell division allows damaged cells to be repaired replaced and regenerated 1
P3-Mitosis is the basis for asexual reproduction in unicellular organism 1 3

(d) Where do processes (mitosis) occur in an animal?/ Name the type of cell in human where
mitosis take place
Somatic cells 1 1
(e) Give three example of cells named in (c)
Muscle cells 1
Connective cells //blood cell/nervous cells 1 3

Chromosomes and chromosomal number Selangor 2008

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(a) Trial Johor 2011


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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

State the chromosomal number of each daughter cell produced at the end of the division shown
in diagram 3 1 1
(b) Trial Johor 2011
Based on your biological knowledge, give a reason for answer
E2-During meiosis, the cell undergoes two nuclear division but the chromosomes/DNA of each 1
chromosomes only replicates once
E3-each daughter cell receives half the number of chromosomes from the parent cell 1 2
Any one E
(c) The chromosome number in somatic cell of this organism is 12 state the chromosome number
in each of the daughter cell in Z
A-Six(chromosomes) 1
R-(during meiosis) the daughter cell/ n receive half the daughter chromosome from the parent 1 2
cells/2n//daughter cell haploid/n, daughter cell haploid/2n

The cell cycle Trial Johor 2010 Trial Melaka 2009 Trial PP 2012

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Phase V

Name phase U and V

Phase U: Interphase
Phase V: Mitotic cell division/M phase 1
1 2
(b) Phase U is further divided into three sub phases, X, Y and Z. Describe what
Happens at sub phases X, Y and Z.
X : Cell synthesizes protein / new organelles formed 1
Y : DNA is synthesized / is replicated / 2 sister chromatids formed 1
Z : Cell accumulates energy / synthesize energy / prepare forcell division 1 3
(c) The number of chromosomes present in the nucleus of a somatic cell is 6.
Diagram 2.2 shows a stage of cell division to produce gametes.
Complete the diagram to show the chromosomes for a daughter cell produced

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at the end of sub-phase Q 2

No. of chromosomes are haploid / 3 chromosomes 1
Types of chromosomes/ non homologous 1 3
New genetic combination any 2

Name stage Q
1 1
(e) Explain the importance of stage Q 2/State what happen in cell during U phase
F1-Replication of DNA occurs 1
P1-to produce two genetically identical sister chromatids 1
F2-Synthesis ATP //accumulate energy 1 2


Interphase Marking scheme Marks


Name phase P and state the process that occurs in this phase 2
P1-G1/growth phase 1 1
P2-synthesis of new protein /organelles occurs in the cell 1 2 67
S phase Describe what happens at S phase
DNA is synthesized / is replicated / 2 sister chromatids formed 1 1
G2 Describe what happens at G2
Cell accumulates energy / synthesize energy / prepare for cell division 1 1

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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

The phase of mitosis in animal cells Trial Johor 2010 Trial Kedah 2008 Trial Pahang 2007

Trial PP 2012

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(a) What is meant by Mitosis
P1-The division of cell nucleus forms two daughter cell 1
P2-Each with same chromosome number and type of chromosome as the parent 1 2
(b) State the type cell division involved in the cell cycle/ What type of nuclear division is
Mitosis/Mitotic cell division 1 1
(c) State one reason for your answer(refer to the question got answer there) e.g. mitosis occur in
root cell /somatic cell
P1-has 4 phase : prophase /metaphase/anaphase/telophase 1
P2-Only 2 daughter cells are formed / produced 1
P3- Chromosome number in the daughter cells are same as parents 1 3
(d) State two characteristic of daughter cell when parent cell undergoes P(mitosis)
P1-The daughter cell has a similar number of chromosome to the parent cell 1
P2-The daughter cell has similar genetic content to the parent cell 1 2

In diagram 2 which chromosomes labeled A,B,C,D is homologous to chromosomes x 1 1

(f) Explain why root tip is used for preparing slide to shows this cell cycle2m
F :Root tip is growing region/root tip has meristem 1
P: the cell are actively dividing by mitosis 1 2

Arrange the stages in Diagram 1 according to the correct sequence of events during 68
cell division.
L, N, K and M 1 1
(h) State one organs where this type of cell division occurs
Ovary//testis 1 1

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Phase Marking scheme Marks

Trial Kedah 2008 Name the stages labeled L/ What stage of nuclear division is
Prophase 1 1
State the characteristic of the of phase (prophase)
P1-the chromosome become shorter and thicker 1
P2-Each chromosome consists of two identical thread called chromatids 1 2
Explain what happen at stage L
P1-chromosomes thicken and shorten 1
P2-the nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear 1
P3-The spindle fibres form 1 3
Name the stages labeled N/ What stage of nuclear division is
Metaphase 1 1
Explain the behavior of chromosomes during stages K and N./ Give a
reason for your answer
Homologous chromosomes line up / align at metaphase plate 1 1

Explain the chromosomal behavior in stage Q

F-Q is metaphase 1
E1-Chromosome align at metaphase plate/equator of the cell 1
E2-spindle fibres fully formed 1
E3-Attach to centromere of the chromosome Any 2 1 2
For a plant cell where 2n=4, draw three separate diagram to show
Metaphase, mitosis

D- Chromosome are line up on the spindle fibre

1 1
State the important of the chromosomal behavior in mentioned in (b) (i)
P1-to ensure new cells produced are identical in chromosomal number 1
P2-to ensure the sister chromatids can separate /move to the opposite side 1 2
Name the stages labeled K/ What stage of nuclear division is
Anaphase 1 1
Explain the behavior of chromosomes during stages K and N.
K : Sister chromatids separate and move towards the opposite poles 1 1

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Name the stage Y

Early telophase 1 1

Trial selango 2010

Trial Kedah 2008 Name the stages labeled M / What stage of nuclear division is
Telophase 1 1

Draw the chromosomes in daughter cell I and daughter cell II produced

1 1
through mitosis

Draw a daughter cell of cell P after both cells have completed the cell
division. in the boxes provided below 2

NOTE : Number of chromosome ,n = 2. 1
1 2 70
The type (colour) of chromosomes 1
State the number of daughter cells and number of chromosomes
(i) Number of daughter cells 4

(ii) Number of chromosomes 2

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(a) Structure v is form during cytokenesis bur in animal cell, actin filament in cytoplasm contract
to pull a ring of the plasma membrane inward forming a groove. Name the groove
Cleavage furrow 1 1
(b) Explain the process (cytokinesis) occurs (plant cell)
F-Cytokinesis,which is the division of cytoplasm 1
P1-A cell plate is formed at the cell equator, that enlarged and eventually combines with the 1
plasma membrane
P2-A new cell wall is formed
1 2
(c) Describe how cytokinesis occurs in plant and animal cells to produce two daughter cells.
F-process of cytoplasmic division 1
P1-begins before nucleus division is complete / during telophase to form two daughter cells 1
P2-in animal cells, actin filaments in the cytoplasm contracts 1
P3-to pull a ring of the plasma membrane inwards 1
P4-forming a groove called a cleavage furrow 1
P5-the cleavage furrow pinches at the equator of the cell and deepens progressively until two 1
daughter cells are separated
P6-in plants cells, the membranous vesicles are formed along the equator between the two
nuclei 1
P7-the vesicles fuse to form a cell plate 1
P8-the cell plate grows outwards until its edges fuse with the plasma membrane of the parents 1
cell 1
P9-at the end of cytokinesis , cellulose fibres are produced by the cells to strengthen the new 1
cell walls
Cytokinesis takes place both in animal cell and plant cell
State two similarity and one different between the cytokinesis in animal cell and plant cell
during mitosis 71
Similarity-F1-Both involved the division of the cytoplasm to produce two daughter cells
F2-Both produced two nuclei each with an identical chromosomes
Differences F1-Inanimal cells cytokinesis occurs ny formation of cleavage furrows/actin
filament while in plant cell cytokinesis occurs by formation of cell plate 1 3

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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

The effect of uncontrolled mitosis Trial Melaka 2009 Trial Melaka 2008

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(a) Diagram 2.1 shows the formation of tumor in lungs. Trial Kedah 2008
Tumor is an abnormal mass of cells that can invade and destroy neighboring cells.

Explain the formation of tumor

P1-When cell divides through uncontrolled mitosis 1
P2- caused by severe disruptions to the mechanism that controls 1
the cell cycle / give example // mutation
P3- cancerous cells will be formed 1
P4-Cancer cells compete with surrounding normal cells to obtain 1
nutrients (and energy) for growth
P5-Cancer cells will grow to form tumor, an abnormal mass of 1
cells // Cancerous cell undergoes mitosis to produce more
Cancerous cells.
P6- tumor can spread/expand and destroy neighboring cells. Any 3 1 3

(b) Explain one activity that can cause tumor in lung.

F1 : Expose to radiation/ x-ray/ example 1
E1: Consist/ carry high level of energy 1
E2: Destroy/disrupt the chromosome structure 1 2
Or other suitable example

(c) Cancer is genetic disease caused by uncontrolled mitosis. Name two chemical substances
which cause a cancer 1
P1-benzo-alpha pyrene 1 2
P2-nicotine/any suitable

(d) Name the process occurred and state a factor that causes it 72
Process deletion Factor
F1-Rays: X-rays/gamma rays/UV rays/nuclear radiation /radioactive rays 1
F2-chemical: benzene/formaldehyde/carbon tetrachloride/asbestos/mustard gas/ tar/pesticides 1 2

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(e) Explain how radiotherapy affected cell cycle in cancer treatment.

F : Radiotherapy uses radiation / high energy rays 1
E1 : destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells 1
E2 : cancerous cells die / cannot divide mitotically 1
E3 : cell cycle stops 1 2

(f) Ahmad has been exposed to gamma rays which results in the failure of
structure R to be formed
F1 : Structure X is the spindle fibre 1
P2: If structure X fails to be formed, chromosomes cannot be pulled to the opposite poles. 1
P3 : This causes the reproductive cells to have either extra or less number of chromosomes 1 3
(g) Which process related to the formation of cancerous cells?
1 1

(h) Explain how cancerous cells are formed in human body.

F: The cancer cells occur due to severe disruption of mechanism that controls the cell cycle.
1 2
E: The cells divide without control and regulation to form cancerous cells// uncontrolled
division of cells forms cancerous cells

(i) State two ways to prevent from being exposed to factor you have named in above
P1-prevent form exposure to radioactive rays//use sun block 1
P2-Prevnet from taking food containing flavor /coloring /additive/ preservative 1 2

Cloning Trial Johor 2010

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(a) Define cloning
P1-process of producing new genetically identical organism (refer to the question needed 1
eg. Frog ) 1
P2-Through asexual reproduction 1 2
P3-by stem/leaf cutting/layering/grafting/tissue culture
(b) Explain the principles used in the cloning technique
P1 : Cloning is an asexual reproductive process of producing clones//does not involve gamete
P2 : A clone is a group of cells//organism//a population of organisms produced from a single
ancestral cell. 1
P3 : A clones genetically identical 73
P4 : The technique can be used to produce high quality of organism / orchids/ oil palm / cocoa
plants. 1 3

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(c) Based on Diagram 2, state the meaning of cloning.

Cloning is a process to produce a new frog identical to its parent by mitosis 1 1
(d) Name the type of reproduction shown in Diagram 2.
Give a reason for your answer.
F-Asexual reproduction. 1
P-The production of offspring is not involving the process of fertilization. 1 2
(e) Describe why a mature intestinal cell is used in this experiment
P1-Mature intestinal cells are able to undergo cell division 1
P2-have all the necessary factors required for a complete cell division. 1 2
(f) Based on Diagram 2, name the species of frog that will be produced at the endof the experiment
Species Y 1 1
(g) Explain your answer in (g) (i).
The nucleus of the frog is obtained from species Y. 1 1
(h) Describe a cloning technique in a production of dairy cow.
F1-Somatic cells from the cow are extracted from the mammary glands/any somatic tissue and
placed in culture medium(low nutrient) 1
F2-An egg cell is extracted from the ovary of female cow/surrogate mother 1
F3-The nucleus of egg cell is then sucked out/removed 1
F4-The nucleus of somatic cell fused into the anucleated/ egg cell without nucleus 1 74
F5-Stimulating them with electric pulse 1
F6-The fused cell/ new cell divides repeatly by mitosis ( in the medium) to form an embryo 1
F7-Th embryo is then implanted into surrogate mother/female cow 1
F8-The embryo develop into a new individual and born as a cloned animal MAX 7 7

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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

Tissue culture

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(a) Trial melaka2007 essay
Explain how the plant being cloned
Technique-tissue culture 1
P1-Small pieces of tissue of (explants) Taken form sterilized parent plant 1
P2-The explants are then placed inside a test tube containing nutrient and growth hormones
P3-Plant divide by mitosis to form a callus(undifferentiated mass of tissues)
Cells in the callus develop into embryo and later into plantlet
P5-The rooted plantlets are then transferred to the soil and kept in controlled environment until 1
they grow into adult plants
P6-From one original plant , hundreds of genetically plants could be produced 1

Skill of application 6
Q1-Must have P2&P4&P5
(b) Diagram 6.3 shows an experiment to show the different between two ginger plants which is
obtained from tissue culture and are planted in two different environment

A piece tissue is taken

from the parent plant

Plantlet is planted in the open Plantlet is planted in flower pots

ground (loam soil),spaced 30 (sandy loam soil), spaced 10 cm
cm apart and exposed to apart and place under the tree
bright sunlight. the plantlet is shade. The plantlet is watered on
watered on alternative days alternate days

Explain the role of tissue culture in this experiment 2
F1-Plantlets from tissue culture have the same genetic material 1
P1-This is to show /ensure/proof the different of the plants in Set A and Set B are caused by 1
abiotic factors

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Diagram 6.1 is a new variety of vegetable which has a great commercial value
Diagram 6.2 is the original parent of the plant
Based on the above diagram and with your biological knowledge, explain how a farmer can
propagate this variety to give a large scale of yield and at the same tome maintain its quantity
6 1
P1-the technique used is issue culture technique
P2-A piece of tissue / explants is taken from the young part of the parent plant eg. Root and cut 1
into smaller pieces
P3-The tissue are sterilized (with dilute sodium hypochlorite solution o prevent the growth of 1
pathogens /bacteria/fungus
P4-Each pieces of sterilized tissue ia placed onto a growth medium / gel containing nutrient 1
(eg. Glucose, amino acids, mineral etc.) And hormone/ auxin with optimum pH level
P5-The apparatus and culture, medium used must be in sterile condition and keep under the
suitable temperature/30oC-35oC
P6-the tissue cells then divide repeatedly by mitosis to produce mass of undifferentiated 1
P7-After several weeks, callus differentiated to produce shoots and roots /organogenesis 1
P8-once the roots grow , the plantlets/ little plant removed and transferred t the soil for growth 1
into the adult plant
P9-the plantlets produce this way are genetically identical and known as clones
P10-Therefore, all adults plans that develops from them fruits
1 10

Advantage of cloning Trial Johor 2010 Trial Melaka 2009

No Marking scheme Marks

(a) State one advantage of cloning
P1-large number of offspring can be produce 1
P2-in a short time
P3-All the good characteristic of parent can be maintained in offspring
1 2 76
(b) A farmer wants to breed a good variety of banana plants for commercial production. Suggest a
suitable method to be used and explain how the method named can increase the crop yield. 3
T : Tissue culture / Cloning 1
E1 : Large numbers of clones can be produced 1
E2 : Within a short period of time / any time 1
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E3 : Clones inherited good characteristics/ resistance to diseases 1 3

/ fast growth rate / large fruit / good genetic traits
(c) A farmer wants to breed a good variety of pineapple plants for commercial production
Suggest a suitable method to be used which is involved the cell cycle in diagram 2.1
Explain how the method named can increase the crop yield
F-large numbers of clones can be produced 1
E1-Within a short period of time / any time 1
E2-clones inherited good characteristic 1
E3-example on good characteristic /resistance to disease /fast growth rate/large fruit ANY 2 1 2

Disadvantage of cloning Trail Johor 2010 Trial Melaka 2009

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(a) State one disadvantage of cloning
P3-The offspring produced do not show any genetic variation 1
P4-the offspring produced have same level of resistant to certain disease/pests 1
P5-All the offspring can be destroyed by a disease if they do now have the resistance
1 2
(b) State a problem that can occur when using this method(cloning)
Clones can be destroyed completely if they do not have the resistance to new diseases / 1 1
pest.//No variation
5.2 Meiosis

The significant of meiosis

No Marking scheme Marks

(a) State the importance of processes P and Q.
1 1
P : To produce haploid gamete cell
(b) Name two cells produced through meiosis in humans
P1- ovum / egg cell 1 1
P2- sperm / spermatids

(c) Where do processes P (meiosis) occur in an animal?

P: In reproductive organ// ovary// testis

The necessity for the production of haploid gametes the type of cells that undergoes meiosis

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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

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(a) Trial Kedah 2012 Trial Pahang 2008 Trial PP 2012 Trial SBP 2012

Based on diagram 3.1, name the type of cell division / What type of nuclear division is
1 1
(b) State your reason
P1-The crossing over process occur during prophase 1
P2-The tetrad(sister chromatids) are formed 1 2

Membrane V

(a) Name the structure labeled P, Q and membrane V.

P : Centriole
Q : Chromatid
Membrane V : nuclear membrane
1 3
(d) State the function of centromere
Hold two sister chromatid together
(e) What happen to the homologous chromosomes in
(i)First cytoplasmic division
The homologous chromosomes separate in opposite direction
(ii)Second cytoplasmic division
The chromatids separate into two to form a haploid form

The stage of meiosis I Trial Pahang 2008 Trial PP 2012 Trial SBP 2012 Trial selangor 2010

Phase Marking scheme Marks

Prophase I Name stage X/ Name phase X
Prophase I 1 1
Explain one important event that takes place using stage X(Prophase I) / Explain 78
the chromosome behaviour during this phase 1
F1-crossing over 1
E1-An exchange of segment of DNA between non-sister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes
E2-which result in new combination of genes on a chromosomes AN Y 2 1 2

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Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

Trial Johor 2011 Explain how the chromosome behavior contributes to the survival of animal
Trial Kedah 2012 species
Trial Selangor 2010 P1-(crossing over) cause variation to occur among animal species 1
P2-this will enhance the ability to adapt in different environment 1 2
State the event that occur during stage X in diagram 3.1
Crossing over 1 1
Explain one important event in stage X ( crossing over)
P1-(the crossing over results) exchange of genetic material between non-sister 1
chromatids of a bivalent 1 2
P2-result in the new combination of alleles on a chromosome//cause variation
Explain the process /chromosome behavior that occur in stage X Essay &
Structure 1
P1-Chromosome become shorter thicker 1
P2-Homologous chromosome (come together) to form bivalent 1
P3-through a process synapsis (sometimes no marks given) 1
P4-Non sister chromatids exchange segment of DNA/genetic material// 1
P5-through Crossing over 1 3
P5-nucleus membrane disappears
P6- Spindle fibres form
Metaphase I Name stage /phase Y// Describe the behavior of chromosomes in X and Y
Metaphase I 1 1
Explain the chromosomal behavior during phase T
P1-Homologous chromosomes are arranged in line 1
P2-at the metaphase plate//cell equator 1 2
Explain events during metaphase I which contribute to variation in organism
P1-Independent assortment of chromosomes 1
P2-which are randomly arranged during metaphase I, produce different haploid 1 2
Trial Johor 2011 gametes
Trial Kedah 2012 Draw the chromosome behaviour in stage Y
L-Location of homologous chromosomes 1
P-correct pairing 1 2
For a plant cell where 2n=4, draw three separate diagram to show Metaphase I,
meiosis, and

Cell wall-1 79
homologous chromosome line uo at metaphase plate -1 1
1 2
Anaphase I Describe the chromosomes behavior in stage R 1
P1-Homologous chromosomes 1 2
P2-move to opposite poles

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State one significance of the movement of the chromosomes in Cell B.

When homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposites poles of Cell B, 1 1
the chromosome number is halved.

Explain the process that occurs in stage

Stage S: Telophase 1 1
P1- chromosome arrive at the poles
P2-spindle fibre disappears 1 2

The stage or meiosis II Trial selangor 2010

Phase Marking scheme Marks

Prophase II Draw the chromosome behavior in stages D and E in the space provided
D :Chromosome are in prophase II 1 1

Anaphase II For a plant cell where 2n=4, draw three separate diagram to show Metaphase, meiosis
in three different cells of the same plant. 1

Telophase II State the occurrence at Telophase II

Trial Kedah 2012 P1-four daughter cells formed 1
Trial Melaka 2008 P2-each daughter cell has two chromosome/haploid/n 1 2 80
Selangor 2008

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Trial Johor 2011

Based on diagram 3, draw one of the cell daughter cells produced at the end of the

Any one daughter cell with the correct combination of chromosomes

Correct drawing of chromosomes (number and combination)-D1
Correct drawing of the cell (chromosomes are enclosed in a nuclear-D2 1
1 2

Draw the possible chromatids that occur after the non disjunction in diagram 3.1

D:all correct the number of sister chromatids formed 1

S:al correct the sequence of sister chromatids formed 1 2

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Draw a daughter cell of cell P and Q after both cells have completed the cell
Division. in the boxes provided below

NOTE: Number of chromosome, 2n = 4. 1

The type (color) of chromosomes 1 2

The different between meiosis I and meiosis II

No Marking scheme Marks

(a) Trial Johor 2011 Selangor 2008
Based on diagram 3, state two different between the chromosomal behaviour in stage X and Y

Prophase I Metaphase I
D1-Homologous chromosomes are Homologous chromosomes are arranged on
arranged randomly the metaphase/equator plate
D2-The centromeres of the chromosomes The centromeres of chromosomes are hold
are not hold by/attached to any spindle by/attached to the spindle fibre
D3-(the homologous chromosomes paired (the homologous chromosomes paired and)
and) crossing over take place crossing over does not take place 1 2

(b) Meiosis consists of two spate division; meiosis I and meiosis II .there are a lot of different between
both division .Give two differences between prophase I and Prophase II
Prophase Prophase II
P1- There is no synapsis occurs Synapsis occurs between homologous 1 82
P2- The chromosome do not crossing over Corssing over occurs between 1 2
homologous chromosomes

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(c) State the different between meiosis I and meiosis II based on stage P, Q, R dan S.
Stage Meiosis I Meiosis II

Prophase Homologous chromosome come chromosome locate at random no 1

P together form bivalent through crossing over
synapsis.There is crossing over

Metaphase Pairs of homologous chromosome chromosome arrange at metaphase 1

Q arrange at metaphase plate plate in a straight line

Anaphase Homologous chromosome move Chromatid move to opposite poles

R towards opposite poles

Telophase Chromosome arrive at the poles Chromatid arrive at poles

1 4

The differences and similarity between mitosis and meiosis Trial Melaka 2008 Kelantan 2008

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(a) Trial Melaka 2008
Diagram 3.1 shows cell P and cell Q undergoes one of the stages for two types of
cell division

(a) (i) State the type of cell division shown in diagram 3.1
P : Meiosis 1
Q : Mitosis 1 2
(b) According to the stage metaphase anaphase telophase in the cell division , differentiate the
event happening during mitosis and meiosis
Stage Mitosis Meiosis
Metaphase D1-homologous chromosome are D2-homologous chromosome line up 1
arranged in linear sequence side by side at the metaphase plate
/randomly at the mata phase plate 83
Anaphase D3-seperation f sister chromatids D4-seperation of homologous
to the opposite pole// the chromosomes to the opposite 1
centromere of each chromosome pole//sister chromatids still remain
divide into two and allows sister attached to each other during
chromtids to move to opposite pole movement to the opposite pole

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Telopase D5-two daughter nuclei are formed D7-Four daughter nuclei are formed
D6-Diploid (2n) number of D8-diploid (2n) number of 1
chromosome is remain chromosomes is reduced to haploid
D6-daughter cells are genetically D9-daughter cells are differ from the
identical to each other and to the parent and from each other// variation
parent cell occurs among daughter clls 4
1m each= max 4 marks
(c) State a function of the two cell divisions mentioned in (a)(i).
P : Meiosis is important in producing gametes 1
Q : Mitosis is important in replacing dead // 1 2
damaged cells // asexual reproduction //
increasing the number of cells (growth)
State one differences between process P (meiosis) and Q (mitosis).
P1- crossing over occur in P but not in Q
P2-Process P produces 4 daughter cells whereas process Q produces 2 daughter cells.
P3-Daughter cells produced in P have variation whereas daughter cells produced in Q are
identical to parent cell. Any two 1 1
State the different processes U (Meiosis) and V (Mitosis) 2
P1-Number of chromosome of daughter cells is halved in U compared to process V which has 4 1
P2-crossing over occurred in process U but in V, the daughter cells are genetically identical 1
P3-Daughter cells are variant in process U but in V , the daughter cells are genetically identical 1 2
(b) Explain the differences between mitosis and meiosis, by using appropriate diagram

Mitosis Meiosis
Prophase Prophase I

location of chromosome is at random homologous chromosome synapsis

no crossing over/ no chiasmata crossing over/ chiasmata
Metaphase Metaphase I

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

chromosome are arrange at the middle of homologous chromosome are arrange at the 1
cell middle of cell

Anaphase Anaphase I

chromatid move to the opposite pole homologous chromosome will move to the

Telophase Telophase I

Each daughter cell has the same number Each daughter cell has half number
of chromosome
2 daughter cell that is 2n 4 daughter cell that is n
only one division two times division

does not cause genetic variation cause genetic variation

Diagram: 4 Exp: 6 = Max: 10 10

The important of meiotic cell division

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Explain why the sperm has 24 chromosomes

P1-Homologous chromosome fail to separate equally(during anaphase I)
Module Biology Trial paper collection

4551/2 All Right Reserved SULIT

SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

P2-due to exposure to mutagen //any example of mutagen 1 2

(b) Explain the genetic disease faced by offspring P
P1-offspring has 47 chromosome 1
P2-Down syndrome 1
P3-Chromosome number 21 has three chromosome 1
P4-Has short tongue/broad face//any suitable characteristic any 2 1 2
(c) Trial melaka2007
Mitosis, differentiation and

Juvenile (2n)

Mitosis differentiate Adults (2n)

and growth

Zygote (2n)

Sperm (n)

Fusion to form
Haploid stages
Egg (n) diploid stages

Explain the importance of meiosis in maintaining the number of chromosomes in human in

diagram 7.1
The important of cell division
P1-Meiosis is the process of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in new cells 1
//meiosis halved the number of chromosomes in the parent cell
P2-Meiosis produce haploid reproductive cell or gamete 1
P3-each gamete receive one chromosomes from every pairs of homologous chromosomes 1
P4-the gamete contain only 23 chromosomes/haploid number of chromosomes 1
P5-sexual reproduction involved the fusion of two haploid gamete during the fertilization 1
P6-this result in the formation of a diploid zygote with 46 chromosomes (similar number of 1 4
chromosomes with parent)
(d) Explain briefly how meiosis involved in genetic variation.
F1 - crossing over during prophase I of meiosis 1 86
E1 non sister chromatids of homologous chromosome break at the chiasma 1
E2 segments of the chromatids exchange places 1
E3 segment of the marternal chromatids become attached to the paternal chromatids 1
E4 new combinations of genes are produced on these chromatids 1
F2 independent assortment of chromosome 1
Module Biology Trial paper collection

4551/2 All Right Reserved SULIT

SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 5:Cell division 2014

E1 at metaphase I the homologous pairs of chromosomes arranged on the metaphase plate at 1

E2 each homologous pair of chromosomes is positioned relative to the poles of the cell 1
independent of other pairs
E3 there is independent assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomes into daughter cells 1
E4 result in a variety of gametes each with different combinations of maternal and paternal 1 10

5.3 Appreciating the movement of chromosome during mitosis and meiosis Trial Kedah 2012

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(a) Trial Johor 2011
Explain what will happen in human if the chromosomes fail to separate during stage Y 2
E1-One of the daughter cells produced might contain one extra chromosomes/one lesser 1
E2-During fertilization , if the cell with an extra /lesser chromosome fuses with an normal 1
sperm the zygote shall contain one extra/47//one lesser/45 chromosomes
E3-producing down/klinefelters//turners syndrome baby/offspring ANY two 1 3

(b) Name the disorder that may occur when normal gamete fertilize with the no disjunction
affecting human chromosomes 21that occur as in diagram 3..2
Down syndrome 1 1

(c) This child is suffering from a type of genetic disorder/ he has a moon face , slated eye, a short
neck and protruding tongue/ Uncontrolled meiosis leads to gamete produced both abnormal
number of chromosomes .Name one disease caused by uncontrolled meiosis 1 1 1
Down syndrome /turner syndrome /klinefelter
(d) Based on the information above , name the type of genetic disorder shown by the child
Downs syndrome 1 1

(e) The ovum in diagram 22 carrier 24 chromosomes. Which chromosomes has an extra copy
Chromosomes number 21
Explain how the abnormal chromosomal number in the ovum can cause the genetic disorder
mentioned in

P1-Chromosomes number 21 fails to separate during anaphase I//non disjunction of 1

chromosomes number 21 during anaphase I
P2-When fertilization occurs, 24 chromosomes in the ovum will fused with 23 chromosomes in 1
the sperm 87
P3-produce zygote with 47 chromosomes // trisomy 21 1 3

Module Biology Trial paper collection

4551/2 All Right Reserved SULIT

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