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Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446

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Analysis of spreadable cheese by Raman spectroscopy and chemometric

Kamila de S Oliveira a, Layce de Souza Callegaro a, Rodrigo Stephani b, Mariana Ramos Almeida a,
Luiz Fernando Cappa de Oliveira a,
Ncleo de Espectroscopia e Estrutura Molecular (NEEM), Departamento de Qumica, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 36036-330 Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil
Tate & Lyle Gemacom Tech, 36092-050 Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, FT-Raman spectroscopy was explored to evaluate spreadable cheese samples. A partial least
Received 15 June 2015 squares discriminant analysis was employed to identify the spreadable cheese samples containing starch.
Received in revised form 7 August 2015 To build the models, two types of samples were used: commercial samples and samples manufactured in
Accepted 11 August 2015
local industries. The method of supervised classification PLS-DA was employed to classify the samples as
Available online 12 August 2015
adulterated or without starch. Multivariate regression was performed using the partial least squares
method to quantify the starch in the spreadable cheese. The limit of detection obtained for the model
was 0.34% (w/w) and the limit of quantification was 1.14% (w/w). The reliability of the models was eval-
Spreadable cheese
Raman spectroscopy
uated by determining the confidence interval, which was calculated using the bootstrap re-sampling
Quality control technique. The results show that the classification models can be used to complement classical analysis
Starch and as screening methods.
PLS-DA 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction starch and milk proteins. However, the main benefit of adding
starch to dairy products is in the cost reduction (Van Dender,
Milk and dairy products are important nutrient sources and are 2014). The addition of starch can lead to lower pricing and result
considered primary sources of biological calcium, which is needed in unfair competition, hampering legitimate business. When the
for bone mass formation. Dairy products are constant targets of product includes added starch, it must be indicated on the main
economic adulteration due to their high demand and seasonal panel of the label.
price variations. In these products, ingredients that are not speci- Today, Normative Instruction 68/2006 of the Ministry of
fied on the label or are not allowed are frequently found. Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply regulates the official meth-
Therefore, it is important to ensure fair competition between com- ods used for the physicochemical analysis of milk products. This
panies and protect consumers against fraud (Karoui & De includes a qualitative analysis of starch using the Lugol test and
Baerdemaeker, 2007). a quantitative analysis based on the LaneEynon method. As part
An important Brazilian dairy product is spreadable cheese, of this method, a clarification and filtration of the dairy product
which has seen increasing consumption since the 1990s. Today, is first performed to separate the simple and complex sugars.
it is the third best selling dairy product (ABIQ, 2014). Spreadable Then, an acid digestion of the solid waste is conducted, a different
cheese is a Brazilian processed cheese, originating as a homemade clarification and filtration process is used. Finally, this second fil-
means of utilizing spontaneously clotted milk due to the action of trate is subjected to titration with the Fehling reagent (Wehr &
milks natural microbiota. It is made from raw or pasteurized Frank, 2004).
skimmed milk, with or without the addition of lactic cultures However, the quantitative method can cause some problems. In
(Van Dender, 2014). addition to demanding the use of many reagents, it requires skilled
Starch has been extensively studied for use in processed labour and generates waste. Additionally, there is evidence of a loss
cheeses because its physical properties, including its rheology of starch during the first filtration (Vallado, 2012). Thus, it is dif-
and microstructure, are influenced by interactions between the ficult to obtain reliable results to identify the presence of starch in
spreadable cheese.
Corresponding author. In recent decades, spectroscopic methods coupled with
E-mail address: (L.F.C. de Oliveira). chemometric tools have been developed to evaluate the quality
0308-8146/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
442 K. de S Oliveira et al. / Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446

of milk products as an alternative to the reference procedures. 2.2. FT-Raman measurements

Borin, Ferro, Mello, Maretto, and Poppi (2006) proposed a
method for starch, sucrose and whey quantification, which are The Raman spectra of the spreadable cheese samples and starch
common adulterants in milk powder using near infrared were collected on a RFS 100 FT-Raman Bruker spectrometer
spectroscopy and artificial intelligence techniques. Karoui and equipped with a Ge detector using liquid nitrogen as the coolant
De Baerdemaeker (2007) discussed the potential of destructive and a Nd:YAG laser emitting at 1064 nm. The laser light, with a
and non-destructive techniques coupled with chemometric tools power of 150 mW, was introduced and focused on the sample,
to determine the quality and authenticity of dairy products. and the scattered radiation was collected at 180. For each spec-
Almeida, Oliveira, Stephani, and De Oliveira (2011, 2012) used trum, an average of 256 scans was performed at a resolution of
Raman spectroscopy and chemometric tools to assess the quality 4 cm 1 over a range from 3500 to 50 cm 1. The OPUS 6.0 (Bruker
and authenticity of milk powder of whey and starch as Optik, Ettlingen, Germany) software was used for Raman data
adulterants. acquisition. For all of the FT-Raman spectra obtained in this work,
Due to the lack of efficient methods for spreadable cheese anal- the samples did not undergo any previous preparation. The Raman
ysis, Raman spectroscopy is a promising technique due to sample spectra were obtained in triplicate for the spreadable cheese.
preparation methods and the ability to obtain chemical informa-
tion. Nevertheless, the employment of Raman spectroscopy in ana- 2.3. Chemometric analysis
lytical chemistry requires the use of chemometric tools; a
chemometric analysis can be used to create automatic classifica- To perform the multivariate analysis, the Matlab 7.10.0 (R2010a)
tion models, as well as to validate the measured data and provide software was used. For all of the models, the spectral range used
more reliable information. was 3500400 cm 1. The spectra (matrix X) were processed
Although many publications describe several applications of employing the first derivative with the SavitzkyGolay smoothing
Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analyses, such approach algorithm (Savitzky & Golay, 1964) using a 9-point window and a
are not yet employed in standard laboratories and industries. second-order polynomial function. In addition, normalization by
Usually they prefer NIR spectroscopy because is cheaper and sim- length and the mean centring of data were also applied.
ple. However, Raman spectroscopy provides the higher informa- After pre-processing, PCA was performed for a group composed
tion content, since the spectrum contains information of each of all of the samples (93 samples) including those that prepared
one of the chemical components. Other reasons for the low practi- in the laboratory (Gemacom Tech) and those that purchased at the
cal applicability include difficulties in implementing such analyses local market. The choice of the number of principal components
and a lack of analytical validation for the developed models. Every (PCs) was determined through the eigen-values graph (which rep-
time an analysis method is developed, the results must be vali- resents the importance of each principal component).
dated. In light of this, this investigation calculates the confidence For the construction of classification models using PLS-DA, the
intervals for the classification models and multivariate calibration samples were divided into two subsets: calibration and validation.
using the bootstrap re-sampling technique (Efron & Tibshirani, The calibration subset included 61 samples and the validation sub-
1994). set included 32 samples. The subsets contain adulterated and
In this work, we propose a qualitative and quantitative unadulterated samples. A vector Y, containing only the numbers
analysis of starch in commercial spreadable cheese products 0 and 1 was created to indicate the class each sample belonged
by employing Raman spectroscopy and chemometric tools. to: 0 for unadulterated and 1 for adulterated spreadable cheese.
Classification models employing the Partial Least Squares The criterion for the lowest prediction error in cross-validation
Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) were used to classify adulterated was used to select the number of latent variables for the PLS-DA
and unadulterated spreadable cheese samples, and the Partial model. The threshold value for the class separation was calculated
Least Squares (PLS) method were applied to construct a quantita- using Bayes Theorem. This value was selected as the point where
tive model. the two estimated distributions cross, which is the y predicted
value at which the number of false responses is minimized for
the new predictions. After building the classification rules with
the calibration set, the model was evaluated with the validation
2. Materials and methods set and the performance was estimated in terms of the correct clas-
sification of the samples, sensibility, specificity, efficiency and
2.1. Samples Matthews correlation coefficient (Almeida, Fidelis, Barata, &
Poppi, 2013). The parameters mentioned give an overview of the
To construction of the multivariate models, 11 spreadable behaviour of the model. To assess the uncertainties of each sample
cheese samples without reducing fats were prepared by the confidence interval was estimated using the residual bootstrap
Gemacom Tech, which is headquartered in the city of Juiz de technique (Efron & Tibshirani, 1994), according to Almeida et al.
Fora, MG. Among these, one is a standard sample without the (2013).
addition of starch and the other ten were divided into two groups After identifying the adulterated samples, the starch content in
according the added starch. Five samples were adulterated with the spreadable cheese was calculated using the Partial Least
starch containing 12% of amylose and 88% of amylopectin, Squares (PLS) Regression. The calibration and validation subsets
referred to as starch 2560, and five were adulterated with starch from the classification models were also used in this case, deleting
containing <5% amylose and a balance of amylopectin, referred to only commercial samples containing starch because the proportion
as starch 4051. In both groups, the adulterated samples were of added starch was not provided on the label. The matrices con-
prepared with a variation from 2% to 10% (w/w) and divided into taining the data provided by the Raman spectra and the vector Y
five concentration levels, as shown in Table S1 (Supplementary with the concentrations of added adulterant to each sample were
Material). employed to build the regression model. The number of latent vari-
A total of 27 samples of different brands of commercial spread- ables was chosen by cross-validation (RMSECV value). The perfor-
able cheese were also analysed, including 15 whole samples and 12 mance of the PLS model was evaluated with the validation samples
skimmed samples. These were purchased at a local market in the using parameters such as accuracy (RMSEP), limit of detection
city of Juiz de Fora. (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), linearity, model fit and
K. de S Oliveira et al. / Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446 443

uncertainties. The detection limit and the limit of quantification

were estimated by calculating the net analyte signal (NAS)
(Lorber, 1986). The uncertainties in the prediction of the PLS model
were calculated using the residual bootstrap.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. FT-Raman spectra of spreadable cheese samples

Two of the FT-Raman spectra obtained for the samples of whole

and skimmed spreadable cheeses are shown in Fig. 1. The main dif-
ference between the two types of spreadable cheese is the partial
or total lipid presence, which is the nutrient that determines its
classification as either whole or skimmed. This difference is shown
in the Raman spectrum by bands at 2886 and 2852 cm 1, which
Fig. 2. FT-Raman spectra of: (a) standard spreadable cheese, (b) 2% (w/w) starch, (c)
are related to the vibrational modes of lipids. In the whole spread-
6% (w/w) starch, (d) 10% (w/w) starch and (e) pure starch. The experimental
able cheese spectrum, these appear with a higher intensity with conditions are described in Section 2.
respect to the band at 2929 cm 1, indicating the major quantity
of this nutrient in comparison to the skimmed samples (Li-Chan,
Fig. 2 shows the spectral region between 2000 and 400 cm 1 for
The 1800400 cm 1 region features a large number of bands
pure standard spreadable cheese, with the addition of 2%, 6% and
and is rich in structural information. The band at 1745 cm 1 is
10% (w/w) of starch and the starch itself, used as adulterant. As
assigned to C@O stretching (Zhou et al., 2006) and is characteristic
the carbohydrate concentration increases, there is a slight modifi-
of a lipid vibrational mode present in a lower intensity in the
cation in the band at 477 cm 1 assigned to the [d(CCC) + s(CO)]
Raman spectrum of skimmed spreadable cheese. The band at
mode (Almeida et al., 2010), which is described in the literature
1652 cm 1 is characteristic of the amide I mode and is related to
as a marker of the presence of starch (Baranska, Schulz, Baranski,
the C@O stretching of protein molecules. This region also con-
Nothnagel, & Christensen, 2005; De Veij, Vandenabeele, De Beer,
tributes to the C@C stretching of unsaturated fatty acids present
Remonc, & Moens, 2009).
in milk (Moros, Garrigues, & De la Guardia, 2007; Zhou et al.,
The visual analysis of the Raman spectra of the spreadable
2006). An intense band at 1440 cm 1 is observed and assigned to
cheese allows the identification of the presence of starch from a
the deformation modes of the CH2 group. This band is characteris-
concentration of 6% (w/w). Below this concentration limit, chemo-
tic of lipids, carbohydrates and aliphatic amino acids present in
metric tools are required.
milk protein (Li-Chan, 1996; Zhou et al., 2006). Another band
related to the presence of lipids appears at 1299 cm 1 and is
referred to as the CH2 twisting mode (Herrero, 2008). 3.2. Exploratory analysis using PCA of the FT-Raman spectra of
In the spectral range from 1200 to 800 cm 1, characteristic spreadable cheese samples
vibrational modes appear related to carbohydrates. The vibrational
modes present are assigned to CO stretching, the CC and COH An option for spectral pre-processing is the normalization
deformation modes (11201064 cm 1) and COC deformation method for a vector of unit length. This was applied to the
(950870 cm 1), which is related to the vibrational mode of the first derivative using SavitzkyGolay smoothing with a 9-point
b-1-4 glycosidic bond (Li-Chan, 1996; Mahdad-Benzerdjeb, Taleb- window and a second-order polynomial for smoothing and
Mokhtari, & Sekkal-Rahal, 2007). mean-centring the data. This pre-processing provides better
classification analysis performance and yields the best interpreta-
tion of the spectra.
PCA was employed to examine the formation of the sample
groups with similar characteristics. In the score analysis of the first
three principal components, which represent 71.58% of the original
information, it is possible to observe a split between the skimmed
and whole spreadable cheese samples, with or without starch
(Fig. S1, Supplementary Material). Such a division is promoted by
the first principal component and can be confirmed by examining
the loading graph (Fig. S2, Supplementary Material). It is notable
that the most relevant regions of the spectrum for the division
are related to the vibrational modes of the lipids, including 2886,
2852 and 1440 cm 1, whose vibrational assignments are discussed
in Section 3.1. Moreover, the distribution of the samples is accord-
ing to the starch presence was determined by the third principal
component. The loading plot (Fig. S3, Supplementary Material)
shows that one of the most relevant spectral regions for the distri-
bution is at 477 cm 1 and is used in this study as a marker band for
starch. Additionally, based on the exploratory analysis, we con-
clude that despite having used two different types of starch in
the manufacture of the spreadable cheese, there are no spectral dif-
Fig. 1. FT-Raman spectra of: (a) skimmed and (b) whole spreadable cheese. The ferences in the samples because all of the adulterated samples pre-
experimental conditions are described in Section 2. pared in the laboratory were allocated into the same grouping.
444 K. de S Oliveira et al. / Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446

The PCA model did not provide an adequate discrimination of obtaining a false positive is reduced, but any false negative
between samples with or without additional starch, mainly at results are augmented. In this work, it is important to avoid false
low concentrations. Thus, it requires the employment of a super- negatives, as that would classify spreadable cheese with starch as
vised classification method, with an initial knowledge about the without any addition.
classes to be modelled. All samples shown in Fig. 3, either adulterated or not, were clas-
sified correctly. This result shows excellent performance for the
3.3. Discriminant analysis studied samples with 100% accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
and a Matthews correlation coefficient of 1. Thus, the PLS-DA
The PLS-DA supervised classification method was employed to models is useful for analysing new samples of spreadable cheese
obtain better discrimination of the adulterated and non- obtained using Raman spectroscopy data, predicting if they contain
adulterated samples. For the construction of the models, the sam- starch or not.
ples were divided as described in Section 2. Three latent variables The parameters evaluated give a general vision of the behaviour
(LV) were selected for the development of the classification model, of the model. To obtain information about each individual sample,
representing 78% of the variance explained in the X matrix (the the uncertainty in the classification for each sample was computed
spectra data set) and 90% of the variance in the Y vector. using the residual bootstrap. The results are the error bars shown
The results of the classification models for the calibration and in Fig. 3. The results show that the samples in the calibration and
validation set are shown in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. The calcu- validation set were correctly classified with 95% confidence.
lated threshold is shown as the horizontal line in Fig. 3, with a The classification model was based on the profile of the Raman
value of 0.59. Above this value, spreadable cheese is classified as spectra of the spreadable cheese and the analysis of the loading of
adulterated with starch. Below this value indicates no starch addi- the latent variables allow identification of the Raman bands that
tion. The threshold choice is very important, as it determines the contribute to the separation between the samples with and with-
model quality. If we increase the threshold value, the probability out starch addition. The loading plots for the three latent variables
are presented in Fig. 4 and show that the regions around 2880,
1750, 1650, 1440 and 477 cm 1 are the most important to the clas-
sification model. The first two regions (2880 and 1750 cm 1) are
related to the vibrational modes of lipids, whose vibrational
assignments are discussed in Section 3.1, whereas the band at
477 cm 1 is due to the presence of starch and is promoted by the
second latent variable.

3.4. Quantification models

After identifying the presence of starch in spreadable cheese

using the PLS-DA model, a quantification model based on the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) was constructed for determination of
the starch content in the adulterated samples. For this, the samples
were divided into calibration and validation sets as described in
Section 2. Three latent variables (LVs) were employed, which
explained 73% of the total variance in the X matrix and 98% of
the total variance in the Y vector.

Fig. 3. Results of the: (a) calibration and (b) validation set of the PLS-DA model,
showing spreadable cheese with starch addition (above the dashed line) and
spreadable cheese without starch (below the dashed line) with confidence intervals Fig. 4. Loading plot for the LV 1, LV 2 and LV 3 versus wavenumber (variables) for
calculated using the bootstrap re-sampling method. the PLS-DA model.
K. de S Oliveira et al. / Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446 445

Table 1
Results for the optimization and parameters estimated for calculating the primary
figures of merit for the PLS model.

Number of calibration set 57
Number of validation set 29
Number of latent variables 3
Figures of merit
Accuracy RMSECV 0.66
RMSEC 0.58
RMSEP 0.65
Linearity Slope 0.98
Intercept 0.08
Correlation coefficient 0.98
Limit of detection (w/w) 0.34
Limit of quantification (w/w) 1.14

than 0.34% (w/w) and quantify starch values above 1.14% (w/w) in
adulterated spreadable cheese.
The 95% confidence intervals were calculated using bootstrap
re-sampling. It was observed that the uncertainties are greater
when smaller amounts of starch are present in spreadable cheese.
For some samples without the addition of starch, the values
obtained for the PLS regression were negative. This problem was
also observed and reported in another study involving PLS regres-
sion and molecular spectroscopy data (Borin et al., 2006). However,
this is not an obstacle in this work because the quantification is
used to quantify samples exhibiting the presence of starch after
identification using the classification model.

4. Conclusions

In this work, we proposed an analytical methodology to charac-

terize spreadable cheeses (whole and skimmed) and identify added
starch in spreadable cheese using Raman spectroscopy. The charac-
terization of whole and skimmed spreadable cheeses is very sim-
ple; the differentiation is based on the presence of a band at
1745 cm 1 that is characteristic of lipids, which are absent in
skimmed samples. The Raman spectra analysis of spreadable
cheeses allows the visual identification of the presence of starch
Fig. 5. Predicted values from the PLS model versus the reference values of % starch at a minimum concentration of 6% (w/w). The detection of smaller
(% w/w) added to spreadable cheese: (a) calibration set and (b) validation set. The
uncertainties in terms of % starch were calculated using the bootstrap re-sampling
quantities requires chemometric tools.
method. The classification model exhibits excellent performance with all
of the samples being correctly classified. The uncertainty calcula-
tion during sample classification was performed using the boot-
strap re-sampling procedure and allowed the construction of
Fig. 5 show the correlation between the references values more reliable classification model, decreasing the chances of mis-
(amount of starch added in the laboratory) and those predicted classification. After identifying starch in spreadable cheeses, a
by the PLS regression. The correlation between the reference values quantification model based on the Partial Least Squares (PLS) was
and those estimated by the PLS model for the calibration samples constructed for determining the starch content in the samples.
was 0.989 and 0.984 for the validation samples. These fits are in The limit of detection obtained in this model was 0.34% (w/w),
accordance with the requirements from regulatory agencies in and the limit of quantification was 1.14% (w/w). The 95% confi-
Brazil. dence interval was also calculated using the bootstrap re-
The model was evaluated via the calculation of figures of merit, sampling method.
with the results presented in Table 1. The accuracy was assessed by The developed methodology may be used as a screening test in
the values of the root mean squared error for the calibration the quality control of spreadable cheese, as well as other types of
(RMSEC) and validation (RMSEP), which were 0.58% (w/w) for soft cheese; the procedure also presents the possibility of on-line
the RMSEC and 0.65% (w/w) for the RMSEP. These values show a measurements, employing portable Raman instruments.
good estimated starch content when using the PLS model. The lin-
earity is assessed by residual models: the calibration samples Acknowledgements
exhibited an absence of systematic trends in the distribution of
the residuals. Thus, the previously discussed correlation coefficient The authors would like to thank CAPES, FAPEMIG and CNPq
can be used to evaluate the linearity of the model. For the estima- (Brazilian agencies) for their financial support, as well as Tate &
tion of other figure of merits shown in Table 1, the NAS concept Lyle Gemacom Tech for public-private partnership in research.
was employed. The limit of detection obtained for the model was This work is a collaborative research project with members of
0.34% (w/w), and the limit of quantification was 1.14% (w/w). Rede Mineira de Qumica (RQ-MG) supported by FAPEMIG
The proposed quantification model can detect starch values higher (Project: CEX RED-0010-14).
446 K. de S Oliveira et al. / Food Chemistry 194 (2016) 441446

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