Paper Work STC 3

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Colegio De San Sebastian

College Department
A.Y 2017-2018
First sem
STC 3/ Environmental Education

Name: Patrick Zion A. Tesalona Rating:

Year & Section: BSED- Values Education IV Date: August 14, 2017

Food Production and Hunger

Many countries import basic commodities like rice or sugar because they do not produce enough
or none at all. Philippines are a rice growing country, but due to economic, political and
environmental reasons, we are force to import rice from other countries. There are uneven
distributions of food worldwide. There are countries like the United Sates which are endowed
with rich natural resources and appropriate technology. It hopes to eventually trigger action by
increasing awareness and understanding the differences of each countrys struggle against
hunger. Farming is the largest human endeavour on earth, using more than thirty eight percent of
ice free land and but fifty five percent of the worlds crop calories feed people directly thirty six
percent feed livestock nine percent feed biofuels and industry and an estimated twenty five
percent of the worlds food calories are lost or wasted so we dont necessarily need more food.
We need to think about priorities.

PLUS The good things that reporters did are they give their 100% effort to do all their reports and their
teamwork as group builds their self to be good/better reporters and they are all quite good. The
reporter presents their report by reading aloud with conviction. The reporters do this, they take the
stage pretend that they are professional like on TV shows. This gives them confidence. Reports allow us
to do research on a topic and present information on that subject in an ordered manner. Sometimes we,
students need to collect data and present all the results in reports. The topic of the report depends
largely upon on our intended audience. At the content of our own report we give our best effort to find
resources to the topic and we study it for us to know what our report is all about. The content of our
report is suited to the specific content area that our leader gives us individual reports. The things that
must be improved to our group are the following know our topic well, make a practice video and watch
ourselves to see how we sound, be creative, take a risk, having interactive presentation and has a
pleasing personality with our audience and also challenge ourselves in our comfort zone.

MINUS The reporters in our group must improve their confidence in facing our classmates, if the voice
of the reporters is shaky they need to pause for a while and they improve as well their critical thinking to
answer some questions that necessarily dont understand by their classmates. And in the content of our
report must neat and clean avoid redundant words that may apply. Double check the content of your
presentation. Avoid using some unfamiliar words for you to be easy to explain and if its hard try to
revise the sentence of the content for you to comply it very well. In reporters the things that they must
avoid is their eyes must focused to the audience and to his/her topic dont look around to the room it
may affect that your audience may not listening to you anymore.

INTERESTING Interesting things in our group report are the following: Hunger and malnutrition are
pervasive problems that affect millions of people in the world today, especially in developing countries.
The Zero Hunger Challenge is predicated on the common belief that with a concerted effort across
multiple sectors, we can end hunger in our lifetime. If done right, agriculture, forestry and fisheries can
provide nutritious food for all and generate decent incomes, while supporting people-centred rural
development and protecting the environment. Right now, our soils, freshwater, oceans, forests and
biodiversity are being rapidly degraded. Climate change is putting even more pressure on the resources
we depend on, increasing risks associated with disasters such as droughts and floods. Many rural
women and men can no longer make ends meet on their land, forcing them to migrate to cities in search
of opportunities. Asia is the continent with the hungriest people two thirds of the total. The percentage
in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly. It is time to
rethink how we grow, share and consume our food.

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