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Sheet N o 1

1) An instrument has an accuracy of 0.5% F S and measures resistance from
0 to 1500 . What is the resistance range in an indicated measurement of 397 .
Find the error in the measured value of resistance R.

2) A sensor has a transfer function of 5 mV / o C and an accuracy of 1%. If the

temperature is known to be 60 0 C, what can be said about the output voltage.

3) A temperature sensor has a transfer function of 44.5 mV / o C. The output

voltage is measured to be 8.86 volts. What is the expected value of the

4) For the same sensor in problem (2), if the output voltage was first amplified by
an amplifier of gain 15 0.25 and then measured by a meter of range 0 to 2 volt
and accuracy 1.5 % FS, find the worst case of accuracy in the measured value.

5) A temperature sensor has the following specifications:

resolution = 2 o C and sensitivity = 5 mV/ o C.
If the sensor is in contact with a gas at 100 o F, calculate the error in reading
if its temperature is changed to 102 o F.

6) A Bourdon tube with resolution 2 psi . If it reads 100 psi and the pressure supply
varies between 1 psi . Find the range of reading in Pascal (Pa).

7) An input of 100 volt is applied to a voltmeter with resolution 0.1 volt. Find the
reading if the input is increased or decreased in the range of 0.1 volt.
8) If the power is given by P =I R (watt), calculate the relative error in power
measurement for error in resistance R and current I.

9) Calculate the relative error in power P for error in voltage V and resistance
R where P =V 2 /R (watt).
Sheet N o 2

1) Water column of height 3.3 m produces a pressure of KPa but if it is mercury,

the pressure will be ..psi.

2) A mercury manometer reading at the top of a tower is 74.15 cm and at the bottom
is 76 cm . Calculate the height of the tower if the density of air between the top and
the bottom is 1.258 * 10 -3 g / cm3 .

3) A bellow has an effective area of 25 cm2 is subjected to pressure of 5 psi. Calculate

the force on the bellow surface.

4) A mercury manometer reading at the top of a tower is 94.5 KPa and at the bottom
is 76 cm Hg. Calculate the height of the tower if the density of air between top and
bottom is 1.258 * 10-3 g / cm3.

5) The barometric pressure is 91 KPa. Calculate the vapor pressure of the liquid and
the gauge reading, figure (1). The specific gravity of oil = 0.9.
Vapor only

1.2 m

203 mm


Figure (1)

6) U-tube filled with mercury shows a pressure difference proportional to 2 inches.

What will be the equivalent difference when the mercury is replaced by water?

7) Find the gauge reading in figure (2).

Vacuum Patm


Water 200 mm

Figure (2)
8) For the shown figure (3), y2
A1 y1
y1 = 5 mm,
P = 50 KN / m2,
D1 = 40 mm.
Find D2? Mercury

Figure (3)

9) Calculate the level of oil in the closed tank shown in figure (4). The specific
gravity of oil =0.85.

500 mm

Gauge Oil
P=180 KPa

Figure (4)

10) A tank holds sea - water with depth 100 cm. What is the absolute pressure at the
tanks bottom in N/m2, taking into account that the top of the tank is open to the
atmosphere ; the density of sea-water is 1.03 g / cm3 ; the atmospheric pressure is
1 bar and the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m / sec2. If the cross section area of
the tank is 1000 cm2, compute the total pressing force on the bottom of the tank.

11) If the barometric pressure is 758 mm Hg. Calculate the height h in figure (5).

241 mmHg

Vacuum pump h


Figure (5)
12) A mercury manometer has one arm as a tube of 4 cm diameter and the other tube
of 5 mm diameter inclined at 30 degree to the horizontal. Find the increase in
liquid level rise in the measuring tube.

13) Bourdon tube registers a vacuum pressure of 310 mm Hg at 1 atm. Calculate the
absolute pressure in psi.
Sheet N o 3

1) In an outer type ultra sonic level gauge, the T R

transmitter and receiver sensors are established

over a liquid tank such that their height from the
bottom of the tank is 2 meters. If the time taken by
h+ d
the signal from the transmitting instant to the
receiving instant is 2 x 10 sec. Find the liquid
level height in the tank, taking into consideration
that the speed of signal is 350 m / sec.

2) In a capacitance level gauge if the separation

distance between the two square electrodes is 5 cm.
Tank shell
The capacitance C when the tank is empty is
20 x 105 pF. Certain quantity of liquid is poured in
the tank and the capacitance is dropped by
10 x 105 pF. If the fluid dielectric constant is 0.1
and the air dielectric constant is 1. Find the height
of the fluid in the tank if the width of the
electrodes is w.

3) In the design of a capacitance level gauge the separation distance between the two
plates is d cm and the dimensions of the plates are w meters width and h meters
height. The capacitance when the tank is empty is C pF. When certain amount of
insulating powder was poured in the tank the capacitance is changed to be 2C pF.
If the dielectric constant of the powder is 3 times that of the air. Compute the ratio
of the height of the powder to the total height of the tank h.
Sheet N o 4
1) An Iron-Constantan thermocouple (TC) is used to measure temperature
between 0 C and 300 oC. It generates 5268 V. If the thermal emf is
12500 V relative to the reference junction at 20 o C. Estimate the measured
junction temperature.
2) For a certain thermistor its resistance at 32 o F is known to be 9 K. And at
212 o F is 2. Find its resistance at 77 o F.
3) A K type thermo-couple is assumed to have a linear operation range up to
1100 oC , with emf (0 oC reference) equal to 45.15 mV at this temperature. The
thermocouple is exposed to a temperature of 840 oC . The meter used as a cold
junction and its temperature is kept at 25 o C. Calculate the true thermal emf.
4) Find the length of a RTD made of Nickel wire, its diameter is 0.002 mm. Its
resistance is 100 at 0 o C. For Nickel the resistivity is about 8.7 x 10-8 /cm
at 0 oC, and the temperature coefficient = 0.0068 / oC. Determine also the
value of resistance at steam point R2 R3
5) In the bridge shown in figure, if the bridge is balanced.
R1 = 37.36 , R2 = R3 = 25 and R =25 .
R1 R
Find the temperature of the RTD.
Knowing that the thermal coefficient = 0.00392 / oC. 10V

6) A thermistor is placed in 212 o F environment, and its measured resistance is

20 K; the thermal constant is 3650. If the thermistor is used to measure a
particular temperature; and its resistance is measured as 500 K, determine
the thermistor temperature.
7) An RTD with thermal coefficient ( = 0.004 / oC), and its resistance at 20 o C
is 106 . If this RTD is used in the bridge circuit shown above with
R1 =R2 =R3=100 and supply voltage 10 volts. Calculate the resolution of the
detector to measure 1oC change in temperature.
8) A resistance temperature detector (RTD) arranged in a bridge with each arm
100 ohm and volt supply. If the temperature of the sensor changed such that
the meter indicates 0.569 volt, the material has temperature coefficient of
0.0039 o C-1. The resistance at 0 o C is 100 . Find the sensor temperature and
the power consumed in it.
Sheet N o 5

1) State the Bernoulli equation regarding the flow of an incompressible fluid.

2) Water flows in a 150 mm diameter pipeline in the form of Venturi tube. The
mean velocity at the entrance is 4.5 m/sec. The U tube shows a head drop of
5 cm. Calculate the diameter of the throat.

3) A liquid of density 900 kg /m3 flows in a horizontal pipe of radius 5 cm. In a

section of the tube of radius 3 cm, the liquid pressure is 15 KN/m2 less the
main pipe. Calculate the velocity of the liquid in the main pipe.
(take Cd = 0.9 ).

4) An orifice meter (Cd = 0.61) measuring the flow of air in a pipe is substituting
by a Venturi meter (Cd = 0.98) having the throat diameter same as that of the
Orifice . for the same flow rate find the ratio of pressure drops for Venturi
meter to Orific meter.

5) Water flows is controlled from 20 to 50 lit./min. The flow is measured using

Venturi tube of 10 cm inlet diameter, and 5 cm throat diameter. Bellows
connected to LVDT are used to measure flow such that its output is
1.8 volt / psi. Find the range of voltages that result from the flow rate.
(Let K=119.5 gal/min/psi 0.5)

6) A nozzle is fitted in a horizontal pipe of diameter 15 cm, carrying a gas of

density 1.15 kg / m3. The diameter ratio is 0.33, the differential pressure head
indicated by a U tube manometer containing oil of specific gravity 0.8 is
10 cm. Take the coefficient of discharge 0.8, determine the gas flow through
the tube.

7) A nozzle flow meter indicates a pressure drop of 20 cm of water when the

flow rate of air is 100 lit /min. What would be the flow rate when the pressure
drop is 40 cm of water?
Strain Gauges Sheet Sheet

1) A strain gauge having a gauge factor of 2 is mounted on a rectangular steel bar ( =

200 *106 KN/m2). The bar is 3 cm wide and 8 cm high, and is subjected to tensile
force of 30 KN. Determine the resistance change of the strain gauge if the
resistance of the gauge was 120 ohm.

2) Four strain gauges each of 350 ohm with gauge factor 2.03 are used in a bridge
(both active and dummy). A strain of 1450 m is applied to one arm. Find the
voltage offset if the supply was 10 Volt

3) Strain gauge in the form of a bridge with R1 = R2 = R3, each of 120 ohm, while the
fourth R4 = 121 ohm, the supply voltage is 10 Volt. Find the voltage offset.

4) A bridge circuit has four arms each is 120 ohm and 10 Volt supply. If a detector of
10 mV resolution is employed to detect the null. Find the resolution in resistance
change in any arm.

5) Four strain gauges each of 1000 ohm are connected as a bridge if a current in each
strain gauge is limited to 20 mA.
(i) Calculate the bridge supply.
(ii) If one of the gauges is subjected to stress, its resistance is increased by 500
ohm. Find the meter current if its resistance is 500 ohm.

6) A wire strain gauge has a gauge factor of 2, measure strain on a steel bar subjected
to tension force, its resistance is 120 ohm, the change in resistance after test was
0.012 ohm, given steel = 206 GPa. Calculate the stress on the steel bar.
Sheet N o 6
Viscosity Measurement
1- 0il of specific gravity 0.9 and viscosity 0.057 flows by a rate of
350 lit/mm through a tube of 75 mm dia. Calculate whether the flow is
laminar or turbulant.

2- An oil having kinematic viscosity of 21.4 is flowing through a pipe

of 300 mm dia. Determine the type of flow, if the discharge through
the pipe is 15 lit/sec.

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