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This text is for questions 1-4

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogjakarta, we stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which

is not far from Malioboro.

On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. Ther are three big temples, the
Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa
temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Friday morning, we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were
lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to
Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard and announcement that Borobudur
gate would be closed.

In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

1. The text above mainly discusses 3. The purpose of the text is to.
about. a. Tell past events
a. The writers trip to Jogjakarta b. Entertain readers
b. The writers first visit to Pambanan c. Describe the smugglers
c. The writers impression about the d. Report an event
guide e. Inform readers about events of the
d. The writers experience at Jogja day
e. The writers impression about 4. Where can we find an orientation?
Borobudur a. In the first sentence of paragraph 1
b. In the first sentence of paragraph 2
2. The text is written in the form of a/an c. In the first sentence of paragraph 3
. d. In the paragraph 4
a. Recount e. In the last sentence of paragraph 1
b. Narrative
c. Report
d. Anecdote
e. Spoof

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This text is for questions 5-9

Five days ago, I got a telephone call from my supervisor, Mr. Wahyudi. He congratulated me
on my success in increasing the sales target in August 2004. I have been working under his
supervision in the area of Pasuuan for three years. He invited me to come to his office. On the
phone he said that he needed to discuss the prospect of the company in the future. He planned to
expand his business to other towns in East Java.

Yesterday I was very happy because I could come to see Mr. Wahyudi. As I arrived at his
office, located at 12 Jalan Peneleh Masjid Surabaya, I was warmly greeted by him. He asked me
what drink I would like. I answered, I like tea. He asked the office boy to make it for me. He
showed me the table of the sales and he said, Its your duty to expand our business in the area of
Probolinggo. The I read the table of my owm sales which is much better than any other areas sales
except than of Surabaya. I smiled happily to see my successful work. I begin to have a lot of self-
confidance. I thought, as a young salesman I said to myself, Business is my world and it is really
true that my grandfather once said that I had a talent of selling things.

5. The text mainly discusses about. 8. The communicative purpose of this

a. A successful man text is.
b. A grateful supervisor a. To retell events for the pupose of in
c. The sales of magazines and tabloids forming
d. The new business b. To present perspective points about
e. The prospect of the company an issue
c. To describe the way they are
6. Paragraph 2 mainly discusses about. d. To acknowledge readers about
a. Mr. Wahyudis office informative events
b. How to expand the new business e. To share an amusing incident
c. How Mr. Wahyudi accepted his
employees arrival 9. To show the real words of the
d. A talent of selling things speakers, the writer uses.
e. The writers talent a. Passive voice
b. Direct speech
7. What type of text is used by the c. Reported speech
writer. d. Simple past tense
a. Narrative e. Simple present tense
b. Report
c. Anecdote
d. Recount
e. News item

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This text is for questions 10-14

The Frog Prince

Long ago there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. He loved her very much. Everyday
the Princess would sit by the old palace well and toss a golden ball high in the air and let it drop. She
loved to play this game.

One day she accidentally tosses her ball too high. When it came down she could not catch
it. It fell deep into the well. The Princess began to cry. Why are you crying? said a voice behind
her. The princess looks down. She saw a frog. Oh, please, frog, said the princess, I lost my ball
down the well. If you bring it back to me, I will do anything you want. Anything it all? asked the
frog. Yes, anything, said the princess.

So the frog dived into the well and gave the ball back to the Princess. I dont want money
or property, said a frog. Let me live with you and be favourite friend. The Princess did not really
want to let the frog came and live with her as her favourite friend but she was an honest princess.
When she made a promise she kept it. So the frog came back with her to the palace.

One day the princess discovered that the forg had turned into a handsome prince so they
got married and live happily ever after.

e. Explain to the readers why the

10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE princess married the frog
according to the text.
a. The Princess always kept her words 12. Everyday the Princess would sit by
b. The frog at last became the Princess the old palace well and toss a golden
soul mate ball high in the air and let it drop.
c. The Princess gotbacquaintance with (Paragraph 1)
the frog due to an accident The word toss means.
d. The frog had been the Princess a. Throw
beloved pet for a long time b. Catch
e. The king adored the Princess c. Play with
d. Hit
11. The communicative purpose of this e. Carry
text is to.
a. Entertain the readers with a fairy 13. What type of text is used by the
tale writer.
b. Describe how the frog took the ball a. Narrative
c. Persuade the readers to read the b. Report
story c. Explanation
d. Inform the readers about the d. Anecdote
Princess an the frogs marriage e. Review

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14. The organization of the text above is.
a. Abstract, orientation, crisis, incident, coda
b. Thesis, argument: point-elaboration, argument: point-elaboration, conclusion
c. Orientation, major complication, resolution, complication, resolution, complication, major
d. Description, background events, sources
e. Orientation, records of events

This text is for questions 15-19

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and
Uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want he Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she
ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having
breakfast. She ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw this little
cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went iniside and fell a sleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. The went iniside. There they
found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is
your name? Snow White said, My name is Snow White.

Doc said, if you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White said, Oh, could I? Thank you. Then
Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever

15. What type of text is used by the 16. The communicative purpose of this
writer. text is.
a. Narrative a. To inform readers about important
b. Report and newsworthy events
c. Anecdote b. To entertain readers with fairy tale
d. Comparative c. To share an account of an unusual
e. News items event
d. To persuade readers to
accepthis/her opinions
e. To donate or purpose something as
the case

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17. In which paragraph can we find complication.
a. The first
b. The second
c. The third
d. The fourth
e. The fifth

18. The last paragraph function as.

a. Coda
b. Conclusion
c. Thesis
d. Reorientation
e. Summation

19. The verbs in the text are mostly written in.

a. Present continuous tense
b. Simple present tense
c. Present perfect tense
d. Past perfect tense
e. Simple past tense

Read the text and answer question 20-23


Pay exact fare when boarding the bus. Drivers cannot make change.
Upon boarding the bus, move toward the rear of the bus. Stand in the passanger area, not in
doorways or beside the driver.
Allow senior citizens and disabled rider to use the priority seating area at the front of the bus.
No music withot earphones,
Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed on the bus.

20. What is the purpose of the text. e. To ask readers to obey traffic
a. To inform readers what are regulations
available on a bus 21. The text is in the type of.
b. To give a report about driving on a a. Procedure
bus b. Description
c. To describe the drivers activity c. Narration
d. To direct passengers about what to d. Recount
do and not to do on a bus e. News item

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22. To give instruction, the writer mostly wxpress it in.
a. Imperative sentence
b. Direct speech
c. Gerund
d. Declarative sentence
e. Interrogative sentence

23. How many directions does the text prescribe.

a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
e. 10

This text is for question 24-26

1) Find a safe, uncrowded spot on the beach. The water should be not too choppy so that will get a
clean ride.
2) Use a light, small, fiberglass, board with a leg rope and a wet suit if its cold.
3) If you are more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave.
4) The most important thing is to keep you balance or else you will end up falling off the board.
5) Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surfboard. When the wave is close, start
paddling furiously.
6) Dont go out too far if you havent surfed before.

24. The text mainly tells us about. 26. The word choppy in line 1 closely
a. Warning of the danger to surf means.
b. Tips to surf safely a. Uneven
c. Things to have prior to surfing b. Dirty
d. Instruction for a beginner surfer c. Fine
e. How to overcome surfing danger d. Smooth
e. Streamless
25. What type of text is used by the
a. Exposition
b. Report
c. Explanation
d. Recount
e. Procedure

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Read and text and answer question 27-30

How to Make a Cheese Omelet

Ingredients : 1 egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Utensils : Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate.
Method :

1) Crack an egg into a bowl

2) Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
3) Add milk and whisk well
4) Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5) Heat the oil in a frying pan
6) Pour the mixture in a frying pan
7) Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns
8) Cook both sides
9) Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper
10) Eat while warm

27. The purpose of this piece of writing 29. The generic structure of phrases in the
is. first two lines is.
a. To entertain the readers a. Orientation
b. To tell how to make a cheese b. Abstract
omelet c. Classification
c. To describe the cheese omelet d. Description
d. To inform what happened e. Materials needed
e. To retell what are needed in
making a cheese omelet 30. The genre of the text is.
a. Recount
28. The text is about. b. Report
a. How to make a cheese omelet c. Descriptive
b. What are needed in making a d. Procedure
cheese omelet e. Hortatory exposition
c. Suggerstion in making a cheese
d. A cheese omelet and ways to serve
e. 10 steps to make a cheese omelet

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1) A 11) A 21) A
2) A 12) A 22) A
3) A 13) A 23) A
4) A 14) C 24) B
5) A 15) A 25) E
6) C 16) B 26) A
7) D 17) C 27) B
8) A 18) D 28) A
9) E 19) E 29) E
10) D 20) A 30) D

Name : Suciati Tunggal Dewi

Kelas : X-5dsfsdfdfdfsdfsddf

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