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Synch r o n i c i t y

By C.A. Suleiman

Adventure Summary
his scenario tests not only the hunters
skills, but their compassion and wisdom,
as well. Just like jobs that feature demons This scenario revolves around what is intended
as the opponent, the villain of this story acts to be a pleasant visit with a fellow huntera feisty
through the hands of an innocentin this case, firebrand of a woman named Lilah Walker.
the husband of a fellow hunter. Hes just as much Lilahs husband Staff Sergeant Blake Walker
the victim here as any of the men he is responsible is recently returned from Iraq, where he served
for killing, perhaps even more so, since hes nearly three full tours of duty in the U.S. Army,
victimized twice over: first, by his experiences as and Lilah has invited the hunters to join her at her
a soldier in Iraq; and then again by an evil force mountain home for a weekend of beers, barbecue
thats using his broken spirit as a means to escape and bragging. When local hunters begin to go
its ancient bonds. Given the power level of the missing, however, the hunters are soon drawn into
entity in question, this job doesnt revolve around a mission of the distinctly supernatural variety.
combathunters who think theyre gonna solve Even if the hunters are not otherwise inclined to
the problem with violence alone are likely in for get involved, Lilah, an expert on local lore (both
quite a rude awakening. Rather, this scenario tests natural and supernatural), knows a suspicious
their ability to think not only creatively, but also disappearance when she sees one, and all but dares
compassionately. As such, the jobs suitable for her hunter friends to step up to the challenge,
hunters of any age or level of experience. thinking that a chance to hunt with them will be

y Hamdan
From: Lieutenant Colonel Anthon
To: Master Sergeant Brent Hoppe r
CC: Captain Matthew Hutcheson
Subject: Transfer Order (Walker_TO 4463
HDForm_DD214/5; TOForm_217
Attachments: HDForm_DD256;

Master Sergeant,
Form 256), DD Form 214/5,
e-co pies of the Honorable Discharge Certificate (DD
Atta che d, plea se find odward. As expected, the
ord er for Staf f Ser geant Blake A. Walker, Company Wo
and accomp any ing tran sfer who is being released
a diag nos is of pos t-traumatic stress for Sergeant Walker,
army physici an retu rne d wit h ker is to be placed on the
edia tely . As the transfer order indicates, Sergeant Wal
from his serv ice effe ctiv e imm n he lands in-country (at
of Iraq ; hel l finalize the rest of his de-com whe
next availabl e tran spo rt craf t out y from theater and resting
the unf ore seen ), but mak e no mis takethe top brass want Walker awa
Bragg, barring
e by weeks end.
comfortably at his West Virginia hom
for some timefor most
leve l, I kno w that youve served with Sergeant Walker
On a mo re per son al one to implement and
Im mis take nso its only fitting that you be the
of his two and -a-h alf tou rs, unl ess l surrounding the incident at
atev er you may have heard around the motor poo
expedite his mil itar y rele ase. Wh : First, the simple fact that he
you und erst and two things about Sergeant Walker
Abu Sayyad , it is imp erat ive that that dark day; and second,
an unt ena ble situation, deep in hostile territory, on
and the rest of his squ ad wer e in of a war event. As a career
gm ent whi le safely removed from the harsh realities
that its alw ays easy to sit in jud d. But as Walker s friend, you
to you r oath s of confidence; that much is expecte
soldier, I kno w that you ll kee p blood-spattered gears of the
ise hav e bee n tem pted to beli eve the worst, to fall head first into the
might otherw
rumor mill. Well, rest easy, soldier.
ker is a decorated war hero. All
far as the Un ited Stat es Arm y is concerned, Staff Sergeant Blake Wal each other.
As e to his wife. Im sure we understand
is for us to help get the man hom
that remains

Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Hamdan
United States Army

exciting Walkers condition. The theme revolves around the

and rewarding; even fun. Little does she know question of what it means to be both hunter and
that the thing she is so eager to hunt is, in fact, hunted, and regardless of how the specific events
squatting like a toxic toad inside her own husbands play out, the hunters should come out of the
mind. episode shaken, as though put through a grueling
You should, as with any adventure, read testif they come out alive at all.
through the entire thing before you sit down to
run it. Pay special attention to both the overall
pacing of the narrative and the slow reveal. Breakdown of the Acts
Although the episode introduces a powerful new The following short bullet points let you know
type of villain into the Supernatural cosmology, the how the scenarios three Acts line up.
primary focus of the story itself is not on who
dunnit, but rather on the tragedy that is Blake

78 Synchronicity
Act I: The Human Abstract The hunters are assumed was an ancient and remote mosque
the guests of a hunter and her husband, a returned though the place bore none of the usual hallmarks
Iraq War vet. As a party is held in their honor, word of Islamic architecture. The buildings remoteness
of strange disappearances reaches them. and unfamiliarity demanded that it be called in,
Act II: Auguries of Innocence The hunters and when Walker did so, he was ordered to gain
investigate the disappearances, and find out that entrance to the structure and ascertain its purpose
theyre still going on. The evidence starts to lead to and overall threat level. When he tried to execute
their hunter friends husband. the order peacefully, a robed doorman informed
Act III: The Divine Image The hunters track him that he was trespassing on holy ground.
down the Iraqi vet, armed with an ancient ritual Operational regs forbid soldiers from forcefully
and hopefully a lot of luck. Nothing could go that intruding on places of worship, but when Walker
smoothly, however . . . sent pictures of the place back to command, he
was told that it was no temple of any kind and
so it didnt benefit from the protection afforded
Heres the Story by those regulations. He was told to order an
War is hell. Everyone knows the expression, immediate evac of the buildingby force, if
knows that it tells a deep and abiding truth. But necessaryand that once all those inside had been
few truly know it, in the way that those who moved outside, to move on with his mission.
experience the horror of war first-handthe The hours that followed were the darkest. In
soldiers and casualties of warknow it. And none his statement, Walker describes the inhabitants
have gazed into the hell of war in quite the same as a group of men composed of what he calls
way as Staff Sergeant Blake Walker. equal parts Iraqis and non-Iraqis. He tells of
Born and raised in a sleepy West Virginia town, how these men, despite being peacefully inclined
Blake Walker never had any plans to enter military and insanely outgunned, gave a fierce, almost
service; indeed, he had just entered his sophomore desperate resistance to the intrusion of Walker and
year at Mountain State College when, on one his squad that day. When the dust settled, Walker
fateful morning in September of 2001, a handful of had indeed gained entry, as ordered but at a truly
religious extremists turned his world upside down. terrible cost.
Walker dropped out of school the next day, signed Staff Sergeant Blake Walker was never the
his Army enlistment papers the following morning, same after the incident at what came to be known
and was on his way to boot camp by the end of the as Abu Sayyad (the name Walker found written on
week. He was 19 years old. the walls inside the desert temple). Many lost their
Over the next seven years, the Army deployed lives that day, including most of Walkers own men,
Walker to every major hotspot in the Bush who were overwhelmed by the violent zealotry
administrations ill-fated war on terror; first to of the temple priests. And Blake Walker, one of
Afghanistan, where his squad specialized in hostile only two survivors, felt each loss more deeply than
terrain operations, and finally to Iraq, where Walker the last. Although his physical recuperation went
believed he and his men could do the most good. surprisingly fast, his mental health was a concern
Even after Saddam Hussein was apprehended from the day of his admittance to the U.S. Army
(and later hanged to death on-camera), Walker felt hospital. He was crushed by survivors guilt, and
duty-bound to stay in Iraq, despite the service hed hospital records recount how he was forced to
already given his country. The war was taking its relive the incident over and over in nightmares that
toll on him by then, of courseall that talk about robbed him of sleep and threatened to stretch his
the reason for the war being a lie being thrown sanity beyond the breaking point.
around back homebut he was a soldier now, The army tried to assist Walkers recovery
and if he didnt stick around to do the job, the by lionizing him in ceremony, awarding him a
Army would just call up some poor reservist to Distinguished Service Medal for his uncommon
fill his spot, some kid even more likely to die than valor at Abu Sayyad, but this only seemed to make
himself. So that was that. things worse. When his body had healed fully,
Several months into his third tour, Walker Walker was transferred first to a mental ward and
found himself and his squad assigned to an later to a private barracks inside the Green Zone
unmapped location in the middle of the desert, in Baghdadbut to no avail. As a weapon of war,
about twenty five miles south-east of the mining Blake Walker was now all but useless. Soon after,
village of Akashat. There, Walker and his men word came down that after his years of faithful
came upon a strange, dusty structure that they

Synchronicity 79
service, Sergeant Blake Walker was to be honorably The Setup
discharged from the U.S. Army and returned to his The scenario can take place most any time
wife and home in West Virginia. of year, but late summer/early autumn works the
What none of the doctors, officers, best. The hunters arrive by car along State Route
psychologistsor indeed, even the patient 219, passing through miles of classic West Virginia
himselfknows is that Blake Walker was afflicted woodlands on their way in. Milton is a sleepy little
with something far worse than post-traumatic mountain town, long on charm and short on frills
stress disorder on that fateful day in the desert. (or even amenities). Once a thriving mining town,
He saw the face of evil in that ancient place, and the community slowed to a crawl after the coal
the face of evil gazed also into him. (See The mine went through a bitter labor/union dispute,
Adversary sidebar on page 88 for more.) And now only to dry up entirely not long thereafter, anyway.
that poor Blake Walker has finally come home, his Today, the town gets by, but just barely. West
nightmare is just beginning. Virginia has the second weakest economy in the
union to begin with (after Mississippi), and the
global financial crisis certainly didnt help matters
Act I: The Human any. Modern Milton survives mostly on the efforts
Abstract of its sawmill and other wood-based factories,
along with the niche tourism offered by the
The first Act sees the hunters arriving in surrounding scenery and the areas lone, flat body
Milton, West Virginia, as the houseguests of of water, Pinnacle Lake. At the height of its mining
a fellow hunter named Lilah Walker. Shes a days, Milton boasted a population of almost 15,000
stationary sort, having staked out the Milton people; today, just a couple thousand souls remain
area (and its surrounding woodlands) as her turf, to call the town their home.
so shes always excited to host other hunters, The Walkers live in a modest but beautifully
whether theyre just passing through or, as in this situated house at the apex of a rugged escarpment.
case, arriving by way of specific invitation. After Two stories of wood and stone look out over a
spending a little time catching up, Lilah informs wooded basin that sits shrouded in a low, white
the hunters of the party shes hosting that evening mist nearly year-round. The main floor is the top
in their honor (i.e., the party excuse du jour) floor, and it houses the carport, foyer, living room
and then drags them off into town to get supplies, (with fireplace), kitchen (with breakfast nook and
where they hear tell of a famed local hunter having pantry), half bath, master bedroom, and a wooden
gone missing. Things round out with the party deck that runs the length of the house, providing a
itself. breathtaking view of the valley below. The bottom
floor is always dimly lit, and it contains a den, a
small storage area, two guest bedrooms and a full
Scene 1: Milton bath.
The story opens with the hunters arriving To the hunters surprise, the road leading to
in Milton, a small town amid the green hills their hosts home is fully paved and clearly well
of Pocahontas County, about thirty miles from maintained. Only when the hunters pull off the
Richwood, where their fellow hunter and friend main road and onto the Walkers driveway do
Lilah lives. Here, they reconnect with their friend things get rough, but even then, Lilah makes
and meet her husband Blake (and her bloodhound sure to re-gravel the dirt road with every change
Pandora) for the first time. Hunters whore of season (and has just tended to it recently, in
originally from more rural areas should appreciate preparation for the return of her husband). When
Miltons rustic surrounds, especially once they get the hunters arrive, Lilah appears at the front door
to the Walker house, and the scene serves to put with a cigarette in one hand and a phone in the
the hunters at ease, as though their hosts house is a other; she pops the cigarette into her mouth, makes
safe havenseparate and secure from the troubles the universal sign for someone yapping away on
surely yet to come. the other end of the line, and motions for her
The primary function of this scene is to friends to come on in. Its a beautiful Saturday in
introduce the Walkers and their dog, Pandora, but the neighborhood, and Lilah has a screen door to
also to both establish the dynamics of the couples the deck, which causes a refreshing breeze to move
relationship and to lure the hunters into a false through the house.
sense of security with regards to Blake Walker.

80 Synchronicity
The Problems throughout the scene, realizing that she reacts
Theres no conflict here, but theres strangely to Blakes presence is HARD. If, for some
opportunity for the hunters to connect with Lilah reason, a hunter pretty much just sits and watches
and, more importantly, to meet Blake and Pandora. the dogs behavior, whether relative to Blake
or otherwise, the task is of merely AVERAGE
difficulty. (Game stats for Blake Walker show up
Catching Up with Lilah on page 93, at the end of Act III: The Divine
Getting Lilah to open up is easier than easy, as Image.)
shes been looking forward to her friends arrival
for some time now. She offers the hunters a beer Lilah Walker
(or some coffee, if the hunters arrived before early Description Lilah is an attractive dirty-blonde in
afternoon) and launch into an animated discussion her late twenties, who looks like she probably
of the big party shes throwing that night. She tells would have fit in just fine as a background
of how shes been on the phone with her friends actor on The Dukes of Hazzard. She has bright
several of whom are attractive and willing, she says eyes, a healthy color, and an athletic build
with a winkall morning/afternoon, and that shes that often draws more than looks from the
more than ready to cut loose. When the hunters less gentlemanly residents of Milton and its
first arrive, Blake is in the bedroom lying down (if surrounds. Although she works a day-job as a
asked, she says he complained of a headache) but liason to the West Virginia Park Service, she is
emerges not long thereafter, roused by the sounds 100% pure troublemaker at heart, though her
of guests in his home. For observant hunters, its capacity for kindnessespecially with regard
EASY to note that hes wearing mismatched socks to animalsis nearly limitless. She knows the
on his feet. area in and around Milton better than most, and
has on more than one occasion led search and
rescue parties deep into those wooded hills.
A Spy In The House Of Love Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d8
Although the hunters dont know it yet, the Init d6 + d6; LP 14
subject of their soon-to-be hunt is sitting in the Traits Allure d2, Contacts d2, Good-Natured d4,
same house with them when they arrive. And Rebellious d4, Tough d4
while Blake Walker doesnt fully grasp the nature Skills Alertness d4, Animals d6, Covert d4, Drive
of what hes become (or, more accurately, whats d2, Guns d6, Influence d2, Lore d6/West
riding around inside him, and pulling his strings Virginia d8, Mechanic d2, Melee Weapons
once the sun goes down), that doesnt mean that d6, Perception d4, Survival d6/First Aid d8,
hes not taking in every bit of useful information Unarmed Combat d2
his supernatural guest might want. During this Gear Cell phone (w/ GPS), cigarette lighter, dog
scene, Blake takes subconscious stock of each of leash, first aid kit, hunting knife (d4 W), pick-up
the hunters in turn, paying special attention to any truck, pistol (d6 W)
particular strengths or weaknesses. He isnt bold
(or even capable) enough to dig for any specific Lilah was drawn violently into the world of
piece or even type of information, but his sharp the supernatural at the tender age of 11, while on
eyes, ears and nose are more than sufficient for a game-tracking trip into the mountains with her
the task. Noticing that Blake is scrutinizing the father, Gerald McCandless. Late one night, her
hunters in this way is an IMPOSSIBLE task, since father heard what he thought was the approach
even Blake himself isnt consciously aware that hes of a bear, and he made Lilah hide in the tent with
doing it. the screen zipped up. Through the thin wall of
the tent, she saw her fathers silhouette snatched
bodily into the air and pulled screaming into the
The Nose Knows forest. Her father got off a single shot with his rifle,
Only one soul in Milton is onto Blake but other than a few spatters of blood she found
Walker, and that soul belongs to Pandora no trace of either him or his assailant. Eight years
Lilahs pet bloodhound. While noticing that later, a full-fledged hunter in her own right, Lilah
something supernatural is going on with Blake is was tracking those same woods with her then-
IMPOSSIBLE at this point in the story, noticing boyfriend, Maynard, a budding hunter with whom
that something is amiss with Pandora is not. she had taken up some months before. The two
Unless somebodys actively scrutinizing the dog hunters came upon tracks that led them to the den

Synchronicity 81
of a terrible creature, one that feasted on the flesh first encountered Pandora, an intractably curious
of men by night and slumbered during the day. bloodhound pup who was being groomed to track
The inexperience of the duo led to the death of her fugitives and missing persons for the state. Her
boyfriend at the monsters hands, but Maynards skill training was coming along fine, but due to her
sacrifice gave Lilah the time she needed to put the fiercely independent spirit, Pandora had so much
thing down. Amongst the detritus in the back of its trouble with the obedience training that she was
nest she found a set of U.S. Army dog tags, bearing eventually dropped from the program on account
the legend McCandless, Gerald J. and stained red of it. Having already seen the dogs enthusiastic
with her fathers blood. talent, and never being one to let a little attitude
When Lilah met Blake, she knew shed found get in the way, Lilah happily took Pandora in as her
the man with whom she could spend the rest of own.
her life. Cast in her fathers honorable image, Blake That was almost four years ago. The two
was a warrior through and through, even before havent looked back since, and are nearly
he joined the military. Being away from him for as inseparable today. From the day Blake Walker
much as a year at a stretch was difficult, but Lilah returned to Milton, however, Pandora has been in
believed, as her husband did, that there was no a state of constant unease. Lilah just assumes this is
greater service one could provide for ones country the dogs natural reaction to a strange man moving
than to serve as a veteran of a foreign war. When in and essentially taking over her role as Lilahs
the stories about the Iraq wars legitimacy came favorite, and even Pandora herselfin that way
out, she was even more devastated than Blake and of dog comprehensiondoesnt fully understand
immediately began to campaign for his return. why shes reacting to Lilahs mate the way she is.
And now that hes back, she believes shell have All that Pandora knows is that every wrinkle on her
the ever after to which she feels that she is entitled. face tells her that somethings wrong with Blake.
And while she certainly has earned it, her hopes are
once more in danger of being dashed against the
rocks of the supernatural. The Results
The hunters should leave this scene feeling
Pandora, the Bloodhound comfortable around the Walkers and their adorable
Description Pandoras a bloodhound. Shes big, dog, Pandora. Lilah is eager to catch up with her
red, and weighs about one hundred pounds. friends, but is even more eager to get to the store
Being a bloodhound, Pandora is much more to pick up supplies for both the evenings festivities
lover (of scents and trouble in particular) than and the remainder of the weekend, thus setting up
she is fighter, and as such, probably wont be Scene 2.
directly involved in any combat that occurs. The
exception to this is in the event that anyone or
anything attacks Lilah, in which case Pandora The Rewards
will launch herself at the assailant and defend This is a good scene to hand out Plot Points
Lilah with her last breath. If Pandora does enter for engaging in interaction fueled by Assets and,
combat, she attacks with her bite (d4 B), and if especially, Complications. Its a little light on the
it results in an extraordinary success, it indicates reveal, but there will be a lot of opportunity soon
that she has grappled the target. for more.
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d4 Wil d6
Init d6 + d6; LP 12
Traits Devoted (master) d6, Lucky d4, Sharp Scene 2: On Anothers
Sense (hearing) d4, Sharp Sense (smell) d6
Skills Athletics d6/Running d8, Influence d4,
Perception d6/Smell d12, Unarmed Combat d6/ This scene revolves around a supply run to the
Biting d8 local superstore in town. Lilah hasnt left the house
Gear Literal dog tags, subcutaneous tracking chip, all day up to this point, so shes eager and rarin to
morose but adorable countenance go. Headachey Blake stays behind, of course, but
Lilah insists that everyone else posse up, including
In her day-job as liaison to the West Virginia Pandora, who loves to tag along with Lilah on her
Park Service, Lilah Walker has occasion to various trips around town (and who will essentially
encounter a great many different types of refuse to be left alone with Blake, regardless).
animals. And it was in this capacity that Lilah While at the superstore, the hunters are introduced

82 Synchronicity
to the episodes three primary supporting stun guns. They can also find and purchase most
charactersa trio of noisome local hunters anything listed in the General Gear section
who, in their noisome way, clue the real hunters of the Supernatural RPG (with the exception of
in on the possibility of a supernatural threat being computers and EMF meters and the like), as well
present in Milton. as any firearm in the bookprovided it doesnt
have Antique as part of its name and is not a
submachine gun. Judging by the selection offered
The Setup here, the people of Milton take their hunting,
Lilah allows her guests to finish up whatever fishing and football very seriously.
beverage she offered them, but is quick to hustle
everyone back out to the carport, where her truck
awaits. She gives a little hup! and Pandora jumps Meeting the Other Hunters
up into the back of the truck, and once everyone Standing by a long glass case filled with fishing
else is safely inside (or distributed between two lures and pocketknives are Brent McCutcheon,
cars, if the hunters number more than five), Lilah Caleb Parker, and Stu Tygart, three of Miltons
takes off. Lilahs musical tastes cover pretty much most active big game hunters. They are presently
the entire music library of your average classic embroiled in a discussion (of the classically
rock station. Both driver and dog are in almost midwestern, faux heated variety) with Big T.R.,
stubbornly good spirits, and it cant help but rub a large friend of theirs who works as a clerk in the
off on the hunters. sporting goods store. They arent trying to keep
The errands destination is Miltons one and the conversation private, by any means, and its an
only Bullseye, part of a chain of superstores that EASY prospect to eavesdrop on every word. Those
took off across America as the global economic who listen in learn that the trios fellow friend and
crisis worsened. Taking up almost 200,000 square sportsman, to whom they refer as Jasper, went
feet of retail space and situated on a lot that missing recently, and that the three are not only
exceeds sixteen full acres, the superstore is a tall worried about the man but also concerned over the
and boxy affair with off-white exteriors and a red, nature of his disappearance.
slatted roof. The parking, like many of the outlets Getting the game hunters to open up about
patrons, is plentiful. Inside, the building is divided their friend is potentially EASY, but it depends on
into four broad sections: the department store, the the circumstances. The following sections expand
grocery, the coffee shop and the sporting goods on this.
store. After the department store, the sporting
goods store occupies the largest portion of the retail
space, and it is here that the hunters encounter the Youre Not From Around Here
supporting characters. While the sportsmen are hardly looking for
privacy, only Brent is actually interested in getting
the opinion of strangers on the matter. Of the
The Problems other two, Stu is mostly just quiet, but Caleb
The following points of action (or revelation) seems to have a hefty distrust of the hunters from
take place in the sporting goods section. the get-go. Unless some attempt is made to cater to
his ego specificallybefore trying to get any further
information from the groupCalebs resistance
Good for Sportsmen will complicate any subsequent interaction, raising
One or more of the hunters might be inclined the difficulty of any relevant social rolls by one
to check out the sporting goods storelocated step. Caleb gives the hunters such an opportunity,
at the back of the massive spaceon their own. but it sure wont sound like one; only a socially
If none do, Lilah goes there herself at the end mature hunter with an understanding of Calebs
of her visit. (Its part of her routine to swing primate politics sees the situation for what it is.
through the sporting goods section whenever she
comes in, regardless of what brought her to the
store.) Hunters accustomed to more populated Theys with Lilah!
areas are undoubtedly surprised by just how Theres no love lost between Lilah and the
much the section has to offer: Here, they can three sportsmen, especially Caleb Parker. In her job
find and purchase all manner of axes, baseball as liaison with the West Virginia Park Service, shes
bats, chainsaws, hatchets, knives and contact kept abreast of all the most egregious violations of

Synchronicity 83
local hunting ordinances, and it is in this capacity and successful (and commensurately immodest)
that she has the occasional run-in with the four. packs of hunters.
Most recently, an incredibly rare mountain lion Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d4 Wil d4
was spotted in the woods around Milton, but Init d6 + d6; LP 10
disappeared just as suddenly; suspecting foul Traits Crude d6, Focused Hunter (deer) d4, Lazy
play, Lilah went to the area reported as the lions d4
territory and there discovered evidence of a fresh Skills Animals d4, Athletics d4, Craft d4,
kill. Mountain lions are endangered, and therefore Discipline d2, Drive d2, Guns d4, Knowledge
always on the closed season rolls in West d2, Melee Weapons d2, Perception d4, Ranged
Virginia, but Lilah suspects Caleb Parker (with or Weapons d4
without his pack) of shooting the animal anyway, Gear Camouflage outfit w/ matching Jones cap,
for trophy. can of chaw, cell phone, hunting rifle (d8 W),
If Lilah is with the hunters when they begin pocket knife (d2 W)
dialogue with the three, the difficulty of getting the
pack to open up rises to AVERAGE. This penalty The recent disappearance of Jasper has
stacks with the one above, thus making the initial thrown the pack into genuine disarray. Not only
roll of getting the men to open up a HARD task, is he the pack alpha, hes also the oldest, best,
should the hunters fail to assuage Calebs ego, as and brightest of the bunch, and their chances
noted above. of meeting (or exceeding) their bag limits this
hunting season drop accordingly in his absence.
Jasper is also Brents cousin, and where family ties
The Good Seed are involved Milton men tend to get a little hot
The closest thing to a voice of reason that the under the collar. While Calebs interest in locating
trio has is Brent McCutcheon. The missing hunter Jasper lies mostly in keeping his hunting numbers
is his kin, and Brent is more interested in seeing (and local status) up, Brent and Stu both have
him found than in stroking Calebs ego, though genuine concern for the man, though Stu is more
hes afraid to challenge Calebs bravado directly. of the old school type who rarely shows emotion,
If the hunters make an attempt to at least seem especially around strangers.
genuinely concerned, then the roll to get Brent
(specifically) to open up is reduced by one step.
If the hunters succeed at the roll for him but not The Results
for his friends, he still opens up to them, but waits Assuming the hunters can get one or more
until the other two hunters leave (and they do, of the trio to talk about the missing friend, they
immediately) before doing so. learn that Jasper Largent is not only one of the
most well known and respected big game hunters
for many miles, but also the mentor figure of the
The Three Hunters (Brent, Caleb & Stu) pack. According to the men, Jasper left on what
Description Even if hunting wasnt as big as it they describe as an impromptu solo hunt in the
is in West Virginia, there really isnt a whole heavily wooded vale north of town. He left the
lot else for a blue-collar good ol boy to do in others a message saying simply that hed caught
and around Milton besides hunt. As such, the a scent, and was gone. He hasnt been seen since
number of hunters in Milton is pretty high and and calls to his cell phone are left unanswered and
wherever there are sufficient numbers of blue- unreturned. This was two days ago. If asked how
collar good ol boys, they find a way to tribalize. normal this sort of thing is for Jasper, all three
Such is the case with Brent McCutcheon, Caleb men reply the same way: Totally out of character.
Parker and Stu Tygart, who have been hunting Theres more that the three men could tell the
together since they were all teenagers. Of the hunters (especially Caleb), but for now, thats all
three, Stu is the oldest (by four years) and Brent theyre willing to say. The hunters are, after all,
is the youngest. Caleb is the most hotheaded of outsiders.
the groupin addition to the stats listed below, Lilah spends the ride back to her house
he also has Anger Issues d4and is known for bitching and moaning about Caleb to anyone who
holding state hunting regulations in extremely listens. Shes convinced that hes not only guilty of
low regard. Together with Jasper Largent, the the infamous mountain lion killing, but that hes
four men comprise one of Miltons most avid simply a bad seed overall. She tells the hunters how
the presence of Jasper Largent in the kids life is

84 Synchronicity
essentially the only thing keeping him on anything any offers to help from the hunters, but once actual
even resembling the straight and narrow. She guests arrive, she grudgingly accepts a few extra
closes by sniping something about looking forward hands, just so shes good and done by the time the
to searching Calebs house for evidence of the second wave arrives, which is about thirty minutes
mountain lion when he finally does get caught for later. This second wave includes a few more
something else, which he almost certainly will, attractive younger people of both sexes, as well as
she quips. one or two attractive individuals of the previous
As of this moment, there really isnt enough generation (and, of course, one or two not-so
data to suggest a supernatural source for the attractive folks).
disappearance of Jasper Largent, and this is The food and alcohol are plentiful and tasty, if
intentional. The scene should feel to the players not too healthy, and the party kicks into high gear
more like an introduction to the sportsmen, and to at around nine pm. All told, about forty people
Calebs villainy in the eyes of Lilah Walker, than the show up over the course of the evening, though
timely but obligatory revelation of the supernatural not all of them stay until the wee hours. The
in the story. For Lilahs part, she files the issue away house probably wouldnt have the room to host so
and gets back to the business at hand, which is of many, but for the deck, which is wide, sturdy and
course getting down fo boogie. extremely pleasant.

The Rewards The Problems

Award the players two Plot Points for getting The vast majority of the action takes place
the game hunters away from Lilah long enough to in the kitchen, living room and out on the deck,
learn about Largent. Again, theres a lot of space which are all three connected.
here to flex some Traits and thus earn points for it.

So, Whats Your Story?

Scene 3: Why Was Cupid a At some point, one of the hunters is going
Boy? to want to talk to Blake face to face, especially if
the hunters have already heard the basics of his
This scene begins later that evening, and story from Lilah. Blake is present, but not very
revolves around the party Lilah Walker is throwing sociable. He looks tired and a little bleary-eyed,
at her house. She says its in honor of the visiting as though hes already half a dozen drinks into
hunters but when it comes down to it, Lilahs got a buzz, even though hes not drinking that fast.
an any port in a storm attitude to partying. The Hes not in a bad mood, however, so getting him
party gives the hunters an opportunity to mingle to open up about his experiences in the military
with the towns younger and sexier demographic, is relatively EASY. If convinced to get chatty, he
which in turn creates opportunities for both story relates the basics of his time in the army (always
and character development. The scene should have careful to begin at the start, which is 9/11), and
a more narrative and free-flowing feel, in terms even mentions the incident at Abu Sayyad, as it is
of pace and tone, and while you shouldnt draw the undeniable culmination of the tale, but under
it out unnecessarily, it should last long enough to no circumstances does he discuss any details about
make the hunters (and their players) feel as though what he saw inside the temple that day, nor will
theyve been part of an event that lasted long into he admit that he was discharged from service on
the West Virginia night. medical order. All hes told Lilah is that, due to
being injured in combat, he was allowed to go.

The Setup
Unlike parties in more urbanized locales, Local Lore
Milton-style get-togethers (or at least those hosted Now that Lilah is relaxed (and socially
by Lilah and her friends) start early and run late, lubricated), one of the hunters might want to pick
as a rule. The first wave of guests, which includes her brain a bit on the local lore, especially with
attractive younger people of both sexes, arrives regards to the woods surrounding Milton. As this
around seven pm, and these first arrivals help Lilah is her specialty, shes more than happy to dish on
finish up the rest of her preparations. Lilahs a do all the local weirdness, but wont do it while any
everything yourself sort at heart, so she refuses ordinary folk are within earshot. If a hunter can

Synchronicity 85
get her alone, or is willing to let the conversation am, and by the time she does, shes drunk as a
be interrupted for periods of time, he can learn skunk and all talked out (for a change). What none
that Milton proper is mostly free of supernatural of the partygoers knows, not even Blake himself,
influence, but that things have been known to is that Blake Walker isnt done partying for the
haunt the woods from time to time (including the night not quite yet. Later on, he rises from his
monster that took her father from her when she bed and sneaks, as if in a trance, out a window in
was a kid). If asked, she says that things have been the dead of night. Unfortunately for Caleb Parker,
mercifully quiet up there of late. the hunts on.

Tell Me About Jasper The Rewards

Even though Lilah has disregarded all thoughts In addition to social success, which should
of Jasper Largent for the time being, its likely garner some Plot Points, you should definitely add
that his disappearance has piqued one or more two or three to the pile for getting the scoop on
hunters interest. Asking around after him sends Largents place or learning more about Blake.
the questioner to Shirley, a playful blonde who falls
squarely in the older-but-still-hot category of
partygoer. In contrast to Blake, Shirley got an early Act II: Auguries of
start to her drinking this particular evening and is
two sheets blowing by the time shes approached. If Innocence
the hunters even remotely attractive, Shirley flirts As is typical for Supernatural stories, the second
a little; if the hunter also has the Allure, Amorous Act involves much research and investigation.
or Formidable Presence Assets (at any level), It kicks off with the hunters hearing of the
Shirley flirts like its her job. A patient hunter disappearance of Caleb Parker, one of the game
eventually learns that Jasper is a widower, having hunters they met the day before. Not long
lost his wife to an unknown illness some years thereafter, they discover the remains of Jasper
back, and who now lives alone in a red cabin on Largent, the first local hunter to go missing, with
the shores of Pinnacle Lake. Shirley describes him evidence at the scene pointing to something
fondly, and its EASY to tell that she knew the man supernatural as the culprit. By the end of the act,
intimately at one point.

The Results
The party is an opportunity for the hunters
to chat with the locals, and depending on the
hunters personalities, to get even more intimate
with one or more of them. Should things go down
st absence too
like that, the hunters do, of course, have their Players who find the late tempted to get
t be
own bedrooms to which they can retire, though suspicious to ignore migh on Calebs cell phone,
Lilah to ac tiv at e a tra ce
the lucky ones might have roommate wrinkles track him. Even if
to smooth over in the morning, depending on thereby allowing them toch a thing (and she
how many hunters there are. The partys also an Lilah was eager to do su are two problems with
opportunity for players to develop their hunters sure as hell is not), there during this act: First,
personal stories in other ways, such as by trying to such an event occurring legally be declared
a resident of Milton cant ve passed; and second,
renew the bonds forged between their hunters and
missing until 24 hours ha court order from a
Lilah. If pressed to discuss hunting matters, Lilah, a cell trace requires a nday, theres just no
who should be good and drunk by then, revisits judge, and as its now Su nespecially not for a
the story of her fathers death. Doing so once every way thats going to happearacters determined
few years, provided she does it with fellow hunters jerk like Caleb Parker. Chpolice assistance will
around, is in fact incredibly therapeutic for her. (or foolish) enough to use xt morning, at the
For his part, Blake is definitely the resident have to wait until the ne
wallflower of the evenings festivities. Along about earliest.
ten pm, he complains of having a headache to
whoevers around and regretfully retires to bed for
the night. Lilah wont stumble in until after three

86 Synchronicity
the hunters will have unearthed the true nature of accord, Brent waits until Lilah and the hunter(s)
the Milton monster, as well as the means by which have finished their meal and then approaches the
they can free poor Blake of its evil. table humbly. Hat in hand, he turns to Lilah and
The pace of the act is slightly different from begins, I know you dont like Caleb Parker much,
the others in that the events of the first two scenes and there are times when I sure dont either, but
can take place in almost any order, depending on now hes missing, too.
what the hunters decide to do first. Either way, the If the hunters dont go with Lilah to breakfast,
third scene is certain to close out the act. you can also setup the Problems in this scene
indirectly by having Lilah call them from the diner
and fill them in.
Scene 1: Broken Love
This scene picks up the hunters story on the
morning following the party. As Lilahs guests, the The Problems
hunters are free to do as they like, of course, and The action in this scene comes about as a
at each decision moment throughout the day, you follow-up to Brents revelation at the Waffle Hus.
should make sure to give the players a sense of free
will when determining their next course of action,
and might even have to run a split scene, should What Does Brent Know?
the hunters opt to split up. Either way, Lilah tries Either by talking to him directly or by getting
to get all the hunters to go with her to get brunch the scoop from Lilah, the hunters are going to learn
at her favorite local restaurant, and one way or the following.
another, the hunters learn of the disappearance of Although Brent is no huge fan of Caleb,
Caleb Parker. when it comes down to it, hes just terrified;
not only of losing his pack, which includes his
cousin and mentor, Jasper, but also of being the
The Setup next to disappear. Hes not stupid, and gets help
The hunters rise late on Sunday, the morning where and how he can at this point. Brent relates
after the party. Chances are good that one or more how, following his run-in with the hunters at the
of them is at least marginally hung over, but you superstore, Caleb was eager to get up into the area
shouldnt impose any combat penalties against a of woods where Jasper disappeared. Brent pleaded
hunter on that account alone. Being hung over with Caleb to wait until the morning, when all
just provides that much more of an interesting three men could gear up and go into the woods
context for that hunters day. Despite her own together, and he says that Caleb agreed. Caleb
level of consumption the night before, Lilah wakes hasnt answered or returned a call all morning,
relatively early and just as relatively bright-eyed. however, and when Brent finally went to his home,
She starts by brewing a fresh pot of coffee in the both Caleb and his Jeep were gone.
kitchen, and if that doesnt rouse the others by
the time she finishes reading her newspaper, she
breaks out the stereo and starts playing Jethro Tull What about Jaspers place?
and Zeppelin in the living room, which invariably After the amorous exchange with Shirley the
solves the problem for all but the deepest and/or night before, one or more of the hunters might
most hung over of sleepers. (Only Blake, who is want to break into Jasper Largents place on the
pretending to be dead to the world, is exempt.) lake today, now that they know that he lives alone.
Once everyone but Blake is up and about, Theyre free to do this, either before the brunch
Lilah informs them in her matter-of-fact manner or concurrent with it, in the event that the group
that shes taking them to her favorite place for splits up.
breakfast foods, a quaint and popular restaurant Those who go arrive to find a rustic little log
in town called Neds Waffle Hus. She does this cabin nestled against the shores of Pinnacle Lake.
even if the hunters made plans for the day the Being a sportsman who lives alone in a remote
night before, and pouts something fierce if they location, the security is pretty good, even for a log
ultimately refuse to go to brunch with her. If one cabin; its a task of AVERAGE difficulty finding
or more of the hunters goes with, they arrive to a way inside that doesnt involve doing serious
find Brent McCutcheon sitting alone in a back damage to the property. Once inside, the hunters
booth, looking simultaneously worried and glum. find a lonesome widowers abode, decorated
If none of the hunters approaches him of his own lovingly with all manner of pictures of his lost

Synchronicity 87
beloved. Of special note is the gun rack on the
living room wall, with space for two rifles, now THE ADVERSARY
empty. Lastly, any hunter scouring the cabin
The real monster in Milton isnt Bla
thoroughly comes across what is easily the its the ancient entity that has hija ke Walker;
most valuable piece of information: Nestled body and soul. Only if they have intecked him,
against the far wall in Jaspers bedroom is a with a Trickster (such as the one Samracted
corner desk, so cluttered with papers that its encounter in the Tall Tales episode and Dean
almost unrecognizable as a desk. Among the Two) can the hunters say theyve eveof Season
papers are several newspaper clippingsnot down an enemy as powerful as whats r faced
of Jaspers dead wife, nor even of his own Blake Walker. The lore, while volumin inside
on certainties, but the thing is believe ous, is short
hunting exploits, as one might expectbut of
mysterious occurrences in and around Milton. sort of dark counterpart to the han d to be a
known as Tricksters. As demon is to angdful of beings
Was Jasper Largent a budding hunter? Like, a
real one? Also on the desk are several maps of
entity to the Trickster. (And given the el, so is this
callous nature of the Trickster, the incredibly
the woods around Pinnacle Lake, including even darker version of one should beprospect of an
one hand-drawn by Largent himself. On three any sane hunter.) horrifying to
of the maps, including Largents own, one As with other supernatural bei
particular area is circled in red ink. Twice (see advanced age and power, this entity ngs of
Scene 2: A Poison Tree). to different cultures in different wayis known
the ancient Greeks, who were the firs s. To
write openly about the thing, it was t to
The Results an eidolon, or shadow double, whileknown as
The hunters should come out of this Hindu writings referred to it as the certain
Scholars of Fortian phenomena, in the kamarupa.
scene with at least one, if not two, sources ir essential
of information that lead them into Scene 2.
They might even have had a little face-time
with Brent that can win him over more to
their cause. Its a good thing if the hunters misapprehension of the beings true nature, dubbed
feel as if theyve picked up the scent, in other
it the perispirit. Whatever it might be called,
the entity is more demigod than demon and has
words. been around just as long as the Trickster has. It
is, in a very real way, the supernal shadow made
manifestthe primordial other to a race of
The Rewards godlike others.
As this is another scene centering on Like all eidolons, the one now plaguing Milton
information gathering, the chief rewards you has had a thousand names, and no name at all.
hand out should be connected to information (Some of the cultural lore even implies that if an
earned. Add at least one Plot Point for learning eidolon does have a true name, no human mind
more about Largents place, another for would ever want to know it.) Whats important to
getting on Brents good side, and a Plot Point such a being isnt a name, but a portfolio. The one
for uncovering Largents collection of proto- riding around in the Blake-mobile, for example, is
the eidolon of the hunt, the primordial shadow of a
hunter knick-knacks and clippings.
killer. It can only climb inside the soul of a killerin
this case, a soldierand must ritually hunt down
and sacrifice other killersin this case, big game
Scene 2: A Poison Tree hunters. And once it gets going, it wont stop until
Armed with new information from two someone makes it stop. Someone very, very brave.
different sources, the hunters head into the
woods north of Milton. There, they discover
the gruesome remains of Jasper Largent, the
game hunter who disappeared before they The Setup
arrived in town. Evidence found at the scene Whether following Jasper Largents map or
points to a supernatural culprit, and the hunters Brent McCutcheons advice, the end result is
investigation gets underway in earnest. the same: The hunters next likely destination
is an area of woods just north of Milton proper.
Knowing that something supernatural might be
involved, Lilah instructs Brent (and Stu, if hes

88 Synchronicity
around and involved) to stay behind in town, they seem to be of ancient Mesopotamian origin.
citing official Park Service business or some (Educated hunters might make the connection
such convenient excuse. She promises to keep the that ancient Mesopotamia included modern-day
frightened Brent up to date as things progress. Iraq.) Its possible that one or more of the hunters
As before, Lilah gets the gang to pile into her is not only trained in Lore, but also has a specialty
truck (or, again, into two separate vehicles with relevant to ancient Mesopotamia. If this is the case,
four-wheel drive). Theres only one road leading to you should allow that hunter to make a roll to
the specific area of wilderness into which the group glean more information. If successful, the hunter
is headed, and the going gets pretty rough towards can translate the symbols roughly as father
the end, with the regions ever-present moisture and hunt. Regardless of specialty or roll, you
turning the track nearly to mud. To Lilahs surprise shouldnt provide any information pertaining to
(though perhaps not to the hunters), she arrives at the ritual described in Scene 3, not even on an
the end of the track to find a green Jeep parked off extraordinary success.
to the side, its wheels half buried in mud. A quick If by some chance one of the hunters is
glance at the bumper, with its Keep Honking. Im fluent in Arabic, he might recall that the name
Reloading! sticker, confirms its Calebs. of the location mentioned in Blakes storyAbu
Sayyadtranslates roughly as father of hunters.
(You shouldnt remind a player of this, however;
The Problems the player either makes the connection or doesnt.)
Determining what happened here is EASY,
thanks to the muddy conditions; Caleb parked
in a hurry, got out, and ran into the woods. Once I Aint Going In There
fully into the forest, however, the tracks first grow If for some reason the hunters are as yet
harder to follow, then disappear entirely. But its reticent to head into the woods, Lilah lights a
no dead end, thanks to the smell. Farther along in fire under them by offering in exasperated tones
the same general direction, the hunters come upon to handle it herself. At that point, only a truly
a grisly scene. Dug into the dirt floor of a small cowardly and/or heartless hunter refuses to tag
clearing is what looks, at first glance, to be a fire pit. along, especially considering these are the very
On closer inspection, the hunters see that mixed same woods in which Lilah lost her father.
in among the burned out embers are the remains
of a human being. The body appears to have been
put into the pit naked, though its HARD to tell if The Results
it was done post-mortem. On the far side of the In the unlikely event that the hunters cover
pit, just beyond the lip, sits a fat tree stump with all of the bases in the Problems abovein other
a flattened top. Carved into the top is a pair of words, a hunter specializing in Mesopotamia and
strange sigils. Atop the sigils rests a pair of human a hunter fluent in Arabic are both presentthen
ears. the real culprits just been uncovered, assuming the
players can put two and two together. Otherwise,
Lilah suggests that they copy down the symbols,
The Deceased leaving the scene undisturbed, and return to her
There arent any clothes or items at the scene house, where all her hunters reference materials
by which to identify the victim, but its EASY to await.
use the Medicine Skill to determine the skeletons
height, gender and approximate age: six foot two,
male, around forty years old. One can also tell that The Rewards
whomever the severed ears once belonged to was Finding clues earns the players Plot Points in
likely a Caucasian male, also around forty years old. this scene at a rate of one Plot Point per discovery.
In the unlikely event that the hunters have the
resources in their own group to add things all
The Sigils together, award them two more Plot Points on top
The scene is gruesome, of course, but of of whatever else you hand out.
particular interest to hunters will be the sigils
carved into the tree trunk. Anyone trained in Lore
can attempt a roll to recognize the source of the
symbols, but is HARD. Success confirms only that

Synchronicity 89
Scene 3: Earths Answer Whose Bones?
The headquarters of this scene is Lilahs In the event that a hunter wants confirmation
house, but the action involved, especially any on the identity of the corpse, its a pretty EASY task
independent investigation the hunters perform, to find out that Jasper Largent is on record as being
can take place anywhereor, as is more likely, a forty two year-old white male who stood sic foot
via any electronic medium (laptop, phone, etc.). two inches tall. Once this is confirmed, the hunters
Ultimately, this scene is about two important should be rightly interested in the whereabouts of
things: First, discovering not only the nature of Caleb Parker, since it was his car found near the
the monster, but the fact that it is almost certainly scene.
riding around inside Lilahs husband; and second,
presenting the hunters with a moral quandary
revolving around how best to handle the hunt from Survivors Tale
here on out. After his ordeal in Iraq, Tad Hogan isnt
eager to discuss the matter, but will respond
sympathetically to a genuine plea from his former
The Setup platoon commanders wife. Hogan knows the
The setup for this sequence is fairly priests at Abu Sayyad were the guardians of
straightforward. Lilah and the hunters race back to something secret and terrible, and that Blake
her house to do some follow-up research on the wasnt the same after that day. He also knows that
clues they found at the charnel site in the woods. Abu Sayyad means father of hunters.
You should be sure to allow hunters to go their
own way, if they choose, but there really isnt
anything of esoteric value to be learned in a town Researching
of Miltons size (though things of non-esoteric Successful Lore rolls, either by the hunters or
value, such as land tax records and the like, might by contacts on their behalf, provide basic data on
be available, were it not a Sunday). the rare and powerful entity known to the ancient
A few minutes after arriving at the house, Lilah Greeks as an eidolon (see sidebar, The Adversary).
emerges from the basement holding a book, her Initial rolls should provide just enough
face a washed out mask of confusion and dismay. information for the hunters to know what theyre
She shows the hunters the chapter of the book that dealing with, but not the means to save Blakes life.
holds the information they seek, and points out When it starts to look like the only way to save
how two pages have been very carefully removed. Blake is to kill him, Lilah bursts into a fit of angry
While its true that anyone who came through the sobs, alternately screaming at the hunters and
house the night before could have had time to do pleading with them to find another way. She knows
such a thing, the storage area (where she keeps her time is of the essence, but this is her husband.
books) was locked and her husband has the only A single reference from an obscure source
other key. Blake is, of course, nowhere to be found. turns up after a second scene of HARD
researching. It cites a way to draw an eidolon out
of a soul. According to the source, the eidolon
The Problems lives in shadow, and from its hosts shadow can
At this juncture, with the hunters doing their it be expelled. The only way to do so is through
own research, it should be looking pretty bad for an ancient Mesopotamian ritualthe lore calls it
Blake. As one might expect, Lilah starts to fray the Black Callingthat involves each participant
around the edges, faced with the prospect of having holding an iron nail in his or her mouth, while
to hunt down and kill her own husband. The one recites the rituals words and the others drive
hunters can go through all the usual channels to nails into the host bodys shadow. At the rituals
dig up information on this creatureuncovering completion, the entity has no choice but to vacate
at least basic references to this type of activity is of the body, but immediately attempt to enter another
AVERAGE difficultybut in the event that they nearby body. But by ritually branding this second
are coming up short, theres one more avenue vessel, using the sigils of the entitys identity, it can
open to Lilah: The other survivor of Abu Sayyad, be forced to stay in that body. So, while killing an
another recently discharged soldier, named Tad eidolon is all but impossible, it is possible to trap one
Hogan. inside its own host, by way of this ritual.

90 Synchronicity
The Results The Problems
Once both the identity of the monster and The first question on the hunters minds
the terms of the ritual are uncovered, the hunters should be, How do we find Blake? There are,
have a difficult choice to make: Do they willfully of course, any number of ways for the hunters
condemn another human soul, just so Blake to be set on the right track, and its up to you
Walker can be free to live in peace? Lilah thinks so, to decide how best to navigate those options.
and if it comes down to it, offers to host the newly However it happens, the scene really kicks into
subdued entityeven if it means spending the rest gear as the hunters head once more into the woods
of her life in prison. north of Milton, this time determined to come
out victorious. Lilah insists on accompanying the
hunters, but wont let anyone else do so.
The Rewards
Like Scene 2s rewards, this scene is all about
discovery and information pegging. Points should its the dog, stupid
be handed out when the players add more to the They might not realize it, as the answer is
big picture about Blake. If they come to some literally sitting in front of their faces, but the
difficult conclusions, add a Point to the pool, easiest way to track Blake is through Pandora, the
especially if Lilah agrees. If they get feedback from bloodhound. Just because Blake is possessed by a
Tad Hogan, give them one Plot Point for that, too. primordial god-shadow doesnt mean he doesnt
stink, and the dog knows his scent very well by
now. She loves to work and will be glad to help.
Act III: The Divine If the hunters arrive at the solution of using the
Image bloodhound to track Blake, all Pandora requires
is to be driven to the edge of the forest and then
Now that the hunters have discovered just allowed to do her job, with the hunters tagging
what theyre dealing with, as well as just how to along just behind. If the hunters are following
deal with it, all that remains is for them to finish Calebs cell signal, theres no need for the dog
the job. In this third and final act, the hunt is well to come with (though they could certainly
and truly on. Armed with their weapons and a be doing both). Tracking Blake cold, without
renewed resolve (and, in all likelihood, the Black the aid of either the dog or the cell signal, is a
Calling ritual), the hunters track Blake Walker FORMIDABLE challenge, even for experienced
to his den in the woodsa task easier said than trackers among the group.
doneand at last confront the ancient evil lurking
within him.
Is It Caleb Time, Yet?
Now that Lilah is faced with the prospect of
Scene 1: The Lamb losing her husband, she might be more amenable
During this scene, the hunters have to find to calling in a favor to get a cell phone trace on
a way to track Blake to wherever hes holed up Caleb Parkers phone. Its now Monday (and
in the forest. When they finally hit upon the best twenty four hours after Calebs disappearance), so
solution, they are put through a rather grueling if none of the hunters hits on the dog solution, this
game of cat and mouse in tracking him through would certainly be the next best thing, except
the woods, as Blake (or, rather, the entity within)
knows to expect their arrival.
Phone Trap
On the forest floor, not too far from Blakes
The Setup new sacrificial pit, lies the cell phone of Caleb
This scene picks up the next morning, with Parker. Unfortunately for the hunters, Blake
the hunters at Lilahs house. Shes barely holding has purposely left it there as a trap. Regardless
it together, but the discovery of the Black Calling of how the hunters are tracking him, Blake has
ritual gives her some hope. She knows how the orchestrated it so theyll have to pass through a
supernatural world operates and shes confident certain wooded bottleneck in order to reach
the ritual will work, even if she has to give up her him. Lying in the middle of a rough path between
own body to the accursed thing thats taken a hold two red spruce trees is Calebs cell phone. Anyone
of her man. touching the cell phone, or stepping within a foot

Synchronicity 91
of it, sets off the mine trap Blake has set there.
Treat this mine trap as a fragmentation grenade
(5d6 W) (see Explosions on page 90 of As a being of shadow, the eidolon is ess sam e
Supernatural RPG). You should give the hunters immune to physical attack; but by the
dow of the soul it
an opportunity to spot the trap, but Blake is no origin, it is compelled by the sha the sha dow
fool and itll be very HARD to do, unless one is has claimed. Driving an iron nai l into
ent ity wit hin to
specifically looking for traps, snares, or the like, of the things host causes the oving the nails
in which case its pretty much your AVERAGE panic, focusing all its efforts on rem dispatching
trap. If Pandora is with the hunters when the before it can get back to phy sica lly
in a combat
mine goes off, she survives the explosion with its assailants. This essentially resultsckly to drive
of the mind, as the hunters wor k qui
just a few cuts and bruises. complete the
enough nails into Blakes shadow to
ritual and force the eidolon out .
is difficult,
The Results Driving the first nail into the shadow de him
thin g insi
as Blake is very quick and the do. It
If the hunters survive Blakes mine trap, its
knows what the hunters are trying to att ack against
just a short trek to his forest abode. Getting there, requires a standard Melee Wea pon
doi ng no da mage
however, will require some tracking away from Blake, with a successful hit spot , creating
the site of the trap. If Pandora is with the hunters, but rooting Blakes shadow to tha t
he can mov e. Once
its a simple matter for her to pick up the trail a narrow axis around which l att empt
once more. If not, the hunters will have to do a the first nail is in, each succes sive nai
e thr ee nai ls are
little HARD tracking. Either way, its just a short receives a +1 Skill step. Onc receives a
walk to culmination. driven in, each successive attempt

+2 Skill step. Complicating this process is the fact

The Rewards that the eidolons will is powerful, and can literally
Did they bring Pandora along? Two Plot force the nails out of Blakes shadow. It does this
Points. Did they bring Lilah? Give them a Plot by making a Willpower + Discipline roll, contested by
Point if their Complications made them sweat the hunters Vitality + Willpower. A successful roll
that choice, or they played out the conversation. means that nail flies out of the ground, as though
If they spotted and/or avoided the trap, thats by Telekinesis, and the hunter who drove it in
another three Plot Points. Theyre going to need takes 2 Stun damage. The entity can attempt to
force out two different nails in the same turn by
taking the usual 1 Skill step penalty per attempt,
but it suffers an additional 1 Skill step penalty
per attempt if it has three or more nails to contend
Scene 2: The Little with at the time of the roll. It cant make three
Vagabond or more attempts; two is the limit, and it will only
try that if truly desperate. It can, however, split
The story comes to an end with the final its actions in order to first expel the last nail and
confrontation between the hunters, including then, now that its free, make a physical attack.
Lilah, and the monster within Blake Walker. The spoken part of the ritual takes five turns
Theres an unexpected twist, howeverone that to complete, and cannot be started until at least
might change the hunters plans for the Black one nail has been driven into Blakes shadow. If the
Calling ritual (assuming they were successful in eidolon expels all nails for a full turn, the ritualist
tracking it down). Regardless, its do-or-die time
loses that turn; the ritualist neednt start the
ritual over, but must wait until another nail has
for the hunters. been driven in before the ritual can continue.

The Setup
Once the hunters have won through to the
other side of the woodland bottleneck, they find
a steep rise leading uphill through a dense patch anyway, unless they spotted the trap early.) On the
of thicket. Being Covert while trudging through other side of the thicket, the forest itself seems
the underbrush is HARD, but doable if everyone to open up, depositing the hunters into an open
just remains patient and composed (though the area with a spectacular view of not only the town
mine explosion alerted Blake to their presence,

92 Synchronicity
below, but the lake, as well. (Its actually a beautiful Shadowborn for more information on how to
spot for camping, just not for ritual murder and free Blake from the eidolons possession.
dismemberment.) Agi d12 Str d12 + d4 Vit d12 Ale d12 Int d10
This site has a sacrificial pit dug into its floor Wil d12 (all values drop by 2 steps when not
as well, but unlike the first site, the ritual surface possessed)
isnt a tree trunk but a wide, natural outcropping of Init d12 + d12; LP 24 (doesnt die at 24
rock. The hunters can see that the same sigils have Wound; body destroyed at 48 Wound; recovers 1
been scratched into the rock face. About twenty Stun per turn)
feet from the stone is a dark blue tent. Next to the Traits Brawler d6, Danger Sense d8, Obsessed
stone, sitting gagged and bound to a plastic chair, is (killing killers) d6, Sharp Senses (all five) d6,
Caleb Parker. Unbreakable Will d6
Skills Athletics d6/Running d12, Covert d6/Stealth
d10, Discipline d6/Resistance d10, Guns d6/
The Problems Pistols d12/Rifles d12, Heavy Weapons d6/
Time is obviously of the essence here. A Mines d10, Perception d6/Tracking d12, Ranged
conflict takes place between the hunters and Blake, Weapons d6/Crossbow d10, Survival d6/Desert
but the ritual needs five turns of incantations and a d10/Forest d10, Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling
properly inscribed host. The hunters are going to d10
need to diversify. Gear Assault rifle (d8 W), camouflage fatigues,
crossbow (d6 W), heavy pistol (d8 W), hunting
knife (d4 W)
Man vs. Man
Where Blake is at the start of the scene depends
on whether or not hes been alerted to the hunters Calebs Alive!
approach. If the mine trap went off, hes onto The sudden introduction of another living
them. If not, then hell have to make contested soul into the scene should give the hunters pause,
rolls with the hunters to see who got the drop on especially if theyve come ready to perform the
who. (Odds are high that Blake will win such a Black Calling ritual. Lilah suggests that Caleb act as
contest.) If he knows theyre here, hes waiting the host vessel for the expelled eidolon, but only if
high up in one of the trees that rings the overlook nobody else mentions it first. Once combat starts,
area, ready to rain death down on the group with she runs to Caleb and tries to inscribe the sigils of
either his assault rifle or his bow (depending on identity onto his flesh, even against the wishes of
what the hunters are armed with). If he doesnt, her fellow hunters. Inscribing rituals takes three
hes sitting in his tent when they arrive. turns of combat, and each turn deals d4 Basic
damage to Caleb. Calebs already taken 4 points
Blake Walker, the Monster of Milton of Stun, so she might kill him if shes not careful.
Description Blake Walker was a highly trained Allow the players to spend Plot Points to actually
combat veteran even before his will was reduce the damage (one Plot Point staves off one
overtaken by the eidolon. And now, his body point of Wound or Stun), if they can describe
enhanced to superhuman levels, Blake is an helping Lilah not to hurt Caleb too much.
incredibly dangerous opponent. Even with all
its power, however, the eidolon has one major
limitation, and its one that the hunters will Conclusion
have to exploit if theyre to have any chance of At the end of the fifth turn of ritual recitation
saving Blakes soul. Blake Walker turns his sweat-covered face to the
Motivation The eidolon has one primary urge, and sky, and with a primal scream, ejects the eidolon
thats to kill other killers. For more information, from his soul. The entity seems to be sucked back
see the sidebar on page 89, The Adversary. into Blakes body from within his shadow, flowing
It can possess any mortal whose soul has been like a plume of vacuumed mist, before spilling out
tainted by the taking of another life, which in of his eyes in a flood of black tears. If the hunters
this day and age gives it a lot of options. followed the ritual instructions, the only place the
Limitations As a creature of shadow possessing monster can go is into Caleb Parker (or whoever
a mortal host, the eidolon has a great deal of else is chosen to be the second vessel), and so it
powerbut its still vulnerable. See the sidebar does. If one of the hunters ritually branded Caleb
with the sigils before that moment, the entity will

Synchronicity 93
be trapped, in a weakened state, inside his body know enough to use the nails, then they know
forever (or at least until Caleb dies, but thats enough to perform the ritual. If they still choose
another episode for another day). not to, out of some sense of obligation to Caleb
If one or more of the hunters failed to keep a Parker, they will be safe from possession but not
nail in his mouth through the end of the ritual, the from Lilah Walker, who never forgives them for
expelled entity has an option as to which nearby letting her husband die when a viable alternative
warrior to inhabit, and it will of course choose the was at hand. In this event, the eidolonhaving no
one that isnt presently restrained. If it successfully soul to claim, and unknown to the hunterssinks
possesses one of the hunters, it immediately turns into the ground where its host perished, there to
tail and runs at incredible speed. If the remaining await the arrival of its next host; most likely Caleb
hunters (plus Blake) cant catch up to the fleeing Parker, who becomes a new long-term enemy of
hunter and complete the ritual again, the hunters the hunters.
have earned themselves a new worst enemy. (In If the hunters complete the ritual, Blake Walker
this event, you are free to pursue any story avenue emerges from his stupor as though waking from a
he wishes, though its recommended that he turn nightmare. He looks down and sees himself once
the possessed hunter into a supporting character again in uniform, his face black with paint, his
and have the hunters player generate a new hands once again red with blood. The tears come
character.) fast and hard then, and dont let up until he is
In the event that the hunters cant or wont safely back in Lilahs arms. Even after the events of
complete the ritual, they have no choice but to kill the past week are explained to him in detail, Blake
Blake Walker. If they do, however, theyre opening Walker has a long road to recovery ahead of him.
themselves up to possession, as above, since they His mind is bruised, his soul battered and weak,
wont destroy the eidolon that way. Keeping nails but at least both mind and soul are once more his
in their mouths throughout the process of killing own. And he has the hunters to thank for that.
Blake prevents possession, of course, but if they

94 Synchronicity

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