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COMPLEMENT SYSTEM - Opsonin and receptors

Definition : a system comprised of a groups of plasma Osmotic lysis bacteria:C5b6789

and cell membrane proteins that play an important role
in defense process - MAC(Membrane Attack Complex)

Component : lebih dari 30 protein, disintesis di liver,

macrophage and other cells

Function :

Lysis of cells, bacteria, and viruses

Opsonization, which promotes phagocytosis of

particulate antigens.

Regulate inflammatory and immune responses

Regulate the biologic activity of cells.

Pathway :

Biological activity of complement :

Inflammatory response : C3a, C4a, C 5a

- Anaphylatoxins

- Chemokines/Chemotaxis

Phagocytosis: C3b

- Opsonin

Elimination of immune complex: C3b

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