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ABSTRACT. Upper and lower limits of sequences

Lemma 0.1. {an } is a real sequence such that each term an 0. If the sequence
lim an 0.
The result holds even if convergence is defined on the extended real line.
Let {sn } and {t n } be two real sequences such that sn t n for all n N .
Let bn = sn t n and {cnk } is a subsequence of {bn }. Then
lim cnk = lim snk lim t nk 0
lim inf sn lim snk lim sup sn
lim inf t n lim t nk lim sup t n

lim inf sn lim t nk lim snk lim t nk 0

So for all subsequences of {t n }
lim inf sn lim t nk
It follows that
lim inf sn lim inf t n
lim sup sn lim sup t n
by noting that

lim snk lim sup t n lim snk lim t nk 0

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