B506 - Safer Drivers Bill 2017

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Safer Drivers Act 2017 1


BILL 506


Ensure that all drivers on British roads are safe to be there, throughout their entire

B E IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of
the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled,
and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1 Introducing periodic driving tests

(1) Upon passing the initial driving test, it will be compulsory for any licensed driver
to be retested and pass that test no earlier than 9 years afterwards but no later than
10 years afterwards.
(2) Upon passing that retest the same restriction will apply up until the age of 65.
(3) Upon turning 65 the licensed driver will be required to resit and pass their test no
earlier than 4 years but no later than 5 years from their last test date.
(4) The above restrictions apply to both the practical driving test and the theoretical
driving test.
(5) Every driver should provide a medical certificate of fitness to drive to their doctor
every 3 years after their first test pass date.

2 Updating the theoretical driving test

(1) The theoretical driving test taken from the commencement of this Act should
consist of
(a) a 100-question theory section based on the Highway Code from a bank of
2 Safer Drivers Act 2017

over 2500 questions. These should not be multiple choice but instead be single
typed answer,
(b) a 50-question test on road signs based on a bank of all road signs that have
been printed for usage on UK roads. These should not be multiple choice but
instead single typed answer,
(c) a 50-clip test on hazard perception using the current hazard awareness
technology, however with half of the clips containing two developing
hazards, and
(d) a road-rage test to determine a safe driver. This should require the candidate
to undertake a simulated drive mimicking real-world driving with everyday
examples of poor driving and stressful situations. The candidate should be
failed for any medical symptoms of physical symptoms of aggressive driving/
road rage.
(2) A pass mark of 90 percent should be achieved with regard to subsections (1)(a) to
(c) on the theory test.
(3) The pass mark of safe driving behaviour for subsection (1)(b) should be determined
through further research. This section of the test should be rolled out in 2019.

3 Updating the practical driving test

(1) A driving test should last 90 minutes in total.
(2) In the course of a driving test the pupil should be guided to drive purely by sign-
posts. The route that the pupil undertakes should include
(a) built-up areas incorporating 10mph, 20mph, and 30mph speed limits,
(b) rural roads including winding single-lane tracks,
(c) dual carriageways, and
(d) motorways covering 50mph, 60mph, and 70mph speed limits.
(3) The pupil is not permitted to take a sat-nav on test.
(4) It shall be mandatory for a candidate to perform all of the following
(a) a parallel park,
(b) forward and reverse bay park,
(c) reverse round a right- and left-hand corner,
(d) turn in the road,
(e) an emergency stop, and
(f) safe over- and undertaking,
during the course of every driving test.
(5) Any more than 5 driving faults should be classed as a fail and a licence not issued.

4 Punishments for non-compliance

(1) Failure to notify the DVLA of any change to your medical status will result in a 10
month ban from driving.
(2) Driving without re-sitting a test by the date required in this Act dependent on age
will reap a 12 month driving ban and up to a 10,000 fine.
(3) Driving without any prior driving test being taken will result in a 10 year driving
Safer Drivers Act 2017 3

5 Commencement, extent and short title

(1) This Act may be cited as the Safer Drivers Act 2017.
(2) This Act will extend to the entirety of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland..
(3) This Act will be enacted on the 1st January 2018.

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