English Task - Rizha

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Soal No. 1.

Dhika : Im afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You havent returned the book you borrowed last

Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.

a. I dont know

b. Im afraid its not me

c. Im terribly sorry.

d. I didnt borrow it

Jawaban : c

Pembahasan : ungkapan yang paling tepat menggambarkan situasi diatas adalah Im terribly sorry.
Maka jawabannya adalah c

Soal No. 2

Guest : Im sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesnt work properly.

Customer service : Im sorry. Ill get someone to check it for you.

From the dialogue we know that

a. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.

b. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning

c. The guest is angry about the bad service

d. The guest is very disappointed about the situation

Jawaban : b


Pada soal diatas, the guest menyatakan komplain kepada customer service tentang AC yang tidak
bekerja secara normal, maka jawabannya adalah b.
This text is for questions 1 and 2.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I recently received a letter from Mr. Robinson, a valued customer of ours. He purchased an Italian
coffee table and four French dining room chairs from us which your company delivered to his

He has written a complaint that the purchases arrived damaged. We pride ourselves in the quality of
our product and would like an explanation as to how this mishap occurred. Even though the items
are insured, our reputation is at stake.

I would be most grateful if you would reply as soon as possible so that this matter can be resolved to
everyone' s satisfaction.


Jackie Middleton

Customer Services Manager

1. What is the customer complaining about in his letter?

A. Late delivery of the purchasing goods.

B. The damaged purchased goods.

C. Cancellation of the delivery.

D. High price of the furniture.

E. Low quality of the Product.

2 . Who is Mr. Thompson?

A. A Valued Customer.

B. Delivery Service Manager.

C. Customer Service Manager.

D. Jackie Middleton's boss.

E. Mr. Robinson's employee.

Source: Soal UN (Ujian Nasional) tahun 2014

26. A : What do you think of this hotel service?

B : (expressions of complaint)

a. Thank you for the best service

b. Im happy with this hotel service

c. Im not at all satisfied with this hotel service

d. Ill be back again anytime

e. It is very satisfied service in this hotel




September 21, 2012

September 21, 2012

Style Sport Clothing Company

8672 Brooklyn Boulevard
West Windsor, VT 00034

To whom it may concern:

I am returning a shirt. I ordered it from your catalogue last month. I would like a full refund for this
item. When i recieved it, all the buttons are missing. When i spoke to your costumer service
representative on the phoneyesterday, he informed me that i could not return the item because it
was on sale. When i ordered this shirt, however, i did not expect to pay for one without buttons. I
am not returning the colour or size; i am returning it because it was damaged when i recieved it. This
is the reason i would like my money back. I have been a sttisfied costumer in the past, and i know
you will take care of this matter to my statisfaction.

Faithfully yours,

Roger Roberts

45. Roger Roberts does not like the shirt because....

a. its buttons are all gone
b. its colour is not nice
c. it is too colorful
d. the size is too big
e. it was on sale

46. Roger Roberts expects that....

a. he can meet the manager
b. he will get his money back
c. the company will send him a new shirt
d. the company will invite him to buy one
e. the costumer service representative be friendly

Source : buku prediksi akuran Soal-soal UN (Smart tutors team)

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