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A game by Michael Schacht for 3-4 people; 2-player variant

[Based on the translation by Steve Cox, October 2003]

From mines to automated factories, you steer your dynasty successfully through 5 epochs in
this exciting bidding game. Experience the discovery and application of steam power, the
first machines and electricity.
Erect factories and secure transport and shipping rights for your dynasty. These yield
valuable victory points at the end. Vision and clever planning make you the most successful
industry magnate!

Game components
60 industry tiles - (12 per epoch) showing factories, technologies, resources and bonuses. The reverse side
indicates the epoch.
1 set of rules
4 x 20 ownership markers - in the player colours red, green, blue and yellow, and
4 victory point markers - in the same colours.
1 game board - showing on the left hand side the factories, in the middle the epoch track and on the right the
technologies. Some factories and technologies have links with others.
30 wooden discs - serve as game currency, the grey ones counting for 1 Taler, the yellow for 5 Talers.
2 large wooden discs - one serves as the start player marker, the other as the epoch marker on the game board.

Object of the game

By selling factories and technologies as cleverly as possible as the auctioneer, you can on the one hand acquire extra
money and on the other secure the most lucrative items. You must plan the construction of your industrial empire
carefully, since money is tight in this game. At the end there are further valuable victory points for specific
combinations of factories and technologies.

Preparing for the game

Place the game board in the middle of the table. The epoch marker goes on the first of its spaces.
Both players get 4 Talers. Each players money is kept in plain view. The remainder is placed ready as a bank pool.
Each player gets the ownership markers and the victory point marker of the colour of his/her choice and places the
latter on the zero space of the scoring track.
The tiles are sorted according to their backs. After this the tiles are separately shuffled and stacked face down next to
each other.

Game Outline
One player gets the start player marker. Six rounds are played in clockwise order. One round consists of 5 phases.
Both players complete a phase before moving on to the next. The phases are as follows:
1. Income
2. Turn over new tiles
3. Auction tiles
4. Build or play tiles
5. Change the start player
In addition, after each sixth round an epoch change takes place.
Change of epoch

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The phases in detail:

1. Income
Each player receives 1 Taler from the bank.
Note: When the epoch changes to III, IV and V each player gets a one-off payment of an additional 1 Taler.

2. Turn over new tiles

From the deck for the current epoch (beginning with I obviously), the top 2 tiles are taken and placed face up beside
the game board in clear view:
Note: In each epoch a total of 12 tiles come up for auction.
Note: If you like, you can place the factory and technology tiles that are up for auction on their corresponding spaces
on the board. This makes it easier to see possible links to neighbouring factories and technologies.

3. Auction tiles
The two revealed tiles are auctioned, one at a time, as follows:
The start player chooses one of the face up tiles. The second player then declares how much he/she thinks the tile
chosen by the start player is worth. The value declared by the second player may not be more than the number of
Talers possessed by that player (which can be zero).
The start player then has two options:
- He hands the tile over to the second player and takes its declared value, in Talers, from him. Then he auctions the
next tile.
- He takes the tile himself, giving its declared value to the second player. Then he auctions the next tile.
Tiles purchased at auction are taken into the players' hands. The phase ends when both of the face up tiles have been

4. Build or play tiles

Beginning with the start player each player may now lay out from 1 to 3 tiles from his hand. More precisely, at most
one factory, 1 technology and 1 bonus tile, in any order. These tiles are placed face up in front of the players.
Note: Only tiles played in this way count at the end of the game.
If you lay out a tile you must pay the indicated price to the bank [number at bottom left] (technologies have no cost in
Talers, and may be played for free). In addition many factories and all technologies require the use of one or two
specific resources. A tile can be laid out only if all costs are paid.
Acquiring necessary resources
Resources can be obtained in the following four ways:
You have purchased the resource in a preceding auction and have the tile in your hand. You discard it and it is
removed from the game.
Note: You can sell a resource for 1 Taler at any time, by handing it in (it is removed from the game) and taking 1
Taler from the bank.
You have a factory that produces the necessary resource - in this event the corresponding resource counts as having
been paid automatically.
The other player has placed a factory that produces the necessary resource. You pay the player 1 Taler and the
resource then counts as having been paid. The purchase cannot be refused by the other player.
Note: Buying and selling [of the same resource from the same factory] can take place several times per round.
You can buy each resource for 1 Taler from the bank. This applies only for resources that no player produces.
IMPORTANT: You can only acquire resources in this way that are available from an earlier epoch (see below):
Table of available resources:
In Epoch I: no resources are available from the bank.
In Epoch II: stone - brick - wood are available from the bank.
In Epoch III: iron - pottery - glass and all the preceding are available from the bank.
In Epoch IV: electrical power - cement - steel and all the preceding are available from the bank.
In Epoch V: plastic - computers and all the preceding are available from the bank.

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If you don't have enough money or a required resource is not available, you cannot build the factory or play the
technology or bonus tile.
Victory points for building factories or playing technologies
If you play a factory or technology tile, you place one of your player markers on the corresponding space on the game
board. This can yield victory points.
The number of victory points is always to be found in the bottom right corner of the tile: if no value is shown there, no
points are awarded.
For factories you get these victory points only if you build the factory in the same epoch in which you purchased it.
Note: The applicable epoch is shown on the reverse side of the tiles.
The points are marked on the scoring track immediately.
Technologies - unlike factories - may be played only in the epoch in which they were purchased. At the next change
to a later epoch, any technology tiles still in your hand must be discarded without compensation. They are removed
from the game.
"Special factories": bank and stock market
For a player who builds the bank or the stock market, all future building costs are reduced by 1 Taler. If he owns both,
his building costs are reduced by 2 Talers (to a minimum of zero Talers).
Summary: Factories can be built at any time [i.e. in any epoch], but they yield the marked victory points only in
their own epoch.
Technologies can be played only in their own epoch otherwise they must be discarded at the next change of epoch.
Bonus tiles can be played in any epoch.

5. Change of start player

If both of the tiles for a round have been auctioned the start player marker moves to the left to indicate the new start
player. The next round begins with phase 1 : income.

6. Change of epoch
If all of the tiles for an epoch have been auctioned, a change of epoch occurs at the end of the round. The epoch
marker moves to the next space down. If the change is to epoch III, IV or V, each player gets an additional one Taler
from the bank.
All technology tiles which remain in the players' hands are discarded.
From now on new resources are available from the bank. Which resources are available from which point can be
determined from the table above.
The epoch marker moves on 1 space. If it moves over a Taler symbol in the process, both players get 1 Taler extra.

End of the game

The game ends when the tiles for all epochs have been auctioned. The current round is still completed.

7. Distribution of victory points

Additional victory points can now be awarded. Money, bonus tiles and linked factories can yield victory points. Tiles
remaining in the players' hands do not give victory points.
Bonus cards
For the bonus cards (canal, harbour, railway track, pipeline and data network) that you have played, you get 2
victory points for each factory you have played that shows the corresponding symbol.
Note: If you have a second identical bonus tile, you do not get any additional bonus points.
Linked factories or technologies
If a player owns factories or technologies that are linked by road, he gets 3 victory points for each link.
Note: Which factories and technologies are linked is highlighted in the illustration on page 6 of the rules.
For each 3 talers you get 1 victory point.

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The players' victory points are marked on the scoring track.
Note: If a player has more than 45 victory points in total, put one of his ownership markers on the "45+" space and
moves his/her victory point marker on to the "0".
The player who is furthest ahead has won. In the event of a tie the player with the most played tiles (factories,
technologies and bonus cards) wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most money wins.
Example: At the end of the game Michael has played the following tiles, among others: oilfield, refinery, mechanical
engineering, automobile and also the bonus cards "pipeline" and "harbour".
Michael gets the following victory points for the tiles mentioned:
Oilfield and refinery played in the correct epoch give 3 + 4 = 7 points;
Machine shop and automobile tiles played give 2 + 5 = 7 points;
Refinery and oilfield are linked by road, giving 3 points;
Mechanical engineering and automobile are also linked by a line, so this gives another 3 points;
The oilfield shows the bonus symbols for harbour and pipeline, both of which Michael has played, so this gives 2 + 2 = 4 points;
And the refinery shows the pipeline bonus symbol, thus giving another 2 points.
In total these placements are worth 26 points.

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