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Jan 18 2017, MBV Hospital

An ambulance screeched to a halt at the entrance to the emergency ward.

A young couple lay on the stretchers in an unconscious state. The ward boys pulled out
stretchers from the ambulance; placed them on the gurneys and wheeled them into the
emergency ward.

"My dear Doctors, today I'm here to share good news with all of you," Rakesh Sharma MD of
hospital announced grinning from ear to ear.

Duty doctors and senior staff were in the meeting room which was on the third floor pf the MBV
Hospital building. Staff meetings were held regularly to assess the issues and discuss some ideas
to continue high-quality treatment to the patients.

"I'm very proud to say that now, we have got the second top best hospital award in the city, as
surveyed by a national newspaper," Rakesh Sharma continued with pride and achievement.

Sound of claps resonated inside the room. Everyone became busy congratulating each other.
Meanwhile, a phone started vibrating in Dr. Suma's hand. She was also attending the meeting.
She had black eyes lined with kajal. She wore blue well-fitting pajama under the apron. Her face
shone with confidence. She took her mobile from her apron and checked. Emergency ward'
flashed on the screen. She asked to be excused and stepped out of the meeting room.

"Hey Shalaja, is there any emergency case?" Dr. Suma asked.

"Yes maam. Its an attempted suicide case." Shailaja, the nurse replied in a hasty tone.

"OK, I'm coming." Dr. Suma said and left the floor.


It is a drug overdose case, maam. They have taken almost 30 Restill 2.5 mg pills! Shailaja said
while Dr. Suma was entering into emergency ward.
"Secure the candela," Dr. Suma instructed to Shailaja in a reflex, "Call the attendee." She
gestured to the Ward-boy.

Few minutes later, a sixty-year old man stood in front of her.

"What happened?" Dr. Suma enquired, taking her pen and notepad.

"They are my tenants who live downstairs in my building, since last three months. As usual
today I went downstairs to collect monthly rent. I knocked on the door a few times, but got no
response. I was worried and I saw an opened window beside the door. I leapt and peeped into
the window. I saw this couple collapsed on the floor. I noticed empty Restill stripes on the table.
So I immediately took the phone and called 100." The old man explained the situation.

Dr. Suma nodded, concerned.

Dont worry, we will take care. We have already started the treatment. You please make sure
about MLC formalities." Dr. Suma said and left.

The old man nodded.

"Keep the NG tube, check the GRBS, vitals, B.P, do the Gastric leavage and check the fluids," Dr.
Suma instructed the nurse.

For the next 30 minutes, everyone in the emergency ward was busy following her instructions.
Dr. Suma felt relaxed when she heard, "They are out of danger," from Shailaja.

She went near the beds and gazed at them. They were so young with charming faces.
"What could be the reason for this young couple, why they tried to kill themselves." She
mumbled, concerned.

She wanted to know the reason. She left the emergency ward and searched out for the old man.
She found him sitting in a visiting chairs, she walked up to the house owner. He stood as she
neared him.

"Do you know their parents?" Dr. Suma asked.

"Yes maam; exactly one month back both parents visited our home and they tried to convince
them to get separated but they refused. Abruptly, both parents became violent and started
slapping, kicking their children. i was there watching all these and defended them against their
parents as I already knew they were majors. After I called to police they left. Today just now I
called both parents and said about their kids hospitalization, but they ignored." He sighed as he
Parents never understand kids feelings. Parents who dont respect the kids decisions, dont
deserved to be called as mother and father. She chided.

Then she glanced at them and continued, "OK, in next 2 hours they will be conscious, but we
should keep them under observation for 24 hrs."

The old man only nodded.


"In every boy's life, he may have few crushes, couple of affairs and break ups. Even I too had few
crush and one serious break-up but those all were infatuations. Being a friend of mine, you've
been watching all these stories from one side and loving me from other side but I couldn't
notice your love in all these years. What a moron I have been! But finally I'm yours, I love you
jaanu." The actor said.
"Cut it! Fantastic!" I said.
That was the actors dialogue in my demo film based on my true life incidents. I could see myself
in the actor. I have been into filmmaking since four years. My producer asked me to make demo
film before we start a big one. That was the last shot for the schedule. In couple of months my
film would be released and I can see my name, written & directed by Sanjay on the big screen.

"Bro, are we done?" My assistant director, Sai interrupted my dream.

"Yes, of course Sai. Pack up." I said.

He nodded and yelled PACK UP!' to the team.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I turned back.

"A call from Dr. Suma," my friend, manager Nagender said while approaching me.

I grabbed the mobile and checked the screen. Dr. Suma, the name flashed on the mobile. I took
the call immediately.

"Hi madam," I said.

"Hi sir, sorry to disturb you, I know you would be busy at this time, "Dr. Suma said firmly.

"No, it is OK. Just now we've finished the schedule, " I said.

" Oh! That's great. Director sir, are.. now to talk? " She stammered.
"Ya, of course. Tell me, madam," I said.

"Could you please come down to hospital right now?" She asked in hurried tone.

"Is it an emergency? Are you OK? Is everything OK in the hospital?" I fired questions.

"Ya, everything is OK, I just need to talk to you if you are free." Dr. Suma replied.

"Of course, few works left; but it's OK. My assistants can manage. Ill be there in 2 hrs." I said.

"OK then, Ill be waiting at the cafeteria in hospital." She said and hung up the call.

I called AD Sai and instructed some works, then I left the location.


"Did I disturb you?" Dr. Suma asked firmly.

"No actually, the shoot was finished just before your call." I said while sipping my favorite
We sat across in hospital cafeteria.
"Tell me, maam, why did you ask me to come here immediately?" I asked inquisitively.

"Today morning, a young couple was admitted to our hospital as attempted suicide case," she
started saying about the case.

Over the next 15 min she completed telling him about the couple.

"By the God's grace, they are out of danger and everything seemed OK here. Then why did you
call me here?" I asked.

She started starring at me.

"Now, what?" I asked.

She still continued to stare at me. Girls never ask you to come immediately unless they have
really important matter to share with you. If she wanted to tell only about this young couple,
she would have told over the phone.
"Madam, please tell me. Show some mercy on me too. Director always loves to spend the last
day with cast & crew but I've left my team and came here all the way from 80km and you are
simply sitting in front of me and staring at me"

"They need you." She replied in low voice.

"What? Who?" I frowned.

"The young couple." She said in concerned tone.

"But why?" I asked

"Sanjay, listen, they were in an abyss, need to get out of that. Do you remember one quote you
said about this?" She asked like a teacher.

I nodded. "If you want to get out from the dark abyss, only courage can make it and courage
comes from only inspiration." I replied like a student.

"Exactly Sanjay, now they need some inspiration to move on and the only person I know who
can make it happen is Sanjay." She said with immense confidence on me.

I stared at her for a few seconds and grinned.

"I thought that you would be angry." She was surprised.

"Why would I?"

"If anybody disturbs you while you are busy in filmmaking, you would get angry easily. But now
you didn't." She said

"Making film is my responsibility. At the same time, how can I ignore such things if someone's
life get back into right track just with my interaction. It's my responsibility too madam and of
course, if it is recommended by Dr. Suma, it's impossible to ignore." I said while shaking my
"That's my director!" she seemed elated and ordered another cup of coffee as if she read my


"Hi Srinu and Swetha, how is the day?" I asked by checking case sheet knotted to the bed.

"Alprazolam poisoning," I mumbled and pretending as I was unaware of that.

They sighed. They were shifted to a general ward room.

"Really you guys have done a great thing." I praised.

They frowned and glanced at each other.

"Some ages back, I've done the same thing and admitted in this same hospital." I lied and went
near them.

According to human psychology, we feel better in the presence of a person who belongs to our
community or category. They got up and leaned against head rest. They seemed relaxed and
attentive after they had known that I belong to the same suicide category.

"I just came here to congratulate for the great thing youve done." I praised again.

They remained silent with downcast eyes.

"You know what, this kind of things makes us celebrity, right?" I said sarcastically by dragging
stool under the bed.
I sat on a stool in the middle of two beds.

"Isn't it a great feeling doing such moronic things?" sarcastically, I said again.

Silence followed for a few seconds in the room. They had sensed my intention.

"Bro, you don't know the reason why we had tried to kill ourselves. Actually " Srinu said in low

I gestured him to stop before he ended the sentence.

"Loser says reason but winner says story, an inspiring story." I retaliated.

They glanced at each other.

"I didn't come here to know your reason; I came here to tell the story, a true love story of a
It's my story." I said with eyes moist.

Life Changing Moment

May 03, 2015; Hyderabad

"I can't live without you, I love you." Jaanu said by holding my palm tightly with eyes moist.

" I too love you Jaanu." I said stroking on her cheeks.

We had been in love since few months. We sat next to each other on the last bench at tank
bund. My friend Nagender stood far from us and pretended to be busy in eating bhelpuri. Few
minutes silence followed. Girls silence indicates tsunami. She placed her head on my shoulder
and started weeping silently.

"What happened Jaanu? Why are you so emotional? You are supposed to be at the first-year
final exam center! What are you doing here?" I enquired.

"Sanju without you, my life is meaningless. I had already placed you in my heart as my loving
husband. Now my parents are compelling me to get married to another person. After they had
known about our relation, the harassment was doubled. Yesterday night my mom and dad were
discussing to fix the match with my brother in law right after my exams. So I quit exams and
took a decision. I can't handle it anymore Sanju. Let us run away from this world, from this
congested minds, from the people who can't understand our feelings." She said in trembling

"What?" I frowned, shocked.

"Yes Sanju. You knew about our parents very well. They wouldn't understand our feelings for
sure. Remember, you are my husband, If the day comes to get married to another person that
day would be the last day in my life." She continued in trembling voice.

"What are you saying Jaanu? I know you are very serious about our relations. Even I love you
more than anything, but how could you say to run out from our houses? What about our
dreams?" I fired questions

"Right now I don't have any dream. I don't need anything for that matter except you in my life."
She said assertively.

"We shouldn't do this." I said.

"What do you mean Sanju ?" She asked, frowning.

"Listen Jaanu, Ive planned a beautiful life for us." I tried to convince her by holding her palm.

She took her hand back, wiped off her tears and said, "I had already decided there is no way to
return to home. From this minute either my life should be with you or with death." She said

I was aghast, choked up and I was sweating in winter. I stood and glanced at Nagender. He was
still busy in eating sweet corn and then I looked at Lord Buddha who was the incarnation of
Lord Vishnu. I felt like he was advising me that think twice, and take a decision. It would be a life
changing moment. I walked up to the fence, stood by staring at the sky.

"What's happening to my life? What about my dream, filmmaking? How can it happen if I run
out of the house? Even I didn't complete my studies. How can I leave my comfort zone and
intentionally get into dark abyss. Of course, I love her but it doesn't mean my entire life
dedicated to her. I've my own identity, family, and goals. Why should I sacrifice everything for
just a girl I thought, still staring at the sky and talking to myself.

"No, no; it shouldn't have happened. I must convince her but I can't do it as I know she is
adamant. My head was revolving." Finally, I came with a decision to say no' to her. I turned
back and looked at her.

She sat in the corner of the same bench staring at me with full of tears. At the moment I felt like
she was alone in this whole world waiting for my love. My inner voice said, "How could I leave
her?" but on the second thought, another voice said, "No, no it shouldn't happen."

She was still staring at me and waiting for my response eagerly. My heart was racing and
flooded with mixed emotions.

Suddenly for the first time my heart started talking with me, "If she really loves you, sacrifice
anything and everything for that matter; because the reason you were born, is to get that real

I stared at her. She was craving for love.

I questioned myself, "If for this kind of pure love, whole human kind is been searching for? If for
this kind of pure love, even Gods have been incarnated to get? If the answer is yes, then I don't
want to miss this. Even though we will be cursed by our parents and society, I take my decision."

She was still staring at me sobbing and wiping away her tears.

"Jaanu," I beckoned.
She was elated and abruptly ran to me and hugged me tightly placing her head on my chest. I
could feel the difference in her hug. She started sobbing like a child. I had never seen her like
this before.

"If I leave you, I might earn so much money but I wouldn't get this pure and sincere love. I don't
want to commit a sin by leaving you Jaanu. Let us start our new life." I said, kissing her on her

She nodded and she adjusted herself in my embrace. I called Nagender and explained
everything to him.

"Whatever the decision you take, I will be there with you, Sanju." He said.
I nodded.

He looked at Jaanu and said, " Congrats Mrs. Sanjay Karlapudi!"

She chuckled.

I gestured him to repeat it. He kept on calling her Mrs. Sanjay Karlapudi. She blushed and
grinned like a huge tsunami. It was my life changing moment. I believed it was my right decision.


Srinu and Swetha were staring at me attentively. I sat in the middle of their beds. They glanced
at each other.

"God always drags you out from your comfort zone and drops you at unpredictable zone. You
know why, because he wants to see you as the warrior to fight for your life." I said with
downcast face.

"What happened next brother?" Swetha asked.

"Please tell me brother." Srinu said backing her up.

I nodded and continued.

Acknowledgment of our engagement

" Bhaiyya, seedha Secundrabad station chalo, brother please take us to Secunderabad railway station; I
requested an auto driver.

We took the auto from Tank Bund and we were headed for Secunderabad railway station.
Jaanu sat next to me, on my right, clutching my hand. On my right side Nagender was still busy in eating

Life desperately tries to give you everything you like but you can't expect anything sitting idle, you have
to work hard and earn it; apparently working hard in two ways, physically and mentally. Today I had
worked hard mentally to take the decision to get love.

"What are you thinking, Sanju?" Jaanu asked

"Nothing," I lied.
"Are we leaving the city now?" she enquired.
"Just relax Jaanu, Ill take care of everything," I said by stroking her cheeks.
She nodded and said, "I believe in you Sanju."

When someone whom you love most says that I believe in you", it boosts your confidence and extracts
the hidden energy from your soul.

After 20 minutes, we were in front of Secunderabad railway station where so many people come to start
their new life. It was ironical that we were planning to leave the city.

I instructed Jaanu to sit in the local bus station. I and Nagender were both standing far from her. I had
been instructing to him how to execute my plan, step by step, as if it was my 99th plan to run away from
home. After 15 minutes we had finished our ISRO meetings, we hugged each other and he waved to
Jaanu, She smiled and waved back. In a few seconds he was out of my sight. I looked around; the area
was populated with beautiful girls moving here and there. They were beautiful but not like my angel. I
walked up to my angel and sat next to her.

"Why did he leave?" Jaanu asked.

"He had to leave to execute my plan," I replied.
"He is your true friend," she smiled.
"Yes Jaanu he loves me a lot."
"But not more than me, no one in the world can love you like me," she said by holding my palm. I
nodded as I was admitting it. Actually when your fianc shows possessiveness on you, it feels good.

"Jaanu, I forgot to ask you in a hurry. Did you have your breakfast?" I asked.
She shook her head. I glanced around for hotels and I found a street vendor on the other side of the
Abruptly I clutched her hand and walked her to the street breakfast centre. I checked money in my front
pocket. I had 40 rupees.
Oh, your new life gonna start with 40 rupees! it was Mr. Mind. I checked the menu and I ordered the
cheapest dish, idli-10 Rs. (4 pcs).
She came near me and asked, "Don't you want to eat?"

"I already had," I lied to control the expenses since we had just 40 rupees.
You have started responding as a family man before your marriage! Aah, see this is how you gonna face
consequences in future. Mr. Mind said sarcastically.
She glared at me as if I'd committed a sin.
"I rea lly.." I stammered as I was bad at telling lies
She had always caught me when I lied to her. She was still staring at me but I was glancing here and
there to escape from her; but finally I realized that I couldn't escape. I stood with downcast eyes as a
accused child caught by mother.
She turned to the service boy and ordered my favorite masala dosa.
Soon dishes were served by the twelve year old boy. As he served I gobbled up dosa silently in 3
attempts and stood in front of her with folded hands.
"Sir, please ensure that from this moment we should share everything equally; whether it is happiness or
sadness, full meals or fasting." She said sarcastically while eating idli.

"Remember, Ill get to know what your mind thinks," she said like a mother.
I nodded as a child while we both glanced at each other. After few seconds we both smiled.

After she finished her breakfast, I started executing my plan. I held her hand and walked her to the
internet caf besides the building as I had already noticed it while I was gobbling up the dosa.

"Bro, is there any cabin?" I enquired the internet-in-charge at counter while a couple was leaving a cabin
wiping sweat on their faces and the around the neck. He checked on his monitor and said, "Take cabin

Ohh.. my favorite number.. good start, Sanjay! Mr. Heart poked.

We moved from the counter and settled out in the cabin. We had never visited internet caf before. We
were not lovers who roam around the city, who romances in the park, who melts their sexual desires in
internet cafes. In fact we hadn't kissed each other passionately till now. Of course, I had tried a few times
to kiss her passionately, but due to lack of privacy, all my attempts remained as just pecks. We were a
couple who hung out in bakeries, restaurants and most of the time spending in chatting, talking over the

For the first time, we sat in internet cabin where the cabin was completely packed as if it was designed
for only couples. We never had this much privacy before. The privacy was titillating us. At the moment it
was dominated our senses. She stared deep into my eyes. We need a kiss, a strong passionate deep long
kiss. We had enough time to get into the world of the deep kiss. I placed my hands on her cheeks. She
closed her eyes as if she was permitting me. I grabbed her and kissed her passionately. It was long deep
kiss ever in our life. I could feel a divinity in that kiss.

After few minutes our lips got separated and we sat like a good boy and a good girl; as if we never knew
even the spelling of the kiss. I looked at her, she was blushing. She noticed that I was watching her
without glancing at her. She closed her face with her hands like a typical Indian girl. I had known a lot of
girls who kissed a boy in the morning and another one for the noon and another one for the night. Her
innocence might be the reason which won my heart.

"It was an acknowledgment of our engagement," I said while I was staring at her.
She blushed, grabbed me and said, "Thank you Sanju," while kissing on my forehead.
"For what," I whispered.
"I know that you are not at all expressive but I could feel your love by the decision you took for me in
the morning and now, by your kiss," she said by holding my hand and placed her head on my shoulder.
"So whats the plan?" she enquired.
"You've to wait till Nag arrives here," I started telling about my plan.
You? You are not staying with me? she frowned.
"No jaanu, as per my plan you have to stay here alone."
"No, I can't leave you now," she said by clutching my hand
"Listen Jaanu, you need to understand the situation. Do you believe in me?" I asked.
She nodded and I kept explaining my plan.

"This is the plan A. I'm going to leave this place in a few minutes, you have to be here till he arrives. As I
instructed, he will arrange an accommodation for you in a girls hostel for tonight."
She glared at me.
"Don't worry we can trust him, it would be the safest place, " I said stroking her hand.
"And you?" she asked.
"I will go straight to the pawnbroker from here and Ill take gold loan by pawning my gold chain. And
then I'll travel to another city and arrange a home for us to start a new life. After everything is settled,
Nag will bring you to me. Ill be in touch with Nagender. I hope by tomorrow evening everything will be
settled out."
"Why don't we go together?"
"No Jaanu, if we go together we might face problems. Let me explain this to you. Now the time is 11.30.
Hardly after 1 hour, I'll start for another city, after I get the money from pawn broker. It takes around 7
hours to reach there. After I reach another city at 7.30 pm, I can sleep in railway station or I can manage
to get a room in a lodge easily. But if you are with me, staying with a girl for such a long time in railway
station might catch attention of police. Of course, we can manage to get room in a lodge, but at the end
of the day we might get caught by police. In both situations, you might push in a panic situation by a
police and they can easily extract the reason why we are there. So I can't put you in a risk." I explained.
She nodded and now she understood my plan.
"Jaanu you also need to do one thing to execute my plan perfectly."
She shrugged.
"Yes Jaanu, you need to call your mom and say that you are going to stay in your friends room for
tonight to prepare tomorrow's exam as you usually do. Ill do the same." I instructed.
She nodded.
"Listen Jaanu, you have to be so brave; if I don't get a home in a day, don't panic and continue the plan
"What's the plan B?" She asked with curiosity.
"Now, you don't need to know that. I have already told to Nag. If it is needed, he will execute the plan B.
Now just concentrate on plan A."
"Its time to leave," I said by putting 20 rupees in her hand
"What about you Sanju? "
"I can manage, Jaanu."
Then I said, "Jaanu be brave. Just wait for Nag. He will pay the internet caf bill after he arrives. in the
meanwhile, I've seen coin box in this internet caf go and call to your mom. Inform as I said and sign into
my yahoo mail and download our birth certificates as I was already uploaded before."
"I have my all certificates Xerox copies with me," she said by stroking her bag
"Oh, you are well planned!" I was surprised
"If you feel hungry, just step outside and buy biscuit in the shop besides this, and if you feel thirsty I
have seen a water can in the corner of this caf." I continued.

Suddenly she started weeping as if it was the last day with me. I hugged her tightly for a moment my
eyes became moist. I wished I could spent more time with her at this moment, but I could start sobbing
if I stayed there for a minute more and if I couldn't stop myself staying there for a long time, It could ruin
my plan.
I realized that it was getting late and said, "I promise you Jaanu, this little distance will make a strong
bonding between us," while kissing on her forehead.
"Sanju, you still didn't tell me the city where we are going," she asked.
" Guntur." I said.
Oh, the city which had given birth to you is going to give birth again. Mr. Heart said.

I left the cabin with a heavy heart and felt like going back to her and taking her into my embrace again,
but somehow I controlled myself.

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