Epic Rampage Concept

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This would involve varies avatars represented by my Dragon family as a friendly

test, a gauntlet if you would, to see determination of the heroes of earth about
facing any sort of planetary threat or above, a friendly invitation to those that
which to be challenged, I'll break in down into the following -
All opponents are level 45, Arena's take place in various locations depending on
the Tier you're versing, the rounds won't have timers but you can be locked out by
recovering being defeated, but it works like Fire and ice, you can retry the rounds
for as many times you're willing to, as the name suggests it's not going to be
easy, it's going to be progressively difficult as you progress through the tiers to
the final encounter, rewards are offered once you've completed each tier
prerequisite, all bosses have passives and increase base damage similar to how
Gravitar works now when their HP Drops below 66/33% Remaining ~double damage from
when they start out, unless stated otherwise, all their powers work like players
with the debuffs that can be applied but relatively more powerful,

Damages can range between Low to Extreme, I'll tag powers accordingly to relative
Low - Hundreds
Moderate - Thousands
High - 10 - 20k
Huge - 20 - 50K
Massive - 50 - 100K
Enormous - 100 - 200K
Extreme - 200K+

Now, to start out Hero's would to transported to a ancient arena that would be
scoured by certain faction teams, could be lemurian, VIPER, or even Eldar Worms,
that the players would have to clear out before a deep draconic disembodied voice
is heard welcoming them, instructing to step onto the platform to begin the
challenge, sending them to their first site, Tier 1 (Cavern) I was thinking using
one of the underground caverns from Unity Missions, would work, block off the
tunnels to players so the main chamber would be focused on, the tunnels would be
used to spawn the Bosses Minions to enter then arena and support the Boss as the
hero's engage, now their are 3 Variations of encounters that one will be picked to
engage with their different Minions and Boss to encounter, Health Points of the
Boss could be ~1.2Mil (Speculation/Adjustable) and Ranked as Super Villain, uses
powers like Nemesis encounter, all melee bosses have the ability to apply NTTG with
a Lunge or Yank attack (Iron Lariat)

In Tier 1 in order to pass you must defeat the Boss and minions to receive reward
and unlocks next tier, First up would be a Water Dragon named Crusher, using an
array water powers that would be reskinned Force, a few wind and a TK power,
replace the effects both sound and visual to reflect this, water powers would use
powerful repel's and knock down as their primary mechanics, his minions would be
groups of 3x 5 Tough variants, they would be Karkadons (Mix between Henchmen -
Master Villain), reskinned if needed, they will respawn to reinforce their numbers
as long as the Boss is standing, the bosses passive is called Water Manipulation,
which is a relatively similar carbon copy of Kinetic Manipulation, giving Physical
Damage resist to ranged and lesser to Melee, water powers also apply it's own
debuff called Wet/Soaked, slowing you down slightly and increases damage done by
Electric/Cold damage, Listing his powers which he would Cycle -

Water Bolt (Low) (Force Bolt Reskin)

Water Blast (Moderate, repels/knock down primary target) (Force Blast Reskin)
Water Burst (Moderate, Repels/Knock down 360 PBAoE, 10ft) (Force Eruption Reskin)
Whirlpool (Moderate, repels to primary target within 25ft, snares) (Whirlwind
reskin with repel to primary target adv)
Water Spout (Low, CC Paralyse, Single target) (Twister reskin)
Powers Unlock at 66% -
Water Bomb (High, repels/knock down, 25ft) (Force Detonation reskin)
Tidal Surge (High, repels/knock down, 50ft burst AoE 90degrees) (TK Wave reskin)

Powers Unlock at 33% -

Water Cannon (Huge, repels/knock down, 120ft x 2ft cylinder) (Force Cascade reskin)

The 2nd possible variation you can encounter is Ex Viper General Supreme Dragon,
gone Freedom fighter commander, he's a form of Daikaiju Dragon and his Resistance
fighter allies, basically reskinned UNTIL soldiers in black outfits, they will
support Supreme Dragon in packs of 6, 5 henchmen Soldiers and 1 Villain ranked team
leader per group and they come in 4 groups to harass the players, Supreme Dragon's
passive is Invulnerability and his powers go as follows -

Wrist Bolter (Low)

Dual Missile Barrage (Moderate ST Maintain)
Micro Munitions (Moderate, AoE Maintain)
Tail Whip (Moderate, 120 degrees reverse AoE, knocks)

@ 66%
Shoulder Launcher (High AoE Burst)
Minigun (Moderate, Cylinder Maintain, debuff)
Plasma Breath (Huge, AoE Maintain, Plasma Beam from his mouth, 50ft x 2ft cylinder
causes Plasma Burn and Disintegrate)

@ 33%
Phalanx Restoration (HoT, Blocks with Energy Shield, requires enough damage to
break block to interrupt heals, attempts periodically)

Last variation is a BattleMage called Drake, this particular Dragon comes equipped
with a Aura of Radiant Protection and has 4 Super Villain (Tough) Alien Gladiators
supporting him, these minions use generic Might powers and Defiant passive and have
only about 100K HP each, Drake on the other hand uses both Heavy Weapons and
Sorcery while versing the players and switch according to combat situation -

Melee -
Bludgeon (Low)
Cleave (Moderate, Combo, AoE)
Decimate (Low, Lunge NTTG)
Ranged -
Magic Blast (Moderate, ST Knocks)
Binding of Aratron (Low, ST CC Incapacitate, NTTG)

@ 66%
SkullCrusher (High, AoE Charge, Knock down)
Arc of Ruin (Moderate, Debuff, Disorient, AoE)
Skarnes Bane (Moderate, Debuffs, Cone AoE)
Soul Beam (High, ST maintain, Strips resistance like Valerians power)

@ 33%
Crushing Incantation (Huge, AoE, Debuff)

Now that's it for Tier 1, after defeating one of the above you're rewarded, 2 SCR
and 200Q for your efforts, moving on to Tier 2 (Ground)

In this scenario you will face a potential 3 teams of 4 Super Villain (Tough)
Ranked opponents (Approximately 900K HP each) with different styles but certain
targeting comes into play when half the team's health drops below 66% and 33% HP
remaining accordingly, initially they target like any other but once the threshold
is reached they co-ordinate efforts more so, first stage of targeting half the team
targets the weakest (lowest HP or total) and the other half the strongest (highest
HP or total), they alternate every 20seconds or so and is unaffected by aggro for 5
seconds between switching, at stage 2 all the team focus on the weakest or the
strongest in order to cause a domino effect, the arena takes place similar to
Gravitar and Fire and Ice in a containment field, ground level, now to meet the
teams -

First team is the Cyber kin, 4 Techno organics -

Deuteron, uses energy based Power Armour and has Invulnerability as his passive
being ranged he tends to sit behind the melee opponents,
Axon, uses Gadgeteer powers to debilitate and debuff players and has Medical
Nanites to patch his brothers every 3 seconds with thousands of HP per burst, being
ranged tends to stand with Deuteron,
Delta, uses Laser sword, has Personal Force Field as his passive, melee
relentlessly attacks and grounds running units with NTTG yanks and lunges,
Theta uses Bestial powers and Regen, so your generic bestial build, same as above.

Second team is Warriors,

Artamax, uses unarmed and regen passive (Debuff, CC, knocks)
IronClaw, uses heavy weapons and unstoppable passive (Heavy hitter, damage/knocks)
Phalanx, uses single blade and Way of the Warrior passive (bleeds, burst, damage)
Max, uses bestial and Defiant passive (Tank, bleeds, survivability)

Third team is Might and Magic,

Enigma, uses Sorcery and uses Aura of Ebon Destruction passive (Damage/debuffs,
periodic AoE Heal)
Scythe, Bestial with WoTW passive. (damage dealer, bleeds)
Armand, Dual blades with WoTW passive. (Damage dealer, spike damage)
Venator, Archery with Quarry passive. (Damage and light CC/Debuffing powers)

Now that's it for Tier 2, after defeating one of the above team you're rewarded, 3
SCR and 500Q for your efforts, moving on to Tier 3 (Mountain)

for Tier 3 takes place on a mountain top of sorts, you will face 2 potential teams
of 3, Legendary Ranked and approximately 2Mil HP Each, targeting priority works as
previous round, the teams you can fight are -

Replicas, 3 Huge red Dragons with some serious punch, 3 Might users with Defiant
passives, hit in the High to Massive range of damage in general, uses powers just
like generic might, across the board from pummel to Haymaker.

Snakes, 3 large green Snakes with alot of agility, 3 unarmed users with Lightning
Reflexes passives, hit in the Moderate to Huge range of damage in general, uses
similar to generic unarmed, across the board from vicious strikes to Burning Chi
Fist and Open palm strike.

to note, once one has fallen, the other 2 Enrage, their base damage increases by
50%, and increase in size to reflect this, once 2 fall the other enrages again,
gaining an additional 50% base damage boost and grows once again to reflect this
til all 3 fall and you can collect your reward, 5 SCR and 1000Q, moving on to Tier
4 (Sky)

This one gonna take more of an explanation, the general setup is kinda like
Frosticus and Kenina encounter but more intense, located on a contained sky
platform, something similar to this
url=http://www.gtainside.com/downloads/picr/2016-03/1456932906_1456930736_4.jpg but
without the buildings, the opponents are 2 elemental Dragon's which are avatar's of
my 12 potential elemental Brothers, they would be chosen at random to face together
and use their Elemental power accordingly, I'll explain shortly, They will be
Legendary (Tough) Ranked and have approximately 3.5mil HP Each, and use their
powers relentlessly up to 200ft range, now I'll explain each of their passives,
powers and effects they will have on the battlefield, Phase 1 (or full HP to 2/3)
will engage with basic cycling of powers while engaging those who have highest
aggro (Usual encounter), Phase 2 (HP between 2/3 and 1/3) they will engage with a
more varied array of powers, more damaging scale with HP Threshold and periodic
change of the arena, Phase 3 (HP Between 1/3 and Defeat) Both Avatar's will attack
in tandem like previous Tiers towards the same target in order to overwhelm the
team, Arena changes are more persistent, Ultimates present, just like in FnI if one
Avatar is downed and the other is still standing, they will Enrage (With one
exception) in an attempt to avenge the fallen until they're or you're defeated, now
let's breakdown the 12 variations, starting with the 12 possible Elementals,

Light (Photon) Avatar -

Passive - Light Manipulation, Effect - 200Ft DoT Light Dimensional damage Aura
(Low, every 3secs), Resists Dimensional damage, (Boosts it to? not sure with AI)
chance to apply Illuminate from being struck
Colour of Powers - White
Powers - Stage 1
Light Bolt (Moderate)
Light Blast (Huge, Charge ST, applies Illumination, resistance debuff)
Light Conduit (High, Maintain, chains upto 5 players nearby)
Light Condemn (Massive, 50ft charged AoE, Wireframe tell on target)
Stage 2 -
Celestial Beam (Huge, ST maintain, strips resistance during maintain)
Celestial Purge (Huge, 200ft Charged AoE Knock, causes threat wipe for 5 seconds,
wireframe tell)
Celestial Prisms (Moderate DoT, Persistent, spawns several prisms targeting ranged
target's, debuffs)(Planer Fracture)
Celestial Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a Light based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Light powers on players, illuminates
everyone, spawns light constructs to attack players and spawns random light prisms
on players while Light realm is in effect, lasts 20seconds)
Stage 3 -
Holy Vengeance (Enormous Burst, Targets players in a wave of multiple delayed beams
of light from the sky, similar to Eidolon's guysers but dimentional Light,
wireframe tells)

Darkness (Shadow) Avatar -

Passive - Darkness Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Dark Dimentional damage Aura
(Low, every 3secs), Resists Dimentional damage, chance to apply fear from being
Colour of Powers - Black
Powers - Stage 1 -
Dark Bolt (Moderate)
Dark Blast (Huge, Charge ST, applies Fear, resistance debuff)
Dark Embrace (High, Maintain AoE Cone)
Grasping Darkness (Low, CC powerful Paralyse, affects everyone that isn't blocking,
followed by Dark Vortex dealing Moderate DoT AoE that doesn't help break free)
Stage 2 -
Dark Life Drain (Moderate, HoT maintain ST)
Dark Ruin (Massive, Applies Trauma, DoT(Despair) Debuff, charged ST)
Dark Rifts (Moderate DoT, persistent, spawns several rifts targeting ranged
players, snare, repel to)
Dark Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a void based landscape,
causes debuff to Elemental Dark powers on players, fears everyone, spawns Dark
constructs (Powerful shadows that take their masters appearance) to attack players
and spawns random Dark rifts on players while Void realm is in effect, lasts
Stage 3 -
Shattering Rain (Massive DoT, Targets random players, wireframe tell)(Like

Fire (Pyre) Avatar -

Passive - Fire Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Fire damage Aura (Low, every 3
secs), Resists Fire damage, chance to apply Clinging Flames from being struck
Colour of Powers - Red
Powers - Stage 1 -
Fire Bolt (Moderate)
Fire Blast (Moderate, Tapped fire strike, usually in 3 x combo's like bolts, chance
to apply additional CF's and resistance debuff)
Fire Breath (High, Maintain AoE Cone)
Fire Pit (Huge, Charge 50Ft PBAoE burst, DoT, wireframe tell)
Stage 2 -
Fireball (Massive, 50ft AoE charge, Targets with wireframe tell on target)
Fire Rain (Huge, 50ft AoE Maintain, Targets with wireframe tell on target)
Fire Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a fiery based landscape,
causes debuff to Elemental Fire powers on players, applies clinging flames to
everyone, spawns fiery constructs to attack players as it Fire Rains on players
while Fire realm is in effect, lasts 20seconds)
Stage 3 -
Supernova (Enormous, 200ft Charge Burst that incinerates the area in fire,
wireframe tell)

Ice (Cryo) Avatar -

Passive - Ice Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Cold damage Aura (Low, every 3
seconds), Resists Cold damage, chance to apply chill from being struck
Colour of Powers - Blue
Powers - Stage 1 -
Ice Shards (Moderate)
Ice Blast (Huge, applies Chill, Resistance debuff)
Ice Breath (High, Maintain AoE Cone)
Ice Smash (High, AoE Tap, shatters Chill for additional cold damage)
Stage 2 -
Ice Storm (Moderate DoT, 200ft Perception reduction, ignores half resistance,
Avalanche (Massive, 50ft AoE Maintain, wireframe tell on target)
Ice Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a Ice based landscape, causes
debuff to Elemental Ice powers on players, chills everyone, spawns icy constructs
to attack players and arena wide Moderate DoT Freezing Rain, chance to encase
someone with a Ice Tomb while Ice realm is in effect, players will die if not taken
out, lasts 20seconds)
Stage 3 -
Ice Impalement (Enormous, 200ft x 5ft cylinder, Charge attack that spikes nasty
cold damage all in it's path, look like TK Lance but Icy, wireframe tell)

Poison (Corrosion) Avatar -

Passive - Poison Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Toxic damage Aura (Low, every
3seconds), Resists Toxic damage, chance to apply deadly poison from being struck
Colour of Powers - Green
Powers - Stage 1 -
Poison Bolt (Moderate)
Poison Blast (Huge, applies Deadly poison, resistance debuff)
Poison Breath (High, Maintain AoE Cone)
Poison Slash (Huge, Melee charge attack (Massacre), applies numerous poison
debuffs, Noxious Poison, Debilitating Poison, Pestilence, Deadly Poison)
Stage 2 -
Poison Fog (Huge, 50ft PBAoE Maintain, debuffs)
Defiling Poison (Massive, Charged ST)
Poison Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a poisonous based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Poison powers on players, stacks deadly
poison on everyone, spawns acid constructs to attack players and arena wide
Moderate DoT Acid shower (Strips defense and reduces heals) on players while
poisonous realm is in effect, lasts 20seconds)
Stage 3 -
Nuclear Detonation (Enormous, 200ft charged Spike damage, causes radiation sickness
if unblocked, works like Genetic Siphon, wireframe tell) (Similar to Teleiosaurus
Spike Detonation)

Electric (Volt) Avatar -

Passive - Electric Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Electric damage Aura (Low,
every 3seconds), Resists Electric damage, chance to apply negative ions from being
struck, NI makes chaining easier
Colour of Powers - Purple
Powers - Stage 1 -
Electric Bolt (Moderate)
Electric Blast (Huge, applies negative ions, resistance debuff, chains up to 3
Electric Breath (High, AoE Maintain Cone)
Electric Discharge (Huge, 50ft PBAoE Maintain, can knock back)
Stage 2 -
Energy Drain (Moderate, 200ft Charge burst, Drains Energy completely, Electrocutes
if unblocked (Paralyse), applies superconductor debuff, wireframe tell)
Electric Storm (Massive, 50ft AoE Maintain, wireframe tell on target)
Electric Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a Electrical based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Electric powers on players, applies negative
Ions on everyone, spawns ball lightning to attack players and arena wide Lightning
storm that periodically strikes with High damage on players with Lightning Strikes
and electrocutes if you don't more or block it, wireframe tell)
Stage 3 -
Electric Gigablast (Enormous, 200ft x 5ft charged spike damage, wireframe tell)

Wind (Gale) Avatar -

Passive - Wind Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Wind Crushing/Cold damage Aura
(Low, every 3secs), resists Crushing/Cold damage, chance to repelled from being
Colour of Powers - Cyan/Aqua
Powers - Stage 1 -
Wind Bolt (Moderate)
Wind Blast (Huge, charge ST, Repel, applies resistance debuff)
Wind Breath (High, Maintain AoE Cone)
Hurricane (Huge, 50ft PBAoE Maintain, Repels, Knocks at end of maintain)
Stage 2 -
Whirlwind (Huge, 50ft AoE Maintain, repels to, disorients)
Typhoon (Massive, 200ft x 5ft, repels, wireframe tell)
Wind Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a windy based landscape,
causes debuff to Elemental Wind powers on players, applies disorient on everyone,
spawns Tornadoes sweeps the arena, attracted to players (High AoE Maintain,
Persistent, Snares, repels to and spawns multiple (Moderate ST maintain) Dust
devils to attack all those around us)
Stage 3 -
Atmospheric Disruption (Varies, 200ft Maintain, suspends Avatar in the air as
multiple, simultaneous Gusts of random wind attacks lash at the players with varies
repel and damages, pushes everyone back with repels while maintains, also causes
Crushing and cold with air pressure and wind shear, wireframe tell, once ended
Avatar lands on the ground and resumes)
Earth (Gaia) Avatar -
Passive - Earth Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Earth Crushing damage aura (Low,
every 3secs), resists Crushing damage, chance to stagger from being struck, applies
Slow to players in range
Colour of Powers - Brown/Orange
Powers - Stage 1 -
Earth Shards (Moderate)
Earth Shot (Huge, 25ft AoE Charged Burst, applies stagger and resistance debuff)
Earthen Tremor (Huge, 50ft AoE Charged Burst, applies stagger, knocks up)
Quicksand (Huge, 50ft PBAoE Maintain, repels, applies stagger)
Stage 2 -
Earthen Fault Line (Massive, 200ft x 5ft AoE Charged Burst, knocks up, wireframe
Cave In (Massive, ST Charge burst, Stuns staggered targets, secondary weaker cave
in's to everybody else)
Earthquake (Massive, 200ft charged PBAoE Charged (Havoc Stomp) sends out a
shockwave, knocks back Melee, NTTG, spawns fissures under everyone in range,
Fissure - escalating crushing/fire damage, wireframe tell)
Earthen Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a earthen based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Earth powers on players, applies snare to
everyone, spawns sandstorms and quicksand traps that DoT and reduces visibility)
Stage 3 -
Stalagmite Eruption - (Enormous, Charged spike, smashes the ground releases earth
spikes in all directions, applies snare, knocks, 200ft PBAoE, wireframe tell)

Force (Quantum) Avatar -

Passive - Force Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Force Crushing damage aura (Low,
every 3secs), resists physical damage, chance to apply Gravity from being struck
Colour of Powers - Deepskyblue
Powers - Stage 1 -
Force Bolts (Moderate)
Force Blast (Huge, Charge ST, knock back, applies resistance debuff)
Force Eruption (Huge, 50ft PBAoE Charged Burst, knock back, wireframe tell)
Force Cascade (Huge, 120ft x 2ft delayed burst, knock back, wireframe tell)
Stage 2 -
Containment Field (100ft AoE Hold, wireframe tell on target) (Just like Gravitars)
Singularity (200ft powerful repel to, places on random player) (Just like
Force Detonation (Massive, 100ft delayed burst, knock back, wireframe tell)
Gravity Ripple (High, 200ft PBAoE maintain, applies Gravity Ripple debuff)
Cosmic Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a space based landscape,
causes debuff to Elemental Force powers on players, applies gravity ripple on
everyone, changes the arena from Low(Blue), Normal, High(Red) gravity zones, low
gravity suspends players without flight, (like Lunar Mechanon mission) being
knocked can prove hazardous, Normal is a transitional phase, High causes Moderate
Crushing DoT that ignores defenses (Resistance still works like Earth Form/Kinetic
Manipulation passive) and applies Gravity during this phase)
Stage 3 -
Gravity Driver (Enormous, 100ft charged burst AoE, debuffs, knock down, stuns,
wireframe tell on target)

Psionic (Matrix) Avatar -

Passive - Psionic Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Psionic Ego damage aura (Low,
Every 3secs), resists Ego damage, chance to apply disorient from being struck
Colour of Powers - Pink
Powers - Stage 1 -
Psionic Bolt (Moderate)
Psionic Blast (Huge, charge ST, disorients, resistance debuff)
Psionic Burst (Huge, 50ft charge AoE burst, applies stress, wireframe tell on
Psionic Wave (Huge, 100ft charged cone AoE, applies stress, knock back, wireframe
Stage 2 -
Psionic Assault (Huge, 200ft ST Maintain, applies stress)
Psionic Lance (Massive, 200ft Charged ST Burst, 50ft AoE detonation, wireframe tell
on target)
Psionic Eruption (Massive, 200ft Charged PBAoE Burst, powerful repel, wireframe
Psionic Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a mindscape based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Psionic powers on players, applies disorient
on everyone, spawns psionic constructs that attack and debuff the players, also
stacks DoT Ego Spirits that ignore all defenses, causes random Confusion on
Stage 3 -
Psionic Impact (Enormous, 100ft charged burst AoE, debuffs, knock down, applies
stress, wireframe tell on target)

Life (Ankh) Avatar -

Passive - Life Manipulation, Effect - 200ft Healing Aura, resists all damage. (Aura
heals everyone with Low Heals, all heals given to players heal the avatar
collectively 10 fold, instead of Enraging when his Brother falls, he performs a
revive animation, 5 seconds later he plays a Redemption animation and his brother
revives with 1/2 HP)
Colour of Powers - Gold
Powers - Stage 1 -
Life Blast (Causes High heal to Allies, ST)
Life Cleansing (AoE Debuff players by disabling TP's, Forms, Healing strength)
Life Shield (Places a 100K Shield on himself or Brother periodically)
Stage 2 -
Life Wave (100ft AoE Cone burst that Heals instead of damaging, but knocks)
Life Iniquity (Transfers 100K HP from himself to his Brother, periodically)
Conjure Allies (Spawns life constructs to damage for him and heals from the damage
done by spawn)
Life Grasp (Paralyzes players with a powerful plant like tendrils that constrict
them, crushing them over time and giving your health to the avatar x10)
Stage 3 -
Life Transfer (Transfers all but 1HP from a target and gives it to himself or his
Brother, can be reduced by blocking, heals are multiplied by 100 giving it to his

Death (Grim) Avatar -

Passive - Death Manipulation, Effect - 200ft DoT Necrotic Dimensional/Toxic damage
aura (Low, every 3secs), Ignores half of all defenses, resists all damage, chance
to apply Necrotic web from being struck. (Any player that downs during his
encounter will heal him like Kigatilik, by 100K HP per player)
Colour of Powers - Grey
Powers - Stage 1 -
Necrotic Bolt (Moderate)
Necrotic Blast (Huge, applies Necrotic web)
Necrotic Breath (High, AoE Maintain Cone)
Stage 2 -
Necrotic Coils (Escalating Huge 15ft AoE DoT Dimensional/Toxic damage, applies
Necrotic web and drains HP transferring to himself while others are held, causes
AoE Incapacitate)
Devour Essence (Huge ST Dimensional/Toxic Maintain that Transfer damage to health)
Conjure Undead (Summons dozens of undead to attack players)
Death Realm (Changes the Arena temporarily to look like a underworld based
landscape, causes debuff to Elemental Death powers on players, applies necrotic web
on everyone, spawns undead and empowers them periodically upto supervillain ranked
to deal with players)
Stage 3 -
Deathbringer's Grasp - (Massive, 100ft DoT, Roots, Ignores Defenses, Corrupts,
wireframe tell on target)

After both avatar's are defeated you'll collect 1GCR, 8SCR and 2500Q before moving
on to the final Tier 5 (Space)

This is it Heroes, you came this far and now it's time for the final challenge, you
enter a cosmic platform in space only the reveal a large figure in the distance,
you tab target and see a 9mil Cosmic Rank entity called Rtma's Avatar, that's
right, me, I congratulate you on making it this far and offer you one last test,
you also notice that I have a Passive called Godly Resistance, this acts as a
powerful Invulnerability that the AI use (So something like 350+ flat damage
reduction), in this arena you have to defeat my Avatar before I become too powerful
and wipe your team, this happens because the Avatar also has a Timed Enraged
mechanic(Initially without one until 30seconds elapsed once combat has started),
once every 30 seconds my avatar gains a stack of it and grows somewhat in size to
reflect the power gained, after 10stacks, powers are enhanced (And again at
20stacks, if you live that long), gaining double range and spawning fissures when
striking the ground with a melee attack, I'll explain that shortly, after managing
to get me to 2/3 HP remaining, I gain a 2nd passive called Godly Recovery, which is
a powerful regeneration that gives ~10K HP every 3 seconds, and at 1/3 HP
remaining, a 3rd and Final passive called Godly Endurance which is a Defiant
Passive on top of that, giving extra resistance, now to explain the powers the
Avatar uses.

Powers - Stage 1 -
Cleave (Moderate to Extreme+ with Enrage stacking, 25ft 3x combo, 1&2 are 360
degrees and 3rd hit is a 6ft cylinder(?))
Skullcrusher (High to Extreme+ with Enrage stacking, 25ft charged burst 6ft
Arc of Ruin (Moderate to Extreme+ with Enrage stacking, 25ft 360 degree charged
PBAoE, disorient, Physical damage debuff)
Brimstone (Moderate to Extreme+ with Enrage stacking), 25ft PBAoE, Knock down,
Decimate (Moderate to Extreme+ with Enrage stacking), 120ft Lunge, NttG, Snare,
Stage 2 -
Cycles between Elemental powers that his Brothers used before hand, Stage 3 powers
randomly activate, colour coded for reference.

When 10stacks of Enrage is reached -

Unlocks Havoc Stomp (Huge - Extreme+ with Enrage stacking, 50ft charged PBAoE
knockback, secondary 200ft 360 degree shock wave, causes arena to shake, and NTTG,
Sonic damage, spawns fissures under players outside of PBAoE range)
Unlocks Earth Splitter (Huge - Extreme+ with Enrage stacking, charged, 100ft x 5ft
Rectangular AoE, after initial burst damage, Area becomes a rectangular Fissure
that causes escalating Crushing and Fire damage for 10seconds before dissipating)
Brimstone causes secondary 200ft, 360 degree PBAoE shockwave that also applies NTTG
to players, also knocks down those in 50Ft PBAoE,
Spawns fissures upon striking the ground with melee strikes on players affected,
those include 3rd hit from Cleave, Skullcrusher, Arc of Ruin, and Brimstone.

This pretty much covers what happens, my avatar would occasionally speak to
encourage the heroes to fight harder, otherwise on defeat everything resets, HP,
Size, power etc, and players can try again, when victory is accomplished by the
players, my avatar shrinks down to original size, takes a recovery position and
then stands up, giving a clap, Congratulating them for passing his Gauntlet,
offering a reward circle for their efforts which offer, 4GCR, 12SCR, 5000Q, perhaps
some random Mods as well, similar to other cosmics, The Avatar would be standing
with his arms folded and speaks on the occasion for those that stand around, a few
quotes would be 'That was Fun, we should play again sometime' or 'Not Bad, for
Earthlings' and that concludes my Epic Rampage Alert suggestion, hope it would be
considered if at all, could also add a Daily for G rewards like 10G.

Character sizes goes as Follows, the majority of Bosses you encounter would stand
around 10ft in size, with some exceptions, IronClaw and all Elemental Brothers
would stand 20ft in height, Scythe and Artamax would stand at 15ft, Delta would
stand at 12ft, Deuteron would stand at 11ft, Enigma would stand at 9ft, Venator at
8.8ft, Max/Snake boys at 8ft.

Certain Dragons would have Auras to reflect accurately to their characteristics

and of their nature, for the elemental Brother avatars would go as follows,
Shadow Avatar - Dark Aura
Photon Avatar - White Celestial Aura
Cryo Avatar - Blue Legacy Ice Form
Pyre Avatar - either Red Legacy Fiery Form or Fire Aura from the Z Store
Corrosion Avatar - wither Green Toxic Aura or what was AoTI Pestilence Aura
Volt Avatar - Rank 1 Purple Legacy Electric Form
Gaia Avatar - Legacy Earth Form
Gale Avatar - Legacy Aqua Stormbringer
Matrix Avatar - Pink Legacy Kinetic Manipulation and Aura of Arcane Clarity
Quantum Avatar - Deepskyblue Legacy Kinetic Manipulation and Gravitars Gravity
Grim Avatar - Grey Ghostly Fog Aura and Black Fog
Ankh Avatar - Gold Legacy ID Blades Aura
Everyone else -
Rtmas Avatar - Rank 3 Legacy Invulnerability Aura, Magenta Legacy Kinetic
Manipulation Aura
Artamax - Blue Legacy Way of the Warrior Aura, in Combat
Axon - Green Legacy Medical Nanites in combat
Deuteron - Blue Legacy Rank 2 Regeneration Aura, in combat
Drake - Legacy Rank 3 Aura of Ebon Destruction, in combat
Crusher - Soaked Aura
Phalanx - Vibration Aura
Enigma - Legacy Aura of Primal Majesty

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