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Pakistan Jounal of Biological Sciences 10 (10): 1685-1690, 2007 ISSN 1028-8880 © 2007 Asian Network for Seientifie Information Application of Biotransformation in Flavor and Fragrance Industry 'Fereshteh Jookar Kashi, amshid Fooladi and snsour Bayat "Department of Biology, School of Seience, Al-zahra University, Vanek, Tehran, Iran "Department of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran “Abstracts The prevent smdy doveribes the Bolation of microorganisms capable of producing a-pinene from B-pinene. 2415 fing, 9 bacteria) microorganisms were isolated fr galbarnm, gum and sil, were screened for thir ability otrnsform B-pinene to a-pinene.Biotransformation products were extracted with rhexan and analyzed by gas chromatography. One microorganism (bacterial strain) were found. The biotransformation ‘medium involved phosphate ble pT, 100 pL Pepinene, 1g biomass of microorgenism, 37°C 150m and 22h The experiments wore performed in conical flasks. The optimum cell growth were obtained whan 30.8 alyoorin applied, The optimum conversion epinne to e-pinene was obtaned when 20 gL" ghyesrn applied ‘a8 cathon source for bacterial strain, Key words: Biotransformation, B-pinene, epinene. flavor and fr INTRODUCTION Biotwnsformation or biccatalysis is the we of biological agents to effect specific chemical change on compourss that are not pat oftheir normal biochemistry These conversions of eornpouncls can be carried out by Infact microbial col, plant col, isolated enzymes and they result inthe formation of novel useful produets that are often difficult or impossible to obvain by conventional chemical means. This definition differentiates biotranformation from biosynthesis or metabolic chemistry. Both of which are coneemed with reactions carried cut by biological systems on components af their natural biochemistry. The distinguishing feature of biotransformation i its use for the preparation of products of defined chemical structure that are related to the substrate or starting. material for the reaction by only a small number of chemical changes and in many cases by changes brought about by tho aetion of only a single enzyme (Herter, 2000) Many essential oils contain compounds that resemble in their structure flavor and aroma compounds. These compounds can be converted by microorganisms or enzymes into desired aroma chemicals ‘he products of such biosonversions are considered natural, since the EEC legislation incorporate products that are produced from biological sources by living cells or their components under the term natural products (Shimoni et al, 2000) Given the profitability of the conversion of low priced, commercially available monoterpens to high priced ance industry flavoring and fragrance agent, considerable effort has gone into exploring microbial transformations for this purpose (Van Rensburg er al., 1997). Flavor and fragrance are extremely important for the food, feed, cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical inchstries Pinene (« and ) are bicyclic monoterpenes hydrocarbons, e-pinene is the principal constituent of turpentine from most confiers and is @ component of the wood and leaf oils of a wide variety of other plants (Pinder, 1960, Yoo et al, 2001; Yoo and Day, 2002). Brpinene is isomeric with e-pinene and accompanies the later in most source of the hydrocarbon (Erman, 1986; ‘Yoo er al, 2001), Pinenes (and B) are major components of commercial turpentine and of great value as precursors for making flavors and fragrances (Rassinann, 1980; Mekibben, 1989). Of the 13761 metric tons of turpentine produced as by-products in the pulp and paper industry of the United State, between 20 and 25% is used by the flavored fragrance industries (Mattson, 1984; Yoo ef al., 2001; Yoo and Day, 2002) ‘This trend has forced companies to direct their attention towards flavours of natural origin. For this reason, the microbial transformation of a-and B-pinaneis of considerable potential interest for application tothe flavour and fragrance industries (Griffiths et af. 1987; Misra etal, 1996; Yoo etal, 2001; Yoo and Day, 2002), One such treasure, whose name ancl fragrance is today little know, is galtamum, Galbanum (Perula sp.) is an oleoresin that exudes frem an umbelliferous plant similar Corresponding Author: Fereshtch Jookar Kashi, Department of Biology. School of Science, Al-Zahra University, Vanak, Teluun, ran Tel: +98-361 4227208 Fax: 498-21 88058012 1685 to fennel. The Bayptians imported it frm ancient Iran, sil virtually the sole souree for galbanum today. A milder galbancin has historically come from Afghanistan. Perula -gummosa boiss, Umtelliferae, i a wild plant indigenous to Iran, It grovrs inthe northem and western parts of the country Chemical composition of galbanum contain 6% Volatile oil, 67% resin, 19% gum and 8% foreign mater. The volatile oil comists mainly of a hydrocarbon ofthe terpene series. Components were identified, constituing 94.6% of the essential oil in which the principal components wore B-pinene (50.1%), «-pinene (183%). Becarene (6.7%), a-thujene (3.3%) and sabinene (3126). Therefore gaibanum is a great source of Prpinens. Bepinene is a great substat for convert to e-pinene (Caspar, 1989, Sayyah eral, 2001) MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals: c-pinene and B-pinene were obtained from Bell GmbH company (Germany). Isolation and screening of microorganisms: Microorganisms used in this study were isolated by selective medium from galbamun gum, Fenda galbanum plant and surrounding terpene scaked soil, Soil samples and Ferula galbanum plant and gun galbanum were taken from greenhouses of Khorasan and Kashan, ten grams of each sample was suspended in 100 mL. saline, also was added 0.1 g tween 80 to gum and these suspensions were used for hoth direct isolation of microorganisms. For direct isolation, appropriate dilutions of soil suspension were plated on selective medium and different ricroorganisms were isolated based on their morphology Isolate colonies were transferred into NA (Nutrient agar) slants (bacteria strain), SD (Subrodexterose agar) slants (fungi). Pure cultures were stored at 4°C and transferred bimonthly. Working cultures were maintained at room temperature and transferred monthly. Microorganisms were characterized by biochemical and morphological teats, Biomass production for biotransformation: Fslenmeyer flasks of 250 ml. volume, containing $0 mL. medium complex containing 10 gL peptone, 5 g L~ yeast extract, 20 g L~! glucose, 21.’ NaCl, 0.2 g L~' MgS0,, 0.5gL-'KHPO, The medium was adjusted to pH 53 (fungi), pH 6 8 (bacterial strain) prior to sterilization, The medium were inoculated with colonies picked up on NA for bacteria and SD for fimgi. After, growth at 37°C in a rotary shaker in a model 3528 Environ-shaker (latline Instrument, Ine, Melrose park, TL. USA) operated at 100 spm for 20h. Absorbance at 620 nm 10 (10): 1685-1690, 2007 (OD) was monitored for evaluation of culture growth by spectrophotometer (spectro UV-VIC Double s Beam PCS Scanning Auto cell LABOMED, INC). The optical density A 620 Am (Dz) of the media was close to 0.1. These broths ware med to inoculate I mL. in Erlenmeyer flask of 500 mL. volume containing 100 ml. complex medium, Erlenmeyer were shaken at 100 rpm and 37°C for 54h. Colls were harvested by centrifuging, The culture broth for 20 min at 11300 x g in a refrigerated 4°C centrifuge (Sorrall RC5C Dupont, Newtown, CT, USA). After aseptically removing the supernatant from each bottle, cell pellets were washed twice with about 30 mL. of sterile saline solution and then cell pellet were pooled andse-centrifiged Cell pellets were stored at 20°C, Biotransformation medium: Bioconversion was carried ct by adding 100 pL Brpinene anal 1g bicenass it 100 ml. buffer phosphate (NaJHPO,, NaH,PO,), pH 6 and the flasks were shaken at 150 xpm at 37°C for 22 b. The substrte control consisted at sterile medium incubated under same conkition, but without microorganism. After, 22h calls were harvested by centrifuging. The culture broth for 20 min at 11300 x g in a reftigerated 4°C centrifuge. After aseptically removing the supermatant fiom each bottle, cll pellets were suspend in 1m bufer phosphate (Na,HPO,NaHPO), pH 8, cell fre extracts vwere prepared by sonication (1 mi, interval 1 min, 7 folds, tip poser level 4, 500% eyele, 4°C). (Lab Sonie, B. Braun Biotech International, Samamicro Company) followed by centrifugation (11300 g, 20 mia, 4°C), The supematant at biotransformation products were extracted with n-hexan, srhexan at an internal standard. m-hexan was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and concentrated under a steam of nitrogen a bout | mL, Concentrated extracts were transferred into 2 mL. amber vial equipped with Teflon- lined caps and stored at -20°C until analysis, The extract of produetion was analyzed by GC (Gas ebromatography)) Analysis: The identification of moneterpenes metabolites were obtained by the previous reported method One aicroliter of each extract was injected into capillary churn Hp 5% pheay! mathy siloxan 30/m, $30-150 yn nominal (Agilent 6890 series GC system. Helium with a linear velocity of 25 crm seo! was used as OC cari gan. The injector temperature was set at SOFC. Column oven temperature programmed as follows 50°C for 1 min and then rise $C min to 130°C and then a rite 30°C mint to 280°C where it was held for $ min, To prepare @ retention index, n-hexan containing each ofthe following standard compounds, pinene and epinene were injeted under the same conditions. 1686 Optimize growth condition: In order to optimize growth condition of microorganisms in complex medium, carbon sourees were optimized. For inoculum preparation, one loopful of calls stored on NA (bacterial strain) slants were aseptically transfered into erlenmeyer flasks of 250 mL volume, containing 50 mL. of complex medium, Microorganisms were cultured in @ shaker at 37°C and 100 rpm for 20 h, (One milliliter of culture was transferred into 500 ml. flasks containing 100 mL of complex medium, The determination ofthe effects of different carbon sources (elycerin, galbanum gum, glucose) on cell growth Was established using 20 gL concentration of each carbon sources. One milliliter aliquots of inoculums were transferred to-500 mL flasks containing 100 mi, of complex medium. The flasks were incubated in shakers at 37°C and 100 gpm for 544) in the same manner a2 above, Culture broth was evenly dispensed into +250 ml. sterilized centrifuge bottles, Cells wore harvested by centrifuging the culture broth for 20 min at 11300 g in a refrigerated (°C) centrifuge, After aseptically removing the supernatant from each bottle, cell pellets were washed twice with about 30 ml. of sterile saline solution and then cell pellets were pooled and re-centrifuged. The pooled cell pellets was washed with about 100 mL. of saline solution. Finally, the supernatant was decanted and the combined weight of bottle plus cell pellets was measured, Transformation treatments were prepared using flasks of 500 mL volume containing 100 ml, buffer phosphate pH6, 1g cell pellets obtained from each of carbon sources and 100 yl Bepinene. The biotransformation product was extracted in the same manner as above. The extract of produetion was analyzed by GC (Gas Chromatography), Biotransformation products were extracted with n-hexan as internal standard, The rhexan was deied over anhydrous sedium sulphate and concentrated under a stream of nitrogen to about 1 mL. Concentrated extracts were transfered into 2 mL amber vials equipped with Teflon-lined caps anc stored at -20°C until analysis, Growth on different concentrations of glycerin (optimal carbon souree): For inocalums preperation, one loop of coll stored on NA (bacteria strain) slants were aseptically transfered into erlenmeyer flasks of 250 mL, volume, containing 50 ml. of complex medium. Microorganisms were cultured ina shaker at 37°C ang 100 ppm for 20h. The determination ofthe effets of different concentration of alyeerin on microorganisms growth was established using 5, 10,15, 20,25, 30and 35 g ~ concentration of glycerin rillliter aliquots of inceulum were transfered to 10 (10): 1685-1690, 2007 500 mL flasks containing 100 ml. of complex mete, The asks were incubated in shakers at 37°C and 100 spm for 54h, Culltre broth was evenly dispensed into 8-250 mL. sterilized centrifuge bottles. Cells were harvested by centrifuging the oulture broth for 20 min at 11300 » g Jn a refrigerated (4°C) cenbifuge fer aseptically removing the supematant from each bottle, cell pellets wore washed twice with about 30 ml, of sterile saline solution and then cell pellets were pooled and re- centrifaged, The pooled call pellets was washed twice with about 30 mL of sterile saline solution finaly, the supernatant was decanted and the combined weight of bottle plus cell pellets was measured. ‘Transformation tweatments were prepared using flasks of 500 mL. volume containing 100 ml, buffer phosphate pIT 6 1g cell pellets obtained fiom each of earbon sowees and 100 iL Bepinene, The flasks were inoubated in a shaker at 37°C, 150 rpm, 22h, After 22 b celle were harvested by centrifuging the cultare broth for 20 min at 11300 > g in a refrigerated 4°C contrifige. The culture broth for 20 min at 11300 » gina refrigerated °C centifnge. Alter septically removing, The supernatant from each bottle, call pects wore suspend in | mL, buffer phosphnts, pH 8, eel free extracts were prepared by sonication (1 min interval 1 min, 7 fos followed by centifigation 11300 »g, 20min, 4°). ‘The supematant’ as biotansformation produets were extracted in the same manner as above. The extract of production were analyzed by GC (Gas chromategsuphy). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘This present study is a part of a long-term project for developing efficient microbial bioconversion processes of essential oil components to flavor and fragrance chemicals. The aim of the present study was to isolate microorganisms capable of producing «-pinene from Bepinene. Various microorganisms were isolated from soil samples taken from aromatic plants greenhouses such as gum of galbanum using direct isolation, Based on their morphology, microorganisms had isolated from galbanum gum, Ferula gummosa boiss and surrounding terpen soaked soil with expectation that sueh culture would be highly likely to shown relevant biotransformation potentials, The screening procedure involved the following two step (I) culture development in a growth medium and (i) we of the biomass (as resting cells) in f reaction mixture for biotransformation. Twenty four microorganisms different (14 fungi, 10 bacterial strains) were isolated using direct isolation. Fifteen microorganisms (5 bacterial strain, 10 fungi) isolated from Ferula gummosa boiss and surrounding terpene soaked sol 1687 Pak. J. Biol. Sei, 10 (10): 1685-1690, 2007 FICE. JOKAR, 10003082) 00 7 wo) F pinene on sn] 200 100 Ts aS us ss 0 Fig. 1: GC chromatogram of e-pinene standard oo my pine ‘m9 son sim ‘oo 3o0 2m ae iP as as eS 2: GC chromatogram of f-pinene standard 200 8 2 1500 2 | ime 3 3 itt anes ne a a3 § SW) as SS 3:GC chromatogram of conversion products by bacterial strain, Bioconversion was carried out by adding 100 j:L. B-pinene and 1 g biomass in 100 mL. butfer phosphate pH 6 and the flasks were shaken at 150 rpm at 37°C for 22, The biotransformation products were extracted in the same manner as above. The biotransformation products were analyzed by GC Microorganisms (5 bacterial strains, 4 fungi) isolated from galbanum gum. Microorganisms were tested for their ability to produce a-pinene in the presence of B-pinene. The bioconversion products of bacterial strain were idemtified by GC and the spectral data (Fig. 3) were compared with that of standard data (Fig. | and 2) ‘OF 24 microorganisms, one microorganism (bacteria strains) capable of transforming B-pinene to «-pinene (Fig, 3). Biotransformation medium were prepared using, flasks of $00 mL volume containing 100 mL. buffer phosphate with the optimum pH 6, | gbiomass and 100 yL Brpinene, the flasks were incubated in a shaker at 37°C and 150 rpm for 22h, After 22 ball flasks were extracted with nchexan as internal standard. The n-hexan was dred anhydrous sodium sulphate and concentrated under a stream of nitrogen to about 1 ml. Concentrated extracts were transferred into 2 mL amber vials equipped with Teflon-ined caps. and stored at -20°C until analysis. But also there was no. bioconversion detectable. It suggested, substrate (B-pinene) transported into cel, enzymes capable of transforming P-pinene to aepinene, there were into cytoplasm, after biotransformation epinene to apinene, product (ccpinene) and substrate and other product not capable to transport from cytoplasm. Because, transport of product and substrate is greatly hindered by the ‘membrane barrier. Inis necessary that cll fre extracts were prepared by’ sonication followed by centrifugation (11300x g, 20 min, (C), The supernatants were used as cell free extract. Supernatant used as biotransformation products, were extracted with n-hexan and analyzed by GC. ‘Therefore, of 24 microorganisms: one microorganism capable of transforming B-pinene to a-pinene. Inorder to increase biotransformation P-pinene to epinene, cell growth condition, i... carbon sources were optimized. Glucose, glycerin and galbanum gum were used as carbon sources, the cell growth, biomass were measured ator $4 h incubation of flasks containing 100 mL. complex medium. Growth was conducted in a shaker at 37°C 100 rpm, pH 68 (bacterial strain), for $4 h. The determination of the effects of different carbon sources (elycerin, galbanum gum, glucose) on cell growth was established using 20 g L~* concentration of each catbon sources ‘The optimum growth of bacterial strain was atthe present glycerin as carbon source (Fig. 4) ‘The effect of different concentrations of glycerin on cell growth were measured after $4h incubation of flasks containing 100 mL complex medium at 37°C, 100 rpm, pH 6.8 (bacterial strain). ‘The determination of the effects of glycerin concentration on cell growth was established using 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 38 g L-!. The optimum growth of bacterial strain was at the present 30 g L~' glycerin as catbon source (Fig. 5) Biomass obtained of each of glycerin concentrations (bacterial strain) used for biotransformation medium: Biotransformation medium were prepared using Masks ‘F500 mL volume containing 100 mL, buffer phosphate 1688 514 a3 so Sa 2m 0 Gum Goin Givate Caen sees 2020) Fig. 4: Glucose, glycerin, galbamum gum were used as carbon source. The cell growth, biomass were measured afte 54h incubation of flasks containing, 100 mL complex medium, Growth was conducted in a shaker at 37°C, 100 rpm, 54 h, pH 6.8 (bacterial strain) ss mm” 25 30 3S Gye Fig. 5: The optimum growih was obtained when glycerin was applied as carbon source, The effect of different concentrations of glycerin on cell growth, was measured after 54h incubation of flasks containing, 100 ml. complex medium. Growth was conducted in a shaker at 37°C, 100 apm, $4 b, pi 68 (bacterial strain) withthe optimum pH 6, 1g biomass and 100 iL Pepinene, the flasks were inoubated in a shaker at 37°C and 150pm_ for 22h. After 22 h, cells were harvested by centrifuging the culture broth for 20 min at 11300 g in a refrigerated °C centwifge. After aseptically removing, The supernatant from each bottle, cel pellets were suspend in 1 mL, buffer phosphate (NaHPO,, NaH,PO.), pH 8, cell free extracts were prepared by sonication (1 min, interval 1 min, 7 folds) followed by centrifugation (11300x g, 20 min, 4°C), ‘The supematant as biotransformation products were extmeted with nhexaa, a-hesan as an internal standard. n-hexan was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and concentrated under @ steam of nitrogen a tout 1 mL. Concentrated extracts were transferred into 2 mL. amber vial equipped with Teflon- lined caps and stored at -20°C until analysis. The extract of production was analyzed by GC (Gas elomatography) 10 (10): 1685-1690, 2007 a our ow es joe Te 0.9236 23530 35 ‘lyeein o 8 Fig 6 The effect of different concentrations of glycerin on biotransformation -pinene to a-pinene ‘Transformation treatments were prepared using flasks of $00 mL yokame containing 100 mL buffer phosphate piT 6, 1 g cells pellets cbtained from each concentration glyeerin and 100 jl, -pinene, ‘The flasks were incubated in a shaker at 37°C, 150 rpm, 22, the biotransformation products were extracted in the same manner as above. The biotransformation product were analyzed by GC ee g-- Os gs o B Fig. 7: Suggested procedure forthe production of natural pinene by bacterial strain Under the conditions used, bacterial strain grown on 20 @ 1 glycerin produced, the highist a mount of ccpinene, even compared to bacterial strain grown on i gL lyeerin ig, 6). It suggestad at the present 20 g L- glycerin, product of enzyme capable of ceanionmning Bpnene to a-pinene is Ue highest. While the highest eel growth was with 30 L~ glyerin Stdies with microorganisms colue have shown that carbon source concentration inthe cultivation medium inluence not only the growth but also the routes of metabolism ‘Therefore, the concentration of earbon souroe was also found to influenoe it bioconversion to a-pinene. ‘The optimum conversion B-pinene to @-pinene was obtained when 20 g L~ glycerin applied as carbon source. It was noteworthy that above this glyeerin concentration. The bioconversion efficiency was drastically affected for instance and at 35 g L~ glycerin it was only 0.(888% o- pinene, And at 15 g L~ glycerin, there was no bioconversion detectable. The reaction sites of B-pinene, which are highly suwcepible to chemical reactions ae also easily attacked 1689 by comesponding enzyme systems. In this regard, the first chemical or enzyme attack may ceeur at the double bond ‘of Bepinene, Chemical attack of electrophilic seagents on Bepinene proceeds preferentially from the less hindered de of the moleeule to produce a eation elimination of the proton from the more hindered carbon produced more stable alkene, ie. a-pinene in this condition (Fig. 7) CONCLUSIONS Inthe prosont study, 24 microorganisms isolated from galbanum gun, Ferua galbanum plant and surrounding terpene soaked soil. One microorganism capable of teansforming to e-pinen. The growth conditions of microorganisms optimized. Glycerin, gcose, glbanum gum wed at carbon sources. The growth bacterial strain with lyeenin souree wat highest. The determination ofthe effects of glycerin concentration coamicroorganisms growth was established using 5, 10, 15,20, 25,30 and 35 gL" The growth ell bacterial strain was highest with 30 L~ glycerin ‘The indicates that bacterial strain comuct bioconversion of B-pinene with a feasible reaction with cell growth on 20 gL glycerin, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ‘This study was supported by the Department of Biology, AL-Zabra University, mn The authors are grateful Dr. RHekmat Shoar (Director of the Department Chemisty AL-Zalra University) for performing gat chromatoghraphy GC. REFERENCES: Ennan, WF, 1986. Chemistry of the monoterpenes, New “York: Marcel Dekker Ins, Griffiths, ET, SM. Booiek, P.C. Harries, R. Jeffeoat, DJ. Sissons and PW. Trudgill, 1987. Bacterial metabolism of -pinene: Pathway from a-pinene oxide to aeyelie metabolites in Nocardlia sp. Strain pI83.. 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