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State raids severance tax fund to pay off unrelated Grand Lake St.

Marys lawsuit settlement

Dems object to $15 million state budget cash-grab from impacted Eastern Ohio
Over objections from the lead Democrat state After almost ten years to plan for a lawsuit
Controlling Board member Rep. Jack Cera (D- settlement in the western part of Ohio, I believe
Bellaire), the Republican-controlled panel tasked state officials failed to responsibly plan for the
with oversight of state future and instead are
spending recently approved robbing coal communities of
a Kasich Administration what is rightfully theirs.
request to pay off a Grand This funding was supposed
Lake St. Marys landowners to be used to put people
lawsuit against the state back to work at good-
using severance tax paying jobs that can sustain
revenue from the Ohio a family and let citizens
Department of Natural plan for their futures.
Resources oil and gas fund.
The proposal was slipped The settlement comes on
into the state budget at the the heels of the state
eleventh hour with little public debate. budget vote. Rep. Cera tried to amend the budget
to dedicate at least $10 million in severance tax
I believe lawmakers should be held accountable for money for infrastructure repairs and related
resorting to one-time cash-grabs and shell games services in Eastern Ohio communities. However, his
to prop up a budget that apparently missed the efforts were defeated along party lines.
mark. This move sheds new light on what I feel are
dangerous and dishonest financial tricks Republican Cera, also the lead Democratic member on the
lawmakers in Ohio will play to bolster political House budget committee, has been an outspoken
talking points. advocate on the need to return severance tax
revenue to local communities in Eastern Ohio for
The move to pay off the almost decade-old lawsuit job training, safety and infrastructure
makes use of some $15 million in severance tax improvements and economic development.
funds that are normally required to be used for oil
and gas drilling needs in impacted coal I believe this multi-million-dollar cash grab by the
communities. Republican state lawmakers state shows where Columbus politicians priorities
previously transferred $10 million from the same are not with hardworking taxpayers and property
fund to prop up the state budget shortfall in early owners in Ohio.


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