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La Compania, Quito

Located in the heart of Quito, the Church of the Society of Jesus,

or La Iglesia de la Compaa de Jess, is perhaps the best known of the
capitals famed cathedrals. Built in the early 1600s, the churchs design is
considered a premier example of Baroque architecture in the New World.
The expansive use of gold leaf throughout the central nave of the church
is breathtaking.
Nariz del Diablo
The Nariz del Diablo, or Devils Nose, describes the train line between
the towns of Alausi and Sibambe. The track gets its name from the great
cost of human life that it took to complete the train line. One of the most
astounding engineering projects ever undertaken in the mountainous
Andes, the stretch of track offers visitors sweeping panoramic views of
the countryside. A series of switchbacks slowly takes the train up a steep
ascent to Alausi.

Ferrocarril del Ecuador: El Ferrocarril Ecuatoriano es de alta montaa y uno de los ms

antiguos por lo que se ha convertido en pieza de incalculable valor histrico y atractivo

Paisaje: El vrtigo se apodera de los pasajeros, que son testigos de la hermosa vista que
ofrece este balcn natural. Ya que el verdadero atractivo es viajar en el techo del tren para
escalar la inmensa roca de La Nariz del Diablo, y disfrutar de un hermoso paisaje, desafiando
las alturas y el viento helado.

Estacin Alaus. Eloy Alfaro y Sucre esquina.

Horario de Atencin
De lunes a domingo 07h00 a 15h30.
Ecuadorian Railway: The Ecuadorian Railway is high mountain and one
of the oldest so it has become a piece of incalculable historical value and
tourist attraction.

Landscape: The vertigo takes hold of the passengers, who are witness to
the beautiful view offered by this natural balcony. Since the real attraction
is traveling on the roof of the train to climb the rock of Devil's Nose, enjoy
a beautiful landscape, challenging the heights and the icy wind.

Alaus Station. Eloy Alfaro and Sucre corner.

Hours of Attention
Monday to Sunday from 07:00 a.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Its climate fluctuates between 15 and 24 C.

DURATION 2:30 hours

WHAT TO USE? Comfortable clothes, walking shoes, hat, jacket and


INCLUDES Shared transportation on the Train.

Guidance on board with bilingual guides
Visit to places according to itinerary

NOT INCLUDED Additional costs in the Train Coffee and / or restaurant

Personal expenses
Additional activities

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