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2. Who are you designing for?
Tech company located in New York City made up of roughly 50 employees: President/CEO + executive
assistant, CFO + 5 finance support team, CIO + 11 supporting staff (includes
software engineers), CMO + 6 marketing and 10 sales team members,
COO + 2 operations team members, 3 human resources staff, 5 administrative support, and 2
3. Design parameters required in your drawing (DOWNLOAD the BLANK OFFICE SPACE PDF)
illustrates locations of elevators, stairs, emergency exits, window
locations, ceiling height, and beams). Be as innovative and creative with the office space around these non-
negotiable, fixed parameters:
Approximately 10,000 sq. ft.
12 finished ceiling height
Common area(s) such as restrooms
Must comply with New York City building codes

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