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Masig Bakla

Two of my favourite outdoor activity is camping and hiking, and luckily enough, CHK-NSTP has this type of
activity. I enrolled in this class with 4 of my friends expecting to learn a lot and have fun at the same time,
and surely this was achieved in this course, especially due to the recently concluded camping.

Together with my dorm mates, we woke up early in the morning to get ready and reach Philcoa, which
was the meetup place for the departure. We werent able to leave at exactly 6am and there were mistakes
in the bus assignments, even though we were early, we were placed at the middle sits of the bus which
was very annoying and uncomfortable. Even though it was like that, I managed to sleep almost the whole
trip and only woke up until we reached Batangas due to my lack of sleep prior to that day.

When we reached Batangas, we were welcomed by our lunch food. It was nice, the only complain from
me is that one meal of that is not enough for me. We then set up camp, fixed our belongings and got ready
for the activities. The activities and lecture was very informative and enjoyable. After that, we then started
our climb to the mountain and reached about to the peak and ate halo-halo and some food there.

I can say that I really learned a lot. I brought my GoPro so I definitely was able to capture a lot of great
shots and videos. We were able to have a really good time along with my groupmates doing all the
activities like riding the banana boat and snorkelling.

Although our professor didnt commend us for the performances of our class due to the lack of
creativity, overall I think we enjoyed ourselves and thats what I think is much more important.

Overall, it was a fun experience. There are things to improve in the management of the activities and
itinerary but it was alright. It was uncomfortable at the bus but I guess the whole experience with the
activities makes it worthwhile sitting uncomfortably.

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