Major and Minor Behaviors

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Howard Hall Elementary School

Major and Minor Behaviors

Major Behaviors Minor Behaviors
Using profane words/gestures (with Using a negative tone of voice towards a
knowledge of meaning) teacher/staff member
Using profanity/foul language towards others Talking back to a teacher/staff member
Spitting at/on another person Rolling eyes at a teacher/staff member
Writing on the walls (profanity or not) Mumbling at a teacher/staff member
Sexual harassment Stomping feet
Exposing private areas to someone Sucking teeth
Touching private areas around others Sticking out tongue
Stealing Not listening to a teacher/staff member
Destroying anothers property Being sarcastic to a teacher/staff member
Making racial comments Making Mama comments
Being dishonest
Borrowing others property
Bullying (defined as continually hurting, One-time offense of:
frightening, threatening, or leaving someone - Name calling
out on purpose) - Laughing at others in a mean spirited
- Intentionally excluding others
- Teasing someone
Howard Hall Elementary School
Major and Minor Behaviors
Major Behaviors Minor Behaviors
Using an object to hit someone Horseplay
Punching, hitting, kicking, or slapping Punching someone on the arm
someone hard enough that it leaves a mark
Any facial contact (slapping, hitting, Pushing or shoving someone
punching, kicking, etc.)
Tackling someone with the intent to cause Tackling someone
Wrestling to the extent of needing to be Bumping into someone
pulled apart
Shoving someone with the intent to cause Pushing someone during play
them harm
Biting (whether blood is drawn or not) Hitting someone
Throwing something at someone with the Kicking someone in the legs
intent to cause harm
Choking someone Poking someone
Verbal fighting with profanity Verbal fighting
Pulling someones hair to the extent that hair Pulling someones hair
is pulled out
Making a serious threat towards someone Using threatening words/Making a minor
threat towards someone
Ganging up on someone with the use of Ganging up on someone in a non-physical
physical contact way
Being the instigator of a physical Instigating a non-violent conflict
Self-defense (non-violent)
Tug-of-War with an object
Touching someone
Fighting over something
On-purpose physical contact
Howard Hall Elementary School
Major and Minor Behaviors

Major Behaviors Minor Behaviors

Throwing a large object (ex: chair) Throwing a small object (ex: pencil)
Yelling interferes with instruction Talking/laughing/crying
Leaving the classroom without permission Making annoying noises
Using inappropriate language Loud outbursts
Throwing a tantrum Cell phone
Refusing to go to time out Crawling/Rolling on the floor/Hiding
Repeated minor disruptions over time (ex: Talking out
refusal to comply with teachers
warnings/requests to stop)
Being out of seat
Constantly going to the bathroom
Tapping a pencil
Intentional body noises
Passing notes
Slamming the door
Running in the classroom
Classroom confrontation depends on severity. Refer to Fighting and/or Defiance categories
as well.

Major Behaviors Minor Behaviors
Refusing to go to Time Out Refusing to follow directions
Refusing to go somewhere Saying no to a teacher/staff member
Intentional disobedience Unintentional disobedience
Intentionally repeating to not follow Unintentionally repeating to not follow
directions directions
Using curse words/gestures (with knowledge Walking away from a teacher/staff member
of meaning)
Refusing to work Turning back to a teacher/staff member
Destroying anothers property Talking back to a teacher/staff
Ignoring a teacher/staff member
Mocking a teacher/staff member
Almost following directions on purpose
Doing the opposite of the directions
Howard Hall Elementary School
Major and Minor Behaviors

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