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Summer 2017


Hello everyone! I hope youve all had a great summer! I am

Key Club Fact of the super excited to see everything your clubs will accomplish in
Month the new school year. Im also super excited to do more club
visits and meet all of you! I would love to hear about any
projects youre doing this summer, my email is
Convention will be in and my phone number is (708) 921-
Chicago next year! This 4575.
means less travel for
us, which means it will MONTHLY REPORT FORMS
be even easier for
Thank you to everyone who has sent in monthly report
people to go!
forms this year. I will be contacting all the schools in the
division individually about what report forms you have
turned in and what forms you are missing. Even if you turn
the reports in late, you can still receive an award for 100% reporting. The next report
will be due on September 10th covering the months of June, July, and August. I look
forward to hearing about your clubs did over the summer in your next monthly report.


As the school year starts I would love to meet all of the new club officers and I think a
DCM would be the perfect way to accomplish that. Please let me know what days you
have your meetings so I can find the best day to schedule a DCM. Thank you!

I am so excited to see key clubbers from division 23 at the fall leadership rally! Our
rally is on October 8th from 1 pm to 4pm at Batavia High School. Check-in for the
event will start at 12:30. At the rally, we will be having a divisional council meeting
while working on a service project. At the start of the DCM, there also will be snacks.
During the event key clubbers will have the chance to go to forums, including ones
about new service projects and to help train key clubbers who hold board positions in
their clubs. To wrap up the event, there will be a fundraiser for one of our major
partners. Please let me know if anyone in your clubs plans on attending so I can make
sure to be there to meet them when they arrive.


The youth opportunities fund is official live! If your

club has a project you dont think you can fund on
your own, the YOF can help your club make it a
reality. The application can be found on the key club
international website here and applications are due in


Rosters are due on September 17th. Please make sure

to fill your rosters out as soon as you have elections for your club officers for the coming
year. Rosters are very important for communication. I look forward fo rbeing able to not
only contact the advisors of the clubs at my schools but also the club officers. Having
correct contact information will help you club receive updates from district and
international. Phone numbers are also helpful on the rosters, but emails are more
important. You can find the form here.


Start collecting your dues from members early in the school year, dues are due on
November 1st for your club to win the early bird dues award. Dues are $12, $7 goes to
international and $5 to the II district. Your dues help to fund many resources on an
international and district level.

I had the amazing opportunity to attend ICON in San

Antonio Texas this July. It was an amazing time where I
met key clubbers from all over, even some from other
countries. I was also able to learn a lot more about
different projects Key Club partners with and learn much
more about my passion as a member or Key Club. I hope
that I can inspire more people to go to ICON next summer
because it truly was a life changing experience for me. I
would love to come to one of your clubs meetings to talk
about my amazing experience at ICON.


At ICON, a new international executive board was

elected. Our new international president is William
Sims from Alabama, and out new international vice
president is Minyoung Kim from Georgia. The new
international trustee for the II district is Emily Rice,
and our new sister districts are Nebraska Iowa and
California Nevada Hawaii KIWINS. Elections were
very exciting for the Illinois Eastern Iowa district as
our members Jared Dutko and Jack Nannie were
both elected ad international trustees.


This event is one of the biggest fundraisers helping project Eliminate, which works to
eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. To get involved with this fundraiser you can
order the special trick-or-treat fundraiser boxes off of the key club store. With this you
members can go door to door to fundraise, or use the boxes to fundraise in your school
or local businesses. You could even plan a fun Halloween gathering, like a movie night,
to fundraise for UNICEF. Please remember to track any fundraising you do with our
major emphasis partners on this form so your club gets recognition
for your fundraising efforts.

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