Alhambra City Council Agenda August 14, 2017

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CITY OF ALHAMBRA. AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 14, 2017 MISSION STATEMENT. The City of Ainamora Is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership and qualily services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a Supportive. business environment, while being sensiive to the ‘diversity of our community Gateway tothe Sion Gabriel Valley wisio1 The Gly of Alhambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous ‘community inthe San Gabriel Valley. ‘Addressing the Counel! Secton 204210 ofthe Alpsméra Municipal Code eeabishes the pred for ‘sreasing he Counc Any parson wishig i address the Coucl dur the mestng Must compat 8 Speaker Requost Cotd end autmtitta tha ly Clem \Wnen called upon by he Mayo, poss sept he xian and give your name, adress and ecarizaon other Day you represent, fan, nan aul tone ove forte recor. Remar we ert 5 mits, ‘Alomar shall be aderesed to the Counc 2s a body and not o any member tere. No person, ae han the Counc andthe poson having the oo, sh be permite to enter inlo my decuesion, ahr drei or tough 2 ‘member of he Cound, wiht the permission of te Bayer No question shal be asked @ Counaparson excapt {rough te ar ‘Stndarde of Decorum: Any person making personal, mpertnent or slanderous ramarks or whe shal becom= ‘onerous whe addressing the Coun el be fat, bythe Mayer bared om th aetg, Enforcement of Decorum: The Chie of Plc, ois designoo, shal bo Sergoatt-Ams of the Coun mestings, {inn Sergeant Ame shat cary out orders snd istons given hy the Mayr forthe purpose of raisins nda and decor at the Councl mating, ‘Persons Authorized t be Within Rai No parson, excopt Cty fis, er representatives, sd newspaper ‘pores, shat be permed wine ain font he Coun Chamber who the expres nwa ofthe Counc, ‘Agonds Tracking Numbers: numbers eatin bl tor the ofeach Agana em are Cay Clerk wacing ‘nambor that ao uso fing and research purposes. aaat7 AGENDA Rogular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL Gity Council Chambers 411 South First Street ‘August 14, 2017 ‘530 pam ROLL CALL: Cone ‘COUNeIL: Sham, Mestina, Maloney, Ayala, Mejia Sm Gabrist ally BENG SALUTE: Led by Mayor Mejia, PLEASE NOTE: The public hearing to consider the approval of an application by applicant St. Clair Partners, on behalf of TAG-2 Medical Investmont Group, LLC, for a General Plan Amendment’ (GPA-16-1), Specific Plan Amendment (SPA-16-1),, Zone Change (Z-16-1), Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TT77413), Residential Planned Development Permit (RP-16-16), Commercial Planned Development Permit (CP-16-16) ‘and Conditional Use Permit (CU-16-16) for a project at 1428 South Marengo Avenue has ‘boon pulled from this agenda and the public hearing Is anticipated to be re-noticed and board by the City Couneil at the September 11, 2017 meeting. READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES ‘Government Code Section 36934 requices that all ordinances be read in fll rir to City Council, taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance tite on the Council agenda, Council may dlotermine that the tle has been read, Recommended Action: By motion, determine that the tiles to all ordinances which appear fn this public agenda have been read, and waive further reading, CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME -F2M17-14 ‘The Gity Council will move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown ‘Act (Government Code Sec, 54950, ef seq) forthe purposes of conferring withthe City's Real Property Negotiator, andlor conferring with the Ciy Attomey on potential andlor existing ligation, andlor discussing matters covered under Goveriment Code Section 4957 (Personnel, and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators as follows; provided, however, prior to s0 moving into closed session, the Cily Allomey shall make any announcements Fequired by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 4956.8): None Conference with Legal Counsol-Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section '54956.9(a)(1): Grassroots Community Group of Alhambra v. City of Alhambra et al, LASC Case No, BS168557 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Signifcant exposure to itigation pursuant to Govt, Code Section 54956 9(4)(2): 2 matters. Intiation of IMigation pursuant to Govt, Code Section 54956.9(4)( 2 matters. 2 aaat7 Discussion of Personnel Mattors (Govt. Code Section 54957): None Conference with City’s Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54957.6): Tara Schultz, Assistant City Manager re: Management Employees, Alhambra Police Miscallaneous Association, Alnambra Police Officars’ Associaton, Alhambra Police Management Association, Alhambra Fire Fightere’ Association, and the ‘Alhambra City Empioyece’ Aecasltion RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council moves into 8 closed session, the Cily Councl shall reconvene at 7:00 p.m. and the City Attorney shall Faeport upon the closed session f required CEREMONIAL 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: SERGEANT BRANDON BLACK - F2M17-3 Mayor Mejia and the City Council wish to commend and thank Sergeant Brandon Black for his 25 years of faithful and loyal service to the Police Department and the Gity of Alhambra, Mayor Mejia will present a Certificate of Service plaque to Mr. Black for his outstanding work forthe City PRESENTATION 2 AWARD CONTRACT: ALMANSOR PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ~ F2M16.42, ‘NaMt7-79, C2ma7-54, M2M47-129 Staff requests thatthe City Council award a contract to Los Angeles Engineering in the ‘amount of $1,755 944,00 of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds for the Almansor Park Improvement Project, excluding the lawn bowling area, and provide staff with direction on the lawn bowling area which is curently bid at $593,575, for the Berry Bowing Systeme (the material specifically requested by the Lawn Bowing (Club), $458,700 for an altemative atficial material, or $287,800 for natural turf (which would have an ongoing maintenance cost). Currently, staff has only identified $200,000 ‘of General Fund money for the lawn bowing area, Altematives include, but are not limited to, postponing any imorovemenis to the proposed lawn bowing area unt ‘adaitanal General Funé mones bacome available, or drecting staff to identty other HUD eligible improvements and alacate the $200,000 of General Fund money to other park project, Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and City Attorney, to Los Angeles Engineering in the ‘amount of $1,755,944,00 of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds for the Almansor Park Improvement Project, exciding the lawn bowling area; provide staff with direction on the fawn bowing area, and, direct staff to undertake the slaps necessary to fnalze Councils action, (M2M17-129) Baa47 3 CONSENT AGENDA (Item Nos. 3-17) Allitems listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and vill be enacted by one motion unless a ctizen or Council member requests otherwise; in which case, the item will be removed for separate consideration, 3. AWARD CONTRACT: 2017 HUD SIDEWALK AND ADA RAMP PROJECT PHASE Il - F2M16-51, N2M17-89, C2M17-49, M2M17-124 ‘Staff requests that the City Council award a contract te Kalban Ino. for the 2017 HUD ‘Sidewalk and ADA Ramp Project Phase I On July 27, 2017, the City Clerk received and ‘pened ten bids for this project ranging from $704,510 to $1,221,400. The bid received ‘tom Kalban Ine, in the amount of §704,510 is the lowest responsible bid. Kalban Inc. ‘also has the necessary licenses, permits and completed similar proects of this type for ‘other local jrisctions, Recommencled Action: _Cily Council award a contract, subject to final language ‘approval by the City Manager and City Attomey, to Kalban Inc. in the amount of '$704,510 for the 2017 HUD Sidewalk and ADA Rarnp Project Phase Il, and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action. (M2M17-124) 4. AWARD CONTRACT: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FOR THE MISSION ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT - GARFIELD AVE TO WEST CITY LIMITS ~ F2M16-53, (C2M17-25, M2M17-65 Staff requests thatthe City Council award a contract to Andereon-Penna for construction management of the Mission Road Rehabiltation ~ Garfield Avenue to West City limits Project (STPL-5130(021)). On June 15, 2017, the City Clerk received five proposals for this Project. Affer reviewing the proposals _and holding interviews, staff selected ‘Anderson-Penna in the amount of $422,048.70. Anderson-Penna has the necessary licenses, permits and has done similar projects ofthis type for ether local jurisdictions. Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to final language ‘approval by the City Manager and City Altomey, to Anderson-Penna in the amount of {$422,046.70 for Construction Management of the Mission Road Rehabilitation Project STPL-5130(021); and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councl's action. (M2M17-65) 5. AWARD CONTRACT: LOBBY ATTENDANT SERVICES — F2M17-42, C2M17-48, w2wi7-125 Staff requests thatthe City Couneil award a contract to AG, Coast, Inc. dba Calforia Panther Security for Lobby Attendant Services. A recent review of City Hall functions has. sufficed the need for a lobby attendant to increase customer service and presence within City Hall and the Library. The lobby attendant wil provide information andior diecton, monitor and report on actvties at Cty Hall and the Library Monday through Friday from 8:00 arm. to 5:00 pm, B47 Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and Gily AMtorney, to AG. Goast, Inc. dba Calfomia Panther Security in the amount of $37,177.60 for Lobby Attendant Services; authorize the City Manager to exercise and enter into two, one-year extensions at $47,840 for FY 2016-19 and $49,920 for FY 2019-20 if services are satisfactory to the City Manager, land, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to fnalze Counci's action. (M2MA7- 128) 6. APPROVAL OF A SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE ~ F2M6-76, C2M16-50, M2M17-126 Staff requests that the City Council approve a software maintenance agreement with Tyler Technologies for ther financial management sofware system called Eden, for Fiscal Year 2017-18 in the amount of 857,425 64 and futher authorize the City Manager to approve up fo five annual renewals. of this maintenance agreement through and including June 30, 2022 subject to annual budget allocations by the City Council Recommended Action: City Council approve a software maintenance agreement, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and City Altomey, with Tyier Technologies for their Financial Management Software system for Fiscal Year 2017- 2018 in an amount not to exceed $57,425.64; authorize the City Manager to approve up to five (6) annual renewals of this maintenance agreement through and including June 30, 2022, subject fo annual budget alocations by the City Council, and, direct staff to Undertake the steps necessary to finalze Counci’s action. (M2M17-426) 7. APPROVAL AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR TWO ADDITIONAL STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER POSITIONS ~ F2™17-2, F2u17-17, M2M17-127 Staff requests that the City Counci! approve the creation of two additional Street Maintenance Werker positions in the Public Works Department and appropriate the necessary funding for the positions, These are entry leva, full ime positions and will be tesponsiole for City-wide maintenance including removal of graffi, weed and trash ‘abatement and providing assistance to other crows as needed for special projects. Salaries for these positons will be funded from the Landscape and Lighting Assessment District Fund. Recommended Action: City Council approve the creation of two additonal Street Maintenance Worker postions in the Puble Werke Department: appropriate the necessary funding fr the postions; and, crect staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Counci’s ation. (M2M17-127) 8, DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE FOR THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. ANNUAL CONFERENCE - F2M47-13, M2M47-128 The League of California Cities Annual Conference is scheduled for September 13" through 16” in Sacramento, California, During the Conference the League conducts its ‘Annual Business Meeting during which the membership considers and takes action on B47 40, 1" resolutions that establish future League policy. In order forthe City to have a vote at the ‘Annual Business Meeting, It Is necessary for the City Council to designate the voting dologate, Vice Mayor Sham will be attending the conference on behalf of the City therefore, staff is proposing that he be appointed as the Voting Delegate forthe City at the Annual Business Meeting Recommended Action: City Council approve the appointment of Vice Mayor Sham as Voting Delegate for the 2017 League of California Ciies Conference's Annual Business Meoting. (MZN17-128) RESOLUTION ELIMINATING THE PAYMENT & REPORTING OF EPMC BENEFITS FOR CITY OF ALHAMBRA CLASSIC MEMBERS IN THE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL CLASSES — F2M17-2, R2M17-26 Staff requests that the Cily Council approve a resolution amending Resolution Nos. ROM15-17, R2M15-21 and R2M16-28 to eliminate the payment and reporting of the ‘value of the Employer Paid Member Contribution (‘EPMIC") benefits for City of Alhambra Cassio Members in the Executive Management and Confidential Classes. The EPMC. benefit for Executive Management and Confidential Employees will be eliminated effective August 24, 2017. Recommended Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2M17-26 entilled: A Resolution ofthe Alhambra City Council amending Resolution Nos. R2M15-17, RIMIS. 21 and R2M16-28 to eliminate the payment and reporting of the value of the Employer Paid Member Contribution ("EPMC}) benefits for City of Alhambra Classic Members in the Executive Management and Confidential Classes RESOLUTION ELIMINATING THE PAYMENT & REPORTING OF EPMC BENEFITS. FOR CITY OF ALHAMBRA CLASSIC MEMBERS IN THE ALHAMBRA CITY EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION CLASSES ~ F2MI17-2, R2M17-29 Staff requests that the City Council approve a resolution amending Resolution No R2M15.23 to eliminate the payment and reporting of the value of the Employer Paid Member Contribution CEPMC") benafts for City of Alhambra Classic Members in the Alhambra City Employees’ Association classes, Tho EPMC benefit for Alhambra Ciy Employees Associaton classes wil be eliminated effective Augus! 24, 2017 Recommended Action: City Counsil adopt Resolution No. R2N47-20 enitled: A Resolution of the Alhambra City Council amending Resolition No. R2MI5-23 fo eliminate the payment and reporting of tho value of the Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC') benefts for Gly of Alnambra Classic Members in the Alhambra Gity Employees Association AWARD CONTRACT: PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR THE ALMANSOR PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - F2M16-42, C2M17-50, M2M17-130 Baa? 12, 43 Per the existing contract between the City of Alhambra and Transtech for city ‘engineering services, staff is seaking to enter into an adkdtional contract with Transtech for the spectic project management services for the Almansor Park Improvement Project, Pursuant to § 3.38 050 ofthe Alnambra Municipal Code, staff recommends that itis advantageous to the City to contract with Transtech for project management services, as Transtech is already familiar with the City and the projec, and has already been conitacted to provide design and engineering services for this project, and i vl alow the Cily to expedite the construction process with Los Angeles. Engineering, ‘lowing the ty to-eneure that all CDEC fund wil be completely spent on tis project, Prior tothe Apri 2018 deadline. Recommencied Aetion: City Council award a contract, subjoct ta the final language: ‘approved by the Clty Manager and City Attorney, to Transtech in the amount of $165,225 for professional project management, construction management, inspections, And CDBG labor compliance services for the Aimansor Park Improvernent Project, and, ‘rect staff to take the stepe necessary to finalize Councl's action. (M2M17-130) APPROVE MOU: ALHAMBRA CITY EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION - F2N17-2, C87- 168, MaM17-134 Staff requests that the Cty Couneil apprave a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the iy of Alhambra and the Alhambra Cly Employees’ Assocation for fiscal years 2017-2019. Recommended Action: City Council approve that certain Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Alhambra and the Alhambra Cty Employees ‘Association for fiscal years 2017 to 2019, a copy of which MOU is on fie in the City ‘Clerk's Office 8s Contract No. C87-16A and by this reference incorporated herein anc made a part of as though fully set forth herein; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils ection. (M2M17-431) APPROVAL OF VARIOUS CLASS SPECIFICATIONS ~ F2N17- 2, M2M17-132 ‘The City regulary updates and modernizes its class spectications when postions become vacant, and most recently, withthe reorganization ofthe management structure ‘and negotiations with the various employee groups. Sta is proposing to change the tives of some postions and create new class spectiations for existing postions so they ture wucurately eflect the current trends in. their job requirements, ules and responsibilities. Before a class specification becomes effective, t must be approved by the City Councl, Therefore, staf requests that the City Council approve the various proposed class specications detailed the Assistant Cly Manager's report dated August 44, 2017, Recommended Action: City Counc approve the various proposed class specications as outlined and deseribed inthe Assistant City Manager's August 14, 2017 report on fle in the alice of the Cily Clerk; and, direct staff fo undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action. (M2MA7-432) 1417

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