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1. Crime (n): an illegal act or activity

Criminal (adj)
Criminal (n)
Synonyms: offender/culprit/perpetrator/convict/inmate
E.g. The government should consider the impositions of stringent punishments on
criminals in order to reduce the current crime rate/incidence of crime.
E.g. Petty crime which is likely to happen on an increasingly regular basis is more
than just a moral wrongdoing, thus needing stricter penalties.
2. Victim (n): a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a
crime, a disease, an accident
Victimize (v): make somebody suffer unfairly because you do not like them.
Victimization (n)
E.g. Rape victims often have to suffer from severe trauma and may even consider
the idea of suicide.
E.g. Sufficient attention should be paid to victims suffering from post-crime
problems physically and mentally.
3. Violate (v): to go against or refuse to a law, an agreement = flout/disobey
Violation (n)
E.g. Moral lessons should be provided at an early age to deter the young from
violating the law and encourage them to do good things against evils.
E.g. Prison acts as a deterrent to make people think carefully before violating the
4. Guilt (n): a feeling of worry or unhappiness that you have because you have
done something wrong; the fact that somebody has done something illegal.
Guilty (adj)
Guiltless (adj)
E.g. The sense of guilt has a deterrent effect on people, impeding them from
flouting the law. Page 1
E.g. His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution.
5. Innocent (adj): not guilty of a crime
Innocence (n)
E.g. After thorough investigation, he was ultimately declared innocent by the jury.
E.g. The accused person should always be presumed innocent until proved guilty
by conclusive evidence.
6. Offend (v): to make somebody feel upset because you say or do something that
is rude; to commit a crime.
Offender (n)
Offending (adj)
Offense (n)
First-time offender/First offender (n): a person who has been found guilty of
a crime for the first time
Hardened/repeat criminal
E.g. His status as a first-time offender may help him to reduce the penalty.
E.g. Despite being a first offender, the cold-blooded criminal deserved a death
penalty for his appalling murder.
7. Track down/hunt down (v): search for somebody until you find or catch them
E.g. The police have tried to track down the notorious gang for a long time but to
no avail.
E.g. Prompt actions have to be taken so that terrorists will be hunted down,
assuring public security.
8. Bring somebody to justice: to arrest somebody for a crime and put them on
trial in court
E.g. Public outrage has been expressed over the fact that the murderer has yet to be
found and brought to justice.
E.g. It is the polices duty to hunt the criminals down and bring them to
justice. 9. Imprison (v): to put somebody in a prison
Imprisonment (n)
E.g. The notorious criminal had ultimately been hunted down and sentenced to life
imprisonment for murder. Page 2
E.g. The innocent man had suffered false imprisonment for 10 years before the
truth finally came out.
10. Restrict (v): to limit or control something
Restriction (n)
Restrictive (adj)
E.g. The new system of video cameras in public places aims to reduce crime but is
believed by some people to restrict individual freedom.
E.g. Parents should allow children only restricted access to the Internet to reduce
the negative influence of violent contents online.
11. Rehabilitate (v): to help somebody to have a normal, useful life again after
they have been very ill/sick of in prison for a long time.
Rehabilitation (n)
E.g. The new proposals involve rehabilitating even more criminals for life after
E.g. The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead
normal lives when they leave prison.
12. Lenient (adj): not as strict as expected when punishing somebody
Leniency (n)
Leniently (adv)
E.g. A lenient sentence will have little or no effect on the criminals incentives to
flout the law.
E.g. The police and courts may be more lenient with female offenders.
13. Juvenile delinquent (n): a young person (not yet an adult) who is guilty of
committing a crime.
Juvenile delinquency (n)
E.g. Juvenile delinquency has been on the increase due to the insufficient care
and attention from parents.
E.g. It is believed that juvenile delinquency can be put down to peer association
with ill-behaved adolescents.
14. Impulsive (adj): acting suddenly without thinking carefully about what might
happen because of what you are doing Page 3
Impulsiveness (n)
Impulsively (adv)
E.g. It was his impulsive nature and a complete lack of reasoning power that led
him into crime.
E.g. An impulsive decision may lead to unpremeditated crimes with terrible
15. Threat (n): the possibility of trouble, danger or disaster
Threaten (v)
Threatening/Threatened (adj)
E.g. The increasing crime rate poses a significant threat to national and public
E.g. Terrorist threat has become a matter of public concern in many societies
recently after the tragic case of Paris.
16. Deter (somebody) (from something) (v): to prevent someone from doing
something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by
making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they
do it
Deterrent (n) (to somebody/something)
Deterrent (adj): deterrent effect
Deterrence (n)
E.g. Financial penalties are applied to deter people from engaging in activities
against the law.
E.g. Regulatory bodies must implement harsher punishment to deter corporate
crime such as bribery or air/water pollution.
E.g. Longer imprisonment is believed to have a deterrent effect on crime rate.
17. Trauma (n): a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the
harmful effects last for a long time.
Traumatic (adj)
Traumatically (adv)
Traumatize (v) Page 4
E.g. People with childhood trauma of sexual abuse may have to suffer from a
lifetime of PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder), depression and anxiety.
E.g. Victims of emotional and physical trauma stand a higher chance of
contracting autism.
18. Abide by (v): to accept and act according to a law, an agreement, = comply
E.g. The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene by
which food production firms must abide.
E.g. Defendants have to abide by the definitive decision of the jury.
19. Rampant (adj): existing or spreading everywhere in a way that cannot be
Rampantly (adv)
E.g. The government must put a stop to the rampant crime that plagued the
country immediately.
E.g. Prompt actions must be taken in no time to deal with the rampant crime in
the society recently.
20. Prevent (v): to stop somebody from doing something; stop something from
Prevention (n)
Preventable (adj)
Preventive/preventative (adj)
E.g. Preventive measures should be implemented immediately to deal with the
rampant crime.
E.g. In the past years, preventative measures have radically reduced the incidence
of crimes in the country. Page 5

Describe a method to reduce crime in your country.

You should say:
What this method is
What kind of crime it targets
How it should work
And whether it is an effective method.

In my view, there are a number of actions that have been taken to deal with rampant
crimes but I guess the most effective one is the enforcement of security in certain
places. In more details, in crowded spots which are often a potential place for
pickpocketing, the increasing number of security guards can minimize thieves
incentives to commit such a crime. As a result, not only local citizens but also
foreign visitors can enjoy their walk freely without constant worries about such a case.
For instance, in Nguyen Hue walking street, which is a dynamic and energetic
destination in Ho Chi Minh City, security forces are set up to ensure the safety of the
place, which proves to have a deterrent effect on criminal activities. Another point I
would like to add is that under the regular surveillance of the police in deserted roads
which are reported to be the active location of snatch thieves, the incidence of crime
is considerably reduced. The policemen usually ride along these streets at night to
make sure that potential victim will not have to become one. This preventive
measure proves to have certain positive effects on reducing the crime rate.
Nevertheless, I suggest that a more sustainable solution is to set up a close-watch
CCTV system around the city to protect the safety of residents, especially those living
in dangerous neighborhood or vulnerable victims such as children and females. Page 6

1. What do you think the most common crime in your country is?
In my opinion I guess I would have to say that there are probably a number of
rampant crimes in my country. One prominent act of crime would be
pickpocketing, which is a kind of petty crime to steal something, usually
money, from other peoples pocket in public places. As well as this a
subsequent common crime might be snatch theft for the main means of
transportation in our country is motorbike, which snatches thieves usually
working in a group of two use to steal valuable items such as purses, bags,
mobile phones from reckless pedestrians or vulnerable females. The growing
incidence of crime in the city these days pose a threat to peoples security in
crowded spots, thus requiring prompt actions to be taken without delay.

2. What can be done to alleviate these crimes?

Well I suppose that there are a number of preventive measures that could be
implemented. When dealing with the first problem, the easiest way to work it
out would be to increase the number of security guards in public places so as to
reduce repeat offenders incentives to take actions. Taking on the second
problem, the most successful way to confront this would be to set up CCTV
system around the city along with the enhanced management of data on
drivers information. In fact, not only can such a combination help the police
hunt down snatchers in a brief manner but it also guarantees the safety of the

3. What do you think are the main causes for the increasing crime rate in
your country?
In my opinion I guess I would have to say that there are probably a number of
factors involved. Primarily, one key motivation would be because the criminal
law in Viet Nam does not have a sufficient deterrent effect, resulting in the
increasing numbers of perpetrator violating the legal restrictions. As well as Page 7
this a subsequent incentive might be because of the poor living standards and
the growing unemployment rate. Suffering from their destitute life, poor or idle
people often make impulsive decisions when catching the sight of something
valuable, and to make it worse, they may revert to the crime once getting too
indulged in its seduction.

4. Do you think all criminals should go to prison?

Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits of imprisonment. To be
more precise, prison acts as a deterrent to make people think carefully before
violating the law. Nevertheless, I would probably say that only certain types of
culprits should receive a jail sentence depending on the seriousness of the
criminal act. Primarily, one key motivation would be that first-time or
juvenile offenders can be offered with lenient penalties such as reeducation
and community service only as long as the crime is considered minor and they
show a sense of guilt and remorse. As well as this incentive might be because
the higher the number of criminals sent to prison, the greater the burden for
the national budget which is mainly constituted by citizens taxes. Instead, this
government spending should be focused on rehabilitation for inmates after

5. Do you think death sentence should be abolished?

It's universally accepted that there are a few moral hazards involved with death
penalty. Essentially, one fundamental concern is probably that criminals are
also human who deserve the full rights to live and thus giving them a second
chance to compensate for their wrongdoing should be a wiser solution than
sentencing them to death. This fact is unmistakably controversial because
quite many claim that offenders causing mental and physical trauma or
murderers must be deprived of any human rights the moment they commit such
inhumane and brutal acts of crime. My own belief is that culprits of vicious
and unforgiveable crimes should not be given an easy death but have to spend Page 8
the rest of their life eaten up by the feeling of guilt and remorse for what they
have done. Page 9

Topic: Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the
world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions

One of the issues about which sociologists as well as educators have to be seriously
concerned is the topic surrounding the problem of juvenile delinquency in a good few
modern societies. The truth of the matter is that the number of young offenders is
significantly increasing in most cities, and the rate seemingly fails to slow down.
Certain proper actions, from my perspective, needs to be taken in no time.

However, before any measure is taken, it is sensible to look into the main causes. It is
a mere fact that nowadays, people lead a hectic lifestyle in which they are engaged
mostly in professional work and hence leaving little room for family life, especially
their children. Consequently, the latter fail to receive sufficient moral lessons, thus
making impulsive decisions which may lead to undesirable outcomes later on. To
make it worse, children without constant care from parents may get into unexpected
tragic circumstances which lead to childrens suffering from trauma. What is more,
the fact that many young children have a tendency to commit violent crimes does stem
from the adverse impact of various media, among which, violent movies and games
need to be taken in account.

There can be different ways to tackle this issue, but the suggestions as follows can be
of great help. In particular, it proves very important that parents spend more time with
their children, giving them advices or supporting words especially when they have to
encounter psychological problems. It is also worth noting that childrens access to
Internet and other mass media should be restricted to a certain extent to minimize their
exposure to violent contents. At the same time, government, instead of imposing
lenient penalties for the young, should implement stricter preventative measures and
severe punishments to deter teenagers from criminal acts, and hopefully, this can
make them become decent and law-abiding citizens. Page 10
In conclusion, letting children the freedom to do whatever to their liking without
parents surveillance does as often as not cause them to get involved in serious
situations. Apparently, without the cooperation from both parents and government, it
is a great deal more difficult for young crimes to be on the decrease. Page 11 Page 12

1. Conserve (v): to use as little of something as possible so that it lasts a long

time / to protect something and prevent it from being changed or destroyed.
= preserve (v)
Conservation (n)
Conservator (n)
Conservationist (n)
Conservative (a)/(n)

E.g. Students are now encouraged to be interested in wildlife conservation.

Road development in the area has been severely affected by the conservation
programmes of the council.

2. Environment (n): the conditions affecting somebody/somethings behaviors,

The environment (n): the natural world in which people, animals and plants
Environmental (a)
Environmentalist (n)
Environmentally friendly (a)

E.g. An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behaviors.

E.g. Its high time for the authority to take measures to protect the environment.

3. Renew (v): change something that is old or damaged and replace it with
something new of the same kind.
Renewable (a)
Renewable resources # non-renewable (a)
Renewables (n)
Renewal (n): the situation in which something is replaced, improved or made
more successful. Page 13
Renewed (a) [usually before noun]: happening again with increased interest or
E.g. Renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power.
E.g. Saving energy is a necessity in case non-renewable types of energy run
4. Deforestation (n): act of cutting down or burning trees in an area
# Reforestation (n)
Deforest (v) # Reforest (v)
E.g. Land erosion is mostly caused by widespread deforestation

E.g. Uncontrollable growth of population is correlated to deforestation for shelters.

5. Contaminate (v): make a substance/ place dirty, no longer pure by adding a

substance that is dangerous or carries disease
Contamination (n)
Contaminant (n)

E.g. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.

E.g.a river contaminated by pollution.

6. Pollute (v) = contaminate

Pollution (n)
Pollutant (n)
Polluter (n) the person, company, country, etc. that causes pollution

E.g...air pollution

E.g. reduce levels of environmental pollution

7. Deteriorate (v): become worse

Deterioration (n)
E.g. ..deteriorating weather conditions

E.g. Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards. Page 14
8. Aggravate (v): worsen, make an illness/ an un pleasant situation worse
To annoy somebody, especially deliberately.
Aggravation (n)
Aggravating (a)

E.g. Pollution can aggravate asthma

E.g. Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.

9. Disposable (a): made to be thrown away after use / (finance) available for use
Dispose (v)
E.g. Disposable diapers
E.g. Disposable assets/capital/resources
10. Reuse Reduce Recycle (v)
Reusable Reducible Recyclable (a)
E.g. Please reuse your envelopes.

E.g. Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.

11. Consume (v) use something (fuel, energy, time, food..)

Consumption (n)
Consumer (n)

E.g. The electricity industry consumes large amount of fossil fuels.

E.g. Before he died, he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.

12. Exploit (v): use something well in order to gain as much as

Exploitation (n)
Exploitative (a)
Exploiter (n)

E.g. Exploit natural resources

E.g. She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play. Page 15
13. Lack of = Shortage of = Deficiency of/in = Dearth of (n): the state of not
having or having not enough of something
Lack short deficient (a)
E.g. Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness.

E.g. There is no shortage of things to do in such a sleepless city.

14. Poison (v): harm, kill a person/ an animal by giving them poison / have bad
effects on something
Poison (n)
Poisoner (n)
Poisonous (a) = toxic (a)

E.g. The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle..

E.g. ..a tiny spider with a poisonous bite.

15. Biodegrade (v) (of substance/chemical) change back to a harmless natural

state by the action of bacteria.
Biodegradable (a) # non-biodegradable
Non-biodegradable garbage = inorganic trash = waste that cannot

E.g. All active ingredients of this soap powder are biodegradable within three

16. Awareness (n)

Be aware of (a)
E.g. Raise (or elevate/ heighten/ increase) the awareness of

E.g. ..a growing awareness of environmental issues.

17. Condemn (v): express very strong disapproval of somebody/something,

usually for moral reasons.
Condemnation (n) Page 16
E.g. The government issued a statement condemning the killings.

E.g. The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.

18. Condone (v) + something/V-ing: accept behaviour that is morally wrong, to

treat it as if it were not serious

E.g. Terrorism can never be condoned.

E.g. The college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs

E.g. Destructive acts harming the environment should be condemned rather than

19. Severe (a): extremely bad or serious = grave= grievous

Severity (n)
E.g. He has been the victim of a severe

injustice E.g. Thats a severe case of


20. Fertile (a) (of plants, soil, land) that plants grow well in # infertile(a)
Fertility (n)
Fertilize (v)
Fertilization (n)

E.g. Contamination has resulted in the decrease of soil fertility level in that region. Page 17

Describe an environmental problem or event.

You should say:

What is it
Why it is happening
Where is it happening
What problems does it cause

I would like to talk about global warming. In my opinion, it is a big, if not the
biggest, problem that we are facing nowadays. The main reason of global warming is
the greenhouse effect ... Nowadays people are producing excessive amounts of
greenhouse gases, mostly by burning fossil fuels. These gases let sunlight in, which
warms the Earth, and then block that heat from leaving... That breaks the delicate
natural balance and causes our planet to warm... As global warming changes the
climate on the whole planet, it affects all countries in the world and causes many
serious problems... For example, global warming causes melting of glaciers, which in
turn raises the sea-level... Eventually, coastal areas are flooding and agriculture is
damaged unless appropriate measures are taken... As it is a worldwide problem, I
think that only joint efforts will help us to overcome this issue. Page 18

1. Are people in your country concerned about environmental problem?

Well, its hard to say for sure. I think a lot of people are concerned but probably
insufficient. There are also ones taking environmental issues seriously enough to
actually recycle their rubbish appropriately but I dont think there are enough
people literally doing for resource depletion which I consider to be the pressing

2. Do you think climate change is a serious problem?

Absolutely yes. This issue has been growing over the past few decades and we are
now witnessing serious changes in global weather patterns. Specifically, while
some are suffering heat waves, other nations are severely experiencing terrible
snow storms or rising sea levels is risking the low lying countries.

3. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle
the problems?

No, usually I don't think they are doing enough. There are countries that do what
they can do help their people when problems occur and they are trying to come up
with measures to mitigate the effects but when it comes to the major issue of global
warming countries are not doing enough. We see time and again that no agreement
can be made on how to reduce carbon footprints. This is usually because
governments know that to make a serious reduction in carbon dioxide emissions
they will have to sacrifice economic growth and they are not prepared to do this.
Governments think very short-term. They know that if there is economic decline,
then they will be voted out.

4. Why do you think environmental disasters caused by humans happen?

It could be for different reasons. In some cases it is simply because not enough care
is taken. Maybe procedures are not good enough. It could also be because the drive

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for profit means that there is cost cutting and that again could mean that good
procedures are not in place. There is usually a situation when a disaster happens
where blame will be deflected and it is difficult to establish exactly who is
responsible. Nobody wants to admit responsibility because it means they will have
to pay compensation. Sometimes a disaster can happen because of a simple mistake
by someone.

5. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in

the future?

I don't think there will necessarily be more. Procedures are always getting tighter so
in theory there should be fewer, but mistakes will always happen so I'm sure they
will continue unfortunately. Governments must continue to prosecute any
companies that do cause environments problems or disasters so that they are less
likely to happen again.


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Topic: Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by

individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international
problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

An essential problem of the 21st century is world pollution. Currently the environment
is so contaminated that urgent measures should be taken. Although a single
individual cannot be blamed for the world pollution, every person should take care of
his or her habitat. In addition, it is of vital importance that environmental issues are
treated internationally.

Lately, many presentations, conferences and international summits are held to deal
with waste treatment, recycling, and soil and water contamination. For sure joint
efforts and consolidation can only help in the mutual war towards the ongoing
environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies
and organizations, involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find
environmental friendly approaches. These could be special law regulations,
recycling programs, helping courses in order to implement ISO certificates and many

However, the influence of individuals over environment should not be ignored. If we

do not confess that our planet is our home, we will never be able to take adequately
care of it. We have to contribute every day to the preservation of nature and
environment. For example, always remember to save energy by switching off lamps,
computers and everything that we do not use. Our next obligation is to separate waste
and throw bulk only in the designated areas. Driving vehicles can also be environment
friendly. For example, we have to avoid accelerating the engines too rapidly or using
the air conditioning in the country, where it would be better to save energy and simply
open the windows.

To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international

authorities as well as individuals. We should not only take care of the environment but

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also have to bring up our children to be conscious citizens of a clean and preserved
planet. Page 22

1. The tempo (or pace) of life: the speed at which changes and events occur

E.g. The increasing tempo of life in many societies these days have reduced the
number of time people spend for their family.

E.g. People have a tendency to move to the suburb seeking for a slower pace of
life these days.

2. Workplace (n): the office, factory, etc.. where people work

E.g. Graduates usually look for a dynamic and active workplace to improve their
practical skills.

E.g. The introduction of new technology into the workplace has largely boosted
its productivity and efficiency.

3. Career path (n): the way that you progress in your work, either in one job or
in a series of jobs.

E.g. I don't know what future career path might suit me but I'm told I relate well
to people.

E.g. Decision on ones career path should be made early and correctly to avoid
any waste of time and efforts.

4. Job/employment/career prospects: the chances of being successful at work

E.g. Career prospects for students in specialized fields like biochemistry are
comparatively brighter than those for economics students.

E.g. Ones career prospects should not be shadowed by either social status or

5. Colleague (n): a person that you work with, especially in a profession or a

= co-worker


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E.g. Fresh graduates often learn most from their colleagues who have gained
valuable work experience, thus can give them reliable and helpful advices in case
of professional difficulties.

E.g. Her work is highly esteemed by all her colleagues.

6. Productive (adj): resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of

Unproductive (adj)
produce (v)
productivity (n)

E.g. Thanks to the help of current sophisticated technology, people has had largely
reduced workload and become more productive.

E.g. Management of time is important for a productive working method.

7. Alienate (v): to make somebody feel that they do not belong in a particular
Alienated (adj)
Alienation (n): create alienation between people

E.g. The growing pace of life has created alienation between people because they
have become so indulged in work that they isolate themselves from others.

E.g. Talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class.

8. Sleeplessness/sleep-deprivation/insomnia (n): without sleep, not able to sleep

Sleepless (adj)
E.g. Workaholics usually have to suffer from sleeplessness due to their constant
reliance on coffee to work night shift.

E.g. Increasing workload nowadays causes many white-collar workers insomnia.

9. Materialistic (adj): caring more about money and possessions than anything
= money-worshipping/mercenary (adj)

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E.g. The increasing dependence on money has made people become more
materialistic than ever before.

E.g. Many people these days have taken a mercenary attitude, resulting in an
emotionless society with no mercy but materialistic purposes only.

10. Sedentary (adj): spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving

E.g. Sedentary lifestyle attributes to a number of dangerous diseases such as

obesity, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

E.g. Taking up regular physical exercises is important to escape the adverse impact
of a sedentary lifestyle.

11. Leisure (n): time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working
or studying
Leisured (adj)
Leisurely (adj)

E.g. Even though people can earn more money, they have less leisure time to
spend on their interests.

E.g. My leisure activities are reading book and listening to music.

12. Cosmopolitan (adj): containing people of different types or from different

countries, and influenced by their culture

E.g. Ho Chi Minh is a cosmopolitan city which attracts a large number of tourists
from foreign countries.

E.g. Young people today are much more cosmopolitan.

13. Affluent (adj): having a lot of money and a good standard of

living = wealthy/well-off/prosperous
Affluence (n)
E.g. The affluent Western countries are better equipped to face the problems of
global warming.


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E.g. The rich usually live in an affluent neighborhood with round-the-clock

14. Poverty-stricken/impoverished/deprived/indigent/destitute (adj): poor,

without money and food and the other things necessary for life

E.g. In most societies currently, there is a growing gap between the wealthy class
and the indigent one.

E.g. Impoverished people are driven to commit crimes such as theft or robbery as
means of living.

15. High-rise building(s) (n): very tall building with a lot of floors =

E.g. The number of high-rise building in megacities is increasing at an

unprecedented rate.

E.g. Skyscrapers like the Empire State building are a symbol of New York city,
which is a desired destination for numerous emigrates and students.

16. Traffic jam(s)/traffic congestion (n): the state of being crowded and full of
= gridlock (n)
Congested (adj)

E.g. People in megacities have to suffer from terrible traffic jam.

E.g. Traffic congestion has become a matter of public concern in most societies
these days since it can cause a number of problems.

17. A road tax (n): money that you have to pay to the government for the use of

E.g. The implementation of a road tax is necessary to reduce the number of

vehicles on the streets.


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E.g. It is suggested that the government should raise the road tax to discourage
people from owning private cars.

18. Public transport (n): The system of buses, trains, etc. provided by the
government or by companies, which people use to travel from one place to
= public transit, mass transit

E.g. Prompt actions should be taken to discourage unnecessary car use and
encourage the use of public transport.

E.g. Government should improve the quality of public transport.

19. Access (n)/(v): the opportunity or right to use something or to see


E.g. Government should make access to public transport easier for people,
especially those living in the suburb.

E.g. Living in the outskirts can help one to escape the hustle and bustle of a city
life in exchange for easy access to hospitals and schools.

20. Telecommute (v): to work from home, communicating with your office,
customers and others by telephone, email
Telecommuter (n)

E.g. Telecommuting helps to reduce the problem of traffic jam by minimizing

peoples needs to go out, especially in rush hours.

E.g. Innovative technology has made it easier for the practice of telecommuting
without much influence on work results.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 27

Describe a problem in your city/hometown.

You should say:
What it is
How serious it is
What causes this problem
and say what can be done to solve/reduce this problem.

I live in Ho Chi Minh city and this city has a very large population. With the
increasing population, unplanned urbanisation, rapid industrialisation and lack of
proper steps from the authority have led to many different problems here and traffic
congestion, in my opinion, is the worst of all.

Traffic jam in large cities is a common problem; however, this in our city is far worse.
It is a common scenario in our city that cars are stuck on roads and passengers and
drivers have to wait for an unusually long time before they can move forward.
Sometimes cars and buses remain unmoved for more than an hour and people get very
depressed and annoyed due to this. The long lines of cars and buses and their
movement at a snail's pace have become a very annoying yet common scenario in this
city. The rush hours are even more devastating and bad traffic kills a considerable
amount of time each day. The business owners, office goers, students and their parents
and people from all walks of life suffer seriously due to this uncontrollable traffic
congestion. Everyone seems like devastated and vexed about it, authorities know that
as well, and yet there no proper steps to solve this heinous problem.

There are many reasons behind this problem and an increasing number of cars and
vehicles, in my opinion, is the main reason. The number of cars is increasing more
rapidly than the construction of new roads and roads are becoming more congested.
Second, lack of proper traffic control system and scarcity of traffic police could be
another reason for that. Moreover, the public transportations are not as reliable and


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 28
updated as they should have been and due to that people are mostly relying on private
cars in my city. Violation of traffic rules is another main reason for this unbearable

Some effective measures must be taken in order to address this serious problem. Since
this is already a grave issue, steps should be taken before it gets worse. First,
government and road authority should invest more money for building new roads and
for the repairing and maintaining of old ones, particularly in areas where traffic jam
is more severe. On the other hand, public transportations should be improved so that
people use them more frequently. Restriction on private car ownership in our city is
also required for the control of increasing traffic jam, probably through a raise in the
road tax. At the same time, it is essential that stricter traffic rules be issued and
violation of traffic regulations should be severely punished in order to reduce the
traffic congestion.


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1. Are people migrating to big cities in your country? Why?

Yes, definitely. For the past few years, big cities in my country have witnessed
large-scale migration from rural to urban areas. Especially, the population in
Hanoi has been estimated to reach 8 million, almost one-tenth of the countrys
population. There are various reasons for such a trend. Firstly, people want to
have better job prospects, thus working in a big city like Hanoi is a great
opportunity. Secondly, the cosmopolitan atmosphere in big city is another
attraction, from which emigrates can get exposure and access to different

2. What are the advantages of living in the countryside?

Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a number of ways.

For one thing, living in the countryside is better for ones health condition
thanks to significantly lower levels of pollution. It is undeniable that, air
quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may cause
respiratory diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of living in
rural areas is likely to be lower than that in cities. Although people in the city
tend to make more money than people in the countryside do, they have to
spend more on food, accommodation and transportation. Therefore, one can
actually save more money by living in the countryside without working as

3. Do you think there are more problems in a big city compared to a small

There is hardly any denying that people living in big cities these days are likely
to face more problems than those living in small towns. Living in the outskirts
can help one to escape the hustle and bustle of a city life in exchange for easy
access to services such as hospitals and schools. At the same time, citizens in
metropolitan area, despite having an apparently more affluent life, have to

29 Page 30
T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 31
deal with the problem of traffic jam. Security in these cities is also threatened
by increasing crimes caused by the poverty-stricken offenders. For people who
would like to live in a house with garden, it is nearly impossible in big cities
where the main accommodation is apartments in high-rise building.

4. What can be done to solve them permanently?

A more subtle solution to put an end to those problems, in my opinion, would

be for the government to create more jobs in the countryside. This would
hopefully make the idea of leaving home and family to work in big cities less
attractive, which means fewer burdens on big cities. Another possible solution
is the implementation of punitive measures, aiming at reducing the number of
private car owners by either raising road tax or encouraging telecommuting.

5. What do you think about the urbanization process?

It is an unavoidable trend to say the truth. As population increases more and

more people will have to move into cities for a better career path. As a result,
the cities have to grow in order to accommodate migrant workers from rural
areas, which will naturally lead to urbanization and the increasing pace of
life. Urbanization also leads to a number of problems. For example, the
growing pace of life has created alienation between people because they have
become so indulged in work that they isolate themselves from others.


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Topic: Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to
live in a rural area. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the

Many people consider living in cities and they think that this is more advantageous
while another group prefers living in the countryside as they find it as a better
alternative. Living in a city and in an urban area, from my perspective, both has their
advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, living in a city is very stressful as the life is very busy and competitive
there. The increasing competition in the workplace along with the faster pace of life
have deprived people of their leisure time and personal relationship, even resulting in
their alienation with other people but their colleagues. The heavy workload forces
white-collar workers to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which in turn results in a number of
serious diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Another point worth noting is
it is particularly tough for low earning people as the expenses in living in a city is
always higher. Poverty-stricken emigrates coming to big cities for better job
prospects may find themselves struggling with an even more indigent life due to the
employment competition and unaffordable living expenditure.

On the other hand, city life offers numerous facilities and opportunities compared to
life in rural area. As a matter of fact, employment opportunity is more abundant,
especially if one wishes to run small businesses, cities have better career prospects
than in the countryside. People can easily find a new job in case s/he loses a job and
there are many other earning prospects in a city that could not be found in a village.
For economically affluent people, the city offers many social and entertainment
facilities like Cineplex, sports event in stadiums, amusement parks, museum etc...
with easy access to. Opposite to this, rural areas do not offer many opportunities for
social life and lacks the entertainment facilities. Also, people cannot purchase
everything they need from a village market and markets are very rare in most of the
urban areas.

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 33
To sum up, although it is clear that cities face a range of problems, proper measures
can be taken to solve these issues and improve the quality of life. Governments and
local people must join hands to improve the situation, otherwise it will fall into the
black hole in the near future.

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 34

1. A lingua franca = a universal language/a global language

E.g. English is undoubtedly a lingua franca nowadays.
E.g. Chinese is expected to become the lingua franca thanks to its escalating
economic influences.
2. Proliferate (v): increase rapidly in number or amount.
Proliferation (n)
E.g. The popularity of English has been proliferating together with the
E.g. Globalization has led to proliferating number of students learning overseas.
3. Dominate (v): control/ have a lot of influence over somebody/something,
especially unpleasantly
Dominant (a)
E.g. Conquering languages is one of the dominant advantages in the labour
market now.
E.g. You can say a lot in the meeting, but remember not to dominate the
4. Extinct (v): no longer in existence
Extinction (n) = demise (n)
E.g. The advancement of technology has gradually led manual methods in industry
to their extinctions.
E.g. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.
5. Evolve (v) = develop gradually from a simple to a more complicated form.
E.g. The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.
E.g. Any single field must evolve its own way of working.
6. Spread (v): cover, make something cover a larger and larger area.
Widespread (a) existing and happening over a larger area/ among many
people = prevalent
E.g. Beside English, some other widespread used languages are Spanish, French
or Japanese.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 |

E.g. The scale of influence of Chinese is widespread nearly all over the world. Page 35
7. Dialect (a) = Native/ vernacular/ indigenous
E.g. That Vietnam has various areas is correlated to plenty of dialect differences
E.g. .. dialect word/ expression
8. Preserve and revive language under threat
9. Languages help communities remain cohesive and to have a strong sense of
10. Retaining a language of a community also means other forms of culture are
maintained. Page 36

Describe a language you would like to learn.

You should say:
What the language is
Where it is spoken
How it will help you
and explain why you want to learn this language.

English is an international language and it is a must to communicate in the fast paced

world. As a Vietnamese national, I would like to learn English perfectly. English is
the most familiar language across the world and even people living at the farthest
corner knows English. Therefore, having the right command over the language is
necessary to make oneself familiar with the global people and the necessity of this
language is beyond imagination. We need English in every sphere of our life.
Although French is my mother tongue, the higher education books are composed in
English and the classes are always held in English too. Sometimes I cannot speak the
language properly while attending my university classes and make grave mistakes in
pronunciation of specific words. This is an embarrassing situation for me and my
nation as well.

English is spoken everywhere in this world. It is used for different purposes. The use
of the language is so necessary that it has become the first language for the majority of
the developed countries while the developing ones have made it their second
language. The English language is needed to learn newer things or issues, gather
knowledge for everyday use, enjoy movies and television serials, communication with
foreign clients and dealers, travelling in foreign countries and booking for overseas
hotels during the trip, regular conversation in office, responding in classes, appearing
on examinations and many other purposes that could not be described into words. As a
result, the language has become the queen of all language with its outstanding ability
to impress the global people.

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1. What are the benefits of knowing a foreign language?

Well, therere numerous advantages I would say. The first one I could think of
is good self-esteem. Conversing in a foreign language that not many of your
friends are fluent in is a great feeling. Second, it offers you the key to better
education and employment opportunities. Finally, you can explore the culture
of a nation because culture is deeply rooted in the language.

2. What is English an international language?

Thats an interesting question. Even I used to wonder why it has to be English
but not any others. In my opinion, English is universally known because of
three reasons. First and foremost, the population that speaks the language is
huge. Next, the economy, film industry and culture of those English speaking
countries are heavily influential. Last but not least, the powerful influence of
the internet also contributes in making English an international language.

3. What factors make a language become international?

Like I mentioned earlier, if a language is to become internationally spoken it
got to have a huge community in which this language is a means of
communication. Then the country economy of this language should be
powerful. Lastly, it comes down to making changes on the internet.

4. What are the advantages of people knowing more than 1 language?

Several I must say. Some of those are: conversing freely with native speakers,
chances to emerge in the rich culture as well as custom and tradition.
However, the most beneficial factor I could think of is higher chance for
employment and further studies.

5. Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 39
Its hard to say because we will never know what the future holds. However,
based on what happening around the world right now Cantonese could
possibly be the language of the future. Therere some reasons for that. First,
Chinese economy has become much more influential. The Cantonese speaking
community is of the largest. Chinese culture and film industry are among the
richest and most loved around the world at present.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 40

Topic: Every year several languages die out. Some people think that it is not
important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is argued that the annual extinction of many languages is not a problem because
having just a few languages leads to a more convenient life. It is disagreed that the
convenience of using just a few key languages makes the dying out of less spoken
dialects acceptable. This essay will first discuss the importance of language to culture,
and secondly the fact that learning a few common languages is unrealistic, followed
by a reasoned conclusion.

A language is not just a group of spoken words but the key to someones culture.
Language has evolved over thousands of years to reflect what it means to be from a
particular place. For example, the Irish language has one of the widest vocabularies in
the world and reflects their tradition of storytelling. Despite this, English has become
the first language of the Irish, as many feel it makes it easier to communicate with the

By speaking just a couple of languages, such as English and Chinese, you alienate
billions of people throughout the world. English may be common, but it is not the
lingua franca many people think it is and it would take generations for everyone to
learn it. Countries like Korea and Vietnam have been trying to adopt English as a
second language for a long time, but most of their people still cant fully grasp it.
However, English has been the language of business for a long time and it should be
encouraged to help a country become more economically competitive.

To conclude, commonly spoken languages may make life more straightforward, but
this should not be at the expense of less prevalent languages, in order to avoid the
erosion of culture and the alienation of many countries.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 41

1. Update (v): to give somebody the most recent information about something; to
add the most recent information to something
Update (n)
E.g. Our records are regularly updated
E.g. We'll update you on the rest of the travel news as we get it.
2. Follow (v) Track (a person, group, or organization) by subscribing to their
account on a social media website or application.
E.g. If you've been following me on Facebook recently you may have seen a bunch
of different posts about surgery and back trouble
E.g. I don't follow many celebrities on Twitter any more
3. Publish (v): to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the
Publisher (n)
E.g. The first edition was published in 2007.
E.g. The author has published six books, five collections of poetry and a volume of
4. Coverage (n): the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio
and television
Cover (v)
E.g. We watched the latest TV coverage of the election.
E.g. The programme won an award for its news
5. Distort (v): to twist or change facts, ideas, etc. so that they are no longer
correct or true
Distortion (n)
E.g. Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.
E.g. The article gave a distorted picture of his childhood.
6. Informative (a): giving useful information
Inform (v)
E.g. The talk was both informative and entertaining.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 42
E.g. Findings suggest that while television is more informative than the press, it is
less persuasive.
7. User (n): a person or thing that uses something
Use (n)/(v)
E.g. Internet users needed to be aware of the cybercrime
E.g. We have carried out a lot of focus groups with bus users and car users
8. Viewer (n): a person watching television
View (v):
E.g. The programme attracted millions of viewers.
E.g. Our presenters are role models for young viewers
9. Broadcast (v): to send out programmes on television or radio
Broadcast (n)
E.g. Most of the programmes are broadcast in English.
E.g. They began broadcasting in 1922.
10. Social networking (n): communication with people who share your interests
using a website or other service on the Internet
E.g. The point of social networking is that people stay in touch.
E.g. Online social networking is an opportunity to rethink the concept of
11. Newsworthy (a): interesting and important enough to be reported as
news E.g. Nothing very newsworthy happened last week.
E.g. That is a a newsworthy event
12. Current affairs (n): events of political or social importance that are
happening now
E.g. I began to take an interest in current affairs
E.g. News and current affairs programmes are considered likely to be worst hit
13. Daily (a): happening, done or produced every day
E.g. Invoices are signed on a daily basis.
E.g. Events affected the daily lives of millions of people
14. Up-to-the-minute (a): having or including the most recent information
E.g. Always keep an eye to up-to-the-minute trends for a modern statement.

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 43
E.g. It is fitted with up-to-the-minute security devices
15. Disclose (v): to give somebody information about something, especially
something that was previously secret
Disclosure (n)
E.g. The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the
press. E.g. The report discloses that human error was to blame for the
16. Online version
17. Evaluate (v): to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of something
after thinking about it carefully
Evaluation (n)
E.g. Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs
E.g. We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.
18. Biased (a): Unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something
Bias (v)/(n)
E.g. Their research was based on a biased sample
E.g. We will not tolerate this biased media coverage
19. Reliable (a): that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on
Reliability (v)
Reliance (n)
E.g. We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-
working. E.g. Our information comes from a reliable source
20. Report (v): to give people information about something that you have heard,
seen, done, etc.
Report (n)
E.g. The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies.
E.g. Call me urgently if you have anything to report.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 44

Describe a website that you often use.

You should say:

What type of website it is
How you found out about it
What it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.

When it comes to the website that I frequently use, I would like to talk about
Facebook which is one of the most popular website in the world, with millions of
users. It is social networking website which allows people to keep in touch with
friends or find the ones youve lost touch with and it is free of charge.

As a matter of fact, I dont remember exactly how I found out the website but I guess
that due to the all of my friends used Facebook and talked about it , so I wanted to fit
in, I signed up and gave it a try. Then I like it and Ive been using it ever since.

I find Facebook very informative since i can update latest news or current affairs
on a daily basis from the pages that I followed. Moreover, whenever I follow any
page, Facebook always recommend the related pages, which is very convenient.
Facebook helps me to keep up to date with what my friends doing and share with
them unforgettable moments in my life by uploading videos or photos.

Thanks to Facebook, socializing with friends has been never easier.


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1. What are some of different reasons that people use the Internet?
Well I guess the reason is that the Internet nowadays surpasses the function of
magazines or newspapers in terms of source of information because the
information is easily go viral on the Internet. Also, it doesnt cost loads of
money like it does for print media. We only need the available of the Internet
access. Another reason is that people all around the world can keep in touch
with each other via Internet despite long distance. It is a superior mean of

2. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet
content. What do you think?
Well, I think it is absolutely true. I would like to divide users into 2 groups.
The first is young generation who rely on the Internet to search for
information mostly for entertainment and study materials while for older
generation, they tend to use searching engine to look for national or
international news.

3. Do you think parents should control what internet sites their children visit
on the internet?
Certainly yes. Children should be supervised about what they are following on
th Internet because lots of information from the internet is not censored. It
might contain the violent or adult contents which are not suitable for children

4. How the Internet change our life in the future?

It will change our lives in different perspectives


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 46
For education, there are many online classes. So I guess in the future there
might be more online courses for people to attend without coming the real

For economy, people will do more shopping online rather than traditional
shopping because its convenient. Many web-based companies are successful
like Lazada, Ebay. So there will probably more companies who sell online via
the Internet.

For entertainment, other kinds of media like radio or TV will be replaced by

the Internet since there is now podcast, radio online, and many TV programs
are already on the Internet.

5. What people do you think dont use the Internet and what drawbacks they
may experience?

Well, off top of my head, I think about the old generation who could not keep
up with the technology innovation or accustom with using the Internet. It is
quite difficult for them to find out the contacts that they have lost touch with
while just by Facebook, they can find out lots of old friends through mutual


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 47

Topic: Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers
will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

It is generally argued that although people tend to rely more on the Internet to update
latest news on a daily basis, print media like newspapers still hold the most
significant role when it comes to sources of news. Personally, I strongly disagree with
mentioned opinion.

There are various reasons why I suppose that the Internet surpasses the newspapers.
Firstly, the news on the Internet can be up-to-the-minute. As long as we have smart
phone or a computer with the availability of Internet access, we can easily get up to
date with the hottest news of current affairs. Secondly, it is almost free of charge to
publish the news on the Internet. Therefore, authors can keep up with providing
viewers with more information. Moreover, it is convenient for visitors to look for
pieces of news relating to any particular topic because they are logically recorded
during the timeline.

In contrast, publishing news in print like newspapers could bring several

disadvantages. The first problem is the waste of paper. Although most newspaper use
recycled paper, people still cut down trees to produce paper for newspapers which
would be thrown away after a certain time period. Another problem which worths
noticing is the cost which covers expense of printing and delivery from editorial
office to publisher and publisher to customers. For example, it costs around 10,000
VND for a printed edition of newspaper while you can read the digital version only
with almost free charge. That is the reason why many famous newspaper publishers
like BBC or CNN have introduced the online version of the printed one.

In conclusion, for the reasons I mentioned above, I believe that online news is more
popular and newspaper is no longer the major source of news.

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 48

1. Legislation (n): a law or a set of laws passed by a parliament

E.g. New legislation on the sale of drugs will be introduced next year.
E.g. People call for legislation to ban smoking in public places
2. Enforce (v): to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule
Enforced (a)
Enforcement (n)
E.g. It's the job of the police to enforce the law.
E.g. The legislation will be difficult to enforce.
3. Educate (v): to teach somebody about something or how to do something
Education (n)
E.g. Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.
E.g. The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.
4. Solve (v): to find a way of dealing with a problem or difficult situation
Solution (n)
E.g. Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste
disposal. E.g. You can't solve anything by just running away.
5. Introduce (v): to make something available for use, discussion, etc. for the
first time
Introduction (n)
E.g. The new law was introduced in 2007.
E.g. We want to introduce the latest technology into schools.
6. Ban (v): to decide or say officially that something is not allowed
Ban (n)
E.g. Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
E.g. Government needs to run a campaign to ban smoking in public places
7. Promote (v): to help something to happen or develop
8. Promotion (n)
E.g. Government needs to run a campaign to promote awareness of environmental


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 49
E.g. Policies are implemented to promote economic growth
9. Violate (v): to go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc.
Violator (n)
Violation (n)
E.g. If anyone violates the law, they must face the consequence
E.g. Anyone caught violating the rules is subject to a $10,000 fine
10. Fine (v): to make somebody pay money as an official punishment
Fine (n)
E.g. Any company found to be breaking these rules will be heavily
fined. E.g. He got fined 200 for parking illegally.
11. Campaign (v): a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a
particular social, commercial or political aim
E.g. Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.
E.g. The army set off on campaign
12. Penalty (n): a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract
E.g. Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years'
imprisonment. E.g. What would be the penalty for breaking this rule?
13. Censor (v): to remove the parts of a book, film/movie, etc. that are considered
to be offensive, immoral or a political threat
Censorship (n)
E.g. The news reports had been heavily censored
E.g. The media may be censored, especially on defence issues.
14. Prioritize (v): to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you
can deal with the most important first
Priority (n)
E.g. You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.
The department has failed to prioritize safety within the oil industry
15. Expenditure (n): the action of spending funds
Expend (v)
E.g. The budget provided for a total expenditure of 27 billion.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 50
Savings have been disposed of in order to meet the growing gap between income and
16. Invest (v): to spend money on something in order to make it better or more
Investment (n)
E.g. The government has invested heavily in public transport.
E.g. The college is to invest $2 million in a new conference hall
17. Allocate (v): to give something officially to somebody/something for a
particular purpose
Allocation (n):
E.g. Large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the
library. E.g. More resources are being allocated to the project.
18. Objective (n): something that you are trying to achieve
Objective (n)
E.g. You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.
E.g. The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.
19. Responsible (a): having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of
somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong
Responsibility (n)
E.g. Mike is responsible for designing the entire project
E.g. Even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be
responsible for their children.
20. Implement (v): to make something that has been officially decided start to
happen or be used
Implementation (n):
E.g. A new work programme for young people will be implemented.
E.g. Steps to protect forest areas should be implemented without further delay.
21. Enact (v): to make law
Enactment (n)
E.g. Legislation was enacted to attract international companies
E.g. In the United States, several states have already enacted genetic privacy laws.

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 51

Describe a law you like

You should say:

What is the law?
How you know about it?
Why is it important?
What you like the most about

When it comes to law that I like, I want to talk about a law about animal right which
was enforced by Taiwan Government. I have just read about the news on the Internet
on CNN news.

According to the law, its illegal for anyone who trade or eat dogs and cats meat. The
will be fined up to more than 8000 dollars. The amendment also bans the brutal
treatment of the animals. The violators will be 2 years imprison

I believe the law is important because it will protect dogs and cats from being
slaughtered for food. They are our pet and companionship; they are smart and show
affection to us. Its immoral to kill them just for eating or abuse them. I and other
animal lovers were angry after a string of shocking animal abuse cases.

The thing that I like most about the law is the penalties for violators especially
animals cruelty. The law would change the public thinking, making people become
more compassionate and sympathetic with the plight of dogs and recognize the
criminality behind the dog meat industry.

50 Page 52
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1. What new law do you think Government should introduce to improve life
in your country?
Well, I think Government should introduce a law about classifying garbage
into cycle and non-cycle materials before throwing it out. Unsorted garbage
dumps contribute to the air and underground water pollution. So, if the law is
enforced, garbage can turn into good things that we can recycle like plastic,
glass and paper. It is also a way to save labor.

2. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

Yes, there are some steps that Government can take. First, they can invest more
public money on public sport facilities like swimming pools, gyms so that
everyone can have opportunity to use. Second, Government should also make
people be more aware of the harm of unhealthy diet, smoking and drinking on
TV and warn them how serious they are.

3. What governments should do to reduce obesity?

Governments should run campaigns to educate people to have healthy diet
and regular exercise. They also should introduce the laws to ban advertising
fast food to children

4. Do you think it is the government's responsibility to solve pollution or is it

the responsibility of each individual?
Yes, I think both of them are responsible for the problem. The earth is our
home, individual should not just take advantage of environment and ignore the
pollution, they should think of the next generation. Every tiny action can
contribute to the world changes. What Government can help is educate and
stimulate changes, and use strict laws to behaviors that pollute environment.


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5. What are some ways that the government could use to help educate people
about the environment?
They can use mass media like TV, newspapers and magazines to tell people
about problems regarding the environment and introduce the new policies. In
schools, they can educate children about environment through extra activities
like competitions, voluntary works, recycling at home.


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Topic: Some people think that it is more important for Government to spend
public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in other to prevent illness than to
spend it on treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

It is generally supposed that more Government spending should be spent to get rid
of diseases by encouraging healthy lifestyle. While this could bring benefits, I am
against the viewpoint that this should be given higher priority than treatment of
patients who are suffering serious diseases.

The promotion of healthy lifestyle to prevent illness is undoubtedly a worthy

objective of Government when it comes to public health because many serious
diseases are involved unhealthy lifestyles. To exemplify, people who have sedentary
routine and lack daily exercise are prone to heart diseases. Besides, in the fast pace of
life, people are caught up in working so that they ignore their daily diet and frequently
eat fast food which contains a lot of fat and salt. This can lead to obesity and high
blood pressure. Therefore, Government need to promote campaigns to raise peoples
awareness of healthy diet and regular exercise.

Nevertheless, I believe that Government should prioritize treatment of people who

are ill for some reasons. Firstly, not all diseases are caused by lifestyles. For example,
there are respirational disorders which result from air pollution while sanitation and
contaminated water contribute to the digestive system problems. Secondly, there are
still thousands of poor people suffering serious diseases but could not afford the
hospital and medicine fees. Thirdly, in remote or ethnic minority areas, local hospitals
are not well-equipped with modern facilities to diagnose and follow the disease. This
certainly leads to many deaths which could have been avoided by timely treatment.
Hence, it is urgent for Government to lower the healthcare fees and invest more on


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 56
hospital facilities as well as project to search for treatment for life-threatening

In conclusion, while preventing illness is important, Government should allocate

money to cure ill people.


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1. Explore (v): Travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it
Exploration (n)
E.g. I spent a lot of time trekking through the jungle, exploring uncharted areas and
meeting primitive tribes, some were friendly but more often than not they were
E.g. The town is small enough to be easily explored on foot
2. Appeal to s.b (v): Attract someone
Appealing (a)
E.g. Nha Trang which is one of the most beautiful cities in Vietnam appeals to a huge
number of tourists for a lot of reasons
E.g Son Doong Cave appeals to the people who are in favor of discovering and
stretch them to the limit with its mysterious beauty
3. Enrich (v): Improve or enhance the quality or value of
Enrichment (n)
E.g. He's going away to some foreign country to enrich his knowledge and
experience of other cultures
E.g. Tourism plays a very important part in Chinese economy and greatly enriches all
citizens' lives
4. Economic (a): Relating to economics or the economy
Economy (n)
E.g. Tourism can provide benefit like direct jobs to the community and economy,
such as tour guides or hotel housekeeping
E.g. The tourism industry generates substantial economic benefits to both host
countries and tourists home countries
5. Cultural (a): Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society
Culture (n)
E.g. Cultural Exchange and Community Based tourism attract more and more
adventurous travelers to Kenya, Ethiopia, Nepal and Thailand


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 58
E.g. Traveling brings people into contact with each other and, as tourism has an
educational element, it can foster understanding between peoples and cultures and
provide cultural exchange between hosts and guests
6. Promote (v): enhance
Promotion (n)
E.g. The tourism promote the development of the country that has advantages of
natural scenery
E.g. By traveling people can move to everywhere and promote cultural
7. Expand (v): become or make larger or more extensive
Expandability (n)
Expandable (a)
E.g. Traveling helps people expand their horizons
E.g. An innovative project aimed at easing travel problems for young people in rural
areas is expanding after proving a success
8. Benefit (n): An advantage or profit gained from something
Benefit from (v)
Beneficial (a)
E.g. There is a variety of advantages benefited from
tourism E.g. Tourism has beneficial effect on the economy
9. Attraction (n): The action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or
Attractive (a)
Attraction (n)
E.g. London is a tourist attraction to many people all over the world
E.g. Cu Chi tunnel which is a tourist attraction of Ho Chi Minh City lets visitors
experience what it must have been like for soldiers who used an extensive network of
tunnels to move around undetected by their enemies.
10. Experience (n): Practical contact with and observation of facts or events
Experience (v)
E.g. All of the young should have first-hand experience of bush walk

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 59
E.g. It argues that observation and experience are keys to widen the horizons of
11. Multi-sensory (a): relating to or involving several physiological senses
E.g. Traveling is a multi-sensory activity
E.g. Its almost too obvious to say that we are living in a multisensory world
12. Understanding (n): The ability to understand something; comprehension
Understand (v)
Understandable (a)
E.g. While traveling, people can enhance their mutual understanding of their
E.g. For most of the people, traveling is ties which make a mutual understanding
easier to find.
13. Infrastructure (n): The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
(E.g. buildings, roads, power supplies)
E.g. Tourism may help country improve the infrastructure of the local area
E.g. Tourism infrastructure is the basis of tourism development and utilization of
existing destination resources
14. Burden (n): A duty or misfortune that causes worry, hardship, or distress
E.g. Tourism might place a heavy burden on the local environment
E.g. Tourism may help the country decrease the burden of economy
15. Local (a): Relating or restricted to a particular area or one's
neighborhood - Local (n)
E.g. Tourism might disturb the daily life of local people
E.g. The Park and Ride would also serve the new center, attracting people from a
wider area and boosting the local economy
16. Commercialize (v): Manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way
designed to make a profit
Commercial (a)
Commerce (n)
E.g. With decreasing budgets and more conservative political philosophies, managers
are under more pressure to commercialize tourism

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 60
E.g. Pollution may be a result of movements in tourism to commercialize the industry
17. Commodify (v): Turn into or treat as a mere commodity
Commodity (n)
E.g. Often local residents are interested in commodifying their own natural resources
while out of town visitors - with the security of a regular pay check - want to preserve
a pastoral landscape in its pristine state
E.g. At the same time, the rise of blues festivals across the country has further
commodified the blues as a feel-good music
18. Heritage (n): Property that is or may be inherited
Inherited (a)
Inherit (v)
E.g. But now, like so much of the nation's natural heritage, it is under threat
E.g. There is a long tradition of concern for history and cultural heritage in Iraq
19. Destination (n): The place to which someone or something is going or being sent
E.g. Other increasingly popular destinations are Croatia, Bulgaria, Cuba and Turkey
E.g. The rivers have become popular tourist destinations, venues for nights out and
day trips
20. Picturesque (a): visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way
E.g. Before we left this picturesque place, we took a photo of the kind family we had
lodged with
E.g. People like Austrian resorts for their village atmosphere and picturesque settings


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Describe a beautiful place you once visited.

You should say:
When you went to this place
Where it was
Who you went with
and say why you liked it so much.

A few years ago I went on a long holiday to Da Lat city. Its a tourist spot in the
southern parts of the Central Highlands region in Vietnam. I went on my own and had
a wonderful time as well as first-hand experience. I stayed in a youth hostel and met
some really nice local residents who are generous and don't hesitate to help people.
However, the most memorable thing about the holiday was the breathtaking views,
and lovely picturesque villages. Da Lat can get very busy with hordes of tourists,
hence I decided to go out of season in the autumn when the weather was cool and the
shops were full of local crafts. Indeed, it was such a really great holiday. Its certainly
not the kind of short break for someone looking for a busy nightlife but if you want
to relax in the middle of stunning landscape I would certainly recommend a holiday
to this wonderful destination.


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1. What are the advantages of tourism?

There are a variety of advantages benefited from tourism. Firstly, tourism provides
employment locally. Thanks to inherent tourist attractions of the countries, the local
areas will appeal to a lot of visitors each year. Therefore, the demand for employment
will help the local obtain jobs and enhance their income. Moreover, it also boosts
local economy through valuable foreign exchange by providing various kinds of
entertainment for all ages at tourist spots.

2. What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism?

In addition to numerous benefits, tourism also results in doubtful adverse effects
which bring unwanted changes to the area. Firstly, due to the great number of tourists
coming to visit, it may cause a great deal of pollution involving more noise, litter, and
cars. Therefore, the daily life of local people will be affected and a heavy burden on
the local environment will be placed. Secondly, because of the commercial wish to
make a profit, local residents may increase the prices of services and goods which can
cause the increase in the consumption prices of the areas.

3. What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?

Indeed, traveling brings about loads of benefits. The first evident one is to expand the
horizons. Because traveling is a multi-sensory activity, people can obtain their first-
hand experience and knowledge regarding culture, food and history of destinations
which they have never explored before. Furthermore, people can also enhance their
mutual understanding of family members through valuable relaxing experience as
well as discoveries to adventurous places on holiday.

4. How can the rise of ecotourism help environmental conservation?


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 63
As tourist attractions that provide entertainment for all ages and reflect the local
culture and history of a place appeal to more visitors, local communities,
understanding the economic benefits of eco-tourism, will motivate to protect
resources and adopt conservationist attitudes. Moreover, revenue derived from park-
entrance fees and similar sources can help finance the protection and management of
environmentally sensitive areas.

5. In what ways has tourism changed your country?

Tourism is one of the most significant contributors to our economy. The first
economic benefit is the increase in both seasonal and full-time employment thanks to
substantial growth in tourism. Cross-cultural and inter-cultural communications
have developed and many extensive constructions and infrastructural development
have been done by the Government. Besides, since the tourists from different
countries, our own heritage has been greatly enriched and it has become a lively


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Topic: Some people believe that tourists should accept social and environmental
responsibility while others believe that tourists should not accept any
responsibility as all. What is your opinion?

It is undeniable that tourism industry has contributed to the many economies of the
world, hence most of the countries are paying attempt to promote their tourism
industry. However, due to the adverse social and environmental effect of tourism,
some people argue that tourists should be responsible for this. From my point of view,
I absolutely agree with this statement and the essay below will clarify my ideas.

The first vital reason why tourists should be responsible is the impact on the local
ecological environment of tourist destinations. One of the most defective
consequence needs considering is pollution caused by the litter of wrappers and
plastic bottles at loads of tourist spots. As a result, it has taken an abundant of time to
get them cleaned up and restore tourism here. That is not to mention the over-
consumption of resources by tourists such as fuel or water, which does not
correspond with the sustainable development and the injustice with the locals. For
example, on contrary to the scarcity of drinking water of the local in Dubai, tourists
stay in five-star accommodation and take two showers a day.

Moreover, the second reason is the negative sequel to the society. Firstly, because of
an increasing number of people coming there, crowding, congestion and social vices
may possibly occur, the daily life of local people may also be disturbed. Last but
not least, if tourists do not respect the local culture, such as they fail to cover their
head and take off their shoes when they get into some religious places, there will be an
erosion of traditional values and the whole purpose of tourism.

In conclusion, in addition to a wide range of benefits tourism brings to the

communities, its threats to the society and environment is evident due to the well-
being of tourists. Therefore, I concur with the idea that not only are the tourism
sectors but also the tourists obliged to take this responsibility.

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1. Developing countries: are countries with little industrial and economic activity
where people generally have low incomes.
E.g. Developing countries are defined according to their Gross National Income
(GNI) per capita per year
E.g. Developing countries comprise a majority of the WTO membership
2. Developed countries: countries with a lot of industrial and economic activity
where people generally have high incomes.
E.g. Though it once reigned alongside the United States as a world superpower,
Russia is not classified as a developed country as of 2015
E.g. Hong Kong has been considered as a developed country since 1997
3. Emerging economy = emerging market economy: a nations economy
progressing toward becoming developed and advanced
E.g. The four largest emerging economies by either nominal or PPP-adjusted GDP
are the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China)
E.g. Vietnam's Economy Is an Emerging Market Standout
4. Global village: the idea that we became a single community due to affordable and
effective transportation, mass media, and electronic communications
E.g. People are afraid that the evolution of a global village will raise conflicts
between cultures.
E.g. Marshall McLuhan once wrote that the new electronic interdependence recreates
the world in the image of a global village
5. Global economy: refers to economy of the world comprising economies of
different countries closely interrelated.
E.g. Thanks to global economy a shirt is now likely to cost roughly the same amount
of money in New York as in New Delhi.
E.g. In 2008, the global economy went into a tailspin as stock markets around the
world faltered


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6. Global trade = international trade: is the exchange of goods and services
between countries.
E.g. Global trade not only results in increased efficiency, but also allows countries to
participate in global economy, encouraging the opportunity of foreign investments
E.g. Without global trade the world would have a lot less ways to get products and
goods to the whole world and keep people working
7. Outsourcing (n): going out to find the source of what you need.
Outsource (v)
E.g. Offshore outsourcing is often criticized, which can mean bad public relations for
a company.
E.g. There can be no question of outsourcing components from other countries
8. Prosperity (n): the state of being successful usually by making a lot of money
Prosperous (a)
Prosper (v)
E.g. Globalization plays an important role in contributing to sustainable prosperity
for all people
E.g. In the first half of the century, Pisa and the cities of Tuscany had enjoyed
unprecedented prosperity
9. Standard of living: quality of life or level of material prosperity available to an
individual or a group of people
E.g. The standard of living includes factors such as: income, availability of
employment, affordability of housing, quality of healthcare, and many others
E.g. In other words, in 46 years, our material standard of living rose by 180 per cent
10. Immigrate (v): to settle in a foreign country
Immigration (n)
E.g. Every member of the Jewish religion is eligible to immigrate to Israel
E.g. I hadn't stepped foot on Haitian soil since I left in 1986 and immigrated to
11. Cultural convergence: a tendency for cultures to blend and become more alike
E.g. The English language is a prime example of cultural convergence on a global

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 67
E.g. The acculturation of Native Americans to American culture is cultural
12. Heritage (n): Property that is or may be inherited
Inherited (a)
Inherit (v)
E.g. But now, like so much of the nation's natural heritage, it is under threat
E.g. There is a long tradition of concern for history and cultural heritage in Iraq
13. Preserve (v): Maintain (something) in its original or existing state
Preservation (n)
Preservative (a)
E.g. With an already existing building the challenge is to personalize and humanize
the existing spaces and to preserve those spaces that enhance community
E.g. The museum opened in 1983 to pay tribute to the commitment of past firefighters
and to preserve historic arte facts
14. Forefather = ancestor (n): A person, typically one more remote than a
grandparent, from whom one is descended
E.g. Nicci knew he would be nothing like his ancestors whom she had long ago met
E.g. All our remote ancestors were prehistoric and studying them is one way of
understanding our own origins and evolution
15. Ethnic (a): Relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant
national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition.
Ethically (adv)
E.g. The most promising developments in recent years have included the formation of
historical societies within ethnic communities
E.g. The company dates back to a time when they would sell their products within
ethnic communities, before eventually expanding to include the other Australians
16. Erode (v): Gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed
Erosion (n)
E.g. But the subculture has many serious negative effects, eroding morale and
confidence in the church
E.g. The traditional values and culture will be eroded by the tourism

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17. Cultural (a): Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society
Culture (n)
E.g. Cultural Exchange and Community Based tourism attract more and more
adventurous travelers to Kenya, Ethiopia, Nepal and Thailand
E.g. Traveling brings people into contact with each other and, as tourism has an
educational element, it can foster understanding between peoples and cultures and
provide cultural exchange between hosts and guests
18. Protect (v): Aim to preserve
Protection (n)
Protected (a)
Protecting (a)
E.g. They are also involved in improving public access, protecting agricultural lands,
and restoring urban waterfronts
E.g. In partnership with the Department for Culture Media and Sport, the British
Council has launched a 30 million fund to protect cultural heritage overseas at risk
19. Time-honoured (a) = ancient
E.g. Grease, in time-honored Hollywood fashion, helps us forget hardship to focus on
the good times
E.g. If your family has a 20-year tradition of decorating the Christmas tree on
Christmas eve, this tradition is an example of something that would be described as a
time-honored tradition
20. Harmony (n): Balance
E.g. Which attitude works best for achieving harmony between different ethnic
groups in a country?
E.g. Harmony and peacefulness are at the core of Chinese traditional culture


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 69

Describe a foreign culture that you like.

You should say:
what culture it is
how you know about it
what differences there are between that culture and your own
and explain why you like that foreign culture.

Different cultures and nations have their own custom, way of living and many
distinctive characteristics. Some of those are common across different countries and
some of those cultures are quite different. Finnish culture is one such culture that I
like very much. Finnish culture is a rich culture that has a time-honoured heritage
and has gone different changes over time. Finland is located in Northern Europe and
has more than 6,000,000 populations. Finnish is their main language and Evangelical
Lutheran is the main religion of Finnish people. Finnish culture is composed of Finn,
Swede, Sami, Roma, Tatar ethnic group and Finn is over 90% of the total population.
Finnish people have an egalitarian society, which is reflected in their language that
employs gender-neutral words. Finnish people are very modest in behaviours, they
give very importance on modesty and humbleness and always try to preserve their
traditional values.


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1. What is "culture" for you?

Culture can be defined as the way of life of a particular. It involves their customs and
time-honoured traditions, and so in some senses culture is what distinguish us from
others, what makes us unique. I think culture also connects us to our past, to our
heritage. We mustn't forget modern culture either, though. Youth culture is often very
vibrant and powerful its new and inventive genres of music, dress and art.

2. How will your country's culture have changed in fifty years' time?
We are becoming more and more multicultural, so I'm not sure that all of our time-
honoured traditions will survive in their current form and how we can preserve
them. For example, can we continue to regard Christmas as our major annual
celebration if perhaps half of the country does not have Christianity as its religion? It
would be a shame to lose our traditions. However, if that is indeed the case,
something new will have replaced them in fifty years' time. And maybe it is better to
develop new customs and celebrations that more accurately reflect modern society and
show the harmony between traditional culture and modern culture.

3. Do you think the globalization of industry and commerce is a good thing?

I think the globalization is a natural evolution. As technology makes it possible to be
in contact with people from all over the world it is now easier than ever to learn about
different things. This means that some aspects of culture can be shared by all people in
the world and not only in the country where it originates. As people become wealthier,
they like to spend their money on different things and many of these things are
imported. It helps the country grow and it is good for trade and international
relations. There are benefits for everyone. For example, labour cost in developing
countries, like Vietnam, is less expensive than in some other countries so a company
producing a product here can make their product cheaper for their customers, or they
can make more profit and then reinvest it in more research and technology jobs in
their own country. Moreover, thanks to global economy, consumers can purchase a

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 71
product which is now likely to cost roughly the same amount of money in other
countries. Overall, yes, I think its a good thing.


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Topic: The advantage of the spread of English as a global language will continue
to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that the proliferation of the English language on an international scale is

profoundly impacting many countries by benefiting developing countries businesses
and tourism through globalization and providing its people with a foundation for
accessing the quality education available in developed countries. Although the
drawbacks do exist, benefits are countless. I believe that the benefits of this trend have
more significance than its demerits and this will continue in the coming years.

The widespread usage of a single language, English in this case, attracts foreign
investors and tourists from developed countries; promoting globalization, and it has
both advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, in the globalization economy, it is
improved through the profitable businesses of multi-national companies. In addition to
this, the tourists arrivals increase due to hospitality enjoyed when spoken to in a
common language. Moreover, this influx increases the governments revenue
generated from the hospitality industry. On the other hand, the promotion of
international trade can harm the local business expansions. Furthermore, due to the
increasing use of the English language, many local languages are getting less priority
and thus impacting the cultural identity of many nations.

English provides a solid foundation for people seeking quality education in developed
countries and equips them to secure a high paying job in a multinational company,
which can help them obtain a high standard of living. Firstly, it is the only medium
of teaching instruction in the worlds top universities; an active command of the
language secures an admission to a university. To add, knowledge of the language
place candidates a step forward in the job hunting pool; the chances are high that the
desired position is earned.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 73
In conclusion, while the increasing usage of English attracts foreign businesses and
tourists in underdeveloped nations, local businesses may be stifled, and natives may
be undermined. However, the benefits it brings to these nations through globalization,
and their people by laying a foundation for quality education eclipse its drawbacks,
which in my opinion, is a positive trend.


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1. Adolescent (n): a young person who is developing into an adult

Adolescent (adj):
Adolescence (n): the period of time in a person's life when they are
developing into an adult.

E.g. I'm looking after six adolescents for a week

E.g. She doesn't understand the emotional problems of adolescents.

2. Youth (n): the period of your life when you are young, or the state of

being young

Youth (n): young people

Youthful (adj)

Youthfully (adv)

E.g. I was a fairly good football player in my youth.

E.g. He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth.

3. School (n): a place where children go to be educated

Schooling (v)
E.g. They're building a new school in the town
E.g. She drives the kids to school every morning.

4. Specialist (n): someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a

particular subject

Special (adj): not ordinary or usual

Specially (adv)
E.g. The car has a number of special safety features
E.g. Is there anything special that you'd like to do today?

5. Aware (v): knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience

of a particular thing

Awareness (n)
72 Page 75
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E.g. I wasn't even aware that he was ill.
E.g. Were you aware of the risks at the time?

6. Recognize (v): to know someone or something because you have seen or heard
him or her or experienced it before
Recognition (n)
Recognitional (adj)
E.g. I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her immediately.
E.g. Do you recognize this song?

7. Create (v): to make something new, or invent something

Creation (n)
Creativity (n)
Creative (adj): producing or using original and unusual ideas.
Creatively (adv)
E.g. She's very creative on the design front .
E.g. Like many creative individuals, she can be very bad-tempered.

8. Educate (v): to teach someone, especially using the formal system of school,
college, or university
Education (n)
Educational (adj)
E.g..: As a child he received most of his education at home.
E.g. I'm very fortunate to have had such a good education.

9. Obtain (v): to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for
it, or producing it from something else

Obtainable (adj)
E.g. First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.
E.g. In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.


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10. Contribute (v): to give something, especially money, in order to provide or
achieve something together with other people
Contribution (n)
Contributive (adj)
E.g. Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.
E.g. Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund.

11. Motivate (n): to cause someone to behave in a particular way

Motive (v)
Motivation (n)
E.g. Like so many people, he's motivated by greed.
E.g. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people.

12. Improve (v): to (cause something to) get better

Improvement (n)
E.g. He did a lot to improve conditions for factory workers.
E.g. I thought the best way to improve my French was to live in France.

13. Memory (n): the ability to remember information, experiences, andpeople

Memorise (v)
Memorial (adj)
Memorisation (n)
Memorable (adj)
Memorably (adv)
E.g. After the accident he suffered from memory loss.
E.g. She has an excellent memory for names.

14. Adapt (v): to change something to suit different conditions or uses

Adaptation (n)
Adaptability (n)
Adaptable (adj)

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 78
Adaptably (adv)
E.g. We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack's timetable.
E.g. We live in a changing world and people must learn to adapt.

15. Subject (n): the thing that is being discussed, considered, or studied
Subjection (n)
Subjective (adj)
E.g. Our subject for discussion is homelessness.
E.g. She has made a series of documentaries on the subject of family

16. Qualification (n): an official record showing that you have finished a
training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
Qualify (v)
Qualifier (n): a team or person who has won part of a competition and is
therefore competing in the next part of it
E.g. You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
E.g. Do you have any academic qualifications?

17. Theory (n): a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is
based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more
generally, an opinion or explanation
Theorise (v)
Theoretical (adj)
Theoretically (adv)
E.g. It was Ptolemy who propounded the theory that the earth was at the centre of
the universe.
E.g. This new evidence lends support to the theory that she was murdered.

18. Nurture (v): to take care of, feed, and protect someone or
something, especially young children or plants, and help him, her, or it
to develop

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Nurture (n)
E.g. She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
E.g. As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent.

19. Pressure (n): the force you produce when you press something

Pressure (v)
E.g. Be nice to him - he's been under a lot of pressure recently.
R.g. He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.

20. Know (v): to have information in your mind

Knowledge (n)
E.g. Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.
E.g. He has a limited knowledge of French.


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 80

Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you so
You should say:
When it was
Why was it hard
What you were doing at that time

Well, when it comes to the most pressure time during my school years, the first thing
comes to my mind is my last semester, which is the period that I never want to recall.
Like, it was really difficult due to enormous amounts of homework that had to be
done and knowledge that had to be memorised... Em, but the worst thing is that, well,
I lost motivation in, you know, obtaining any subject at that time. So, consequently,
I decided to stop whatever I was doing and spent some times to rest with my friends
and family, sharing my problem to them in order to receive their advices and joint in
some extracurricular activities to, you know, find out what I wanted ... And
fortunately, in the end, everything seems to work out really well as I managed to pass
all the exams and at the same time was fully aware of what I want, what I desire to
And now, thinking back about that harsh time, although it was not very pleasure, I
must admit that, well, I had improved, growth up a lot thanks to that period.


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1. What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?

To be frank, I believe the first and most important characteristic of a teacher is
patient. Like, they need to be patient when dealing with different type of, you
know, adolescent students Secondly, teacher should, obviously, be a subject
specialist. Since it is their job to teach, to nurture students with knowledge,
they are required to master in that specific subject.

2. Does everybody get equal opportunities to study?

It is sad to admit, but frankly, I dont think people have the same chances in
studying. Schooling requires money, you see. So it depends on your financial
capabilitiesSome schools and universities are just too expensive... Only a
small fraction of people can afford to study there. Moreover, I think it also
depends on a country you live in, like, the education system you receive as

3. Why do people choose to become teacher?

Firstly, probably is because they feel that they are qualified enough for this
type of job. You know, for example, if a person is patient enough in dealing
with different kind of people or, um, if they specifically expert at a subject,
then teaching is a perfect career for them. Another reason may lie on the fact
that teaching is a stable job. Like, there is no need to move to another
workplace frequently and, also, the salary is very steady although it is,
honestly, quite low.

4. Can students learn from computers?

I guess yes and no, depending on how they take advance of it. For example, if
they use the computer to write their essays, assignments and get information
through the internet. In that case, I guess computer can be considered as a
beneficial tool. But when you use it for hours after hours to do useless stuff

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like, you know, video games or chatting, then I dont think in that case
computers are educational or even healthy.

5. Has education changed in the last twenty-five years?

I think its changed a lot, although I cant say that I, you know, absolutely sure
what education was like twenty five years ago. But definitely, the whole
education system has, you know, revolutionized since then. The first thing is,
probably, you have many more opportunities to be able to go to school or even
to choose your favorite subject comparing to that in the past. And you use like
different equipment, like computer and things, all these audio-visual teaching
material. I guess in that way education has changed a lot.


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Topic: Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates
get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university
education for both individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your

The topic of the purpose of education has never ceased to attract public attention
from the past until now, among which the components of university education seem to
be controversial. Even though it is definitely directed towards generating lucrative
employment opportunities for the advanced students; there are additional arrays of
associated benefits of tertiary education that are worth mentioning. This essay will
examine both sides of the argument.

Those who hold graduate degrees are regarded as highly qualified individuals since
they own a means of better employability. The first benefit can be seen through the
attractive incomes they obtain. Market researches in developed countries have shown
that post graduates are able to command a considerable higher salary at workplace
when compared to graduates or simple high school diploma holders. Moreover, the
specialist world of certain white collared highly respected professions. In detail, those
of physicians, engineers, scientists can only be pursued, after graduating from the
respective university courses. Furthermore, in certain fields like management,
employees have a better chance of promotion based on their qualifications.

In this context it is worth mentioning that, apart from generating lucrative jobs for
students, universities also contribute to the nation by creating educated societies,
containing an immense pool of forward thinking individuals, who can contribute
towards social development by their respective expertise. For example, doctors and
scientists research day and night with unwavering aims of finding cures for cancers,
asthmas and muscle dystrophies, or engineers and architects craft and construct
buildings that can withstand floods and earthquakes. Individuals graduating from
universities also additionally benefit from the multicultural environments that promote
intercultural tolerance and brotherhood. The process of tertiary education also

T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 84
promotes teamwork and collective development amongst individuals. Over and above,
numerous long lasting friendships, business partnerships and courtships also bloom
from the university campus life.

Finally, to sum up, it can be confidently stated that apart from generating respectable
employment, there are numerous associated positive aspects of university education. I
believe that it opens people to better career opportunities but most importantly, it
immensely aids in improving for a better society.


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1. Technology (n): the practical, especially industrial, use

of scientific discoveries
Technological (adj)
Technologically (adv)
E.g. Modern technology is amazing, isn't it?
What this country needs is a long-term policy for investment in science and
2. Transform (v): change the form, appearance or characteristic of something
tranformation (n)
transformational (adj)
E.g. The appearance of advanced technology in the beginning of the 21st century
has transformed the society in various aspects.
E.g. In the past 10 years, computers and the internet have transformed traditional
offices into virtual ones.
3. Digital (adj): recording or storing information as series of the numbers 1 and
0, to show that a signal is present or absent
Digitally (adv)
Digit (n)
E.g. Viewers can get more than 100 channels of incredibly sharp pictures with
digital cable or satellite.
E.g. A green light appeared on the digital display and the door swung open.
4. Electronic (adj): using, based on, or used in a system of operation that
involves the control of electric current by various devices
Electronically (adv)
E.g. Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability
to write a successful song.
E.g. He has learnt to play electronic keyboard for three years.

5. Network (v): to connect computers together so that they

can share information


T Hc IELTS Writing 7.0 | Page 86
Network (n)
E.g. Our computer system consists of about 20 personal computers networked to a
powerful file-server.
E.g. I don't really enjoy these conferences, but they're a good opportunity to
6. Automatic (adj): An automatic machineor device is ableto
operate independently of human control
Automatically (adv)
Automation (n)
Automotive (a)
Automaton (n)
E.g. These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.
E.g. The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons.
7. Machine (n): a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power
to do a particular type of work
Machinery (n): a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make
it work
E.g. The different sizes of eggs are sorted by a machine.
E.g. I got some chocolate from a vending machine.
8. Produce (v): to make something or bring something into existence
Product (n): something are made to be sold
Production (n)
Productive (adj)
Productively (adv)
E.g. France produces a great deal of wine for export.
E.g. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
9. Advance (v): to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve
Advance (adj): happening, done, or ready before an event
Advantage (n)
Advantageous (adj)

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Advantageously (adv)
E.g. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats. E.g.
Despite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life.

10. Promote (v): to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support
Promotion (n)
Promotional (adj)
E.g. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote
E.g. It has long been known that regular exercise promotes all-roundgoodhealth.
11. Facilitate (v): to make something possible or easier
Facilitation (n)
E.g. The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
E.g. The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.
12. Inform (v): to tell someone about particular facts
Information (n)
Informative (adj)
E.g. Do you have any information about/on train times?
E.g. I read an interesting bit/piece of information in the newspaper.
13. Innovate (v): to introduce changes and new ideas
Innovation (n)
Innovative (adj)
Innovational (adj)
E.g. Technological innovations designed to save energy.
E.g. Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization.
14. Damage (v): to harm or spoil something
Damage (n)
Damaging (adj)
Damaged (adj)
E.g. Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.
E.g. It was a scandal that damaged a lot of reputations.

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15. Weak (adj): not physically strong
Weakly (adv)
Weaken (v)
E.g. It's not surprising you feel weak if you haven't eaten properly for days.
E.g. The electromagnetic field strength becomes weaker as you move further
away from high voltage cables.
16. Health (n): the state of being well
Healthy (adj)
Healthily (adv)
E.g. She's a normal, healthy child.
E.g. He looks healthy enough.
17. Secure (v): protect something from danger or risk
Secure (adj)
Security (n)
E.g. The station was closed for two hours because of a security alert.
E.g. The banks must tighten security against fraud.
18. Violate (v): to break or act against something, especially a law, agreement,
principle, or something that should be treated with respect
Violation (n)
Violator (n)
E.g. It was clear that they had not acted in violation of the rules.
E.g. He claimed that the way hed been treated was a gross violation of his human
19. Private (adj): personal
Privately (adv)
Privacy (n)
E.g. She has a small office that is used for private discussions.
E.g. I caught him looking through my private papers.
20. Isolate (v): to separate something from other things
Isolation (n)
Isolating (adj)

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Isolated (adj)
E.g. A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village.
E.g. They tried to isolate the cause of the problem.


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Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.

You should say:
What the piece of equipment is
When and where you got it
What you use it for
And explain why you find it useful.

When it comes to a useful means of technology, the first thing comes to my mind is
my iPhone, which is given to me on my 18th birthday. My parents bought it so, yeah, it
became more precious to me Besides from functioning as a normal phone, which
helps you make a call or text message to others, I can also surf the Internet and send
email. Moreover, you can buy or download several applications on the online app
store, which includes some really useful ones like maps, games, social networking
apps, music, videos and books. These apps, you know, at some point, facilitate
everything in my life. More important, iPhone has the great security system, so I do
not need to worry about my private information been leaked out. So, um, for so
many thing rolled into just one small electronic device, this phone is really crucial, at
least to me.


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1. What have been the most significant technological developments of recent

Probably it is Internet. It transforms everyone in the world into a, um, global
village, where we can connect with everyone at any time. It is, like, a
marvelous innovation that marks the beginning of this technology era. And
nowadays, people can easily connect to the Internet from almost everywhere,
and you can access to an unlimited source of information and knowledge.

2. Do you think we need to know much about computers?

As much as you hate it or not, it is especially vital to master in using this kind
of machine. Firstly, almost everyone, nowadays, uses computer in their study
or business, so you need to, also, catch up with this trend. Secondly, despite
from its drawbacks, like, no one can deny the huge benefits it brings back.
Computers help facilitate many tasks in people life. That why, knowing how to
use computers is just for your own good.

3. In what ways have these developments changed society for the better?
Well, like I have mentioned before, they have bought people closer in many
ways. But there are also pros and cons. First of all, some people seems to
believe or even imitate, what they read, see online, which is obviously
dangerous. Then, many people spend too much time surfing the Internet instead
of going out and socializing. This leads to the losing of not only, um, the ability
to communicate probably, face-to-face of that person, but also affects heavily
on their health.

4. Are people in your country nostalgic about life before technology?

Yeah, I think a lot of people feel so, not only the older generation. Young
people, too, are beginning to see that community is not what it was and that is
largely due to technological developments. Like, for example, when I and my

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friend gather around, although we do still talk to each other, we was distracted
several moment to use our phone.

5. How effective is the use of computer in the classroom?

Hmm in my opinion, using computers in the classroom is very effective. I
think it is important for students to become competent in the use of computers
to prepare them for the workplace you know, computers are used
everywhere in the workplace now. But I also think that having computers so
easily available gives teachers the opportunity to introduce students to the
variety of information on the Internet.


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Topic: Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative

Due to the rapid development in the digital world, it is true that new technologies
have had an influence on facilitating the way people communicate with each other.
Yet, there is still an argument of whether that impact will bring back benefits or
drawbacks to human relationship. In my opinion, there are both positive and negative

Technology has had an impact on relationships in business, education and social life.
Firstly, workers can take full advance of equipment like the telephones and the
Internet in business by interacting with people in different countries without ever
meeting each other. Secondly, services like Skype create new possibilities for
relationships between students and teachers. For example, a student can now take
video lessons with a teacher in a different city or country. Finally, many people use
social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share
common interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.

On the one hand, these developments can be extremely advantage. Cooperation

between people in different countries was much more difficult when communication
was limited to written letters or telegrams. Nowadays, thanks to the innovation of
machinery, interactions by email, phone or video are almost as good as face-to-face
meetings, and many of us benefit from these interactions, either in work or social
contexts. On the other hand, the availability of new communication technologies can
also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real interaction. Taking
social networks as an example, many young people choose to make friends online
rather than mixing with their peers in the real world, and these virtual relationships
are a poor substitute for real friendships. Another factor that is under negative impact


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of this trend is probably users health. Spending more than eight hours per day
looking at the screen will do no good but weaken your own physical condition.

In conclusion, it can be denied that technology has certainly revolutionised

communication between people in several ways. However, by the same token, not all
of the outcomes of this revolution can be considered positive. Page 95

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