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The Furniture History Society The Furniture History Society

President: Sir Nicholas Goodison, F.B.A., F.S.A. Chairman: Christopher Rowell F.S.A. President: Sir Nicholas Goodison, F.B.A., F.S.A. Chairman: Christopher Rowell F.S.A.
Registered Charity No. 251683 Registered Charity No. 251683

An Appeal to fund the Dictionary of British and Irish Furniture Makers Online An Appeal to fund the Dictionary of British and Irish Furniture Makers Online


Name ... Donors Bank Details

Address .................................................... To .. Bank

Postcode .. .. ..Branch

METHODS OF DONATION Address .............................

By cheque: Donation cheques should be made payable to Furniture History Society Postcode ...
Appeal, and sent with this completed form to FHS Appeal, 37 Railway Road, Teddington, TW11
8SD Sort Code .. Account Number .....
By bank transfer: the Societys bank account details are: Furniture History
Society Appeal, Bank HSBC, Sort Code 40-11-65, Account No. 40128937. Please complete this Please pay to: FURNITURE HISTORY SOCIETY APPEAL
Donation Form with a note of the amount: ....., and return to the FHS Appeal address HSBC
above, so that we can check your donation has been received. Account Number: 40128937 Sort Code: 40-11-65
By bankers order: if you wish to donate a monthly/quarterly/annual sum by
bankers order for a certain number of years please tick here ( ), and complete and return the A sum of .... (in words and figures)
attached form to the FHS Appeal address above; the Society will pass this to your bank, having
noted the details. on the 1st of every month starting in .. (month) 201
Donations can be made in s sterling, US $s, or Euros. For US taxpayers donations can be made via starting on the 1st of .. (month) 201 & quarterly per annum thereafter
the Royal Oak Foundation (see separate form). or
on the 1st of ..(month) 201, and annually thereafter
Please specify here for how many years these donations should be made:. (years)
I am happy for the Society to publish my name as a Donor to the Appeal ( yes / no) and the amount of my
Donation ( yes / no ), during the course of the Appeal, and in the final list of Donors to appear in the account Donors Details
of the Appeal to be published in a Furniture History Society Journal. If you wish your Donation to be credited
other than as above, please insert the correct wording: ..
Name (please print) ..


Account Name (if different from above) ..

I wish my donation(s) to be included in the UK Gift Aid Scheme. I am a UK tax payer (income or
CGT) and the tax I pay is in excess of the sum that can be claimed on all Gift Aid declarations that
I have made including this one. The Scheme does not cover company or business donations.
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