Bus Rules and Procedures

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New Public School District 8

2016-2017 Bus Rules and Procedures

Riding a school bus to and from school is a privilege not a right. The privilege of riding a
school bus is contingent upon a students good behavior and observance of established
rules and procedures for student conduct/safety, both at bus stops and on board the
busses. Students who do not abide by the bus rules will progress through the Bus
Behavior support plan in order to protect the welfare and safety of all passengers.

Rules While Waiting for the Bus

1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop. Help keep the bus on schedule.
2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
3. Be careful in approaching the place where the bus stops. Do not move toward the
bus until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.

Bus Rules and Procedures

1. Follow Directions
2. Keep Voices Down
3. Be Seated and Face Forward
4. Keep Hands, Head, and Feet Inside Bus
5. Be Respectful
6. Share Your Seat
7. Use Appropriate Language
8. No Food or Drink Without Permission
9. Do Not Vandalize
10. Do Not Threaten the Safety of Others
Throwing Objects
11. All School District Policies Apply

Rules for Exiting the Bus

1. Do not run or push while unloading from the bus.
2. When crossing in front of the bus, always watch for the driver to give the all clear signal
before crossing.
3. Students should go directly from their bus stop to their homes
Bus Behavior Support Plan

New Public School District 8 takes safety seriously. Driving a bus while monitoring
passengers is difficult. Failure to follow bus rules distracts the driver and diminishes
his/her ability to focus on safety. For this reason there will be little tolerance for
those who fail to follow bus rules.

All of the below steps are progressive. Administrator has the option to bypass steps
due to the severity of the offense. A written or verbal warning will be the first step
depending on the severity of the behavior.

Bus suspensions refer to scheduled school days only and do not include weekends or
scheduled days out of school.
Consequences for School Bus Rules

1st Referral
Parent Conferences
1 Day Bus Suspension

2nd Referral
Parent Conference
5 Days Bus Suspension

3rd Referral
Parent Conference
20 Days Bus Suspension

4th Referral
Parent Conference
Bus Expulsion for Remainder of
School Year
New Public School District 8
Acknowledgment of Bus Rules and Procedures

Please sign and return this page back to your bus driver.

I have read the bus rules and regulations and bus behavior support plan and discussed the rules
with my child_________________________. (childs name)
I shall see that he/she understands and obeys these rules.
Emergency contacts
Name of persons and telephone numbers to call in case of emergency.





Physical Address_______________________________

School Attending________________________________

Parent Signature______________________________

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