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Jong-Un Kim
Born Sunday 8 January 1984 Time Not Known Local 12:00 Noon Chart
, Long:0W00 Lat:0S00

Program Copyright 2017 Horoscope Services Limited

Text Copyright 2017 MSP Solutions
Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

a n
h f
= l nK
/ 8
10 9

11 8

; g
12 7

1 6

2 5

2 n



Jong-Un Kim

Born Sunday 8 January 1984 Time Not Known Local 12:00 Noon Chart

, Long:0W00 Lat:0S00

Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Planetary Positions

Planet/Point Glyph Sign Glyph Position House

Sun a Capricorn 0 1723'33'' * N/A

Moon s Pisces = 1531'25'' * N/A
Mercury d Capricorn 0 052'22'' n * N/A
Venus f Sagittarius 9 857'04'' * N/A
Mars g Libra 7 2837'51'' * N/A
Jupiter h Sagittarius 9 2734'51'' * N/A
Saturn j Scorpio 8 1432'18'' * N/A
Uranus K Sagittarius 9 1132'47'' * N/A
Neptune l Sagittarius 9 2937'25'' * N/A
Pluto ; Scorpio 8 155'21'' * N/A
Ascendant _ Aries 1 * N/A ~
MidHeaven + Capricorn 0 * N/A ~
North Node . Gemini 3 * N/A n * N/A
Chiron c Taurus 2 2812'00'' n * N/A

* Not Applicable as Time of Birth Not Known

House Cusp Positions

House Sign Position House Sign Position

1 1 1840' 7 7 1840'

2 2 1940' 8 8 1940'

3 3 1815' 9 9 1815'

4 4 1553' 10 0 1553'

5 5 1446' 11 - 1446'

6 6 1607' 12 = 1607'

Element Emphasis - Total Points Modality Emphasis - Total Points

Air Fire Earth Water Cardinal Fixed Mutable

1 4 4 2 5 2 4

Planetary Weight Point System

Sun and Moon 4 points each Uranus, Neptune & Pluto 1 point each

Mercury, Venus & Mars 3 points each Ascendant (Rising Sign) 4 points

Jupiter & Saturn 2 points each Midheaven 2 points

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Planetary Aspects

Planet Aspect Planet or Point Orb

Sun Sextile (co-operating) Moon a y s 0152'
Sun Square (challenging) Mars a r g 0900'
Sun Sextile (co-operating) Saturn a y j 0251'
Mercury Sextile (co-operating) Mars d y g 0215'
Mercury Conjunct (uniting with) Jupiter d q h 0318'
Mercury Semisquare (challenging) Saturn d i j 0120'
Mercury Conjunct (uniting with) Neptune d q l 0115'
Mercury Sextile (co-operating) Pluto d y ; 0103'
Venus Conjunct (uniting with) Uranus f q K 0236'
Mars Sextile (co-operating) Jupiter g y h 0103'
Mars Sextile (co-operating) Neptune g y l 0000'
Mars Conjunct (uniting with) Pluto g q ; 0318'
Jupiter Semisquare (challenging) Saturn h i j 0157'
Jupiter Conjunct (uniting with) Neptune h q l 0203'
Saturn Semisquare (challenging) Neptune j i l 0005'
Neptune Sextile (co-operating) Pluto l y ; 0218'

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Jong-Un's 'Young Life' Profile

Welcome to Jong-Un's profile. It is written with the intent of giving concerned parties in general,
an idea of Jong-Un's character, talents, needs and wants. This knowledge will help point Jong-Un
in the right direction. This profile requires an accurate birth time. If you do not know the exact
time of birth some of the information may not be completely relevant although the overall view
will still be valid.

This profile is divided into a number of sections - detailed below - to make it easier to read and

When reading this you will find both the positive and negative qualities of Jong-Un defined. Most
people will be happy to learn about the positive ones, while others may get upset over the
negative ones. Contradictions will always appear in a person. They are what give us our
uniqueness. We have tried to balance all qualities as much as possible so you get a good
overview. Some children have wonderful charts while others have difficult charts and this will
manifest in their personality.

The 'profile' as outlined here is not set in concrete and can be changed with your help. If the
profile is positive you simply support and direct Jong-Un. Where the profile indicates difficulties
for Jong-Un, guidance, direction and boundaries will be important.

Suitable for any young person from about sixteen months old and up. That is when he will start
manifesting the qualities described. If you are having this profile prepared for a newly born child
you will have to wait some time before it begins to make sense and be of value.

The 'Aspects' or individual caharacteristics are given a Star Rating from one to five to show their
relative importance in the Profile. To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five
stars assss, the more dark stars there are the more important the connection. The keys
for the planets and the other symbols and terms used are given at the back of the report.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Section A - laying down the foundations

1.Essential character - this profiles the general trends and outstanding characteristics of Jong-Un
's nature, and also makes some comment on the quality of the relationship with the father.
However this is not easily defined using Astrology so the section entitled 'Emotional and feeling
nature' must be considered carefully together with this opening section.
* Between the first two sections, which deal essentially with father and mother there is a short
section on 'The dominant parent'. We do not try to make a definitive judgement here but
tradition states that the father is externally dominant and the mother is emotionally, or
internally, dominant. Make your own judgement as to which parent fits the bill best.

2.Emotional and feeling nature - this shows how the more passive and sensitive side of Jong-Un's
nature is likely to develop and also comments on the nature of the relationship with his mother.

3.At this point we look more directly at the relationship between Jong-Un and his mother.

4.Personality - this is a description of Jong-Un's physical nature; and also his general approach to
the world; the way he sees it; and the way he likes to be seen. For instance, does he wear rose-
coloured glasses or does he view the world from behind dark glasses?

Section B - the process of development - from toddler to teenager

1.Assertiveness - this describes how Jong-Un makes his presence felt and if he is essentially
active or passive. Does he like to push his way to the front, or stay determinedly in the

2.Friendship and social attitudes - this looks at how Jong-Un will get on with others. For instance,
will he be a bit of a loner, have hundreds of friends, or just a few who are useful, and so on.

3.The power of the mind - this describes the approach Jong-Un is likely to take towards the
intellectual and academic side of his life and how he will respond to the rigours of education.

4.Money - this looks at how Jong-Un will handle the money in his pocket or purse. Spendthrift or
miser? Such traits establish themselves early and tend to remain with us all our lives.

Section C - preparing for independence

1.Higher education and establishing values - this section describes how Jong-Un, approaching
complete independence, lays down the belief and educational framework that will sustain him
through his adult life.

2.Approach to daily working life - this looks at how Jong-Un is likely to fare in the harsh world of
work. What drive, if any, he has to succeed and how he will deal with the inevitable day-to-day
necessities of work.

3.Career and ambitions - this final section examines how Jong-Un might approach the business of
how to make his mark on life, and what areas might be the most productive for him as he grows
steadily older.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Section A - laying down the foundations

Essential character

The Sun signifies our inner sense of identity, and our will. It is the single most important planet
in our birth chart and generally describes what we are seeking to become through the journey of
life, or perhaps our 'destiny'.

a in 0
Sun in Capricorn
Jong-Un is an extremely determined character. Concealed behind his reserved exterior lies icy-
cold ambition and he'll use whatever means are at his disposal in order toreach his ultimate goal:
success in his chosen field.

He will be astrologically obliged to exercise patience, though, for it is in the nature of Saturn (the
ruler of his Sun sign, Capricorn) to delay and defer and sometimes deny. But, with a firm belief in
"Everything comes to he who waits", Jong-Un will work slowly and steadily onwards - and
upwards, for he will be determined to reach the top, however long it may take.

Status and prestige - reaching the top, in other words - are important to Jong-Un. Throughout his
life he will seek to improve himself and to earn respect for his achievements. He will not be
interested in 'flash in the pan' success: he needs the security of firm foundations, concrete form,
long-term growth, and permanence.

Nor will he be looking for an easy ride. Jong-Un will expect to have to work hard to achieve what
he wants, and he'll waste no time or emotion in hoping for easy options.

One of his strongest characteristics is his sense of self-discipline. Even as a child he will have a
firm grasp of the principle that a good career requires good qualifications, and that qualifications
only come after conscientious study, painstaking application, and a great deal of homework!

In adult life he should display good managerial skills, and have a flair for business, particularly in
the building trade, architecture, and finance. He may also be drawn to the world of antiques,
where conservation or restoration could be of considerable interest. He could even have political
leanings, or become involved in local government.

Whatever his chosen path, he will proceed along cautiously and seriously. He will take only the
most calculated of risks if at all! and is unlikely to experiment or dabble with 'pie in the sky'

Much the same cautious consideration will apply to his personal life. Jong-Un will see the
commitment of marriage as a responsible step, not to be undertaken lightly. His partner must be
a fitting one, a true complement.

Because Jong-Un's aspirations may manifest as a slight tendency to snobbishness, he may even
marry to improve his status, or for dynastic reasons.

Relating to others will not be an easy, frivolous matter for Jong-Un, for he is both emotionally self-
sufficient and emotionally stoic. He may be painfully shy, unable to risk declaring his feelings,
and unable to expose his inner needs. Indeed, acknowledging his true feelings even to himself
may be difficult. Forging the bonds of friendship may take time, although - once established - no
one could be a more devoted and loyal friend than Jong-Un.

In all probability he will mask his vulnerable side with a cleverly constructed facade of
buffoonery, and a dry, mordant wit. He'll have a good if somewhat astringent comedic sense and
impeccable timing when telling a joke. This comedic veneer will also do much to disguise his
pessimistic streak.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Physically, Jong-Un may look and act! far older than his years, but he should 'lighten up'
considerably as he approaches middle age.

The second half of life is likely to be much more comfortable than his early years. By then he
should see the hard work of his youth pay off in terms of self-assurance and confidence. By then,
cardinality and conservatism, welded to materialism and practicality, will have forged a structure
as solid as iron: the essential nature of this most dignified, dependable and dutiful member of

Jong-Un's wilfulness

Sun in 10th House
Jong-Un will never be content with a back seat in life, or enjoy abdicating responsibility to others.
His sense of self will be derived from worldly success. He will always believe that he is 'made for
greater things' and will push remorselessly on towards power, money, and acclamation. He will
be very status conscious and always feel somehow less of a person if achievement does not come
his way.

a y s aaass
Sun Sextile Moon
Jong-Un will find self-expression relatively easy which brings a degree of confidence and ease to
his personality. His secret is that he has a positive expectation that life will look after him, and to
a large extent he finds this to be true. On the other hand, because life might be quite easy for
him and he will probably exhibit a fair degree of laziness, expecting the world to sort everything
out with little input from him personally.

a r g assss
Sun Square Mars
Perhaps Jong-Un will have to learn the difference between co-operation and competition. His
natural fieriness will lead him to be impulsive, rash and sometimes insensitive in his expression.
Jong-Un will find it difficult to find a productive way of expressing his natural drive and could well
oscillate between bursts of extreme energy and times of complete inaction.

He will have a natural lack of patience and needs to learn the fine arts of discipline and control.
Channel his energy into sports; adventure and exciting activities with a hint of danger and some
of the raw edges of his energy can be knocked off in a productive way.

a y j aasss
Sun Sextile Saturn
Jong-Un will always know his own limitations and work within them comfortably. He will display a
natural maturity and responsibility. Common sense and practicality will be one of his hallmarks,
he may not be entirely scintillating but he is reliable.

He is ambitious and will work hard to achieve his goals. Success will probably come to him fairly
easily in all areas of life so his school career could prove both rewarding and a good launching
pad for later life. Achievement is second nature to Jong-Un and he will require little help from
anyone else as he grows up.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

The Dominant Parent

In this section we are using traditional astrological rules for defining Jong-Un's relationship with
his father. However this may well be more applicable to Jong-Un's Mother. Generally one or other
of the parents has the strongest influence in developing Jong-Un's approach to the outside world.
Traditionally this has been the father's role but it could perfectly well apply to his Mother, hence
the use of the phrase 'The Dominant Parent'.

Capricorn in 10th House
This is a very traditional relationship and Jong-Un expects his father to be the authority in the
family. He will look to his father to present an old-fashioned role model and will grow up to
express similar attitudes in his dealings with the outside world.

Sun in 10th House
Jong-Un will certainly see his father as playing a pivotal role in his life and may perhaps translate
his need for paternal approval, in later life, into a desire to be noticed by the rest of the world for
his achievements.

Emotional and feeling nature

In this section we shall examine how Jong-Un relates on an emotional level. This is traditionally
associated with the maternal relationship but we have not made such an obvious assumption and
the following section should not be read as being primarily concerned with the relationship
between mother and child.

Astrologically, the Moon describes our responses, sensitivity, our feeling nature, and the
unconscious side of our personality. It shows our emotions and these, of course, will be filtered,
or coloured, by the sign in which the Moon falls. Most importantly, the Moon shows our needs.

It shows how we will react on an instinctive level.

s in =
Moon in Pisces
Jong-Un needs sympathy, dreams and peace.

Extremely sensitive, he is often at the mercy of his emotions, and will find it difficult to make
harsh decisions. A dedicated collector of 'lame dogs', he will be attracted to the flawed and the
damaged, finding purpose in restoring them to wholeness again.

With his vivid imagination, he is likely to be musical or artistic in some way. Jong-Un is
immeasurably kind and compassionate, but he may have a tendency to manipulate others in
order to have his needs met.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

The houses of the chart represent different compartments of life, different areas of experience,
and each house will 'colour' the Moon in a slightly different way.

Moon in 11th House
This placement confers many friendships, and widespread popularity. Which is just as well, for
Jong-Un will have a need for what might seem almost a 'second family' of acquaintances and
friends - and the family home may be 'open house' for hordes of people!

Although he may sometimes want to spend time on his own, in general his emotional well-being
will be dependent on companionship. So, as he grows up don't be surprised if he uses the
telephone more than most children, as he busily 'networks' with all his friends. On another note,
as he grows up he is likely to exhibit highly democratic and strong humanitarian ideals.
Emotionally, he will need a great deal of 'space'.

Jong-Un's emotions and feelings

Jong-Un's relationship with his Mother

It is important to understand that the relationship between mother and child is always
'symbiotic'. In other words the way Jong-Un's Mother behaves towards her child and the way
Jong-Un perceives his mother is so inextricably linked that it is hard to separate the one from the
other. Does Jong-Un's mother react to Jong-Un or does Jong-Un react to his mother? This is
perhaps the original chicken and egg question, and in this section we shall try to address this

s in =
Moon in Pisces
Jong-Un could be slightly lost in his own world so his mother may find it difficult establishing a
close relationship with him. It is as if he is somehow unavailable to her. This is not malice or
coldness but rather shyness, and sensitivity to the feelings of others. He is frightened of hurting
his mother's feelings, so may often not tell what he is feeling. Or he can be overly dependent on
his mother and unable to leave her side, fretting whenever she goes away. His mother will need
to spend a lot of time with him because of his sensitivity.

To his mother, Jong-Un might seem a vague and often confused child in a world of his own, while
he may well regard her in a similar light. The best way she can relate with him is to share her
imagination and interest in fantasy; to get lost with him in the world of imagination where the
harsh realities of the world do not impinge. It is vital that this power of imagination be made
good use of because there are other methods of fleeing from reality that are considerably more

Moon in 11th House
Jong-Un is essentially an extremely social creature and from an early age will look to establish a
'network' of friends and not be confined to the family. Indeed, he will probably prefer to see his
family, and especially his mother, as friends rather than parents and siblings. It is also true that
his mother prefers the slightly more distant and 'mental' approach herself, not wishing to be cast
in the traditional 'mum' role. This relationship will encourage Jong-Un to be highly independent
and to stand on his own two feet from an early age.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim


This section looks at how Jong-Un views the world and likes to be viewed by others. No matter
what Jong-Un's essential nature may be all of us have a 'face' that we put on for public
consumption and this section describes that 'face'.

_ in 1
Jong-Un's ascendant/rising sign is Aries
With an Aries ascendant, the ruler of Jong-Un's chart is the planet Mars, whose nature is to
quicken everything it touches. Jong-Un is likely always to be in a tearing hurry, and may walk
with his head jutting forward, as if anxious to get where he's going long before the rest of him.

He is likely to be a bit of a handful when young, since he has a constant need for action,
adventure and excitement. He continually seeks challenge and competition, and operates at top
speed all the time.

As a child he will be totally fearless. His impulsive even rash way of behaving is likely to cause a
heavy run on bandages and sticking plaster from the First Aid box - facial cuts and bruises are
the hallmark of Aries rising!

Jong-Un will have a tremendous zest for life. An interest in sport, or vigorous games, should be
encouraged, for this will do much to absorb his natural aggression and channel it into assertion.
However, he may make a poor team member, preferring one-on-one sports such as fencing or
tennis. Motor racing may appeal to him, too.

Jong-Un is likely to have a short attention span and very little 'staying power' when it comes to
seeing a project through to completion. This isn't a character defect - it's simply in his nature to
be an initiator, an enthusiastic motivator, and that is where his abundant energy is best directed.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Section B

Toddler to teenager the process of development


In this section we will be looking at the way in which Jong-Un finds his way through the rough
and tumble of childhood and later life, without being pushed around by others. The methods and
approaches he uses to make sure his own needs are met and how he deals with the needs of
others when they are at odds with his own.

Mars in 7th House
Jong-Un most definitely wants to make friends and not enemies. His desire to get his own way
will be modified by his need to get along with others. He can see both sides of a situation, has a
strong sense of fairness and justice, and is willing to make compromises, so he will always hold
back his own temper and use co-operation as a way of getting what he wants.

Jong-Un wants nothing more than to form binding and long-lasting relationships that are happy,
and will invest much of his energy into making and maintaining friendships and relationships. His
dislike of confrontation will remain a feature of his life.

Friends and social groups

In this section we shall be looking at what sort of friends Jong-Un needs and what he is likely to
bring to friendships himself. We shall also look at the way in which he is likely to interact with
social groups or whether, for example, he would prefer to be on his own.

Aquarius in 11th House
Jong-Un has a naturally social nature and will almost certainly gravitate towards social groups, as
opposed to individual friendships, from an early age. He may well display a desire to be involved
in a group that holds an overtly radical stance, whether that be political, ecological, or
technological, etc. In these kinds of situations, feeling very much at home, he is likely to thrive.

Moon in 11th House
Jong-Un has quite an open nature and can make friends fairly easily. He will also like to have his
friends come home. At the same time, Jong-Un may well be easily hurt and it might be wise for
him to learn that things are often not as personal as he believes them to be.

More on Jong-Un's friends and social groups

Uranus in 8th House
A secretiveness and tendency to play his cards close to his chest dominate and control this child's
social life and friendships. Jong-Un doesn't quite have the openness that is required to have
many friends. He is sensitive about sharing his feelings and unconventional ideas so he doesn't
make contact with many people. However, he forms close and intense bonds with those he does
connect with. This kind of intensity may be suffocating for some people, and it is generally more
appropriate for lovers than friends, so he may need to learn how to give freedom as well as
receive it.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

The power of the mind

In this section we indicate Jong-Un's communication and learning skills, his needs at school and
requirements for his further education. Of particular interest to his parents will be how to talk and
connect with him.

Gemini in 3rd House
Jong-Un is a fast learner. Mentally curious and alert, he has a clear and rational mind that allows
him to grasp concepts very easily. A tremendous chatterbox, he enjoys playing with words, and
he can be very humorous and witty. He is likely to be a skilled mimic. His early years at school
will be stimulating, enjoyable - and fun!

More about Jong-Un's mental approaches

d in 0
Mercury in Capricorn
From an early age, this child will exhibit a strongly ambitious streak, and his shrewd and practical
mind will be a powerful tool in his upward climb. He is an 'old head on young shoulders'.

Conservative in his outlook, and deliberate in his speech, Jong-Un may seem to be a bit of a slow
learner. But anyone equating slowness with dullness would be making a big mistake. Slow he
may be, but what he learns is learned thoroughly, methodically and patiently, and with the
objective however far distant, of ultimately getting him to the top.

At school he will work hard. Business studies, civics, politics and the law are likely to appeal to
him, and he may have a flair for mathematics and science. He will enjoy being appointed to a
position of authority within the school system, for not only is he a responsible child with a strong
sense of duty, but his need for respect and status will be apparent from an early age.

A strong male role model will be important to him, and Jong-Un may copy his father's
mannerisms or way of talking. If other factors in his chart agree, there may be a tendency to
ruthlessness and an overly authoritarian manner.

Mercury in 9th House
Jong-Un will always seek a wider understanding of the knowledge he gleans along his path in life,
and he is a natural candidate for higher education. He may be interested in sociology, the
workings of the law, in philosophy, and in learning about different races and cultures.

He has a curious mind, a lively intelligence, and probably will amass an extensive library of books
that cover every subject under the Sun. He may itch to travel overseas and, if this is not possible
in physical terms, then he'll be a far-ranging armchair trekker.

He is keen to pass on what he learns, and would make an ideal teacher or disseminator of

Jong-Un's communication skills are modified in the following way

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Earning and spending money

In this section we shall look at how Jong-Un is likely to develop in terms of his attitude towards
the acquisition and expenditure of money.

Taurus in 2nd House
Jong-Un will display a patient and hard-working approach to earning his living, and accumulating
money. Security, to him, will always be a large credit balance in the bank. And, although he is
unlikely to fritter his money away, he will certainly enjoy spending money on the little luxuries of

More information concerning Jong-Un's attitude towards finances

f in 9
Venus in Sagittarius
Jong-Un has an 'easy come, easy go' attitude towards money. When he's got it, he spends it, and
when he hasn't, he'll carelessly run up an overdraft or borrow it. And all the while he'll be
sublimely confident that, with the luck that always seems to accompany his financial affairs,
something will turn up to bail him out of trouble - as it invariably does!

Venus in 8th House
Jong-Un may well find that he is suited to the handling of other people's money and thus acquire
his own. If he entered the financial world of banking, stock brokering, or some such allied trade
he could do very well for himself.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Section C - preparing for independence

Higher education and establishing values

In this section we shall examine how Jong-Un is likely to find his place in society, as he grows
older. What standards he will set for himself and what he values. This will probably not become
clear until Jong-Un has reached at least the puberty stage.

Sagittarius in 9th House
Jong-Un is a natural student and philosopher. He will be learning and expanding his knowledge all
his life and he will do this either formally through institutions or more informally through travel
and experience.

More about Jong-Un's philosophy and further education

h in 9
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Even if Jong-Un never experiences formal higher education, he will be a perpetual student at the
'University of Life'. His philosophy will be formed from many diverse and wildly differing cultural
strands. From various creeds, ideologies and ethics - it's no sin to be eclectic, in Jong-Un's eyes -
he will codify the principles by which he lives.

During his lifetime, Jong-Un is likely to travel a great deal. This may be either in physical terms,
in which case he may spend time overseas, or in metaphysical terms. If the latter, he will be
involved in a life-long quest for truth, understanding, and knowledge.

Jong-Un's education

Jupiter in 9th House
The importance of broadening his outlook and acquiring knowledge cannot be over-estimated,
and Jong-Un's aim in life is to share his knowledge with others. He would make an excellent and
inspirational teacher.

Fair-minded and tolerant, his sense of justice could also indicate an interest in the workings of
the law, all of which requires a good deal of education. If Jong-Un does not decide to go off and
learn from the wider university of life he will extract a great deal from further education.

This section is especially concerned with Jong-Un's inner values

Approach to daily working life

This section will look at how Jong-Un may approach the thorny problem of working for a living.
Naturally this will not begin to show until his teenage years, but as with everything else,
forewarned is forearmed and there will always be ways to produce the most positive outcome!

Virgo in 6th House
Ideally suited to one of the service industries, Jong-Un would also find satisfaction in a job
involving the whole spectrum of health and dietary concerns.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

More about Jong-Un's likely approach to working life

d in 0
Mercury in Capricorn
The Civil Service or a Governmental department would be ideal fields for Jong-Un, for he needs
to find employment where there is a clearly structured hierarchy. So public service, accountancy
and the Law could also be of great interest to him.

Mercury in 9th House
With his wide-ranging interests, Jong-Un could be happy working in the fields of sport, travel,
education, publishing and even the clergy. Since restlessness will be something Jong-Un will
suffer from, although perhaps 'glory in', would be more appropriate! all his life, he won't think
twice about starting a new job in a new line of business the week before he is due to retire!

Career and ambitions

In this section we shall look at how Jong-Un might approach the outside world in terms of
possible careers and potential ambitions as he grows to maturity. Naturally these traits are
unlikely to show until Jong-Un is at least in his teens.

Sun in 10th House
A career, which can enhance his public position and social standing, is vitally important to Jong-
Un. He will want to be seen as someone who is looked up to, who sets an example to others, and
who will be respected by society in general.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

More about Jong-Un's possible career approaches

j in 8
Saturn in Scorpio
Jong-Un's professional aspirations are likely to be fully known by one person only: Jong-Un

He will set about achieving his career goals with a cold persistence that totally masks a seething
cauldron of ruthless determination. Shrewd, manipulative, and a skilled strategist, he will rapidly
earn the reputation of an awesome competitor in whichever field he chooses to make his career.

He is well suited to a career in corporate finances or matters concerning other people's resources,
for he will bring his impeccable principles and a matchless level of responsibility to his work.

'Taking Care of Business' is what he's good at, and woe betide anyone who tries to get the better
of him or double cross him over a professional matter, a fatal move! Then you'd see Jong-Un at
his most intense: out for revenge and going straight for the jugular.

Above all else, Jong-Un will seek power, authority and success in his career. Money comes further
down the list.

His only fear in relation to his career ambitions is that his upward progress may be hindered by
attention to his personal needs. So that his powerful emotions do not intrude on his professional
development, he is likely to take the view that 'He walks fastest who walks alone', and may delay
or suppress his emotional satisfaction. He may choose celibacy over the distraction of casual or
light-hearted affairs perhaps, or wait until he is in an unassailable position professionally before
marrying the 'right' person.

Saturn in 7th House
A career that revolves around other people - like personnel, or public relations, for instance - will
be attractive to Jong-Un, for he has a distinct flair for man-management.

Another option might be work that requires a highly tuned aesthetic nature. Fashion, the beauty
business, design, even art and antiques will all be suitable outlets for his professional skills.

Young Life for Jong-Un Kim

Sign Keyword Ruling Planet Modality Element

Aries 1 I Am Mars g Cardinal Fire

Taurus 2 I Have Venus f Fixed Earth
Gemini 3 I Think Mercury d Mutable Air
Cancer 4 I Feel Moon s Cardinal Water
Leo 5 I Will Sun a Fixed Fire
Virgo 6 I Examine Mercury d Mutable Earth
Libra 7 I complement Venus f Cardinal Air
Scorpio 8 I Desire Pluto ; Fixed Water
Sagittarius 9 I Seek Jupiter h Mutable Fire
Capricorn 0 I Use Saturn j Cardinal Earth
Aquarius - I Know Uranus K Fixed Air
Pisces = I Believe Neptune l Mutable Water

Harmonious Aspect Challenging Aspect Point

Conjunction q 0 Opposition w 180 Ascendant _ Persona

Trine e 120 Quincunx u 150 Midheaven + Image
Sextile y 60 Sesquiquadrate o 135 North Node . Growth
Semisextile t 30 Square r 90 South Node / Experience
Semisquare i 45 Chiron c Healing

Planet Rulership Element

Sun a Self Expression Air Thought

Moon s Emotion Fire Life Energy
Mercury d Perception Water Emotions
Venus f Attraction Earth Physical
Mars g Assertion
Jupiter h Expansion Modality
Saturn j Limitation
Uranus K Individualism Cardinal Creative
Neptune l Compassion Mutable Adaptable
Pluto ; Compulsion Fixed Persistent

House Rules House Rules

1st Personality mask 7th Relationships

2nd Material security 8th Ability to deal with life
3rd Intellectual ability 9th Philosophical beliefs
4th Emotional security 10th Personal status
5th Enjoyment of life 11th Social life
6th Responsibilities 12th Secret dreams


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