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Culture Dimensions in USA


The United States of America is a one the most versatile countries in the world. People from most

of the countries in the world are living in the USA and this thing makes the USA most diverse

country in the world. However, there are many studies are done on culture and its influence on

management sector. This article represents study done by HOFSTEDE which defines cultural

attributes that influence international business management and their level in the USA.

HOFSCTEDCE measures USA culture in following dimensions.

Power Distance: - This term exhibits a degree of acceptance of inequality in power distribution.

The USA got a fair low score with 40 out of 100. This reflects 40% of American people with low

power or influence are likely to accept the uneven distribution of power within the organization.

Still, this score is higher than collectivist countries like India and China.

Individualism: - This term reflects peoples likeness on working individually and how they

concern about their own selves rather than community. The USA got the highest score with 91%

in the world. Which means Americans are more like to work in an individual manner, American

organizations arrange their hierarchy in a manner that mangers and employees both are expected

to consult, it is hard to make Americans close friend, they are focusing on their individual goal

rather than a common goal.

Masculinity: - This term reflects the level of satisfaction in terms of achievements and success.

High score in masculinity with 62% shows people in the USA are more goal oriented they measure

success in terms of winning goals, they work in competitive ambience, they focus more on

achievements rather than the quality of life.

Culture Dimensions in USA

Uncertainty Avoidance: - This term represents the degree of tolerance to uncertain situations.

This means country with higher uncertainty tolerance level has more and stricter rules and

regulations. With below average score of 46%, USA has fewer rules and regulations than other


Long term goal orientation: - This term reflects how people are future oriented and their concern

regarding tradition and social responsibilities. With very low score 26%, Americans are focusing

on current situations, they are approaching new ideas rather than plans, they are less social in terms

of tradition but on another hand, they have more acceptable behaviour to changes rather stuck with

old traditional approaches.

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