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Theorist/Theor Likes/Strengths Research to Dislikes/Limitation Research to

y Support s Support
Strengths Limitations
Theorist A One of the According to One of the things More
highlights of Smith (2010), that I do not align consideration
Theorist A is Children with when it comes needs to be given
that there is a must have the to Theorist A is that to the role that
focus on opportunity to this theory does not genetics may
cooperative engage in explain or account play when it
learning. I social for any differences comes to
firmly believe relationships in how children determining why
that children to develop behave. I struggle children have
need to learn their self- with this because as I differences in
through esteem and work to help behavior,
interacting with self-worth (p. children discover (Apple, 2009, p.
their peers. It is 35). who they are, I need 257)
through these more structured
interactions that guidelines to help
I believe me determine how to
learning takes help them.
place. Thus, I
will encourage
when I am
working with
Piaget Piaget According to There are loopholes The role of
discovered 4 Beck, Just as that are being found culture and what
steps to structures of in Piagets theory. schools do to
childhood the body are He thought that reflect the
learning adapted to fit children must be of prevailing
techniques. with the certain age before culture has often
Starting at birth environment, they could hit a been overlooked
-2 yr. they learn so structures milestone and this is in discussing the
through touch, of the mind found to be untrue. role of
sight, smell and develop to There are many education (Bui,
hearing. Age 3-7 better fit with, factors that attribute 2015)
children focus or represent, to a childs learning.
more on the external
dramatic play world (Berk, When utilizing any
and verbal 2013). of these methods, I
communication. need to keep close
Ages 7-11 attention on what
understanding is stage each child is
becoming entering without
clearer with only being
visualization. concerned with age.
Age 11+
and interacting
with world
around them
makes more
sense. (Berk,
2013) Learning
from this, I
think that each
of these levels
importance but
need to be
between each

Vygotsky I believe that he Social He forgot that But Vygotskys

was correct in interaction children need more emphasis on
saying that surrounding than social culture and social
children needed those tasks interaction to learn. experience led
adult leadership leads to The need to him to neglect
to enhance competencies incorporate culture the biological
learning and essential for and DNA into play. side of
promote growth. success in a Knowing this, to development
I agree that all particular help me teach I need (Berk, 2013).
children need culture (Berk, to include parents
adult 2013). and their background
interactions and in my lessons.
inclusion to
learn from.

Bronfenbrenner This theory The I have no dislikes of Bronfenbrenner

includes layers environment is Bronfenbrenner at invested great
of learning that not a static this time. personal energy
include family, force that and
neighborhood, affects political skill
school, friends, children in a in
culture, uniform way. seeking
extended family Instead, it is to
and laws that ever-changing. change cultural
must be obey. In Important life values,
my classroom, I events, such as economic
will include all the birth of a systems,
aspects of this sibling, the and
theory to beginning of public policies
enhance school, a move that
learning. to a new are
neighborhood, antagonistic to
or parents positive youth
divorce, development
modify (Brendtro, 2006).
children and
producing new
conditions that
(Berk, 2013).
Bandura This theory From Sometimes with this Behaviorism
believes that watching theory, children do and social
children follow others engage not think beyond learning theory
what they have in self-praise what they hear and have also been
seen and heard. and self-blame learning stops with criticized for
I think for my and through what they know. underestimating
classroom I will feedback about They do not stand up childrens
be uplifting and the worth of for themselves. contributions to
model their own their own
encouraging actions, development
words for all children (Berk, 2013).
students to hear. develop
standards for
behavior and a
sense of self-
belief that their
own abilities
will help them
(Berk, 2013).
Skinner Strength was Shaping Punishment often Problem
rewarding good provides a reinforces unwanted behavior was
and punishing salient behavior because it primarily
or taking way example of is misconstrued as maintained by
rewards for how the attention. escape from
unwanted generation of a demands, but
behavior. Using new operant also showed
this technique in depends upon sensitivity to
class, I will an underlying social attention
remind students milieu of (Kestner and
of what will be reinforced Peterson, 2017).
lost if desired variations
actions are not (Neuringer,
engaged. 2009).

Kohlberg One strength to He presented One limitation of Although

this theorist is people with this theory depended adolescents and
how he built hypothetical on the questions adults still
upon Piaget and moral being asked. mention
asked questions dilemmas and reasoning as their
to gain asked what the most frequent
individual main actor strategy for
answers. should do and resolving these
why (Berk, dilemmas, they
2013). also refer to
other strategies
through issues
with others,
relying on
intuition, and
calling on
religious and
spiritual ideas
(Berk, 2013).
Erikson One highlight A special Limitations for If young
of Eriksons strength of the Erikson is that it peoples earlier
thoughts is how psychoanalytic does not encounter a conflicts were
he determined perspective is group of children but resolved
that culture its emphasis rather independent negatively or if
played a pivotal on the studies of one on society limits
role in individuals one. their choices to
development unique life ones that do not
from decision history as match their
making. worthy of abilities and
study and desires, they may
understanding appear shallow,
(Berk, 2013). directionless, and
unprepared for
the psychological
challenges of
(Berk, 2013).
Information Information Because it One limit that Therefore, the
Processing processing is has provided information view of
beneficial to precise processing has is development is
promoting accounts of where it does not one of
growth how children divide into different continuous
throughout the of different domains to study change (Berk,
lifespan. ages engage in effects. 2013).
many aspects
of thinking, its
findings have
led to teaching
methods that
help children
academic tasks
in more
ways (Berk,
Other (that you
see as key but
that wasnt


Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Brendtro, L. K. (2006). The Vision of Urie Bronfenbrenner: Adults Who Are Crazy About Kids. Reclaiming
Children & Youth, 15(3), 162-166.
Bui, N. H. (2015). Teaching teachers better ways to learn. Psyccritiques, 60(25), doi:10.1037/a0039262

Kestner, K. M., & Peterson, S. M. (2017). A review of resurgence literature with human participants.
Behavior Analysis: Research And Practice, 17(1), 1-17. doi:10.1037/bar0000039
Tudge, J. R., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B. E., & Karnik, R. B. (2009). Uses and Misuses of Bronfenbrenners
Bioecological Theory of Human Development. Retrieved from,%20Mokrova,%20Hatfield,%20&

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